
Milano is a tool for automating hyper-parameters search for your models on a backend of your choice.


Milano has a number of simple benchmarks available to test new optimization algorithms. Currently there are benchmarks adopted from BBOB workshop and a simple cifar10 benchmark based on OpenSeq2Seq. For BBOB benchmakrs, we have “sphere”, “elipsoidal”, “rastrigin” and “rosenbrock” function implemented.

To benchmark a new algorithm, you will need to write a simplified configuration file (only specifying search algorithm and it’s parameters) and run script from benchmarking directory. Note that if you don’t specify backend explicitly, you will need to have Azkaban launched with default settings for BBOB benchmarks. For example, to test a Bayesian optimization algorithm on a 4D “sphere” benchmark, run:

python --bench_name=sphere --bench_dim=4 --config=benchmarking_configs/

To run all benchmarks and compare different algorithms you can use script which will evaluate all passed algorithms on all passed benchmarks with a range of different dimensions and plot you nice looking graphs with improvements all algorithms have against random search. Note that it might take a long time to run full benchmarking. You can also build images from existing results, if they are in the same format as generated with by running and specifying directory with results csv files.

There are additional parameters available for all scripts. Add --help flag to see all options and their description.

For examples of what kind of output will be generated during benchmarking, have a look at the benchmarking_results. The same csv files are also generated during the usual run of the script. You can also notice that for some of the images, there are “aggr_first” and “aggr_second” version of the same image. The “aggr_first” version means that the each algorithm’s result is first divided by the performance of the random search and then aggregated across different runs. For the “aggr_second” version the algorithms are first aggregated across different runs and second, are divided by the aggregated performance of the random search.