.. currentmodule:: cuda.core.experimental Interoperability ================ ``cuda.core`` is designed to be interoperable with other Python GPU libraries. Below we cover a list of possible such scenarios. Current device/context ---------------------- The :meth:`Device.set_current` method ensures that the calling host thread has an active CUDA context set to current. This CUDA context can be seen and accessed by other GPU libraries without any code change. For libraries built on top of the `CUDA runtime `_, this is as if ``cudaSetDevice`` is called. Since CUDA contexts are per-thread constructs, in a multi-threaded program each host thread should call this method. Conversely, if any GPU library already sets a device (or context) to current, this method ensures that the same device/context is picked up by and shared with ``cuda.core``. ``__cuda_stream__`` protocol ---------------------------- The :class:`~_stream.Stream` class is a vocabulary type representing CUDA streams in Python. While we encourage new Python projects to start using streams (and other CUDA types) from ``cuda.core``, we understand that there are already several projects exposing their own stream types. To address this issue, we propose the ``__cuda_stream__`` protocol (currently version 0) as follows: For any Python objects that are meant to be interpreted as a stream, they should add a ``__cuda_stream__`` method that returns a 2-tuple: The version number (``0``) and the address of ``cudaStream_t`` (both as Python `int`): .. code-block:: python class MyStream: def __cuda_stream__(self): return (0, self.ptr) ... Then such objects can be understood by ``cuda.core`` anywhere a stream-like object is needed. We suggest all existing Python projects that expose a stream class to also support this protocol wherever a function takes a stream. Memory view utilities for CPU/GPU buffers ----------------------------------------- The Python community has defined protocols such as CUDA Array Interface (CAI) [1]_ and DLPack [2]_ (part of the Python array API standard [3]_) for facilitating zero-copy data exchange between two GPU projects. In particular, performance considerations prompted the protocol designs gearing toward *stream-ordered* operations so as to avoid unnecessary synchronizations. While the designs are robust, *implementing* such protocols can be tricky and often requires a few iterations to ensure correctness. ``cuda.core`` offers a :func:`~utils.args_viewable_as_strided_memory` decorator for extracting the metadata (such as pointer address, shape, strides, and dtype) from any Python objects supporting either CAI or DLPack and returning a :class:`~utils.StridedMemoryView` object, see the `strided_memory_view.py `_ example. Alternatively, a :class:`~utils.StridedMemoryView` object can be explicitly constructed without using the decorator. This provides a *concrete implementation* to both protocols that is **array-library-agnostic**, so that all Python projects can just rely on this without either re-implementing (the consumer-side of) the protocols or tying to any particular array libraries. The :attr:`~utils.StridedMemoryView.is_device_accessible` attribute can be used to check whether or not the underlying buffer can be accessed on GPU. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [1] https://numba.readthedocs.io/en/stable/cuda/cuda_array_interface.html .. [2] https://dmlc.github.io/dlpack/latest/python_spec.html .. [3] https://data-apis.org/array-api/latest/design_topics/data_interchange.html