
Defined in thrust/random.h

typedef xor_combine_engine<linear_feedback_shift_engine<std::uint32_t, 32U, 31U, 13U, 12U>, 0, xor_combine_engine<linear_feedback_shift_engine<std::uint32_t, 32U, 29U, 2U, 4U>, 0, linear_feedback_shift_engine<std::uint32_t, 32U, 28U, 3U, 17U>, 0>, 0> thrust::random::taus88

A random number engine with predefined parameters which implements L’Ecuyer’s 1996 three-component Tausworthe random number generator.


The 10000th consecutive invocation of a default-constructed object of type taus88 shall produce the value 3535848941 .