Fine tuning tutorial
Fine-tuning tutorial for Evo2: Adapt the 1b evo2 checkpoint for your hardware¶
Background and motivation¶
To motivate this tutorial, we have noticed that the public
evo2 checkpoint in hugging face for the 1b model is sensitive to --fp8
status in training, the zero shot inference
task, as demonstrated in the zero shot BRCA-1 notebook, produces near random AUCs if you do not use --fp8
If you want to infer or score new data, you need FP8 enabled since it was trained that way. Interestingly the 7b
checkpoint does not suffer from this
limitation and seems robust to FP8 being activated or not. The consequence of this is that if you have older GPUs with
a compute capability less than 8.9, which do not support FP8, then the output that you get from scoring sequences with
sensitive checkpoints may not be biologically meaningful.
We plan on making
a 1b
parameter evo2 checkpoint available soon that has been fine-tuned to be robust to FP8 or BF16 inference in bionemo
on NGC, but in the meantime this notebook tutorial outlines the steps for fine-tuning. The only difference between this
notebook and what we did in production was to run these steps on more data on a slurm cluster to increase the global
batch size. That said, if you run this for enough steps to get loss on the 1b checkpoint to the 1.08 range, you should
have good luck with downstream sequence scoring tasks.
This is a tutorial demonstrating how you can fine-tune Evo2 on new data and/or hardware. The tutorial should take slightly under 1 hour to run on an RTX A6000 in bf16 precision.
As configured, this tutorial requires an NVIDIA GPU with approximately 45GB of ram. If you have multiple GPUs with less
memory, or you are having trouble with CUDA OOM at the training step below, try reducing the --micro-batch-size
increasing the number of --devices [int]
to match your setup and also setting --tensor-parallel-size [int]
the number of devices. This should split up most of the model evenly between your devices, which will require much less
memory. When we train the 1b model in practice we typically have the micro batch size set to 8, and run without model
parallelism on available devices to achieve the largest possible global batch size.
Setup training data¶
Evo2 uses megatron style datasets behind the scenes with advanced support for randomly indexing into documents, and packing documents together into batches at scale. The file-formats backing these datasets is not a standard biological format like fasta for representing genomes. First we show how you can start from a fasta file and preprocess them into the required data format for downstream handling. High level the steps are as follows:
- Acquire fasta files locally, ideally in some shared cluster storage
- Write a config script defining how you want the processed files to be generated from the fasta files. This is where you specify top level train/validation/test splitting decisions.
- Call the actual
script to generate the results.
The next 4 cells go through this process on a set of smaller human chromosomes. At least 3 fasta records need to be present, one for the train, validation, and test split.
import os
concat_path = "chr20_21_22.fa"
if not os.path.exists(concat_path):
!zcat chr20.fa.gz > chr20.fa
!zcat chr21.fa.gz > chr21.fa
!zcat chr22.fa.gz > chr22.fa
!cat chr20.fa chr21.fa chr22.fa > chr20_21_22.fa
full_fasta_path = os.path.abspath(concat_path)
output_dir = os.path.abspath("preprocessed_data")
output_yaml = f"""
- datapaths: ["{full_fasta_path}"]
output_dir: "{output_dir}"
output_prefix: chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct
train_split: 0.9
valid_split: 0.05
test_split: 0.05
overwrite: True
embed_reverse_complement: true
random_reverse_complement: 0.0
random_lineage_dropout: 0.0
include_sequence_id: false
transcribe: "back_transcribe"
force_uppercase: false
indexed_dataset_dtype: "uint8"
tokenizer_type: "Byte-Level"
vocab_file: null
vocab_size: null
merges_file: null
pretrained_tokenizer_model: null
special_tokens: null
fast_hf_tokenizer: true
append_eod: true
enforce_sample_length: null
ftfy: false
workers: 1
preproc_concurrency: 100000
chunksize: 25
drop_empty_sequences: true
nnn_filter: false # If you split your fasta on NNN (in human these are contigs), then you should set this to true.
seed: 12342 # Not relevant because we are not using random reverse complement or lineage dropout.
with open("preprocess_config.yaml", "w") as f:
print(output_yaml, file=f)
!preprocess_evo2 --config preprocess_config.yaml
# There should be a collection of bin/idx files created in the preprocessed_data directory.
!ls -lh preprocessed_data/
total 309M drwxr-xr-x 3 ubuntu ubuntu 4.0K Mar 10 22:17 chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct_byte-level_test -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 90M Mar 10 23:07 chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct_byte-level_test.bin -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 82 Mar 10 23:07 chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct_byte-level_test.idx drwxr-xr-x 3 ubuntu ubuntu 4.0K Mar 10 22:17 chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct_byte-level_train -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 123M Mar 10 23:06 chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct_byte-level_train.bin -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 82 Mar 10 23:07 chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct_byte-level_train.idx drwxr-xr-x 3 ubuntu ubuntu 4.0K Mar 10 22:17 chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct_byte-level_val -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 97M Mar 10 23:06 chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct_byte-level_val.bin -rw-r--r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 82 Mar 10 23:07 chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct_byte-level_val.idx
[Optional] specify or convert initial checkpoint¶
The main difference between pre-training and fine-tuning is whether or not you decide to start training the model with
weights from a prior training run. For this tutorial we want to tune a 1b
checkpoint from hugging face that is known
(at the time of this writing) to be sensitive to GPU architecture so that it will work with your architecture. We have a
script that will download and convert a savanna format evo2 checkpoint from hugging face, and output that into a NeMo2
format checkpoint directory that can be used as the starting point for a fine-tuning run.
if not os.path.exists("nemo2_evo2_1b_8k"):
!evo2_convert_to_nemo2 \
--model-path hf://arcinstitute/savanna_evo2_1b_base \
--model-size 1b --output-dir nemo2_evo2_1b_8k
Configure the training dataset¶
The next step is to configure your training dataset, in this case configuring the simple single-file example we output two steps ago in this tutorial.
from pathlib import Path
output_pfx = str(Path(os.path.abspath("preprocessed_data"))/"chr20_21_22_uint8_distinct_byte-level")
output_yaml = f"""
- dataset_prefix: {output_pfx}_train
dataset_split: train
dataset_weight: 1.0
- dataset_prefix: {output_pfx}_val
dataset_split: validation
dataset_weight: 1.0
- dataset_prefix: {output_pfx}_test
dataset_split: test
dataset_weight: 1.0
with open("training_data_config.yaml", "w") as f:
print(output_yaml, file=f)
This next cell takes approximately 25 minutes to run on an RTX A6000 with MAX_STEPS=100
. Each step takes about 9.5 seconds with the
following configuration, so you can budget a desired number of max steps to try.
MAX_STEPS:int = 10 if FAST_CI_MODE else 100
val_check_interval = min(int(MAX_STEPS//2), 50)
warmup_steps = min(MAX_STEPS, 100)
# For evo2 training and fine-tuning follow the same set of steps, so we use the same train_evo2 command.
# the big difference is the --ckpt-dir argument which points to a pre-existing checkpoint from some other training run.
model_subset_option = "--num-layers 4 --hybrid-override-pattern SDH* --activation-checkpoint-recompute-num-layers 2"
# By default do 5 layers of activation checkpointing
model_subset_option = "--activation-checkpoint-recompute-num-layers 5"
train_cmd = f"""train_evo2 \
-d training_data_config.yaml \
--dataset-dir ./preprocessed_data \
--experiment-dir pretraining_demo \
--model-size 1b \
--devices 1 \
--num-nodes 1 \
--seq-length 8192 \
--micro-batch-size 2 \
--lr 0.000015 \
--min-lr 0.0000149 \
--warmup-steps {warmup_steps} \
--grad-acc-batches 4 \
--max-steps {MAX_STEPS} \
--ckpt-dir nemo2_evo2_1b_8k \
--clip-grad 250 \
--wd 0.001 \
--attention-dropout 0.01 \
--hidden-dropout 0.01 \
--val-check-interval {val_check_interval} \
{model_subset_option} \
--ckpt-async-save \
The plotting code is hidden in documentation for brevity. You can view the notebook on github, run it in jupyter-lab or launch the tutorial on if you want to view the source.
The following figures show various training metrics per step.
captures the training loss. On larger runs you want to see the loss drop to about 1.08 consistently for the 1b
shows the learning rate schedule for training. Typically we do a linear warmup schedule followed by an cosine decay. this small notebook tutorial just goes through the initial warmup period.grad_norm
shows the gradient norm of the full model. As the model fits the data better you should see this value drop down below 1.0 consistently.val_loss
shows the same kind of loss shown inreduced_train_loss
but for a held-out set of validation samples. If you ever train the model a very long time and see this start to go up while the training loss continues to drop that's a sign of over-fitting. We have not yet seen this happen. Small fluctuations up and down are expected during training.
# Get the TensorBoard event file for the training run
log_dirs = !find pretraining_demo -name "events.out.tfevents*"
tf_event_file = log_dirs[0]
# Extract data from your event file
df = tensorboard_to_dataframe(tf_event_file)
# You can uncomment and modify this to plot multiple metrics once you see what's available
plot_multiple_training_metrics(df, ['reduced_train_loss', 'lr', 'grad_norm', "val_loss"])
Now you have a checkpoint that you can try out in place of the converted evo2 checkpoint in the BRCA-1 tutorial
(the path is displayed in the next code cell). To test your checkpoint, please supply the following path to the saved
checkpoint produced by this notebook as the --ckpt-dir {checkpoint_path}
argument to the predict_evo2
command in the zero shot BRCA tutorial. For the 1b checkpoint you should see AUC above
0.73 if you successfully fine-tuned the checkpoint for your hardware, or to check that your hardware works with the
converted checkpoint from hugging face as is.
In our experience running this notebook for up to an hour on a single GPU is not sufficient to recover BF16 accuracy. We have more details about what did work in the Next Steps section below.
final_ckpt_paths = !ls -d pretraining_demo/*-last
final_ckpt_path = final_ckpt_paths[-1]
Next steps¶
On a small number of devices, or with the small demo fasta we provided in this tutorial, it's possible you are not at the needed
1.08 loss level to get good downstream accuracy out of this checkpoint. You can try increasing the MAX_STEPS
parameter in the training cell,
or running a larger cluster with more GPUs. The following loss curve was generated with a global batch size of 256 at 8192 context or approximately
2 million tokens per step. With that configuration we see a good loss of 1.08 after approximately 100 steps. The following figure shows our
learning rate across the first 500 steps of fine-tuning with a global batch size of 256. Later on in this notebook we also show the slurm script
to replicate this on your cluster.
# Display the example loss curve from a larger training run
from IPython.display import Image, display
# Load and display the image
display(Image("assets/1b_finetuning_train_curve_500_steps_256gbs.png", width=800))
How we fine-tuned the 1b checkpoint for bf16 accuracy¶
An example of the full slurm script to run the above training curve on our infrastructure is as follows:
First make a ~/.netrc
file with your wandb login info. You can also accomplish this by setting wandb ENV variables,
assuming you want to log to wandb. If not you can pass the --no-wandb
argument as part of the args to train_evo2
login user
Next, paste/edit the following sbatch script for your own configuration:
# TODO: You may need to add more SBATCH configuration here specific to your cluster.
#SBATCH --nodes=4 # number of nodes
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=8
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8 # n tasks per machine (one task per gpu) <required>
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00 # wall time (8 for batch, backfill, 2 for batch_short)
#SBATCH --mem=0 # all mem avail
#SBATCH --exclusive
set -x
# You may want to edit this file and/or add your own version to your mounts.
# You can build a `.sqsh` file with enroot which may be faster to load on each node rather than pulling down from NGC
WANDB_PROJECT_NAME= # Set you wandb project here, or leave blank and add --no-wandb to the image
MODEL_SIZE=1b # change this to 7b_arc_longcontext etc. This version is different.
MAX_STEPS=580000 # 8T tokens given 1024 nodes and 8192 seq length
CLIP_GRAD=250 # Arc trained without gradient clipping. Set to a large value so megatron still logs grad_norm.
# The following arguments will remove the EOD/PAD tokens from the loss, unlike how the original Evo2 model was trained.
# this does not impact downstream accuracy in our experience and is more standard.
EXTRA_ARGS="--enable-preemption --ckpt-async-save --overlap-grad-reduce --clip-grad $CLIP_GRAD --eod-pad-in-loss-mask"
# NCCL performance parameters
# =========================
# Mounts
# =========================
DATA_PATH= # PATH to the directory that stores your data that you want to mount into the container
DATA_MOUNT=/workspace/bionemo2/data # or if you configure your data with a different base dir in the config, use that here
RESULTS_PATH_CLUSTER= # Where do you want the results to land on your shared cluster storage
CKPT_MOUNT_CLUSTER= # Path to shared location on your cluster where the checkpoint files can be found
CKPT_MOUNT_IMAGE=/checkpoints/ # pragma: allowlist secret (for some reason this line flags a high entropy string check in CI)
# TODO either move your config to one of the mounted paths or add your own mount to a location with your configs
# Generate (or retrieve) a unique, shared ID per run to handle restarts in W&B and Tensorboard
# =========================
for i in {a..z} {A..Z} {0..9};
RUN_ID=$(printf %s ${array[@]::8})
# =========================
read -r -d '' COMMAND <<EOF
echo "*******STARTING********" \
&& echo "---------------" \
&& echo "Starting training" \
&& \
train_evo2 \
--num-nodes=${SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES} \
--ckpt-dir $CKPT_MOUNT_IMAGE/nemo2_evo2_1b_8k \
--devices=${SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE} \
--grad-acc-batches $GRAD_ACC_BATCHES \
--max-steps=$MAX_STEPS \
--seed $SEED \
--wandb-run-id $RUN_ID \
--wandb-project $WANDB_PROJECT_NAME \
--lr $LR \
--wd $WD \
--activation-checkpoint-recompute-num-layers 5 \
--min-lr $MIN_LR \
--warmup-steps $WU_STEPS \
--attention-dropout $ADO \
--hidden-dropout $HDO \
--limit-val-batches=20 \
--val-check-interval=${VAL_CHECK} \
--experiment-dir=$RESULTS_PATH_IMAGE \
--seq-length=${SEQ_LEN} \
--tensor-parallel-size=${TP_SIZE} \
--context-parallel-size=${CP_SIZE} \
--pipeline-model-parallel-size=${PP_SIZE} \
--workers 8 \
--micro-batch-size=${MICRO_BATCH_SIZE} \
srun \
--output ${RESULTS_PATH_CLUSTER}/slurm-%j.out \
--error ${RESULTS_PATH_CLUSTER}/error-%j.out \
--container-image=$IMAGE_PATH \
--container-mounts ${MOUNTS} \
bash -c "${COMMAND}"
set +x