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This is a minimalist package containing an example model that makes use of bionemo2 and nemo conventions. It contains the necessary models, dataloaders, datasets, and custom loss functions. The referenced classes and functions are in bionemo.example_model.lightning.lightning_basic.

This tutorial demonstrates the creation of a simple MNIST model. This should be run in a BioNeMo container. The BioNeMo Framework container can run in a launchable:  Click here to deploy.. It takes about 10 minutes to deploy this notebook as a Launchable. As of this writing, we are working on a free tier so a credit card may be required. You can reach out to your NVIDIA rep for credit. Notebooks and a shell interface can be launched by clicking Open Notebook. (Note: This links to the nightly release and may be out of sync with these docs.)

For this tutorial, we will reuse elements from the BioNeMo example_model package.

Megatron/NeMo modules and datasets are special derivatives of PyTorch modules and datasets that extend and accelerate the distributed training and inference capabilities of PyTorch.

Some distinctions of Megatron/NeMo are:

  • torch.nn.Module/LightningModule changes into MegatronModule.
  • Loss functions should extend the MegatronLossReduction module and implement a reduce method for aggregating loss across multiple micro-batches.
  • Megatron configuration classes (for example megatron.core.transformer.TransformerConfig) are extended with a configure_model method that defines how model weights are initialized and loaded in a way that is compliant with training via NeMo2.
  • Various modifications and extensions to common PyTorch classes, such as adding a MegatronDataSampler (and re-sampler such as PRNGResampleDataset or MultiEpochDatasetResampler) to your LightningDataModule.

Loss Functions

First, we define a simple loss function in bionemo.example_model.lightning.lightning_basic. These should extend the MegatronLossReduction class. The output of forward and backward passes happen in parallel. There should be a forward function that calculates the loss defined. The reduce function is required.

Loss functions used here are MSELossReduction and ClassifierLossReduction. These functions return a Tensor, which contain the losses for the microbatches, and a SameSizeLossDict containing the average loss. This is a Typed Dictionary that is the return type for a loss that is computed for the entire batch, where all microbatches are the same size.

Datasets and Datamodules

Datasets used for model training must be compatible with Megatron datasets. To enable this, the output of a given index and epoch must be deterministic. However, we may wish to have a different ordering in every epoch. To enable this, the items in the dataset should be accessible by both the epoch and the index. This can be done by accessing elements of the dataset with EpochIndex from A simple way of doing this is to wrap a dataset with IdentityMultiEpochDatasetWrapper imported from In this example, in in bionemo.example_model.lightning.lightning_basic, we use a custom dataset MNISTCustomDataset that wraps the __getitem__ method of the MNIST dataset such that it returns a dict instead of a Tuple or tensor. The MNISTCustomDataset returns elements of type MnistItem, which is a TypedDict.

In the data module/data loader class, it is necessary to have a data_sampler attribute to shuffle the data and that allows the sampler to be used with Megatron. This is a nemo2 peculiarity. A nemo.lightning.pytorch.plugins.MegatronDataSampler is the best choice. It sets up the capability to utilize micro-batching and gradient accumulation. It is also the place where the global batch size is constructed.

Also the sampler will not shuffle your data. So you need to wrap your dataset in a dataset shuffler that maps sequential IDs to random IDs in your dataset. This can be done with MultiEpochDatasetResampler from

This is implemented in the MNISTDataModule. In the setup method of the dataloader, the train, test and validation sets are MNISTCustomDataset are wrapped in the IdentityMultiEpochDatasetWrapper. These are then wrapped in the MultiEpochDatasetResampler. More information about MegatronCompatability and how to set up more complicated datasets can be found in

We also define a train_dataloader, val_dataloader, and predict_dataloader methods that return the corresponding dataloaders.


Models need to be Megatron modules. At the most basic level this just means:

  1. They extend MegatronModule from megatron.core.transformer.module.
  2. They need a config argument of type megatron.core.ModelParallelConfig. An easy way of implementing this is to inherit from bionemo.llm.model.config.MegatronBioNeMoTrainableModelConfig. This is a class for BioNeMo that supports usage with Megatron models, as NeMo2 requires. This class also inherits ModelParallelConfig.
  3. They need a self.model_type:megatron.core.transformer.enums.ModelType enum defined (ModelType.encoder_or_decoder is a good option.)
  4. def set_input_tensor(self, input_tensor) needs to be present. This is used in model parallelism. This function can be a stub/placeholder function.

The following models are implemented in bionemo.example_model.lightning.lightning_basic.

ExampleModelTrunk is a base model. This returns a tensor. ExampleModel is a model that extends the base model with a few linear layers and it is used for pretraining. This returns the output of the base model and of the full model.

ExampleFineTuneModel extends the ExampleModelTrunk by adding a classification layer. This returns a tensor of logits over the 10 potential digits.

Model Configs

The model config class is used to instantiate the model. These configs must have: 1. A configure_model method which allows the Megatron strategy to lazily initialize the model after the parallel computing environment has been setup. These also handle loading starting weights for fine-tuning cases. Additionally these configs tell the trainer which loss you want to use with a matched model. 2. A get_loss_reduction_class method that defines the loss function.

The following configs are implemented in bionemo.example_model.lightning.lightning_basic.

Here, a base generic config ExampleGenericConfig is defined. PretrainConfig extends this class. This defines the model class and the loss class in:

class PretrainConfig(ExampleGenericConfig["PretrainModel", "MSELossReduction"], iom.IOMixinWithGettersSetters):

    model_cls: Type[PretrainModel] = PretrainModel
    loss_cls: Type[MSELossReduction] = MSELossReduction

Similarly, ExampleFineTuneConfig extends ExampleGenericConfig for finetuning.

Training Module

It is helpful to have a training module that inherits from lightning.pytorch.LightningModule which organizes the model architecture, training, validation, and testing logic while abstracting away boilerplate code, enabling easier and more scalable training. This wrapper can be used for all model and loss combinations specified in the config. In bionemo.example_model.lightning.lightning_basic, we define BionemoLightningModule.

In this example, training_step, validation_step, and predict_step define the training, validation, and prediction loops are independent of the forward method. In nemo:

  1. NeMo's Strategy overrides the train_step, validation_step and prediction_step methods.
  2. The strategies' training step will call the forward method of the model.
  3. That forward method then calls the wrapped forward step of MegatronParallel which wraps the forward method of the model.
  4. That wrapped forward step is then executed inside the MegatronCore scheduler, which calls the _forward_step method from the MegatronParallel class.
  5. Which then calls the training_step, validation_step and prediction_step function here.

Additionally, during these steps, we log the validation, testing, and training loss. This is done similarly to These logs can then be exported to wandb, or other metric viewers. For more complicated tracking, it may be necessary to use pytorch callbacks:

Further loss_reduction_class(), training_loss_reduction(), validation_loss_reduction(), andtest_loss_reduction() are defined based on what's in the config. Additionally, configure_model() is defined based on the config.

Training the models

In bionemo.example_model.lightning.lightning_basic a checkpoint_callback variable is defined. This enables .nemo file-like checkpointing.

The remaining functions are defined in the training scripts:,, and

We specify a training strategy of type nemo.lightning.MegatronStrategy. This strategy implements model parallelism using NVIDIA's Megatron-LM framework. It supports various forms of parallelism including tensor model parallelism, pipeline model parallelism, sequence parallelism, and expert parallelism for efficient training of large language models.

We specify a trainer of type nemo.lightning.Trainer, which is an extension of the pytorch lightning trainer. This is where the devices, validation intervals, maximal steps, maximal number of epochs, and how frequently to log are specified.

We specify a nemo-logger. We can set TensorBoard and WandB logging, along with extra loggers. Here, we specify a CSVLogger from lightning.pytorch.loggers.

We can now proceed to training. The first pre-training scripts is bionemo/example_model/training_scripts/

Then, we train the model with the BionemoLightningModule, MNISTDataModule, trainer and nemo_logger.

This script will print out the location of the final model:

Then we can run a finetuning-script:

python src/bionemo/example_model/training_scripts/ ---pretrain_ckpt_dirpath <pretrain_directory>

A nuance here is that in the config file, we specify the initial checkpoint path, along with which keys to skip. In the previous model checkpoint, we did not have a head labelled "digit_classifier", so we specify it as a head to be skipped. This script will print the location of the finetuned directory: .

Finally, we can run a classification task with

python src/bionemo/example_model/training_scripts/  --finetune_dir <finetune_dir>.

The results can be viewed with TensorBoardLogger if that is configured, or as a CSV file created by the CSVLogger.