
Defined in header <cuda/annotated_ptr>:

namespace cuda {
class access_property;
} // namespace cuda

The class cuda::access_property is a LiteralType that provides an opaque encoding for properties of memory operations. It is used in combination with cuda::annotated_ptr, cuda::associate_access_property and cuda::apply_access_property to request the application of properties to memory operations.

namespace cuda {

class access_property {
    // Static memory space property:
    struct shared {};
    struct global {};

    // Static global memory residence control property:
    struct normal {
        __host__ __device__ constexpr operator cudaAccessProperty() const noexcept;
    struct persisting {
        __host__ __device__ constexpr operator cudaAccessProperty() const noexcept;
    struct streaming {
        __host__ __device__ constexpr operator cudaAccessProperty() const noexcept;

    // Default constructor:
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property() noexcept;

    // Copy constructor:
    constexpr access_property(access_property const&) noexcept = default;

    // Copy assignment:
    access_property& operator=(const access_property& other) noexcept = default;

    // Constructors from static global memory residence control properties:
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(global)     noexcept;
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(normal)     noexcept;
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(streaming)  noexcept;
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(persisting) noexcept;

    // Dynamic interleaved global memory residence control property constructors:
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(normal,     float probability);
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(streaming,  float probability);
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(persisting, float probability);
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(normal,     float probability, streaming);
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(persisting, float probability, streaming);

    // Dynamic range global memory residence control property constructors:
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(void* ptr, size_t partition_bytes, size_t total_bytes, normal);
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(void* ptr, size_t partition_bytes, size_t total_bytes, streaming);
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(void* ptr, size_t partition_bytes, size_t total_bytes, persisting);
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(void* ptr, size_t partition_bytes, size_t total_bytes, normal,     streaming);
    __host__ __device__ constexpr access_property(void* ptr, size_t partition_bytes, size_t total_bytes, persisting, streaming);

} // namespace cuda

Kinds of access properties

Access properties are either static compile-time values or dynamic runtime values. The following properties of a memory access are provided:

  • Static memory space properties:

    • cuda::access_property::shared: memory access to the shared memory space,

  • Static global memory space and residence control properties:

    • cuda::access_property::global: memory access to the global memory space without indicating an expected frequency of access to that memory,

    • cuda::access_property::normal: memory access to the global memory space expecting the memory to be accessed as frequent as other memory,

    • cuda::access_property::persisting: memory access to the global memory space expecting the memory to be accessed more frequently than other memory; this priority is suitable for data that should remain persistent in cache,

    • cuda::access_property::streaming: memory access to the global memory space expecting the memory to be accessed infrequently; this priority is suitable for streaming data.

  • Dynamic global memory residence control properties:

    • normal, persisting, streaming: static memory residence control properties may be specified at runtime,

    • interleaved: choose a probability of memory addresses to be accessed with one property and the remaining 1 - probability addresses with another,

    • range: choose a partitioned memory range with memory accesses to the “middle” sub-partition using the primary property, and memory accesess to the head and tail sub-partitions using the secondary property.

Note: the difference between cuda::access_property::global and cuda::access_property::normal``is subtle. The ``cuda::access_property::normal hints that the pointer points to the global address space and the memory will be accessed with “normal frequency”, while cuda::access_property::global only hints that the pointer points to the global address-space, it does not hint about how frequent the accesses will be.


The behavior of requesting the application of cuda::access_property to memory accesses, or their association with memory addresses, outside of the corresponding address space is undefined (note: even if that address is not “used”).

Default constructor

__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property() noexcept;

Effects: as if access_property(global).

Static global memory residence control property constructors

__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(global) noexcept;
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(normal) noexcept;
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(streaming) noexcept;
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(persisting) noexcept;

Effects: as-if access_property(PROPERTY, 1.0) where PROPERTY is one of global, normal, streaming, or persisting.

Dynamic interleaved global memory residence control property constructors

__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(normal,     float probability);
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(streaming,  float probability);
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(persisting, float probability);
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(normal,     float probability, streaming);
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(persisting, float probability, streaming);

Preconditions: 0 < probability <= 1.0.

Effects: constructs an interleaved access property that requests the first and third arguments - access properties - to be applied with probability and 1 - probability to memory accesses. The overloads without a third argument request applying global with 1 - probability.

Dynamic range global memory residence control property constructors

__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(void* ptr, size_t leading_bytes, size_t total_bytes, normal);
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(void* ptr, size_t leading_bytes, size_t total_bytes, streaming);
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(void* ptr, size_t leading_bytes, size_t total_bytes, persisting);
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(void* ptr, size_t leading_bytes, size_t total_bytes, normal,     streaming);
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::access_property(void* ptr, size_t leading_bytes, size_t total_bytes, persisting, streaming);

note: pointer arithmetic below performed char* ptr instead of void* ptr


  • ptr is a generic pointer that is valid to cast to a pointer to the global memory address space.

  • 0 < leading_bytes <= total_bytes <= 4GB.

Postconditions: memory accesses requesting the application of this property must be in range [max(0, ptr + leading_bytes - total_bytes), ptr + total_bytes).

Effects: the fourth and fifth arguments, access properties, are called primary and secondary properties. The overloads without a fifth argument use global as the secondary property. Constructs a range access property requesting the properties to be approximately applied to memory accesses as follows:

  • secondary property to accesses in address-range: [max(0, ptr + leading_bytes - total_bytes), ptr)

  • primary property to accesses in address-range: [ptr, ptr + leading_bytes)

  • secondary property to accesses in address-range: [ptr + leading_bytes, ptr + total_bytes)

Note: This property enables three main use cases:

  1. Unary range [ptr, ptr + total_bytes) with primary property by using leading_bytes == total_bytes.

  2. Binary range [ptr, ptr + leading_bytes) and [ptr + leading_bytes, ptr + total_bytes) with primary and secondary properties by just not using this range to access any memory in range [max(0, ptr + leading_bytes - total_bytes), ptr).

  3. Primary range with secondary “halo” ranges (see example below). Given leading_bytes for the primary range, and halo_bytes for the size of each of the secondary ranges by using total_bytes == leading_bytes + halo_bytes:

    |  halo / secondary | leading / primary   | halo / secondary |
                        | ptr
    |<-- halo_bytes  -->|<-- leading_bytes -->|<-- halo_bytes -->|
                        |<--            total_bytes           -->|

Conversion operators

__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::normal::operator cudaAccessProperty() const noexcept;
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::streaming::operator cudaAccessProperty() const noexcept;
__host__ __device__ constexpr access_property::persisting::operator cudaAccessProperty() const noexcept;

Returns: corresponding CUDA Runtime cudaAccessProperty value.

Note: Allows constexpr cuda::access_property::normal{}, cuda::access_property::streaming{}, and cuda::access_property::persisting{} to be used in lieu of the corresponding CUDA Runtime cudaAccessProperty enumerated values.

Mapping of access properties to NVVM-IR and the PTX ISA


The implementation makes no guarantees about the content of this section; it can change any time.

When cuda::access_property is applied to memory operation, it sometimes matches with some of the cache eviction priorities and cache hints introduced in the PTX ISA Version 7.4. See Cache Eviction Priority Hints

  • global: evict_unchanged

  • normal: evict_normal

  • persisting: evict_last

  • streaming: evict_first

When using shared and global, the pointer being accessed can be assumed to point to memory in the shared and global address spaces. This is exploited for optimization purposes in NVVM-IR.


#include <cuda/annotated_ptr>

__global__ void undefined_behavior(int* global) {
    // Associating pointers with mismatching address spaces is undefined:
    cuda::associate_access_property(global, cuda::access_property::shared{});     // undefined behavior
    __shared__ int shmem;
    cuda::associate_access_property(&shmem, cuda::access_property::normal{});     // undefined behavior
    cuda::associate_access_property(&shmem, cuda::access_property::streaming{});  // undefined behavior
    cuda::associate_access_property(&shmem, cuda::access_property::persisting{}); // undefined behavior

    cuda::access_property interleaved_implicit_global(cuda::access_property::streaming{}, 0.5);
    cuda::associate_access_property(&shmem, interleaved_implicit_global);         // undefined behavior

    cuda::access_property range_implicit_global0(&shmem, 0, sizeof(int), cuda::access_property::streaming{});
    cuda::associate_access_property(&shmem, range_implicit_global0);              // undefined behavior

    // Using a zero probability or probability out-of-range (0, 1] is undefined:
    cuda::access_property interleaved(cuda::access_property::streaming{}, 0.0);   // undefined behavior

__global__ void correct(int* global) {
    __shared__ int shmem;
    cuda::associate_access_property(&shmem, cuda::access_property::shared{});

    cuda::access_property global_range0(global, 0, sizeof(int), cuda::access_property::streaming{});
    cuda::associate_access_property(global, global_range0);

    cuda::access_property global_interleaved(cuda::access_property::streaming{}, 1.0);
    cuda::associate_access_property(global, global_interleaved);

    // Access properties can be constructed for any address range
    cuda::access_property global_range1(global,  0, sizeof(int), cuda::access_property::streaming{});
    cuda::access_property global_range2(nullptr, 0, sizeof(int), cuda::access_property::streaming{});

__global__ void range(int* g, size_t n) {
  // To apply a single property to all elements in the range [g, g+n), set leading_bytes = total_bytes = n
  auto range_property = cuda::access_property(g, n, n, cuda::access_property::persisting{});

__global__ void range_with_halos(int* g, size_t n, size_t halos) {
    // In the range [g, g + n), the first and last "halos" elements of `int` type are halos.
    // This example applies one property to the halo elements, and another property to the internal elements:
    // - halos: streaming  (secondary property)
    // - internal: persisting (primary property)

    auto internal_property = cuda::access_property::persisting{};
    auto halo_property = cuda::access_property::streaming{};

    // For the range property, the pointer used to build the property
    // must satisfy p = g + halos
    int* p = g + halos;
    // Then, "total_elements" (total_size * sizeof(int)) must satisfy:
    // g + n = p + total_elements
    int total_bytes = (g + n - p) * sizeof(int);
    // Finally, "leading_elements" (leading_bytes * sizeof(int)) must satisfy:
    // g = p + leading_elements - total_elements
    int leading_bytes = (g - p) * sizeof(int) + total_bytes;

    // Is a property that we can use for halo exchange:
    auto range_property = cuda::access_property(p, leading_bytes, total_bytes, internal_property, halo_property);