
Defined in thrust/random/linear_congruential_engine.h

template<typename UIntType, UIntType a, UIntType c, UIntType m>
class linear_congruential_engine

A linear_congruential_engine random number engine produces unsigned integer random numbers using a linear congruential random number generation algorithm.

The generation algorithm has the form x_i = (a * x_{i-1} + c) mod m.

The following code snippet shows examples of use of a linear_congruential_engine instance:

#include <thrust/random/linear_congruential_engine.h>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  // create a minstd_rand object, which is an instance of linear_congruential_engine
  thrust::minstd_rand rng1;

  // output some random values to cout
  std::cout << rng1() << std::endl;

  // a random value is printed

  // create a new minstd_rand from a seed
  thrust::minstd_rand rng2(13);

  // discard some random values

  // stream the object to an iostream
  std::cout << rng2 << std::endl;

  // rng2's current state is printed

  // print the minimum and maximum values that minstd_rand can produce
  std::cout << thrust::minstd_rand::min << std::endl;
  std::cout << thrust::minstd_rand::max << std::endl;

  // the range of minstd_rand is printed

  // save the state of rng2 to a different object
  thrust::minstd_rand rng3 = rng2;

  // compare rng2 and rng3
  std::cout << (rng2 == rng3) << std::endl;

  // 1 is printed

  // re-seed rng2 with a different seed

  // compare rng2 and rng3
  std::cout << (rng2 == rng3) << std::endl;

  // 0 is printed

  return 0;


Inexperienced users should not use this class template directly. Instead, use minstd_rand or minstd_rand0.

Template Parameters
  • UIntType – The type of unsigned integer to produce.

  • a – The multiplier used in the generation algorithm.

  • c – The increment used in the generation algorithm.

  • m – The modulus used in the generation algorithm.

Public Types

typedef UIntType result_type

The type of the unsigned integer produced by this linear_congruential_engine.

Public Functions

explicit linear_congruential_engine(result_type s = default_seed)

This constructor, which optionally accepts a seed, initializes a new linear_congruential_engine.


s – The seed used to intialize this linear_congruential_engine's state.

void seed(result_type s = default_seed)

This method initializes this linear_congruential_engine's state, and optionally accepts a seed value.


s – The seed used to initializes this linear_congruential_engine's state.

result_type operator()(void)

This member function produces a new random value and updates this linear_congruential_engine's state.


A new random number.

void discard(unsigned long long z)

This member function advances this linear_congruential_engine's state a given number of times and discards the results.


This function is provided because an implementation may be able to accelerate it.


z – The number of random values to discard.

Public Static Attributes

static const result_type multiplier = a

The multiplier used in the generation algorithm.

static const result_type increment = c

The increment used in the generation algorithm.

static const result_type modulus = m

The modulus used in the generation algorithm.

static const result_type min = 0u

The smallest value this linear_congruential_engine may potentially produce.

static const result_type max = m - 1u

The largest value this linear_congruential_engine may potentially produce.

static const result_type default_seed = 1u

The default seed of this linear_congruential_engine.