
This module defines the model_config format.

This format can be converted from huggingface, nemo or modelopt-quantized model. And we will build tensorrt_llm engine from the context saved with this format.



The attention layer config.


The Conv layer config.


The decoder layer config.


The embedding layer config.


The Expert config.


The layernorm layer config.


The linear + activation layer config.


The linear layer config.


The MLP layer config.


The Mixture of Expert layer config.


The decoder layer config.


The full LLM model config that includes the full information needed for tensorrt_llm engine building.


The QKV layer config.


The RecurrentBlock from recurrentgemma.


The RG LRU from recurrentgemma.

class AttentionConfig

Bases: object

The attention layer config.

__init__(qkv=None, dense=None, kv_cache_scaling_factor=None, kv_cache_dtype=None, rotary_dim=-inf, clip_qkv=None, rel_attn_table=None)
  • qkv (QKVConfig | LinearConfig) –

  • dense (LinearConfig) –

  • kv_cache_scaling_factor (Tensor) –

  • kv_cache_dtype (str | None) –

  • rotary_dim (int) –

  • clip_qkv (float) –

  • rel_attn_table (Tensor) –

Return type:


clip_qkv: float = None
dense: LinearConfig = None
kv_cache_dtype: str | None = None
kv_cache_scaling_factor: Tensor = None
qkv: QKVConfig | LinearConfig = None
rel_attn_table: Tensor = None
rotary_dim: int = -inf
class ConvConfig

Bases: object

The Conv layer config.

__init__(weight=None, bias=None)
  • weight (Tensor) –

  • bias (Tensor) –

Return type:


bias: Tensor = None
weight: Tensor = None
class DecoderLayerConfig

Bases: object

The decoder layer config.

__init__(quantization=None, decoder_type='', input_layernorm=None, mlp_layernorm=None, attention=None, recurrent=None, post_layernorm=None, pre_feedforward_layernorm=None, post_feedforward_layernorm=None, mlp=None, num_attention_heads=0, attention_head_size=None, num_kv_heads=0, max_position_embeddings=0, rotary_pct=1.0, use_alibi=False, new_decoder_architecture=False, parallel_attention=False, apply_residual_connection_post_layernorm=False, use_cache=True, model_name='', rope_ratio=1.0, seq_length=0, qwen_type='', rotary_base=0, partial_rotary_factor=0, original_max_position_embeddings=0, longrope_scaling_short_factors=None, longrope_scaling_long_factors=None, mup_attn_multiplier=0, mup_embedding_multiplier=0, mup_use_scaling=0, mup_width_multiplier=0, blocksparse_block_size=0, blocksparse_homo_head_pattern=False, blocksparse_num_local_blocks=0, blocksparse_vertical_stride=0, dense_attention_every_n_layers=0, gegelu_limit=0, longrope_short_mscale=0, longrope_long_mscale=0, moe_num_experts=0, moe_top_k=0, moe_tp_mode=0, moe_renorm_mode=0, alibi_bias_max=0, residual_layernorm=None, residual_mlp=None, rnn_hidden_size=0, logits_soft_cap=0, emb_scale_by_sqrt_dim=False, layer_types=<factory>, final_logit_softcapping=0, attn_logit_softcapping=0, query_pre_attn_scalar=0, clip_qkv=0, cross_attention=None, cross_attention_layernorm=None, self_attention=None, self_attention_layernorm=None, attention_layernorm=None, rel_attn_max_distance=0, rel_attn_num_buckets=0, rope_scaling=None)
  • quantization (str | None) –

  • decoder_type (str) –

  • input_layernorm (LayernormConfig) –

  • mlp_layernorm (LayernormConfig) –

  • attention (AttentionConfig) –

  • recurrent (RecurrentConfig) –

  • post_layernorm (LayernormConfig) –

  • pre_feedforward_layernorm (LayernormConfig) –

  • post_feedforward_layernorm (LayernormConfig) –

  • mlp (MLPConfig | MOEConfig) –

  • num_attention_heads (int) –

  • attention_head_size (int) –

  • num_kv_heads (int) –

  • max_position_embeddings (int) –

  • rotary_pct (float) –

  • use_alibi (bool) –

  • new_decoder_architecture (bool) –

  • parallel_attention (bool) –

  • apply_residual_connection_post_layernorm (bool) –

  • use_cache (bool) –

  • model_name (str) –

  • rope_ratio (float) –

  • seq_length (int) –

  • qwen_type (str) –

  • rotary_base (int) –

  • partial_rotary_factor (float) –

  • original_max_position_embeddings (int) –

  • longrope_scaling_short_factors (List[float]) –

  • longrope_scaling_long_factors (List[float]) –

  • mup_attn_multiplier (float) –

  • mup_embedding_multiplier (float) –

  • mup_use_scaling (float) –

  • mup_width_multiplier (float) –

  • blocksparse_block_size (int) –

  • blocksparse_homo_head_pattern (bool) –

  • blocksparse_num_local_blocks (int) –

  • blocksparse_vertical_stride (int) –

  • dense_attention_every_n_layers (int) –

  • gegelu_limit (float) –

  • longrope_short_mscale (float) –

  • longrope_long_mscale (float) –

  • moe_num_experts (int) –

  • moe_top_k (int) –

  • moe_tp_mode (int) –

  • moe_renorm_mode (int) –

  • alibi_bias_max (int) –

  • residual_layernorm (LayernormConfig) –

  • residual_mlp (MLPConfig) –

  • rnn_hidden_size (int) –

  • logits_soft_cap (float) –

  • emb_scale_by_sqrt_dim (bool) –

  • layer_types (List[str]) –

  • final_logit_softcapping (float) –

  • attn_logit_softcapping (float) –

  • query_pre_attn_scalar (float) –

  • clip_qkv (int) –

  • cross_attention (AttentionConfig) –

  • cross_attention_layernorm (LayernormConfig) –

  • self_attention (AttentionConfig) –

  • self_attention_layernorm (LayernormConfig) –

  • attention_layernorm (LayernormConfig) –

  • rel_attn_max_distance (int) –

  • rel_attn_num_buckets (int) –

  • rope_scaling (dict) –

Return type:


alibi_bias_max: int = 0
apply_residual_connection_post_layernorm: bool = False
attention: AttentionConfig = None
attention_head_size: int = None
attention_layernorm: LayernormConfig = None
attn_logit_softcapping: float = 0
blocksparse_block_size: int = 0
blocksparse_homo_head_pattern: bool = False
blocksparse_num_local_blocks: int = 0
blocksparse_vertical_stride: int = 0
clip_qkv: int = 0
cross_attention: AttentionConfig = None
cross_attention_layernorm: LayernormConfig = None
decoder_type: str = ''
dense_attention_every_n_layers: int = 0
emb_scale_by_sqrt_dim: bool = False
property ffn_hidden_size_local

Returns the ffn hidden size of the transformer model.

final_logit_softcapping: float = 0
gegelu_limit: float = 0
property hidden_size

Returns the hidden size of the transformer model.

input_layernorm: LayernormConfig = None
layer_types: List[str]
logits_soft_cap: float = 0
longrope_long_mscale: float = 0
longrope_scaling_long_factors: List[float] = None
longrope_scaling_short_factors: List[float] = None
longrope_short_mscale: float = 0
max_position_embeddings: int = 0
mlp: MLPConfig | MOEConfig = None
mlp_layernorm: LayernormConfig = None
model_name: str = ''
moe_num_experts: int = 0
moe_renorm_mode: int = 0
moe_top_k: int = 0
moe_tp_mode: int = 0
mup_attn_multiplier: float = 0
mup_embedding_multiplier: float = 0
mup_use_scaling: float = 0
mup_width_multiplier: float = 0
new_decoder_architecture: bool = False
num_attention_heads: int = 0
num_kv_heads: int = 0
original_max_position_embeddings: int = 0
parallel_attention: bool = False
partial_rotary_factor: float = 0
post_feedforward_layernorm: LayernormConfig = None
post_layernorm: LayernormConfig = None
pre_feedforward_layernorm: LayernormConfig = None
quantization: str | None = None
query_pre_attn_scalar: float = 0
qwen_type: str = ''
recurrent: RecurrentConfig = None
rel_attn_max_distance: int = 0
rel_attn_num_buckets: int = 0
residual_layernorm: LayernormConfig = None
residual_mlp: MLPConfig = None
rnn_hidden_size: int = 0
rope_ratio: float = 1.0
rope_scaling: dict = None
rotary_base: int = 0
rotary_pct: float = 1.0
self_attention: AttentionConfig = None
self_attention_layernorm: LayernormConfig = None
seq_length: int = 0
use_alibi: bool = False
use_cache: bool = True
class EmbeddingConfig

Bases: object

The embedding layer config.


weight (Tensor) –

Return type:


property hidden_size

Infers the hidden_size from the embedding layer weights shape.

property local_vocab_size

Infers the vocab_size from the embedding layer weights shape.

weight: Tensor = None
class ExpertConfig

Bases: object

The Expert config.

__init__(fc=None, proj=None)
Return type:


fc: LinearConfig = None
proj: LinearConfig = None
class LayernormConfig

Bases: object

The layernorm layer config.

__init__(weight=None, bias=None, layernorm_type='', eps=1e-05)
  • weight (Tensor) –

  • bias (Tensor) –

  • layernorm_type (str) –

  • eps (float) –

Return type:


bias: Tensor = None
eps: float = 1e-05
layernorm_type: str = ''
weight: Tensor = None
class LinearActConfig

Bases: object

The linear + activation layer config.

__init__(linear=None, hidden_act='')
Return type:


hidden_act: str = ''
linear: LinearConfig = None
class LinearConfig

Bases: object

The linear layer config.

__init__(linear_type='column', weight=None, bias=None, activation_scaling_factor=None, weights_scaling_factor=None, weights_scaling_factor_2=None, prequant_scaling_factor=None, awq_block_size=0)
  • linear_type (str) –

  • weight (Tensor) –

  • bias (Tensor) –

  • activation_scaling_factor (Tensor) –

  • weights_scaling_factor (Tensor) –

  • weights_scaling_factor_2 (Tensor) –

  • prequant_scaling_factor (Tensor) –

  • awq_block_size (int) –

Return type:


activation_scaling_factor: Tensor = None
awq_block_size: int = 0
bias: Tensor = None
linear_type: str = 'column'
prequant_scaling_factor: Tensor = None
weight: Tensor = None
weights_scaling_factor: Tensor = None
weights_scaling_factor_2: Tensor = None
class MLPConfig

Bases: object

The MLP layer config.

__init__(fc=None, gate=None, proj=None, hidden_act='', merged_fc1_gate=False)
Return type:


fc: LinearConfig = None
gate: LinearConfig = None
hidden_act: str = ''
merged_fc1_gate: bool = False
proj: LinearConfig = None
class MOEConfig

Bases: object

The Mixture of Expert layer config.

__init__(router=None, experts=None, hidden_act='')
Return type:


experts: ExpertConfig = None
property fc

Return the fc module from experts.

hidden_act: str = ''
router: LinearConfig = None
class MedusaHeadConfig

Bases: object

The decoder layer config.

__init__(medusa_layers=None, lm_head=None)
Return type:


lm_head: LinearConfig = None
medusa_layers: List[LinearActConfig] = None
class ModelConfig

Bases: object

The full LLM model config that includes the full information needed for tensorrt_llm engine building.

This class includes all the fields that tensorrt_llm supports, but not all of the fields are required. pipeline_parallel > 1 is only supported for TensorRT-LLM checkpoint.

__init__(version=0.0, quantization=None, dtype='float16', vocab_size=0, rank=0, tensor_parallel=1, pipeline_parallel=1, vocab_embedding=None, position_embedding=None, block_embedding=None, ln_embed=None, layers=<factory>, ln_f=None, lm_head=None, share_embedding_table=False, medusa_heads=None, num_medusa_heads=0, num_medusa_layers=0, enc_dec='', encoder_hidden_size=0, encoder_num_heads=0, encoder_head_size=0)
  • version (float) –

  • quantization (str) –

  • dtype (str) –

  • vocab_size (int) –

  • rank (int) –

  • tensor_parallel (int) –

  • pipeline_parallel (int) –

  • vocab_embedding (EmbeddingConfig) –

  • position_embedding (EmbeddingConfig) –

  • block_embedding (EmbeddingConfig) –

  • ln_embed (LayernormConfig) –

  • layers (List[DecoderLayerConfig]) –

  • ln_f (LayernormConfig) –

  • lm_head (LinearConfig) –

  • share_embedding_table (bool) –

  • medusa_heads (List[MedusaHeadConfig]) –

  • num_medusa_heads (int) –

  • num_medusa_layers (int) –

  • enc_dec (str) –

  • encoder_hidden_size (int) –

  • encoder_num_heads (int) –

  • encoder_head_size (int) –

Return type:


block_embedding: EmbeddingConfig = None
dtype: str = 'float16'
enc_dec: str = ''
encoder_head_size: int = 0
encoder_hidden_size: int = 0
encoder_num_heads: int = 0
property hidden_act

Returns the hidden_act of the model.

property hidden_size

Returns the hidden_size of the model.

layers: List[DecoderLayerConfig]
lm_head: LinearConfig = None
ln_embed: LayernormConfig = None
ln_f: LayernormConfig = None
property max_position_embeddings

Returns the max_position_embedding of the model.

medusa_heads: List[MedusaHeadConfig] = None
property num_attention_heads

Returns the num_attention_heads of the model.

property num_kv_heads

Returns the num_key_value_heads of the model.

num_medusa_heads: int = 0
num_medusa_layers: int = 0
pipeline_parallel: int = 1
position_embedding: EmbeddingConfig = None
quantization: str = None
rank: int = 0
share_embedding_table: bool = False
tensor_parallel: int = 1
version: float = 0.0
vocab_embedding: EmbeddingConfig = None
vocab_size: int = 0
property vocab_size_padded

Returns the padded vocab_size of the model rounds to the tensor_parallel.

class QKVConfig

Bases: object

The QKV layer config.

__init__(q=None, k=None, v=None)
Return type:


property activation_scaling_factor

Returns the merged activation_scaling_factor across Q, K and V.

The max of the Q, K, V activation scaling factors is returned.

property awq_block_size

Returns the awq_block_size of this QKV layer.

property bias

The generated linear layer bias.

The Q, K, V bias are concat together to fit the TensorRT-LLM QKV linear layer.

k: LinearConfig = None
property prequant_scaling_factor

Returns the merged prequant_scaling_factor across Q, K and V.

Prequant scaling factors for Q, K, V should be the same. So just return one of them.

q: LinearConfig = None
v: LinearConfig = None
property weight

The generated linear layer weight.

The Q, K, V weights are concat together to fit the TensorRT-LLM QKV linear layer.

property weights_scaling_factor

Returns the merged weights_scaling_factor across Q, K and V.

If the quantization is FP8, the max of the Q, K, V weight scaling factors is returned. If the quanitzation is INT8_SQ, the concat value is returned.

property weights_scaling_factor_2

Returns the merged weights_scaling_factor_2 across Q, K and V.

weight_scaling_factor_2 is needed for W4A8 AWQ.

class RecurrentConfig

Bases: object

The RecurrentBlock from recurrentgemma.

__init__(linear_y=None, y_bias=None, linear_x=None, linear_out=None, conv1d=None, rg_lru=None)
Return type:


conv1d: ConvConfig = None
linear_out: LinearConfig = None
linear_x: LinearConfig = None
linear_y: LinearConfig = None
rg_lru: RgLruConfig = None
y_bias: Tensor = None
class RgLruConfig

Bases: object

The RG LRU from recurrentgemma.

__init__(recurrent_param=None, input_gate=None, recurrent_gate=None)
Return type:


input_gate: LinearConfig = None
recurrent_gate: LinearConfig = None
recurrent_param: Tensor = None