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Writing Megatron-LM Compatible Datamodules

Megatron-LM relies on determinism in the training dataset classes to ensure that input tensors are initialized correctly across model-parallel ranks (see NeMo2 Parallelism). As a consequence, new dataset classes must be careful to preserve the required determinism. Common operations such as data augmentation, masking, etc. can cause dataset[i] to return random results for a given index, breaking this megatron contract.

Multi-Epoch Training

One training regime where this limitation is most apparent is is multi-epoch training, where standard training recipes would apply different random masks or different data augmentation strategies each time the data is encountered. BioNeMo provides a number of utilities that make multi-epoch training easier while still obeying the determinism requirements of megatron.

The MultiEpochDatasetResampler class simplifies the process of multi-epoch training, where the data should both be re-shuffled each epoch with different random effects applied each time the data is seen. To be compatible with this resampler, the provided dataset class's __getitem__ method should accept a EpochIndex tuple that contains both an epoch and index value. Random effects can then be performed by setting the torch random seed based on the epoch value:

class MyDataset:
    def __getitem__(self, idx: EpochIndex):
        rng = torch.Generator()

Avoid torch.manual_seed

Megatron-LM handles torch seeding internally. Calling torch.cuda.manual_seed inside the user-provided dataset can cause issues with model parallelism. See megatron/core/tensor_parallel/ for more details.

For deterministic datasets that still want to train for multiple epochs with epoch-level shuffling, the IdentityMultiEpochDatasetWrapper class can simplify this process by wrapping a dataset that accepts integer indices and passing along the EpochIndex index values from the resampled dataset.

class MyDeterministicDataset:
    def __getitem__(self, index: int):

dataset = IdentityMultiEpochDatasetWrapper(MyDeterministicDataset())
for sample in MultiEpochDatasetResampler(dataset, num_epochs=3, shuffle=True):

Training Resumption

To ensure identical behavior with and without job interruption, BioNeMo provides MegatronDataModule to save and load state dict for training resumption, and provides [WrappedDataLoader][] to add a mode attribute to [DataLoader][].

class MyDataModule(MegatronDataModule):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

    def train_dataloader(self):
        self.update_init_global_step()  # required to set the correct `global_step` for resumption
        return WrappedDataLoader(
            ...,  # any other arguments for DataLoader

    def val_dataloader(self):
        self.update_init_global_step()  # required to set the correct `global_step` for resumption
        return WrappedDataLoader(
            ...,  # any other arguments for DataLoader

    def test_dataloader(self):
        self.update_init_global_step()  # required to set the correct `global_step` for resumption
        return WrappedDataLoader(
            ...,  # any other arguments for DataLoader


Users will see non-overlapping training curve if their datamodule is not inheritting from MegatronDataModule, unless similar logics are handled by the users. In MegatronDataModule, self.update_init_global_step() must be called right before the dataloaders are returned to ensure that training resumes with the correct sample index instead of restarting from 0 everytime. We recommend users to inherit from MegatronDataModule similar to the pattern above.


The WrappedDataLoader class is a wrapper around the PyTorch DataLoader class that adds the mode attribute to the dataloader. The dataloader will resume from the last sample index only when mode is 'train'. val_dataloader and test_dataloader are unaffected.

WARNING: 'train' is the default value of mode in WrappedDataLoader. If not set, users might find their validation/test dataloader changes behavior by resuming from a non-zero sample index.

Testing Datasets For Megatron Compatibility

BioNeMo also provides utility functions for test suites to validate that datasets conform to the megatron data model. The [assert_dataset_compatible_with_megatron][bionemo.testing.data_utils.assert_dataset_compatible_with_megatron] function calls the dataset with identical indices and ensures the outputs are identical, while also checking to see if torch.manual_seed was used.

Example datasets in BioNeMo

The ESMMaskedResidueDataset demonstrates one approach for leveraging EpochIndex indices to perform epoch-level randomization within the confines of megatron's data model.