round_up Round to the next multiple

template <typename T, typename U>
[[nodiscard]] __host__ __device__ inline
constexpr cuda::std::common_type_t<T, U> round_up(T value, U base_multiple) noexcept;

The function computes the round up to the smallest multiple of an integral or enumerator value \(ceil(\frac{value}{base\_multiple}) * base\_multiple\)


  • value: The value to be rounded up.

  • base_multiple: The base multiple to which the value rounds up.

Return value

value rounded up to the smallest multiple of base_multiple greater than or equal to value. If value is already a multiple of base_multiple, return value.


The result can overflow if ceil(value / base_multiple) * base_multiple exceeds the maximum value of the common type of value and base_multiple. The condition is checked in debug mode.


  • Compile-time: T and U are integral types (including 128-bit integers) or enumerators.

  • Run-time: value >= 0 and base_multiple > 0.

Performance considerations

  • The function performs a ceiling division (cuda::ceil_div()) followed by a multiplication


#include <cuda/cmath>
#include <cstdio>

__global__ void round_up_kernel() {
    int      value    = 7;
    unsigned multiple = 3;
    printf("%d\n", cuda::round_up(value, multiple)); // print "9"

int main() {
    round_up_kernel<<<1, 1>>>();
    return 0;

See it on Godbolt 🔗