
File members: thrust/mr/disjoint_pool.h

 *  Copyright 2018 NVIDIA Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <thrust/detail/config.h>

#  pragma GCC system_header
#  pragma clang system_header
#  pragma system_header
#endif // no system header

#include <thrust/detail/config.h>

#include <thrust/binary_search.h>
#include <thrust/detail/algorithm_wrapper.h>
#include <thrust/detail/seq.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/mr/allocator.h>
#include <thrust/mr/memory_resource.h>
#include <thrust/mr/pool_options.h>

#include <cassert>

namespace mr

template <typename Upstream, typename Bookkeeper>
class disjoint_unsynchronized_pool_resource final
    : public memory_resource<typename Upstream::pointer>
    , private validator2<Upstream, Bookkeeper>
  static pool_options get_default_options()
    pool_options ret;

    ret.min_blocks_per_chunk = 16;
    ret.min_bytes_per_chunk  = 1024;
    ret.max_blocks_per_chunk = static_cast<std::size_t>(1) << 20;
    ret.max_bytes_per_chunk  = static_cast<std::size_t>(1) << 30;

    ret.smallest_block_size = THRUST_MR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT;
    ret.largest_block_size  = static_cast<std::size_t>(1) << 20;

    ret.alignment = THRUST_MR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT;

    ret.cache_oversized = true;

    ret.cached_size_cutoff_factor      = 16;
    ret.cached_alignment_cutoff_factor = 16;

    return ret;

    Upstream* upstream, Bookkeeper* bookkeeper, pool_options options = get_default_options())
      : m_upstream(upstream)
      , m_bookkeeper(bookkeeper)
      , m_options(options)
      , m_smallest_block_log2(detail::log2_ri(m_options.smallest_block_size))
      , m_pools(m_bookkeeper)
      , m_allocated(m_bookkeeper)
      , m_cached_oversized(m_bookkeeper)
      , m_oversized(m_bookkeeper)

    pointer_vector free(m_bookkeeper);
    pool p(free);
    m_pools.resize(detail::log2_ri(m_options.largest_block_size) - m_smallest_block_log2 + 1, p);

  // TODO: C++11: use delegating constructors

  disjoint_unsynchronized_pool_resource(pool_options options = get_default_options())
      : m_upstream(get_global_resource<Upstream>())
      , m_bookkeeper(get_global_resource<Bookkeeper>())
      , m_options(options)
      , m_smallest_block_log2(detail::log2_ri(m_options.smallest_block_size))
      , m_pools(m_bookkeeper)
      , m_allocated(m_bookkeeper)
      , m_cached_oversized(m_bookkeeper)
      , m_oversized(m_bookkeeper)

    pointer_vector free(m_bookkeeper);
    pool p(free);
    m_pools.resize(detail::log2_ri(m_options.largest_block_size) - m_smallest_block_log2 + 1, p);


  using void_ptr = typename Upstream::pointer;
  using char_ptr = typename thrust::detail::pointer_traits<void_ptr>::template rebind<char>::other;

  struct chunk_descriptor
    std::size_t size;
    void_ptr pointer;

  using chunk_vector = thrust::host_vector<chunk_descriptor, allocator<chunk_descriptor, Bookkeeper>>;

  struct oversized_block_descriptor
    std::size_t size;
    std::size_t alignment;
    void_ptr pointer;

    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE bool operator==(const oversized_block_descriptor& other) const
      return size == other.size && alignment == other.alignment && pointer == other.pointer;

    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE bool operator<(const oversized_block_descriptor& other) const
      return size < other.size || (size == other.size && alignment < other.alignment);

  struct equal_pointers
    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE equal_pointers(void_ptr p)
        : p(p)

    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE bool operator()(const oversized_block_descriptor& desc) const
      return desc.pointer == p;

    void_ptr p;

  struct matching_alignment
    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE matching_alignment(std::size_t requested)
        : requested(requested)

    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE bool operator()(const oversized_block_descriptor& desc) const
      return desc.alignment >= requested;

    std::size_t requested;

  using oversized_block_vector =
    thrust::host_vector<oversized_block_descriptor, allocator<oversized_block_descriptor, Bookkeeper>>;

  using pointer_vector = thrust::host_vector<void_ptr, allocator<void_ptr, Bookkeeper>>;

  struct pool
    _CCCL_HOST pool(const pointer_vector& free)
        : free_blocks(free)
        , previous_allocated_count(0)

    _CCCL_HOST pool(const pool& other)
        : free_blocks(other.free_blocks)
        , previous_allocated_count(other.previous_allocated_count)

    pool& operator=(const pool&) = default;

    _CCCL_HOST ~pool() {}

    pointer_vector free_blocks;
    std::size_t previous_allocated_count;

  using pool_vector = thrust::host_vector<pool, allocator<pool, Bookkeeper>>;

  Upstream* m_upstream;
  Bookkeeper* m_bookkeeper;

  pool_options m_options;
  std::size_t m_smallest_block_log2;

  // buckets containing free lists for each pooled size
  pool_vector m_pools;
  // list of all allocations from upstream for the above
  chunk_vector m_allocated;
  // list of all cached oversized/overaligned blocks that have been returned to the pool to cache
  oversized_block_vector m_cached_oversized;
  // list of all oversized/overaligned allocations from upstream
  oversized_block_vector m_oversized;

  void release()
    // reset the buckets
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_pools.size(); ++i)
      m_pools[i].previous_allocated_count = 0;

    // deallocate memory allocated for the buckets
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_allocated.size(); ++i)
      m_upstream->do_deallocate(m_allocated[i].pointer, m_allocated[i].size, m_options.alignment);

    // deallocate cached oversized/overaligned memory
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < m_oversized.size(); ++i)
      m_upstream->do_deallocate(m_oversized[i].pointer, m_oversized[i].size, m_oversized[i].alignment);


  _CCCL_NODISCARD virtual void_ptr
  do_allocate(std::size_t bytes, std::size_t alignment = THRUST_MR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT) override
    bytes = (std::max)(bytes, m_options.smallest_block_size);

    // an oversized and/or overaligned allocation requested; needs to be allocated separately
    if (bytes > m_options.largest_block_size || alignment > m_options.alignment)
      oversized_block_descriptor oversized;
      oversized.size      = bytes;
      oversized.alignment = alignment;

      if (m_options.cache_oversized && !m_cached_oversized.empty())
        typename oversized_block_vector::iterator it =
          thrust::lower_bound(thrust::seq, m_cached_oversized.begin(), m_cached_oversized.end(), oversized);

        // if the size is bigger than the requested size by a factor
        // bigger than or equal to the specified cutoff for size,
        // allocate a new block
        if (it != m_cached_oversized.end())
          std::size_t size_factor = (*it).size / bytes;
          if (size_factor >= m_options.cached_size_cutoff_factor)
            it = m_cached_oversized.end();

        if (it != m_cached_oversized.end() && (*it).alignment < alignment)
          it = find_if(it + 1, m_cached_oversized.end(), matching_alignment(alignment));

        // if the alignment is bigger than the requested one by a factor
        // bigger than or equal to the specified cutoff for alignment,
        // allocate a new block
        if (it != m_cached_oversized.end())
          std::size_t alignment_factor = (*it).alignment / alignment;
          if (alignment_factor >= m_options.cached_alignment_cutoff_factor)
            it = m_cached_oversized.end();

        if (it != m_cached_oversized.end())
          oversized.pointer = (*it).pointer;
          return oversized.pointer;

      // no fitting cached block found; allocate a new one that's just up to the specs
      oversized.pointer = m_upstream->do_allocate(bytes, alignment);

      return oversized.pointer;

    // the request is NOT for oversized and/or overaligned memory
    // allocate a block from an appropriate bucket
    std::size_t bytes_log2 = thrust::detail::log2_ri(bytes);
    std::size_t bucket_idx = bytes_log2 - m_smallest_block_log2;
    pool& bucket           = m_pools[bucket_idx];

    // if the free list of the bucket has no elements, allocate a new chunk
    // and split it into blocks pushed to the free list
    if (bucket.free_blocks.empty())
      std::size_t bucket_size = static_cast<std::size_t>(1) << bytes_log2;

      std::size_t n = bucket.previous_allocated_count;
      if (n == 0)
        n = m_options.min_blocks_per_chunk;
        if (n < (m_options.min_bytes_per_chunk >> bytes_log2))
          n = m_options.min_bytes_per_chunk >> bytes_log2;
        n = n * 3 / 2;
        if (n > (m_options.max_bytes_per_chunk >> bytes_log2))
          n = m_options.max_bytes_per_chunk >> bytes_log2;
        if (n > m_options.max_blocks_per_chunk)
          n = m_options.max_blocks_per_chunk;

      bytes = n << bytes_log2;

      assert(n >= m_options.min_blocks_per_chunk);
      assert(n <= m_options.max_blocks_per_chunk);
      assert(bytes >= m_options.min_bytes_per_chunk);
      assert(bytes <= m_options.max_bytes_per_chunk);

      chunk_descriptor allocated;
      allocated.size    = bytes;
      allocated.pointer = m_upstream->do_allocate(bytes, m_options.alignment);
      bucket.previous_allocated_count = n;

      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        bucket.free_blocks.push_back(static_cast<void_ptr>(static_cast<char_ptr>(allocated.pointer) + i * bucket_size));

    // allocate a block from the front of the bucket's free list
    void_ptr ret = bucket.free_blocks.back();
    return ret;

  virtual void do_deallocate(void_ptr p, std::size_t n, std::size_t alignment = THRUST_MR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT) override
    n = (std::max)(n, m_options.smallest_block_size);

    // verify that the pointer is at least as aligned as claimed
    assert(reinterpret_cast<detail::intmax_t>(detail::pointer_traits<void_ptr>::get(p)) % alignment == 0);

    // the deallocated block is oversized and/or overaligned
    if (n > m_options.largest_block_size || alignment > m_options.alignment)
      typename oversized_block_vector::iterator it = find_if(m_oversized.begin(), m_oversized.end(), equal_pointers(p));
      assert(it != m_oversized.end());

      oversized_block_descriptor oversized = *it;

      if (m_options.cache_oversized)
        typename oversized_block_vector::iterator position =
          lower_bound(m_cached_oversized.begin(), m_cached_oversized.end(), oversized);
        m_cached_oversized.insert(position, oversized);


      m_upstream->do_deallocate(p, oversized.size, oversized.alignment);


    // push the block to the front of the appropriate bucket's free list
    std::size_t n_log2     = thrust::detail::log2_ri(n);
    std::size_t bucket_idx = n_log2 - m_smallest_block_log2;
    pool& bucket           = m_pools[bucket_idx];


} // namespace mr