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Checkpoint conversion


This pipeline starting script is nemo_skills/pipeline/

All extra parameters are passed to one of the following scripts

We support 3 common model formats. Here are some recommendations on when each format should be used.

  • HuggingFace (via vLLM). If you want to run a small-scale generation quickly or play with models, it's most convenient to use HF format directly via a vllm server.

  • TensorRT-LLM. If you want to run a large-scale generation, it's highly recommended to use TensoRT-LLM format. The time it takes to convert the checkpoint will be more than offset by a much faster generation than either vLLM or NeMo.

  • NeMo. NeMo is the only supported format for training, so you need to use it with the training pipeline. We don't recommend running inference in NeMo as it is much slower than both vLLM and TensorRT-LLM servers.

To convert the checkpoint from one format to another use a command like this

ns convert \
    --cluster=slurm \
    --input_model=/hf_models/Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct \
    --output_model=/trt_models/llama3.1-70b-instruct \
    --convert_from=hf \
    --convert_to=trtllm \
    --model_type=llama \
    --num_gpus=8 \

You can provide any extra arguments that will be passed directly to the underlying conversion scripts. Here are a few things to keep in mind

  • We currently only support Llama-based and Qwen-based models (enable with --model_type qwen). The other kinds of models are most likely easy to add, we just didn't have a use-case for them yet (please open an issue if the model you want to use is not supported).
  • You cannot convert from trtllm format, only to it.
  • You cannot convert from nemo to trtllm directly and need to do it in 2 stages, to nemo->hf and then hf->trtllm.
  • Please check NeMo and TensorRT-LLM documentation to learn best recommended parameters for converting each specific model.