
Defined in thrust/reduce.h

template<typename InputIterator, typename T>
T thrust::reduce(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init)

reduce is a generalization of summation: it computes the sum (or some other binary operation) of all the elements in the range [first, last). This version of reduce uses init as the initial value of the reduction. reduce is similar to the C++ Standard Template Library’s std::accumulate. The primary difference between the two functions is that std::accumulate guarantees the order of summation, while reduce requires associativity of the binary operation to parallelize the reduction.

Note that reduce also assumes that the binary reduction operator (in this case operator+) is commutative. If the reduction operator is not commutative then thrust::reduce should not be used. Instead, one could use inclusive_scan (which does not require commutativity) and select the last element of the output array.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use reduce to compute the sum of a sequence of integers including an initialization value.

#include <thrust/reduce.h>
int data[6] = {1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 3};
int result = thrust::reduce(data, data + 6, 1);

// result == 10

  • first – The beginning of the input sequence.

  • last – The end of the input sequence.

  • init – The initial value.

Template Parameters
  • InputIterator – is a model of Input Iterator and if x and y are objects of InputIterator's value_type, then x + y is defined and is convertible to T.

  • T – is convertible to InputIterator's value_type.


The result of the reduction.