
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr T
bitfield_insert(T dest, T source, int start, int width) noexcept;

The function extracts the lower bitfield of size width from source and inserts it into dest at position start.


  • dest: The value to insert the bitfield.

  • source: The value from which extract the bitfield.

  • start: Initial position of the bitfield.

  • width: Width of the bitfield.

Return value

  • ((value << start) & mask) | (source & ~mask), where mask is a bitmask of width width.


  • T is an unsigned integer type.


  • start >= 0 && start < num_bits(T)

  • width >= 0 && width <= num_bits(T)

  • start + width <= num_bits(T)

Performance considerations

The function performs the following operations in CUDA for uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t:

  • SM < 70: BFI

  • SM >= 70: BMSK, bitwise operation x5


When the input values are run-time values that the compiler can resolve at compile-time, e.g. an index of a loop with a fixed number of iterations, using the function could not be optimal.


GCC <= 8 uses a slow path with more instructions even in CUDA


#include <cuda/bit>
#include <cuda/std/cassert>

__global__ void bitfield_insert_kernel() {
    assert(cuda::bitfield_insert(0u, 0xFFFFu, 0, 4) == 0b1111);
    assert(cuda::bitfield_insert(0u, 0xFFFFu, 3, 4) == 0b1111000);
    assert(cuda::bitfield_insert(1u, 0xFFFFu, 3, 4) == 0b1111001);

int main() {
    bitfield_insert_kernel<<<1, 1>>>();
    return 0;

See it on Godbolt 🔗