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Voice Conversion

SelfVC: Voice Conversion With Iterative Refinement using Self Transformations

We propose SelfVC, a training strategy to iteratively improve a voice conversion model with self-synthesized examples. Previous efforts on voice conversion focus on explicitly disentangling speech representations to separately encode speaker characteristics and linguistic content. However, disentangling speech representations to capture such attributes using task-specific loss terms can lead to information loss by discarding finer nuances of the original signal. In this work, instead of explicitly disentangling attributes with loss terms, we present a framework to train a controllable voice conversion model on entangled speech representations derived from self-supervised learning and speaker verification models. First, we develop techniques to derive prosodic information from the audio signal and SSL representations to train predictive submodules in the synthesis model. Next, we propose a training strategy to iteratively improve the synthesis model for voice conversion, by creating a challenging training objective using self-synthesized examples. In this training approach, the current state of the synthesis model is used to generate voice-converted variations of an utterance, which serve as inputs for the reconstruction task, ensuring a continuous and purposeful refinement of the model. We demonstrate that incorporating such self-synthesized examples during training improves the speaker similarity of generated speech as compared to a baseline voice conversion model trained solely on heuristically perturbed inputs. SelfVC is trained without any text and is applicable to a range of tasks such as zero-shot voice conversion, cross-lingual voice conversion, and controllable speech synthesis with pitch and pace modifications. SelfVC achieves state-of-the-art results in zero-shot voice conversion on metrics evaluating naturalness, speaker similarity, and intelligibility of synthesized audio.

ACE-VC: Adaptive and Controllable Voice Conversion using Explicitly Disentangled Self-supervised Speech Representations

In this work, we propose a zero-shot voice conversion method using speech representations trained with self-supervised learning. First, we develop a multi-task model to decompose a speech utterance into features such as linguistic content, speaker characteristics, and speaking style. To disentangle content and speaker representations, we propose a training strategy based on Siamese networks that encourages similarity between the content representations of the original and pitch-shifted audio. Next, we develop a synthesis model with pitch and duration predictors that can effectively reconstruct the speech signal from its decomposed representation. Our framework allows controllable and speaker-adaptive synthesis to perform zero-shot any-to-any voice conversion achieving state-of-the-art results on metrics evaluating speaker similarity, intelligibility, and naturalness. Using just 10 seconds of data for a target speaker, our framework can perform voice swapping and achieves a speaker verification EER of 5.5% for seen speakers and 8.4% for unseen speakers.