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Automatic Speech Recognition

SPGISpeech: 5,000 Hours of Transcribed Financial Audio for Fully Formatted End-to-End Speech Recognition

In the English speech-to-text (STT) machine learning task, acoustic models are conventionally trained on uncased Latin characters, and any necessary orthography (such as capitalization, punctuation, and denormalization of non-standard words) is imputed by separate post-processing models. This adds complexity and limits performance, as many formatting tasks benefit from semantic information present in the acoustic signal but absent in transcription. Here we propose a new STT task: end-to-end neural transcription with fully formatted text for target labels. We present baseline Conformer-based models trained on a corpus of 5,000 hours of professionally transcribed earnings calls, achieving a CER of 1.7. As a contribution to the STT research community, we release the corpus free for non-commercial use.

CarneliNet: Neural Mixture Model for Automatic Speech Recognition

End-to-end automatic speech recognition systems have achieved great accuracy by using deeper and deeper models. However, the increased depth comes with a larger receptive field that can negatively impact model performance in streaming scenarios. We propose an alternative approach that we call Neural Mixture Model. The basic idea is to introduce a parallel mixture of shallow networks instead of a very deep network. To validate this idea we design CarneliNet -- a CTC-based neural network composed of three mega-blocks. Each mega-block consists of multiple parallel shallow sub-networks based on 1D depthwise-separable convolutions. We evaluate the model on LibriSpeech, MLS and AISHELL-2 datasets and achieved close to state-of-the-art results for CTC-based models. Finally, we demonstrate that one can dynamically reconfigure the number of parallel sub-networks to accommodate the computational requirements without retraining.

Cross-Language Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation for End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition

In this paper, we demonstrate the efficacy of transfer learning and continuous learning for various automatic speech recognition (ASR) tasks using end-to-end models trained with CTC loss. We start with a large pre-trained English ASR model and show that transfer learning can be effectively and easily performed on: (1) different English accents, (2) different languages (from English to German, Spanish, Russian, or from Mandarin to Cantonese) and (3) application-specific domains. Our extensive set of experiments demonstrate that in all three cases, transfer learning from a good base model has higher accuracy than a model trained from scratch. Our results indicate that, for fine-tuning, larger pre-trained models are better than small pre-trained models, even if the dataset for fine-tuning is small. We also show that transfer learning significantly speeds up convergence, which could result in significant cost savings when training with large datasets.

Citrinet: Closing the Gap between Non-Autoregressive and Autoregressive End-to-End Models for Automatic Speech Recognition

We propose Citrinet - a new end-to-end convolutional Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) based automatic speech recognition (ASR) model. Citrinet is deep residual neural model which uses 1D time-channel separable convolutions combined with sub-word encoding and squeeze-and-excitation. The resulting architecture significantly reduces the gap between non-autoregressive and sequence-to-sequence and transducer models. We evaluate Citrinet on LibriSpeech, TED-LIUM2, AISHELL-1 and Multilingual LibriSpeech (MLS) English speech datasets. Citrinet accuracy on these datasets is close to the best autoregressive Transducer models.

Improving Noise Robustness of an End-to-End Neural Model for Automatic Speech Recognition

We present our experiments in training robust to noise an end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) model using intensive data augmentation. We explore the efficacy of fine-tuning a pre-trained model to improve noise robustness, and we find it to be a very efficient way to train for various noisy conditions, especially when the conditions in which the model will be used, are unknown. Starting with a model trained on clean data helps establish baseline performance on clean speech. We carefully fine-tune this model to both maintain the performance on clean speech, and improve the model accuracy in noisy conditions. With this schema, we trained robust to noise English and Mandarin ASR models on large public corpora. All described models and training recipes are open sourced in NeMo, a toolkit for conversational AI.

Correction of Automatic Speech Recognition with Transformer Sequence-To-Sequence Model

In this work, we introduce a simple yet efficient post-processing model for automatic speech recognition. Our model has Transformer-based encoder-decoder architecture which "translates" acoustic model output into grammatically and semantically correct text. We investigate different strategies for regularizing and optimizing the model and show that extensive data augmentation and the initialization with pretrained weights are required to achieve good performance. On the LibriSpeech benchmark, our method demonstrates significant improvement in word error rate over the baseline acoustic model with greedy decoding, especially on much noisier dev-other and test-other portions of the evaluation dataset. Our model also outperforms baseline with 6-gram language model re-scoring and approaches the performance of re-scoring with Transformer-XL neural language model.

QuartzNet: Deep Automatic Speech Recognition with 1D Time-Channel Separable Convolutions

We propose a new end-to-end neural acoustic model for automatic speech recognition. The model is composed of multiple blocks with residual connections between them. Each block consists of one or more modules with 1D time-channel separable convolutional layers, batch normalization, and ReLU layers. It is trained with CTC loss. The proposed network achieves near state-of-the-art accuracy on LibriSpeech and Wall Street Journal, while having fewer parameters than all competing models. We also demonstrate that this model can be effectively fine-tuned on new datasets.

Jasper: An End-to-End Convolutional Neural Acoustic Model

In this paper, we report state-of-the-art results on LibriSpeech among end-to-end speech recognition models without any external training data. Our model, Jasper, uses only 1D convolutions, batch normalization, ReLU, dropout, and residual connections. To improve training, we further introduce a new layer-wise optimizer called NovoGrad. Through experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed deep architecture performs as well or better than more complex choices. Our deepest Jasper variant uses 54 convolutional layers. With this architecture, we achieve 2.95% WER using a beam-search decoder with an external neural language model and 3.86% WER with a greedy decoder on LibriSpeech test-clean. We also report competitive results on the Wall Street Journal and the Hub5'00 conversational evaluation datasets.