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Evo2 Checkpoint Conversion Library

This library contains helper scripts for converting checkpoint formats for Evo2.

Converting ZeRO-1 / PyTorch Checkpoints to NeMo2 Checkpoints

To convert a single PyTorch or ZeRO-1 checkpoints (.pt) into NeMo2 format, run the following command:

python sub-packages/bionemo-evo2/src/bionemo/evo2/utils/checkpoint/ --model-path <CKPT_FILE> --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR> --model-size <MODEL_SIZE> --ckpt-format <CONVERTED_CKPT_FORMAT>
where --model-size can be set to 7b or 40b (or their _arc_1m variants with modified GLU dimensions) and --ckpt-format can be set to torch_dist or zarr.

The NeMo2 checkpoint should have the following structure for torch_dist:

├── context
│   ├── io.json
│   └── model.yaml
└── weights
    ├── __*_*.distcp
    └── metadata.json
and the following structure for zarr:
├── context
│   ├── io.json
│   └── model.yaml
└── weights
    ├── metadata.json
    └── <MODEL_LAYER_NAME>  # Example: module.decoder.layers.0.mixer.dense
        └── shard_*_*.pt

Converting ZeRO-1 MP{N} to ZeRO-1 MP1

To convert sharded (MP>1) ZeRO-1 checkpoints to un-sharded (MP1) checkpoints (or any order of model parallelism) compatible with the conversion script, you can run the following command:

python sub-packages/bionemo-evo2/src/bionemo/evo2/utils/checkpoint/ --source_dir <CKPT_DIR> --output_dir <OUTPUT_DIR> --mp_size <TARGET_MODEL_PARALLEL_SIZE>

ZeRO-1 checkpoints should have the following structure:

└── mp_rank_*

Converting ZeRO-3 to ZeRO-1

To convert ZeRO-3 checkpoints into ZeRO-1 checkpoints, run the following command:

python sub-packages/bionemo-evo2/src/bionemo/evo2/utils/checkpoint/ <INPUT_DIR> <OUTPUT_DIR> --overwrite --mp_size <MODEL_PARALLEL_SIZE>

ZeRO-3 checkpoints should have the following structure:

├── bf16_zero_pp_rank_*_mp_rank_*
├── configs
│   ├── 40b_test_chkpt.yml
│   └── opengenome.yml
└── zero_pp_rank_*_mp_rank_*