Source code for apex.fp16_utils.fp16util

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch._utils import _flatten_dense_tensors, _unflatten_dense_tensors

class tofp16(nn.Module):
    Utility module that implements::

        def forward(self, input):
            return input.half()

    def __init__(self):
        super(tofp16, self).__init__()

    def forward(self, input):
        return input.half()

def BN_convert_float(module):
    Utility function for network_to_half().

    Retained for legacy purposes.
    if isinstance(module, torch.nn.modules.batchnorm._BatchNorm) and module.affine is True:
    for child in module.children():
    return module

def network_to_half(network):
    Convert model to half precision in a batchnorm-safe way.

    Retained for legacy purposes. It is recommended to use FP16Model.
    return nn.Sequential(tofp16(), BN_convert_float(network.half()))

def convert_module(module, dtype):
    Converts a module's immediate parameters and buffers to dtype.
    for param in module.parameters(recurse=False):
        if param is not None:
            if param._grad is not None and

    for buf in module.buffers(recurse=False):
        if buf is not None and

def convert_network(network, dtype):
    Converts a network's parameters and buffers to dtype.
    for module in network.modules():
        if isinstance(module, torch.nn.modules.batchnorm._BatchNorm) and module.affine is True:
        convert_module(module, dtype)
        if isinstance(module, torch.nn.RNNBase) or isinstance(module, torch.nn.modules.rnn.RNNBase):
    return network

class FP16Model(nn.Module):
    Convert model to half precision in a batchnorm-safe way.

    def __init__(self, network):
        super(FP16Model, self).__init__() = convert_network(network, dtype=torch.half)

    def forward(self, *inputs):
        inputs = tuple(t.half() for t in inputs)

def backwards_debug_hook(grad):
    raise RuntimeError("master_params recieved a gradient in the backward pass!")

[docs]def prep_param_lists(model, flat_master=False): """ Creates a list of FP32 master parameters for a given model, as in `Training Neural Networks with Mixed Precision: Real Examples`_. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): Existing Pytorch model flat_master (bool, optional, default=False): Flatten the master parameters into a single tensor, as a performance optimization. Returns: A tuple (``model_params``, ``master_params``). ``model_params`` is a list of the model's parameters for later use with :func:`model_grads_to_master_grads` and :func:`master_params_to_model_params`. ``master_params`` is a list of FP32 master gradients. If ``flat_master=True``, ``master_params`` will be a list with one element. Example:: model_params, master_params = prep_param_lists(model) .. warning:: Currently, if ``flat_master=True``, all the model's parameters must be the same type. If the model has parameters of different types, use ``flat_master=False``, or use :class:`FP16_Optimizer`. .. _`Training Neural Networks with Mixed Precision: Real Examples`: """ model_params = [param for param in model.parameters() if param.requires_grad] if flat_master: # Give the user some more useful error messages try: # flatten_dense_tensors returns a contiguous flat array. # master_params = _flatten_dense_tensors([ for param in model_params]).float() except: print("Error in prep_param_lists: model may contain a mixture of parameters " "of different types. Use flat_master=False, or use F16_Optimizer.") raise master_params = torch.nn.Parameter(master_params) master_params.requires_grad = True # master_params.register_hook(backwards_debug_hook) if master_params.grad is None: master_params.grad =*master_params.size()) return model_params, [master_params] else: master_params = [param.clone().float().detach() for param in model_params] for param in master_params: param.requires_grad = True return model_params, master_params
[docs]def model_grads_to_master_grads(model_params, master_params, flat_master=False): """ Copy model gradients to master gradients. Args: model_params: List of model parameters created by :func:`prep_param_lists`. master_params: List of FP32 master parameters created by :func:`prep_param_lists`. If ``master_params`` was created with ``flat_master=True``, ``flat_master=True`` should also be supplied to :func:`model_grads_to_master_grads`. """ if flat_master: # The flattening may incur one more deep copy than is necessary. master_params[0] _flatten_dense_tensors([ for p in model_params])) else: for model, master in zip(model_params, master_params): if model.grad is not None: if master.grad is None: master.grad = Variable(* else: master.grad = None
[docs]def master_params_to_model_params(model_params, master_params, flat_master=False): """ Copy master parameters to model parameters. Args: model_params: List of model parameters created by :func:`prep_param_lists`. master_params: List of FP32 master parameters created by :func:`prep_param_lists`. If ``master_params`` was created with ``flat_master=True``, ``flat_master=True`` should also be supplied to :func:`master_params_to_model_params`. """ if flat_master: for model, master in zip(model_params, _unflatten_dense_tensors(master_params[0].data, model_params)): else: for model, master in zip(model_params, master_params):
# Backward compatibility fixes def to_python_float(t): if hasattr(t, 'item'): return t.item() else: return t[0] TORCH_MAJOR = int(torch.__version__.split('.')[0]) TORCH_MINOR = int(torch.__version__.split('.')[1]) if TORCH_MAJOR == 0 and TORCH_MINOR <= 4: clip_grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm else: clip_grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_