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(Inverse) Text Normalization

Thutmose Tagger: Single-pass neural model for Inverse Text Normalization

Inverse text normalization (ITN) is an essential post-processing step in automatic speech recognition (ASR). It converts numbers, dates, abbreviations, and other semiotic classes from the spoken form generated by ASR to their written forms. One can consider ITN as a Machine Translation task and use neural sequence-to-sequence models to solve it. Unfortunately, such neural models are prone to hallucinations that could lead to unacceptable errors. To mitigate this issue, we propose a single-pass token classifier model that regards ITN as a tagging task. The model assigns a replacement fragment to every input token or marks it for deletion or copying without changes. We present a dataset preparation method based on the granular alignment of ITN examples. The proposed model is less prone to hallucination errors. The model is trained on the Google Text Normalization dataset and achieves state-of-the-art sentence accuracy on both English and Russian test sets. One-to-one correspondence between tags and input words improves the interpretability of the model's predictions, simplifies debugging, and allows for post-processing corrections. The model is simpler than sequence-to-sequence models and easier to optimize in production settings. The model and the code to prepare the dataset is published as part of NeMo project.

Shallow Fusion of Weighted Finite-State Transducer and Language Model for Text Normalization

Text normalization (TN) systems in production are largely rule-based using weighted finite-state transducers (WFST). However, WFST-based systems struggle with ambiguous input when the normalized form is context-dependent. On the other hand, neural text normalization systems can take context into account but they suffer from unrecoverable errors and require labeled normalization datasets, which are hard to collect. We propose a new hybrid approach that combines the benefits of rule-based and neural systems. First, a non-deterministic WFST outputs all normalization candidates, and then a neural language model picks the best one -- similar to shallow fusion for automatic speech recognition. While the WFST prevents unrecoverable errors, the language model resolves contextual ambiguity. The approach is easy to extend and we show it is effective. It achieves comparable or better results than existing state-of-the-art TN models.

NeMo Inverse Text Normalization: From Development To Production

Inverse text normalization (ITN) converts spoken-domain automatic speech recognition (ASR) output into written-domain text to improve the readability of the ASR output. Many stateof-the-art ITN systems use hand-written weighted finite-state transducer (WFST) grammars since this task has extremely low tolerance to unrecoverable errors. We introduce an open-source Python WFST-based library for ITN which enables a seamless path from development to production. We describe the specification of ITN grammar rules for English, but the library can be adapted for other languages. It can also be used for writtento-spoken text normalization. We evaluate the NeMo ITN library using a modified version of the Google Text normalization dataset.

A Unified Transformer-based Framework for Duplex Text Normalization

Text normalization (TN) and inverse text normalization (ITN) are essential preprocessing and postprocessing steps for text-to-speech synthesis and automatic speech recognition, respectively. Many methods have been proposed for either TN or ITN, ranging from weighted finite-state transducers to neural networks. Despite their impressive performance, these methods aim to tackle only one of the two tasks but not both. As a result, in a complete spoken dialog system, two separate models for TN and ITN need to be built. This heterogeneity increases the technical complexity of the system, which in turn increases the cost of maintenance in a production setting. Motivated by this observation, we propose a unified framework for building a single neural duplex system that can simultaneously handle TN and ITN. Combined with a simple but effective data augmentation method, our systems achieve state-of-the-art results on the Google TN dataset for English and Russian. They can also reach over 95% sentence-level accuracy on an internal English TN dataset without any additional fine-tuning. In addition, we also create a cleaned dataset from the Spoken Wikipedia Corpora for German and report the performance of our systems on the dataset. Overall, experimental results demonstrate the proposed duplex text normalization framework is highly effective and applicable to a range of domains and languages