
Defined in thrust/memory.h

template<typename DerivedPolicy, typename Pointer>
void thrust::free(const thrust::detail::execution_policy_base<DerivedPolicy> &system, Pointer ptr)

free deallocates the storage previously allocated by thrust::malloc.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use free to deallocate a range of memory previously allocated with thrust::malloc.

#include <thrust/memory.h>
// allocate storage for 100 ints with thrust::malloc
const int N = 100;
thrust::device_system_tag device_sys;
thrust::pointer<int,thrust::device_system_tag> ptr = thrust::malloc<int>(device_sys, N);

// mainpulate memory

// deallocate ptr with thrust::free
thrust::free(device_sys, ptr);

  • system – The Thrust system with which the storage is associated.

  • ptr – A pointer previously returned by thrust::malloc. If ptr is null, free does nothing.

Template Parameters

DerivedPolicy – The name of the derived execution policy.


ptr shall have been returned by a previous call to thrust::malloc(system, n) or thrust::malloc<T>(system, n) for some type T.