
Profiler Control#

This section describes the profiler control functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.


Enable profiling.

Enables profile collection by the active profiling tool for the current context. If profiling is already enabled, then cudaProfilerStart() has no effect.

cudaProfilerStart and cudaProfilerStop APIs are used to programmatically control the profiling granularity by allowing profiling to be done only on selective pieces of code.



Return type:



Disable profiling.

Disables profile collection by the active profiling tool for the current context. If profiling is already disabled, then cudaProfilerStop() has no effect.

cudaProfilerStart and cudaProfilerStop APIs are used to programmatically control the profiling granularity by allowing profiling to be done only on selective pieces of code.



Return type:


Device Management#


This section describes the device management functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.


Destroy all allocations and reset all state on the current device in the current process.

Explicitly destroys and cleans up all resources associated with the current device in the current process. It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that the resources are not accessed or passed in subsequent API calls and doing so will result in undefined behavior. These resources include CUDA types cudaStream_t, cudaEvent_t, cudaArray_t, cudaMipmappedArray_t, cudaPitchedPtr, cudaTextureObject_t, cudaSurfaceObject_t, textureReference, surfaceReference, cudaExternalMemory_t, cudaExternalSemaphore_t and cudaGraphicsResource_t. These resources also include memory allocations by cudaMalloc, cudaMallocHost, cudaMallocManaged and cudaMallocPitch. Any subsequent API call to this device will reinitialize the device.

Note that this function will reset the device immediately. It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that the device is not being accessed by any other host threads from the process when this function is called.



Return type:



cudaDeviceReset() will not destroy memory allocations by cudaMallocAsync() and cudaMallocFromPoolAsync(). These memory allocations need to be destroyed explicitly.

If a non-primary CUcontext is current to the thread, cudaDeviceReset() will destroy only the internal CUDA RT state for that CUcontext.


Wait for compute device to finish.

Blocks until the device has completed all preceding requested tasks. cudaDeviceSynchronize() returns an error if one of the preceding tasks has failed. If the cudaDeviceScheduleBlockingSync flag was set for this device, the host thread will block until the device has finished its work.



Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceSetLimit(limit: cudaLimit, size_t value)#

Set resource limits.

Setting limit to value is a request by the application to update the current limit maintained by the device. The driver is free to modify the requested value to meet h/w requirements (this could be clamping to minimum or maximum values, rounding up to nearest element size, etc). The application can use cudaDeviceGetLimit() to find out exactly what the limit has been set to.

Setting each cudaLimit has its own specific restrictions, so each is discussed here.

  • cudaLimitStackSize controls the stack size in bytes of each GPU thread.

  • cudaLimitPrintfFifoSize controls the size in bytes of the shared FIFO used by the printf() device system call. Setting cudaLimitPrintfFifoSize must not be performed after launching any kernel that uses the printf() device system call - in such case cudaErrorInvalidValue will be returned.

  • cudaLimitMallocHeapSize controls the size in bytes of the heap used by the malloc() and free() device system calls. Setting cudaLimitMallocHeapSize must not be performed after launching any kernel that uses the malloc() or free() device system calls - in such case cudaErrorInvalidValue will be returned.

  • cudaLimitDevRuntimeSyncDepth controls the maximum nesting depth of a grid at which a thread can safely call cudaDeviceSynchronize(). Setting this limit must be performed before any launch of a kernel that uses the device runtime and calls cudaDeviceSynchronize() above the default sync depth, two levels of grids. Calls to cudaDeviceSynchronize() will fail with error code cudaErrorSyncDepthExceeded if the limitation is violated. This limit can be set smaller than the default or up the maximum launch depth of 24. When setting this limit, keep in mind that additional levels of sync depth require the runtime to reserve large amounts of device memory which can no longer be used for user allocations. If these reservations of device memory fail, cudaDeviceSetLimit will return cudaErrorMemoryAllocation, and the limit can be reset to a lower value. This limit is only applicable to devices of compute capability < 9.0. Attempting to set this limit on devices of other compute capability will results in error cudaErrorUnsupportedLimit being returned.

  • cudaLimitDevRuntimePendingLaunchCount controls the maximum number of outstanding device runtime launches that can be made from the current device. A grid is outstanding from the point of launch up until the grid is known to have been completed. Device runtime launches which violate this limitation fail and return cudaErrorLaunchPendingCountExceeded when cudaGetLastError() is called after launch. If more pending launches than the default (2048 launches) are needed for a module using the device runtime, this limit can be increased. Keep in mind that being able to sustain additional pending launches will require the runtime to reserve larger amounts of device memory upfront which can no longer be used for allocations. If these reservations fail, cudaDeviceSetLimit will return cudaErrorMemoryAllocation, and the limit can be reset to a lower value. This limit is only applicable to devices of compute capability 3.5 and higher. Attempting to set this limit on devices of compute capability less than 3.5 will result in the error cudaErrorUnsupportedLimit being returned.

  • cudaLimitMaxL2FetchGranularity controls the L2 cache fetch granularity. Values can range from 0B to 128B. This is purely a performance hint and it can be ignored or clamped depending on the platform.

  • cudaLimitPersistingL2CacheSize controls size in bytes available for persisting L2 cache. This is purely a performance hint and it can be ignored or clamped depending on the platform.

  • limit (cudaLimit) – Limit to set

  • value (size_t) – Size of limit


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorUnsupportedLimit, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGetLimit(limit: cudaLimit)#

Return resource limits.

Returns in *pValue the current size of limit. The following cudaLimit values are supported.


limit (cudaLimit) – Limit to query


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth(cudaChannelFormatDesc fmtDesc: Optional[cudaChannelFormatDesc], int device)#

Returns the maximum number of elements allocatable in a 1D linear texture for a given element size.

Returns in maxWidthInElements the maximum number of elements allocatable in a 1D linear texture for given format descriptor fmtDesc.



Returns the preferred cache configuration for the current device.

On devices where the L1 cache and shared memory use the same hardware resources, this returns through pCacheConfig the preferred cache configuration for the current device. This is only a preference. The runtime will use the requested configuration if possible, but it is free to choose a different configuration if required to execute functions.

This will return a pCacheConfig of cudaFuncCachePreferNone on devices where the size of the L1 cache and shared memory are fixed.

The supported cache configurations are:


See also

cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig, cudaFuncSetCacheConfig (C API), cudaFuncSetCacheConfig (C++ API), cuCtxGetCacheConfig


Returns numerical values that correspond to the least and greatest stream priorities.

Returns in *leastPriority and *greatestPriority the numerical values that correspond to the least and greatest stream priorities respectively. Stream priorities follow a convention where lower numbers imply greater priorities. The range of meaningful stream priorities is given by [*greatestPriority, *leastPriority]. If the user attempts to create a stream with a priority value that is outside the the meaningful range as specified by this API, the priority is automatically clamped down or up to either *leastPriority or *greatestPriority respectively. See cudaStreamCreateWithPriority for details on creating a priority stream. A NULL may be passed in for *leastPriority or *greatestPriority if the value is not desired.

This function will return ‘0’ in both *leastPriority and *greatestPriority if the current context’s device does not support stream priorities (see cudaDeviceGetAttribute).


  • cudaError_tcudaSuccess

  • leastPriority (int) – Pointer to an int in which the numerical value for least stream priority is returned

  • greatestPriority (int) – Pointer to an int in which the numerical value for greatest stream priority is returned

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig(cacheConfig: cudaFuncCache)#

Sets the preferred cache configuration for the current device.

On devices where the L1 cache and shared memory use the same hardware resources, this sets through cacheConfig the preferred cache configuration for the current device. This is only a preference. The runtime will use the requested configuration if possible, but it is free to choose a different configuration if required to execute the function. Any function preference set via cudaFuncSetCacheConfig (C API) or cudaFuncSetCacheConfig (C++ API) will be preferred over this device-wide setting. Setting the device-wide cache configuration to cudaFuncCachePreferNone will cause subsequent kernel launches to prefer to not change the cache configuration unless required to launch the kernel.

This setting does nothing on devices where the size of the L1 cache and shared memory are fixed.

Launching a kernel with a different preference than the most recent preference setting may insert a device-side synchronization point.

The supported cache configurations are:


cacheConfig (cudaFuncCache) – Requested cache configuration



Return type:


See also

cudaDeviceGetCacheConfig, cudaFuncSetCacheConfig (C API), cudaFuncSetCacheConfig (C++ API), cuCtxSetCacheConfig

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGetByPCIBusId(char *pciBusId)#

Returns a handle to a compute device.

Returns in *device a device ordinal given a PCI bus ID string.

where domain, bus, device, and function are all hexadecimal values


pciBusId (bytes) – String in one of the following forms:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGetPCIBusId(int length, int device)#

Returns a PCI Bus Id string for the device.

Returns an ASCII string identifying the device dev in the NULL- terminated string pointed to by pciBusId. length specifies the maximum length of the string that may be returned.

where domain, bus, device, and function are all hexadecimal values. pciBusId should be large enough to store 13 characters including the NULL-terminator.

  • length (int) – Maximum length of string to store in name

  • device (int) – Device to get identifier string for



Gets an interprocess handle for a previously allocated event.

Takes as input a previously allocated event. This event must have been created with the cudaEventInterprocess and cudaEventDisableTiming flags set. This opaque handle may be copied into other processes and opened with cudaIpcOpenEventHandle to allow efficient hardware synchronization between GPU work in different processes.

After the event has been been opened in the importing process, cudaEventRecord, cudaEventSynchronize, cudaStreamWaitEvent and cudaEventQuery may be used in either process. Performing operations on the imported event after the exported event has been freed with cudaEventDestroy will result in undefined behavior.

IPC functionality is restricted to devices with support for unified addressing on Linux and Windows operating systems. IPC functionality on Windows is supported for compatibility purposes but not recommended as it comes with performance cost. Users can test their device for IPC functionality by calling cudaDeviceGetAttribute with cudaDevAttrIpcEventSupport


event (CUevent or cudaEvent_t) – Event allocated with cudaEventInterprocess and cudaEventDisableTiming flags.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaIpcOpenEventHandle(cudaIpcEventHandle_t handle: cudaIpcEventHandle_t)#

Opens an interprocess event handle for use in the current process.

Opens an interprocess event handle exported from another process with cudaIpcGetEventHandle. This function returns a cudaEvent_t that behaves like a locally created event with the cudaEventDisableTiming flag specified. This event must be freed with cudaEventDestroy.

Performing operations on the imported event after the exported event has been freed with cudaEventDestroy will result in undefined behavior.

IPC functionality is restricted to devices with support for unified addressing on Linux and Windows operating systems. IPC functionality on Windows is supported for compatibility purposes but not recommended as it comes with performance cost. Users can test their device for IPC functionality by calling cudaDeviceGetAttribute with cudaDevAttrIpcEventSupport


handle (cudaIpcEventHandle_t) – Interprocess handle to open



Gets an interprocess memory handle for an existing device memory allocation.

Takes a pointer to the base of an existing device memory allocation created with cudaMalloc and exports it for use in another process. This is a lightweight operation and may be called multiple times on an allocation without adverse effects.

If a region of memory is freed with cudaFree and a subsequent call to cudaMalloc returns memory with the same device address, cudaIpcGetMemHandle will return a unique handle for the new memory.

IPC functionality is restricted to devices with support for unified addressing on Linux and Windows operating systems. IPC functionality on Windows is supported for compatibility purposes but not recommended as it comes with performance cost. Users can test their device for IPC functionality by calling cudaDeviceGetAttribute with cudaDevAttrIpcEventSupport


devPtr (Any) – Base pointer to previously allocated device memory


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaIpcOpenMemHandle(cudaIpcMemHandle_t handle: cudaIpcMemHandle_t, unsigned int flags)#

Opens an interprocess memory handle exported from another process and returns a device pointer usable in the local process.

Maps memory exported from another process with cudaIpcGetMemHandle into the current device address space. For contexts on different devices cudaIpcOpenMemHandle can attempt to enable peer access between the devices as if the user called cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess. This behavior is controlled by the cudaIpcMemLazyEnablePeerAccess flag. cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer can determine if a mapping is possible.

cudaIpcOpenMemHandle can open handles to devices that may not be visible in the process calling the API.

Contexts that may open cudaIpcMemHandles are restricted in the following way. cudaIpcMemHandles from each device in a given process may only be opened by one context per device per other process.

If the memory handle has already been opened by the current context, the reference count on the handle is incremented by 1 and the existing device pointer is returned.

Memory returned from cudaIpcOpenMemHandle must be freed with cudaIpcCloseMemHandle.

Calling cudaFree on an exported memory region before calling cudaIpcCloseMemHandle in the importing context will result in undefined behavior.

IPC functionality is restricted to devices with support for unified addressing on Linux and Windows operating systems. IPC functionality on Windows is supported for compatibility purposes but not recommended as it comes with performance cost. Users can test their device for IPC functionality by calling cudaDeviceGetAttribute with cudaDevAttrIpcEventSupport



No guarantees are made about the address returned in *devPtr.

In particular, multiple processes may not receive the same address for the same handle.


Attempts to close memory mapped with cudaIpcOpenMemHandle.

Decrements the reference count of the memory returnd by cudaIpcOpenMemHandle by 1. When the reference count reaches 0, this API unmaps the memory. The original allocation in the exporting process as well as imported mappings in other processes will be unaffected.

Any resources used to enable peer access will be freed if this is the last mapping using them.

IPC functionality is restricted to devices with support for unified addressing on Linux and Windows operating systems. IPC functionality on Windows is supported for compatibility purposes but not recommended as it comes with performance cost. Users can test their device for IPC functionality by calling cudaDeviceGetAttribute with cudaDevAttrIpcEventSupport


devPtr (Any) – Device pointer returned by cudaIpcOpenMemHandle


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMapBufferObjectFailed, cudaErrorNotSupported, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites(target: cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesTarget, scope: cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesScope)#

Blocks until remote writes are visible to the specified scope.

Blocks until remote writes to the target context via mappings created through GPUDirect RDMA APIs, like nvidia_p2p_get_pages (see for more information), are visible to the specified scope.

If the scope equals or lies within the scope indicated by cudaDevAttrGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrdering, the call will be a no-op and can be safely omitted for performance. This can be determined by comparing the numerical values between the two enums, with smaller scopes having smaller values.

Users may query support for this API via cudaDevAttrGPUDirectRDMAFlushWritesOptions.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorNotSupported,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceRegisterAsyncNotification(int device, callbackFunc, userData)#

Registers a callback function to receive async notifications.

Registers callbackFunc to receive async notifications.

The userData parameter is passed to the callback function at async notification time. Likewise, callback is also passed to the callback function to distinguish between multiple registered callbacks.

The callback function being registered should be designed to return quickly (~10ms). Any long running tasks should be queued for execution on an application thread.

Callbacks may not call cudaDeviceRegisterAsyncNotification or cudaDeviceUnregisterAsyncNotification. Doing so will result in cudaErrorNotPermitted. Async notification callbacks execute in an undefined order and may be serialized.

Returns in *callback a handle representing the registered callback instance.

  • device (int) – The device on which to register the callback

  • callbackFunc (cudaAsyncCallback) – The function to register as a callback

  • userData (Any) – A generic pointer to user data. This is passed into the callback function.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceUnregisterAsyncNotification(int device, callback)#

Unregisters an async notification callback.

Unregisters callback so that the corresponding callback function will stop receiving async notifications.

  • device (int) – The device from which to remove callback.

  • callback (cudaAsyncCallbackHandle_t) – The callback instance to unregister from receiving async notifications.


cudaSuccess cudaErrorNotSupported cudaErrorInvalidDevice cudaErrorInvalidValue cudaErrorNotPermitted cudaErrorUnknown

Return type:



Returns the number of compute-capable devices.

Returns in *count the number of devices with compute capability greater or equal to 2.0 that are available for execution.


  • cudaError_tcudaSuccess

  • count (int) – Returns the number of devices with compute capability greater or equal to 2.0

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGetDeviceProperties(int device)#

Returns information about the compute-device.

Returns in *prop the properties of device dev. The cudaDeviceProp structure is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example


  • name[256] is an ASCII string identifying the device.

  • uuid is a 16-byte unique identifier.

  • totalGlobalMem is the total amount of global memory available on the device in bytes.

  • sharedMemPerBlock is the maximum amount of shared memory available to a thread block in bytes.

  • regsPerBlock is the maximum number of 32-bit registers available to a thread block.

  • warpSize is the warp size in threads.

  • memPitch is the maximum pitch in bytes allowed by the memory copy functions that involve memory regions allocated through cudaMallocPitch().

  • maxThreadsPerBlock is the maximum number of threads per block.

  • maxThreadsDim[3] contains the maximum size of each dimension of a block.

  • maxGridSize[3] contains the maximum size of each dimension of a grid.

  • clockRate is the clock frequency in kilohertz.

  • totalConstMem is the total amount of constant memory available on the device in bytes.

  • major, minor are the major and minor revision numbers defining the device’s compute capability.

  • textureAlignment is the alignment requirement; texture base addresses that are aligned to textureAlignment bytes do not need an offset applied to texture fetches.

  • texturePitchAlignment is the pitch alignment requirement for 2D texture references that are bound to pitched memory.

  • deviceOverlap is 1 if the device can concurrently copy memory between host and device while executing a kernel, or 0 if not. Deprecated, use instead asyncEngineCount.

  • multiProcessorCount is the number of multiprocessors on the device.

  • kernelExecTimeoutEnabled is 1 if there is a run time limit for kernels executed on the device, or 0 if not.

  • integrated is 1 if the device is an integrated (motherboard) GPU and 0 if it is a discrete (card) component.

  • canMapHostMemory is 1 if the device can map host memory into the CUDA address space for use with cudaHostAlloc()/cudaHostGetDevicePointer(), or 0 if not.

  • computeMode is the compute mode that the device is currently in. Available modes are as follows:

    • cudaComputeModeDefault: Default mode - Device is not restricted and multiple threads can use cudaSetDevice() with this device.

    • cudaComputeModeProhibited: Compute-prohibited mode - No threads can use cudaSetDevice() with this device.

    • cudaComputeModeExclusiveProcess: Compute-exclusive-process mode - Many threads in one process will be able to use cudaSetDevice() with this device. When an occupied exclusive mode device is chosen with cudaSetDevice, all subsequent non-device management runtime functions will return cudaErrorDevicesUnavailable.

  • maxTexture1D is the maximum 1D texture size.

  • maxTexture1DMipmap is the maximum 1D mipmapped texture texture size.

  • maxTexture1DLinear is the maximum 1D texture size for textures bound to linear memory.

  • maxTexture2D[2] contains the maximum 2D texture dimensions.

  • maxTexture2DMipmap[2] contains the maximum 2D mipmapped texture dimensions.

  • maxTexture2DLinear[3] contains the maximum 2D texture dimensions for 2D textures bound to pitch linear memory.

  • maxTexture2DGather[2] contains the maximum 2D texture dimensions if texture gather operations have to be performed.

  • maxTexture3D[3] contains the maximum 3D texture dimensions.

  • maxTexture3DAlt[3] contains the maximum alternate 3D texture dimensions.

  • maxTextureCubemap is the maximum cubemap texture width or height.

  • maxTexture1DLayered[2] contains the maximum 1D layered texture dimensions.

  • maxTexture2DLayered[3] contains the maximum 2D layered texture dimensions.

  • maxTextureCubemapLayered[2] contains the maximum cubemap layered texture dimensions.

  • maxSurface1D is the maximum 1D surface size.

  • maxSurface2D[2] contains the maximum 2D surface dimensions.

  • maxSurface3D[3] contains the maximum 3D surface dimensions.

  • maxSurface1DLayered[2] contains the maximum 1D layered surface dimensions.

  • maxSurface2DLayered[3] contains the maximum 2D layered surface dimensions.

  • maxSurfaceCubemap is the maximum cubemap surface width or height.

  • maxSurfaceCubemapLayered[2] contains the maximum cubemap layered surface dimensions.

  • surfaceAlignment specifies the alignment requirements for surfaces.

  • concurrentKernels is 1 if the device supports executing multiple kernels within the same context simultaneously, or 0 if not. It is not guaranteed that multiple kernels will be resident on the device concurrently so this feature should not be relied upon for correctness.

  • ECCEnabled is 1 if the device has ECC support turned on, or 0 if not.

  • pciBusID is the PCI bus identifier of the device.

  • pciDeviceID is the PCI device (sometimes called slot) identifier of the device.

  • pciDomainID is the PCI domain identifier of the device.

  • tccDriver is 1 if the device is using a TCC driver or 0 if not.

  • asyncEngineCount is 1 when the device can concurrently copy memory between host and device while executing a kernel. It is 2 when the device can concurrently copy memory between host and device in both directions and execute a kernel at the same time. It is 0 if neither of these is supported.

  • unifiedAddressing is 1 if the device shares a unified address space with the host and 0 otherwise.

  • memoryClockRate is the peak memory clock frequency in kilohertz.

  • memoryBusWidth is the memory bus width in bits.

  • l2CacheSize is L2 cache size in bytes.

  • persistingL2CacheMaxSize is L2 cache’s maximum persisting lines size in bytes.

  • maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor is the number of maximum resident threads per multiprocessor.

  • streamPrioritiesSupported is 1 if the device supports stream priorities, or 0 if it is not supported.

  • globalL1CacheSupported is 1 if the device supports caching of globals in L1 cache, or 0 if it is not supported.

  • localL1CacheSupported is 1 if the device supports caching of locals in L1 cache, or 0 if it is not supported.

  • sharedMemPerMultiprocessor is the maximum amount of shared memory available to a multiprocessor in bytes; this amount is shared by all thread blocks simultaneously resident on a multiprocessor.

  • regsPerMultiprocessor is the maximum number of 32-bit registers available to a multiprocessor; this number is shared by all thread blocks simultaneously resident on a multiprocessor.

  • managedMemory is 1 if the device supports allocating managed memory on this system, or 0 if it is not supported.

  • isMultiGpuBoard is 1 if the device is on a multi-GPU board (e.g. Gemini cards), and 0 if not;

  • multiGpuBoardGroupID is a unique identifier for a group of devices associated with the same board. Devices on the same multi- GPU board will share the same identifier.

  • hostNativeAtomicSupported is 1 if the link between the device and the host supports native atomic operations, or 0 if it is not supported.

  • singleToDoublePrecisionPerfRatio is the ratio of single precision performance (in floating-point operations per second) to double precision performance.

  • pageableMemoryAccess is 1 if the device supports coherently accessing pageable memory without calling cudaHostRegister on it, and 0 otherwise.

  • concurrentManagedAccess is 1 if the device can coherently access managed memory concurrently with the CPU, and 0 otherwise.

  • computePreemptionSupported is 1 if the device supports Compute Preemption, and 0 otherwise.

  • canUseHostPointerForRegisteredMem is 1 if the device can access host registered memory at the same virtual address as the CPU, and 0 otherwise.

  • cooperativeLaunch is 1 if the device supports launching cooperative kernels via cudaLaunchCooperativeKernel, and 0 otherwise.

  • cooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch is 1 if the device supports launching cooperative kernels via cudaLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice, and 0 otherwise.

  • sharedMemPerBlockOptin is the per device maximum shared memory per block usable by special opt in

  • pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables is 1 if the device accesses pageable memory via the host’s page tables, and 0 otherwise.

  • directManagedMemAccessFromHost is 1 if the host can directly access managed memory on the device without migration, and 0 otherwise.

  • maxBlocksPerMultiProcessor is the maximum number of thread blocks that can reside on a multiprocessor.

  • accessPolicyMaxWindowSize is the maximum value of num_bytes.

  • reservedSharedMemPerBlock is the shared memory reserved by CUDA driver per block in bytes

  • hostRegisterSupported is 1 if the device supports host memory registration via cudaHostRegister, and 0 otherwise.

  • sparseCudaArraySupported is 1 if the device supports sparse CUDA arrays and sparse CUDA mipmapped arrays, 0 otherwise

  • hostRegisterReadOnlySupported is 1 if the device supports using the cudaHostRegister flag cudaHostRegisterReadOnly to register memory that must be mapped as read-only to the GPU

  • timelineSemaphoreInteropSupported is 1 if external timeline semaphore interop is supported on the device, 0 otherwise

  • memoryPoolsSupported is 1 if the device supports using the cudaMallocAsync and cudaMemPool family of APIs, 0 otherwise

  • gpuDirectRDMASupported is 1 if the device supports GPUDirect RDMA APIs, 0 otherwise

  • gpuDirectRDMAFlushWritesOptions is a bitmask to be interpreted according to the cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesOptions enum

  • gpuDirectRDMAWritesOrdering See the cudaGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrdering enum for numerical values

  • memoryPoolSupportedHandleTypes is a bitmask of handle types supported with mempool-based IPC

  • deferredMappingCudaArraySupported is 1 if the device supports deferred mapping CUDA arrays and CUDA mipmapped arrays

  • ipcEventSupported is 1 if the device supports IPC Events, and 0 otherwise

  • unifiedFunctionPointers is 1 if the device support unified pointers, and 0 otherwise


device (int) – Device number to get properties for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGetAttribute(attr: cudaDeviceAttr, int device)#

Returns information about the device.

Returns in *value the integer value of the attribute attr on device device. The supported attributes are:

  • attr (cudaDeviceAttr) – Device attribute to query

  • device (int) – Device number to query


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGetDefaultMemPool(int device)#

Returns the default mempool of a device.

The default mempool of a device contains device memory from that device.


device (int) – None


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceSetMemPool(int device, memPool)#

Sets the current memory pool of a device.

The memory pool must be local to the specified device. Unless a mempool is specified in the cudaMallocAsync call, cudaMallocAsync allocates from the current mempool of the provided stream’s device. By default, a device’s current memory pool is its default memory pool.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue cudaErrorInvalidDevice cudaErrorNotSupported

Return type:



Use cudaMallocFromPoolAsync to specify asynchronous allocations from a device different than the one the stream runs on.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGetMemPool(int device)#

Gets the current mempool for a device.

Returns the last pool provided to cudaDeviceSetMemPool for this device or the device’s default memory pool if cudaDeviceSetMemPool has never been called. By default the current mempool is the default mempool for a device, otherwise the returned pool must have been set with cuDeviceSetMemPool or cudaDeviceSetMemPool.


device (int) – None


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes(nvSciSyncAttrList, int device, int flags)#

Return NvSciSync attributes that this device can support.

Returns in nvSciSyncAttrList, the properties of NvSciSync that this CUDA device, dev can support. The returned nvSciSyncAttrList can be used to create an NvSciSync that matches this device’s capabilities.

If NvSciSyncAttrKey_RequiredPerm field in nvSciSyncAttrList is already set this API will return cudaErrorInvalidValue.

The applications should set nvSciSyncAttrList to a valid NvSciSyncAttrList failing which this API will return cudaErrorInvalidHandle.

The flags controls how applications intends to use the NvSciSync created from the nvSciSyncAttrList. The valid flags are:

At least one of these flags must be set, failing which the API returns cudaErrorInvalidValue. Both the flags are orthogonal to one another: a developer may set both these flags that allows to set both wait and signal specific attributes in the same nvSciSyncAttrList.

Note that this API updates the input nvSciSyncAttrList with values equivalent to the following public attribute key-values: NvSciSyncAttrKey_RequiredPerm is set to

  • NvSciSyncAccessPerm_SignalOnly if cudaNvSciSyncAttrSignal is set in flags.

  • NvSciSyncAccessPerm_WaitOnly if cudaNvSciSyncAttrWait is set in flags.

  • NvSciSyncAccessPerm_WaitSignal if both cudaNvSciSyncAttrWait and cudaNvSciSyncAttrSignal are set in flags. NvSciSyncAttrKey_PrimitiveInfo is set to

  • NvSciSyncAttrValPrimitiveType_SysmemSemaphore on any valid device.

  • NvSciSyncAttrValPrimitiveType_Syncpoint if device is a Tegra device.

  • NvSciSyncAttrValPrimitiveType_SysmemSemaphorePayload64b if device is GA10X+. NvSciSyncAttrKey_GpuId is set to the same UUID that is returned in None from cudaDeviceGetProperties for this device.

cudaSuccess, cudaErrorDeviceUninitialized, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidHandle, cudaErrorInvalidDevice, cudaErrorNotSupported, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

  • nvSciSyncAttrList (Any) – Return NvSciSync attributes supported.

  • device (int) – Valid Cuda Device to get NvSciSync attributes for.

  • flags (int) – flags describing NvSciSync usage.

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGetP2PAttribute(attr: cudaDeviceP2PAttr, int srcDevice, int dstDevice)#

Queries attributes of the link between two devices.

Returns in *value the value of the requested attribute attrib of the link between srcDevice and dstDevice. The supported attributes are:

Returns cudaErrorInvalidDevice if srcDevice or dstDevice are not valid or if they represent the same device.

Returns cudaErrorInvalidValue if attrib is not valid or if value is a null pointer.

  • attrib (cudaDeviceP2PAttr) – The requested attribute of the link between srcDevice and dstDevice.

  • srcDevice (int) – The source device of the target link.

  • dstDevice (int) – The destination device of the target link.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaChooseDevice(cudaDeviceProp prop: Optional[cudaDeviceProp])#

Select compute-device which best matches criteria.

Returns in *device the device which has properties that best match *prop.


prop (cudaDeviceProp) – Desired device properties


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaInitDevice(int device, unsigned int deviceFlags, unsigned int flags)#

Initialize device to be used for GPU executions.

This function will initialize the CUDA Runtime structures and primary context on device when called, but the context will not be made current to device.

When cudaInitDeviceFlagsAreValid is set in flags, deviceFlags are applied to the requested device. The values of deviceFlags match those of the flags parameters in cudaSetDeviceFlags. The effect may be verified by cudaGetDeviceFlags.

This function will return an error if the device is in cudaComputeModeExclusiveProcess and is occupied by another process or if the device is in cudaComputeModeProhibited.

  • device (int) – Device on which the runtime will initialize itself.

  • deviceFlags (unsigned int) – Parameters for device operation.

  • flags (unsigned int) – Flags for controlling the device initialization.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidDevice,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaSetDevice(int device)#

Set device to be used for GPU executions.

Sets device as the current device for the calling host thread. Valid device id’s are 0 to (cudaGetDeviceCount() - 1).

Any device memory subsequently allocated from this host thread using cudaMalloc(), cudaMallocPitch() or cudaMallocArray() will be physically resident on device. Any host memory allocated from this host thread using cudaMallocHost() or cudaHostAlloc() or cudaHostRegister() will have its lifetime associated with device. Any streams or events created from this host thread will be associated with device. Any kernels launched from this host thread using the <<<>>> operator or cudaLaunchKernel() will be executed on device.

This call may be made from any host thread, to any device, and at any time. This function will do no synchronization with the previous or new device, and should only take significant time when it initializes the runtime’s context state. This call will bind the primary context of the specified device to the calling thread and all the subsequent memory allocations, stream and event creations, and kernel launches will be associated with the primary context. This function will also immediately initialize the runtime state on the primary context, and the context will be current on device immediately. This function will return an error if the device is in cudaComputeModeExclusiveProcess and is occupied by another process or if the device is in cudaComputeModeProhibited.

It is not required to call cudaInitDevice before using this function.


device (int) – Device on which the active host thread should execute the device code.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidDevice, cudaErrorDeviceUnavailable,

Return type:



Returns which device is currently being used.

Returns in *device the current device for the calling host thread.


  • cudaError_tcudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorDeviceUnavailable,

  • device (int) – Returns the device on which the active host thread executes the device code.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaSetDeviceFlags(unsigned int flags)#

Sets flags to be used for device executions.

Records flags as the flags for the current device. If the current device has been set and that device has already been initialized, the previous flags are overwritten. If the current device has not been initialized, it is initialized with the provided flags. If no device has been made current to the calling thread, a default device is selected and initialized with the provided flags.

The three LSBs of the flags parameter can be used to control how the CPU thread interacts with the OS scheduler when waiting for results from the device.

  • cudaDeviceScheduleAuto: The default value if the flags parameter is zero, uses a heuristic based on the number of active CUDA contexts in the process C and the number of logical processors in the system P. If C > P, then CUDA will yield to other OS threads when waiting for the device, otherwise CUDA will not yield while waiting for results and actively spin on the processor. Additionally, on Tegra devices, cudaDeviceScheduleAuto uses a heuristic based on the power profile of the platform and may choose cudaDeviceScheduleBlockingSync for low-powered devices.

  • cudaDeviceScheduleSpin: Instruct CUDA to actively spin when waiting for results from the device. This can decrease latency when waiting for the device, but may lower the performance of CPU threads if they are performing work in parallel with the CUDA thread.

  • cudaDeviceScheduleYield: Instruct CUDA to yield its thread when waiting for results from the device. This can increase latency when waiting for the device, but can increase the performance of CPU threads performing work in parallel with the device.

  • cudaDeviceScheduleBlockingSync: Instruct CUDA to block the CPU thread on a synchronization primitive when waiting for the device to finish work.

  • cudaDeviceBlockingSync: Instruct CUDA to block the CPU thread on a synchronization primitive when waiting for the device to finish work. Deprecated: This flag was deprecated as of CUDA 4.0 and replaced with cudaDeviceScheduleBlockingSync.

  • cudaDeviceMapHost: This flag enables allocating pinned host memory that is accessible to the device. It is implicit for the runtime but may be absent if a context is created using the driver API. If this flag is not set, cudaHostGetDevicePointer() will always return a failure code.

  • cudaDeviceLmemResizeToMax: Instruct CUDA to not reduce local memory after resizing local memory for a kernel. This can prevent thrashing by local memory allocations when launching many kernels with high local memory usage at the cost of potentially increased memory usage. Deprecated: This flag is deprecated and the behavior enabled by this flag is now the default and cannot be disabled.

  • cudaDeviceSyncMemops: Ensures that synchronous memory operations initiated on this context will always synchronize. See further documentation in the section titled “API Synchronization behavior” to learn more about cases when synchronous memory operations can exhibit asynchronous behavior.


flags (unsigned int) – Parameters for device operation


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Gets the flags for the current device.

Returns in flags the flags for the current device. If there is a current device for the calling thread, the flags for the device are returned. If there is no current device, the flags for the first device are returned, which may be the default flags. Compare to the behavior of cudaSetDeviceFlags.

Typically, the flags returned should match the behavior that will be seen if the calling thread uses a device after this call, without any change to the flags or current device inbetween by this or another thread. Note that if the device is not initialized, it is possible for another thread to change the flags for the current device before it is initialized. Additionally, when using exclusive mode, if this thread has not requested a specific device, it may use a device other than the first device, contrary to the assumption made by this function.

If a context has been created via the driver API and is current to the calling thread, the flags for that context are always returned.

Flags returned by this function may specifically include cudaDeviceMapHost even though it is not accepted by cudaSetDeviceFlags because it is implicit in runtime API flags. The reason for this is that the current context may have been created via the driver API in which case the flag is not implicit and may be unset.


Error Handling#

This section describes the error handling functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.


Returns the last error from a runtime call.

Returns the last error that has been produced by any of the runtime calls in the same instance of the CUDA Runtime library in the host thread and resets it to cudaSuccess.

Note: Multiple instances of the CUDA Runtime library can be present in an application when using a library that statically links the CUDA Runtime.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMissingConfiguration, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation, cudaErrorInitializationError, cudaErrorLaunchFailure, cudaErrorLaunchTimeout, cudaErrorLaunchOutOfResources, cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction, cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration, cudaErrorInvalidDevice, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidSymbol, cudaErrorUnmapBufferObjectFailed, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer, cudaErrorInvalidTexture, cudaErrorInvalidTextureBinding, cudaErrorInvalidChannelDescriptor, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection, cudaErrorInvalidFilterSetting, cudaErrorInvalidNormSetting, cudaErrorUnknown, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorInsufficientDriver, cudaErrorNoDevice, cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess, cudaErrorStartupFailure, cudaErrorInvalidPtx, cudaErrorUnsupportedPtxVersion, cudaErrorNoKernelImageForDevice, cudaErrorJitCompilerNotFound, cudaErrorJitCompilationDisabled

Return type:



Returns the last error from a runtime call.

Returns the last error that has been produced by any of the runtime calls in the same instance of the CUDA Runtime library in the host thread. This call does not reset the error to cudaSuccess like cudaGetLastError().

Note: Multiple instances of the CUDA Runtime library can be present in an application when using a library that statically links the CUDA Runtime.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorMissingConfiguration, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation, cudaErrorInitializationError, cudaErrorLaunchFailure, cudaErrorLaunchTimeout, cudaErrorLaunchOutOfResources, cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction, cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration, cudaErrorInvalidDevice, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidSymbol, cudaErrorUnmapBufferObjectFailed, cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer, cudaErrorInvalidTexture, cudaErrorInvalidTextureBinding, cudaErrorInvalidChannelDescriptor, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection, cudaErrorInvalidFilterSetting, cudaErrorInvalidNormSetting, cudaErrorUnknown, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorInsufficientDriver, cudaErrorNoDevice, cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess, cudaErrorStartupFailure, cudaErrorInvalidPtx, cudaErrorUnsupportedPtxVersion, cudaErrorNoKernelImageForDevice, cudaErrorJitCompilerNotFound, cudaErrorJitCompilationDisabled

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGetErrorName(error: cudaError_t)#

Returns the string representation of an error code enum name.

Returns a string containing the name of an error code in the enum. If the error code is not recognized, “unrecognized error code” is returned.


error (cudaError_t) – Error code to convert to string


  • cudaError_t.cudaSuccess – cudaError_t.cudaSuccess

  • byteschar* pointer to a NULL-terminated string

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGetErrorString(error: cudaError_t)#

Returns the description string for an error code.

Returns the description string for an error code. If the error code is not recognized, “unrecognized error code” is returned.


error (cudaError_t) – Error code to convert to string


  • cudaError_t.cudaSuccess – cudaError_t.cudaSuccess

  • byteschar* pointer to a NULL-terminated string

Stream Management#

This section describes the stream management functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamCallback_t(*args, **kwargs)#

Get memory address of class instance


Create an asynchronous stream.

Creates a new asynchronous stream on the context that is current to the calling host thread. If no context is current to the calling host thread, then the primary context for a device is selected, made current to the calling thread, and initialized before creating a stream on it.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(unsigned int flags)#

Create an asynchronous stream.

Creates a new asynchronous stream on the context that is current to the calling host thread. If no context is current to the calling host thread, then the primary context for a device is selected, made current to the calling thread, and initialized before creating a stream on it. The flags argument determines the behaviors of the stream. Valid values for flags are

  • cudaStreamDefault: Default stream creation flag.

  • cudaStreamNonBlocking: Specifies that work running in the created stream may run concurrently with work in stream 0 (the NULL stream), and that the created stream should perform no implicit synchronization with stream 0.


flags (unsigned int) – Parameters for stream creation


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(unsigned int flags, int priority)#

Create an asynchronous stream with the specified priority.

Creates a stream with the specified priority and returns a handle in pStream. The stream is created on the context that is current to the calling host thread. If no context is current to the calling host thread, then the primary context for a device is selected, made current to the calling thread, and initialized before creating a stream on it. This affects the scheduling priority of work in the stream. Priorities provide a hint to preferentially run work with higher priority when possible, but do not preempt already-running work or provide any other functional guarantee on execution order.

priority follows a convention where lower numbers represent higher priorities. ‘0’ represents default priority. The range of meaningful numerical priorities can be queried using cudaDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange. If the specified priority is outside the numerical range returned by cudaDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange, it will automatically be clamped to the lowest or the highest number in the range.

  • flags (unsigned int) – Flags for stream creation. See cudaStreamCreateWithFlags for a list of valid flags that can be passed

  • priority (int) – Priority of the stream. Lower numbers represent higher priorities. See cudaDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange for more information about the meaningful stream priorities that can be passed.



Stream priorities are supported only on GPUs with compute capability 3.5 or higher.

In the current implementation, only compute kernels launched in priority streams are affected by the stream’s priority. Stream priorities have no effect on host-to-device and device-to-host memory operations.


Query the priority of a stream.

Query the priority of a stream. The priority is returned in in priority. Note that if the stream was created with a priority outside the meaningful numerical range returned by cudaDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange, this function returns the clamped priority. See cudaStreamCreateWithPriority for details about priority clamping.


hStream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Handle to the stream to be queried



Query the flags of a stream.

Query the flags of a stream. The flags are returned in flags. See cudaStreamCreateWithFlags for a list of valid flags.


hStream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Handle to the stream to be queried



Query the Id of a stream.

Query the Id of a stream. The Id is returned in streamId. The Id is unique for the life of the program.

The stream handle hStream can refer to any of the following:


hStream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Handle to the stream to be queried



Resets all persisting lines in cache to normal status.

Resets all persisting lines in cache to normal status. Takes effect on function return.



Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamCopyAttributes(dst, src)#

Copies attributes from source stream to destination stream.

Copies attributes from source stream src to destination stream dst. Both streams must have the same context.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorNotSupported

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamGetAttribute(hStream, attr: cudaStreamAttrID)#

Queries stream attribute.

Queries attribute attr from hStream and stores it in corresponding member of value_out.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamSetAttribute(hStream, attr: cudaStreamAttrID, cudaStreamAttrValue value: Optional[cudaStreamAttrValue])#

Sets stream attribute.

Sets attribute attr on hStream from corresponding attribute of value. The updated attribute will be applied to subsequent work submitted to the stream. It will not affect previously submitted work.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle

Return type:



Destroys and cleans up an asynchronous stream.

Destroys and cleans up the asynchronous stream specified by stream.

In case the device is still doing work in the stream stream when cudaStreamDestroy() is called, the function will return immediately and the resources associated with stream will be released automatically once the device has completed all work in stream.


stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamWaitEvent(stream, event, unsigned int flags)#

Make a compute stream wait on an event.

Makes all future work submitted to stream wait for all work captured in event. See cudaEventRecord() for details on what is captured by an event. The synchronization will be performed efficiently on the device when applicable. event may be from a different device than stream.

flags include:


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamAddCallback(stream, callback, userData, unsigned int flags)#

Add a callback to a compute stream.

Adds a callback to be called on the host after all currently enqueued items in the stream have completed. For each cudaStreamAddCallback call, a callback will be executed exactly once. The callback will block later work in the stream until it is finished.

The callback may be passed cudaSuccess or an error code. In the event of a device error, all subsequently executed callbacks will receive an appropriate cudaError_t.

Callbacks must not make any CUDA API calls. Attempting to use CUDA APIs may result in cudaErrorNotPermitted. Callbacks must not perform any synchronization that may depend on outstanding device work or other callbacks that are not mandated to run earlier. Callbacks without a mandated order (in independent streams) execute in undefined order and may be serialized.

For the purposes of Unified Memory, callback execution makes a number of guarantees:

  • The callback stream is considered idle for the duration of the callback. Thus, for example, a callback may always use memory attached to the callback stream.

  • The start of execution of a callback has the same effect as synchronizing an event recorded in the same stream immediately prior to the callback. It thus synchronizes streams which have been “joined” prior to the callback.

  • Adding device work to any stream does not have the effect of making the stream active until all preceding callbacks have executed. Thus, for example, a callback might use global attached memory even if work has been added to another stream, if it has been properly ordered with an event.

  • Completion of a callback does not cause a stream to become active except as described above. The callback stream will remain idle if no device work follows the callback, and will remain idle across consecutive callbacks without device work in between. Thus, for example, stream synchronization can be done by signaling from a callback at the end of the stream.

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream to add callback to

  • callback (cudaStreamCallback_t) – The function to call once preceding stream operations are complete

  • userData (Any) – User specified data to be passed to the callback function

  • flags (unsigned int) – Reserved for future use, must be 0


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorNotSupported

Return type:



This function is slated for eventual deprecation and removal. If you do not require the callback to execute in case of a device error, consider using cudaLaunchHostFunc. Additionally, this function is not supported with cudaStreamBeginCapture and cudaStreamEndCapture, unlike cudaLaunchHostFunc.


Waits for stream tasks to complete.

Blocks until stream has completed all operations. If the cudaDeviceScheduleBlockingSync flag was set for this device, the host thread will block until the stream is finished with all of its tasks.


stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle

Return type:



Queries an asynchronous stream for completion status.

Returns cudaSuccess if all operations in stream have completed, or cudaErrorNotReady if not.

For the purposes of Unified Memory, a return value of cudaSuccess is equivalent to having called cudaStreamSynchronize().


stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorNotReady, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamAttachMemAsync(stream, devPtr, size_t length, unsigned int flags)#

Attach memory to a stream asynchronously.

Enqueues an operation in stream to specify stream association of length bytes of memory starting from devPtr. This function is a stream-ordered operation, meaning that it is dependent on, and will only take effect when, previous work in stream has completed. Any previous association is automatically replaced.

devPtr must point to an one of the following types of memories:

  • managed memory declared using the managed keyword or allocated with cudaMallocManaged.

  • a valid host-accessible region of system-allocated pageable memory. This type of memory may only be specified if the device associated with the stream reports a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess.

For managed allocations, length must be either zero or the entire allocation’s size. Both indicate that the entire allocation’s stream association is being changed. Currently, it is not possible to change stream association for a portion of a managed allocation.

For pageable allocations, length must be non-zero.

The stream association is specified using flags which must be one of cudaMemAttachGlobal, cudaMemAttachHost or cudaMemAttachSingle. The default value for flags is cudaMemAttachSingle If the cudaMemAttachGlobal flag is specified, the memory can be accessed by any stream on any device. If the cudaMemAttachHost flag is specified, the program makes a guarantee that it won’t access the memory on the device from any stream on a device that has a zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess. If the cudaMemAttachSingle flag is specified and stream is associated with a device that has a zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess, the program makes a guarantee that it will only access the memory on the device from stream. It is illegal to attach singly to the NULL stream, because the NULL stream is a virtual global stream and not a specific stream. An error will be returned in this case.

When memory is associated with a single stream, the Unified Memory system will allow CPU access to this memory region so long as all operations in stream have completed, regardless of whether other streams are active. In effect, this constrains exclusive ownership of the managed memory region by an active GPU to per-stream activity instead of whole-GPU activity.

Accessing memory on the device from streams that are not associated with it will produce undefined results. No error checking is performed by the Unified Memory system to ensure that kernels launched into other streams do not access this region.

It is a program’s responsibility to order calls to cudaStreamAttachMemAsync via events, synchronization or other means to ensure legal access to memory at all times. Data visibility and coherency will be changed appropriately for all kernels which follow a stream-association change.

If stream is destroyed while data is associated with it, the association is removed and the association reverts to the default visibility of the allocation as specified at cudaMallocManaged. For managed variables, the default association is always cudaMemAttachGlobal. Note that destroying a stream is an asynchronous operation, and as a result, the change to default association won’t happen until all work in the stream has completed.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorNotReady, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamBeginCapture(stream, mode: cudaStreamCaptureMode)#

Begins graph capture on a stream.

Begin graph capture on stream. When a stream is in capture mode, all operations pushed into the stream will not be executed, but will instead be captured into a graph, which will be returned via cudaStreamEndCapture. Capture may not be initiated if stream is cudaStreamLegacy. Capture must be ended on the same stream in which it was initiated, and it may only be initiated if the stream is not already in capture mode. The capture mode may be queried via cudaStreamIsCapturing. A unique id representing the capture sequence may be queried via cudaStreamGetCaptureInfo.

If mode is not cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed, cudaStreamEndCapture must be called on this stream from the same thread.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Kernels captured using this API must not use texture and surface references. Reading or writing through any texture or surface reference is undefined behavior. This restriction does not apply to texture and surface objects.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamBeginCaptureToGraph(stream, graph, dependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], dependencyData: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphEdgeData] | List[cudaGraphEdgeData]], size_t numDependencies, mode: cudaStreamCaptureMode)#

Begins graph capture on a stream to an existing graph.

Begin graph capture on stream. When a stream is in capture mode, all operations pushed into the stream will not be executed, but will instead be captured into graph, which will be returned via cudaStreamEndCapture.

Capture may not be initiated if stream is cudaStreamLegacy. Capture must be ended on the same stream in which it was initiated, and it may only be initiated if the stream is not already in capture mode. The capture mode may be queried via cudaStreamIsCapturing. A unique id representing the capture sequence may be queried via cudaStreamGetCaptureInfo.

If mode is not cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed, cudaStreamEndCapture must be called on this stream from the same thread.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Kernels captured using this API must not use texture and surface references. Reading or writing through any texture or surface reference is undefined behavior. This restriction does not apply to texture and surface objects.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode(mode: cudaStreamCaptureMode)#

Swaps the stream capture interaction mode for a thread.

Sets the calling thread’s stream capture interaction mode to the value contained in *mode, and overwrites *mode with the previous mode for the thread. To facilitate deterministic behavior across function or module boundaries, callers are encouraged to use this API in a push-pop fashion:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

During stream capture (see cudaStreamBeginCapture), some actions, such as a call to cudaMalloc, may be unsafe. In the case of cudaMalloc, the operation is not enqueued asynchronously to a stream, and is not observed by stream capture. Therefore, if the sequence of operations captured via cudaStreamBeginCapture depended on the allocation being replayed whenever the graph is launched, the captured graph would be invalid.

Therefore, stream capture places restrictions on API calls that can be made within or concurrently to a cudaStreamBeginCapture-cudaStreamEndCapture sequence. This behavior can be controlled via this API and flags to cudaStreamBeginCapture.

A thread’s mode is one of the following:

  • cudaStreamCaptureModeGlobal: This is the default mode. If the local thread has an ongoing capture sequence that was not initiated with cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed at cuStreamBeginCapture, or if any other thread has a concurrent capture sequence initiated with cudaStreamCaptureModeGlobal, this thread is prohibited from potentially unsafe API calls.

  • cudaStreamCaptureModeThreadLocal: If the local thread has an ongoing capture sequence not initiated with cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed, it is prohibited from potentially unsafe API calls. Concurrent capture sequences in other threads are ignored.

  • cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed: The local thread is not prohibited from potentially unsafe API calls. Note that the thread is still prohibited from API calls which necessarily conflict with stream capture, for example, attempting cudaEventQuery on an event that was last recorded inside a capture sequence.


mode (cudaStreamCaptureMode) – Pointer to mode value to swap with the current mode



Ends capture on a stream, returning the captured graph.

End capture on stream, returning the captured graph via pGraph. Capture must have been initiated on stream via a call to cudaStreamBeginCapture. If capture was invalidated, due to a violation of the rules of stream capture, then a NULL graph will be returned.

If the mode argument to cudaStreamBeginCapture was not cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed, this call must be from the same thread as cudaStreamBeginCapture.


stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream to query



Returns a stream’s capture status.

Return the capture status of stream via pCaptureStatus. After a successful call, *pCaptureStatus will contain one of the following:

Note that, if this is called on cudaStreamLegacy (the “null stream”) while a blocking stream on the same device is capturing, it will return cudaErrorStreamCaptureImplicit and *pCaptureStatus is unspecified after the call. The blocking stream capture is not invalidated.

When a blocking stream is capturing, the legacy stream is in an unusable state until the blocking stream capture is terminated. The legacy stream is not supported for stream capture, but attempted use would have an implicit dependency on the capturing stream(s).


stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream to query



Query a stream’s capture state.

Query stream state related to stream capture.

If called on cudaStreamLegacy (the “null stream”) while a stream not created with cudaStreamNonBlocking is capturing, returns cudaErrorStreamCaptureImplicit.

Valid data (other than capture status) is returned only if both of the following are true:


stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – The stream to query


  • cudaError_tcudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorStreamCaptureImplicit

  • captureStatus_out (cudaStreamCaptureStatus) – Location to return the capture status of the stream; required

  • id_out (unsigned long long) – Optional location to return an id for the capture sequence, which is unique over the lifetime of the process

  • graph_out (cudaGraph_t) – Optional location to return the graph being captured into. All operations other than destroy and node removal are permitted on the graph while the capture sequence is in progress. This API does not transfer ownership of the graph, which is transferred or destroyed at cudaStreamEndCapture. Note that the graph handle may be invalidated before end of capture for certain errors. Nodes that are or become unreachable from the original stream at cudaStreamEndCapture due to direct actions on the graph do not trigger cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined.

  • dependencies_out (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Optional location to store a pointer to an array of nodes. The next node to be captured in the stream will depend on this set of nodes, absent operations such as event wait which modify this set. The array pointer is valid until the next API call which operates on the stream or until the capture is terminated. The node handles may be copied out and are valid until they or the graph is destroyed. The driver-owned array may also be passed directly to APIs that operate on the graph (not the stream) without copying.

  • numDependencies_out (int) – Optional location to store the size of the array returned in dependencies_out.


Query a stream’s capture state (12.3+)

Query stream state related to stream capture.

If called on cudaStreamLegacy (the “null stream”) while a stream not created with cudaStreamNonBlocking is capturing, returns cudaErrorStreamCaptureImplicit.

Valid data (other than capture status) is returned only if both of the following are true:

If edgeData_out is non-NULL then dependencies_out must be as well. If dependencies_out is non-NULL and edgeData_out is NULL, but there is non-zero edge data for one or more of the current stream dependencies, the call will return cudaErrorLossyQuery.


stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – The stream to query


  • cudaError_tcudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorStreamCaptureImplicit, cudaErrorLossyQuery

  • captureStatus_out (cudaStreamCaptureStatus) – Location to return the capture status of the stream; required

  • id_out (unsigned long long) – Optional location to return an id for the capture sequence, which is unique over the lifetime of the process

  • graph_out (cudaGraph_t) – Optional location to return the graph being captured into. All operations other than destroy and node removal are permitted on the graph while the capture sequence is in progress. This API does not transfer ownership of the graph, which is transferred or destroyed at cudaStreamEndCapture. Note that the graph handle may be invalidated before end of capture for certain errors. Nodes that are or become unreachable from the original stream at cudaStreamEndCapture due to direct actions on the graph do not trigger cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined.

  • dependencies_out (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Optional location to store a pointer to an array of nodes. The next node to be captured in the stream will depend on this set of nodes, absent operations such as event wait which modify this set. The array pointer is valid until the next API call which operates on the stream or until the capture is terminated. The node handles may be copied out and are valid until they or the graph is destroyed. The driver-owned array may also be passed directly to APIs that operate on the graph (not the stream) without copying.

  • edgeData_out (List[cudaGraphEdgeData]) – Optional location to store a pointer to an array of graph edge data. This array parallels dependencies_out; the next node to be added has an edge to dependencies_out`[i] with annotation `edgeData_out`[i] for each `i. The array pointer is valid until the next API call which operates on the stream or until the capture is terminated.

  • numDependencies_out (int) – Optional location to store the size of the array returned in dependencies_out.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamUpdateCaptureDependencies(stream, dependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, unsigned int flags)#

Update the set of dependencies in a capturing stream (11.3+)

Modifies the dependency set of a capturing stream. The dependency set is the set of nodes that the next captured node in the stream will depend on.

Valid flags are cudaStreamAddCaptureDependencies and cudaStreamSetCaptureDependencies. These control whether the set passed to the API is added to the existing set or replaces it. A flags value of 0 defaults to cudaStreamAddCaptureDependencies.

Nodes that are removed from the dependency set via this API do not result in cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined if they are unreachable from the stream at cudaStreamEndCapture.

Returns cudaErrorIllegalState if the stream is not capturing.

This API is new in CUDA 11.3. Developers requiring compatibility across minor versions of the CUDA driver to 11.0 should not use this API or provide a fallback.

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – The stream to update

  • dependencies (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – The set of dependencies to add

  • numDependencies (size_t) – The size of the dependencies array

  • flags (unsigned int) – See above


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorIllegalState

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamUpdateCaptureDependencies_v2(stream, dependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], dependencyData: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphEdgeData] | List[cudaGraphEdgeData]], size_t numDependencies, unsigned int flags)#

Update the set of dependencies in a capturing stream (12.3+)

Modifies the dependency set of a capturing stream. The dependency set is the set of nodes that the next captured node in the stream will depend on.

Valid flags are cudaStreamAddCaptureDependencies and cudaStreamSetCaptureDependencies. These control whether the set passed to the API is added to the existing set or replaces it. A flags value of 0 defaults to cudaStreamAddCaptureDependencies.

Nodes that are removed from the dependency set via this API do not result in cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined if they are unreachable from the stream at cudaStreamEndCapture.

Returns cudaErrorIllegalState if the stream is not capturing.

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – The stream to update

  • dependencies (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – The set of dependencies to add

  • dependencyData (List[cudaGraphEdgeData]) – Optional array of data associated with each dependency.

  • numDependencies (size_t) – The size of the dependencies array

  • flags (unsigned int) – See above


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorIllegalState

Return type:


Event Management#

This section describes the event management functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.


Creates an event object.

Creates an event object for the current device using cudaEventDefault.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEventCreateWithFlags(unsigned int flags)#

Creates an event object with the specified flags.

Creates an event object for the current device with the specified flags. Valid flags include:


flags (unsigned int) – Flags for new event


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEventRecord(event, stream)#

Records an event.

Captures in event the contents of stream at the time of this call. event and stream must be on the same CUDA context. Calls such as cudaEventQuery() or cudaStreamWaitEvent() will then examine or wait for completion of the work that was captured. Uses of stream after this call do not modify event. See note on default stream behavior for what is captured in the default case.

cudaEventRecord() can be called multiple times on the same event and will overwrite the previously captured state. Other APIs such as cudaStreamWaitEvent() use the most recently captured state at the time of the API call, and are not affected by later calls to cudaEventRecord(). Before the first call to cudaEventRecord(), an event represents an empty set of work, so for example cudaEventQuery() would return cudaSuccess.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorLaunchFailure

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEventRecordWithFlags(event, stream, unsigned int flags)#

Records an event.

Captures in event the contents of stream at the time of this call. event and stream must be on the same CUDA context. Calls such as cudaEventQuery() or cudaStreamWaitEvent() will then examine or wait for completion of the work that was captured. Uses of stream after this call do not modify event. See note on default stream behavior for what is captured in the default case.

cudaEventRecordWithFlags() can be called multiple times on the same event and will overwrite the previously captured state. Other APIs such as cudaStreamWaitEvent() use the most recently captured state at the time of the API call, and are not affected by later calls to cudaEventRecordWithFlags(). Before the first call to cudaEventRecordWithFlags(), an event represents an empty set of work, so for example cudaEventQuery() would return cudaSuccess.

flags include:


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorLaunchFailure

Return type:



Queries an event’s status.

Queries the status of all work currently captured by event. See cudaEventRecord() for details on what is captured by an event.

Returns cudaSuccess if all captured work has been completed, or cudaErrorNotReady if any captured work is incomplete.

For the purposes of Unified Memory, a return value of cudaSuccess is equivalent to having called cudaEventSynchronize().


event (CUevent or cudaEvent_t) – Event to query


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorNotReady, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorLaunchFailure

Return type:



Waits for an event to complete.

Waits until the completion of all work currently captured in event. See cudaEventRecord() for details on what is captured by an event.

Waiting for an event that was created with the cudaEventBlockingSync flag will cause the calling CPU thread to block until the event has been completed by the device. If the cudaEventBlockingSync flag has not been set, then the CPU thread will busy-wait until the event has been completed by the device.


event (CUevent or cudaEvent_t) – Event to wait for


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorLaunchFailure

Return type:



Destroys an event object.

Destroys the event specified by event.

An event may be destroyed before it is complete (i.e., while cudaEventQuery() would return cudaErrorNotReady). In this case, the call does not block on completion of the event, and any associated resources will automatically be released asynchronously at completion.


event (CUevent or cudaEvent_t) – Event to destroy


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorLaunchFailure

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEventElapsedTime(start, end)#

Computes the elapsed time between events.

Computes the elapsed time between two events (in milliseconds with a resolution of around 0.5 microseconds).

If either event was last recorded in a non-NULL stream, the resulting time may be greater than expected (even if both used the same stream handle). This happens because the cudaEventRecord() operation takes place asynchronously and there is no guarantee that the measured latency is actually just between the two events. Any number of other different stream operations could execute in between the two measured events, thus altering the timing in a significant way.

If cudaEventRecord() has not been called on either event, then cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle is returned. If cudaEventRecord() has been called on both events but one or both of them has not yet been completed (that is, cudaEventQuery() would return cudaErrorNotReady on at least one of the events), cudaErrorNotReady is returned. If either event was created with the cudaEventDisableTiming flag, then this function will return cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle.


External Resource Interoperability#

This section describes the external resource interoperability functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaImportExternalMemory(cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc memHandleDesc: Optional[cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc])#

Imports an external memory object.

Imports an externally allocated memory object and returns a handle to that in extMem_out.

The properties of the handle being imported must be described in memHandleDesc. The cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc structure is defined as follows:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

where type specifies the type of handle being imported. cudaExternalMemoryHandleType is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

If type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeOpaqueFd, then cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::fd must be a valid file descriptor referencing a memory object. Ownership of the file descriptor is transferred to the CUDA driver when the handle is imported successfully. Performing any operations on the file descriptor after it is imported results in undefined behavior.

If type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeOpaqueWin32, then exactly one of cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle and cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must not be NULL. If cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle is not NULL, then it must represent a valid shared NT handle that references a memory object. Ownership of this handle is not transferred to CUDA after the import operation, so the application must release the handle using the appropriate system call. If cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::name is not NULL, then it must point to a NULL-terminated array of UTF-16 characters that refers to a memory object.

If type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeOpaqueWin32Kmt, then cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle must be non-NULL and cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must be NULL. The handle specified must be a globally shared KMT handle. This handle does not hold a reference to the underlying object, and thus will be invalid when all references to the memory object are destroyed.

If type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D12Heap, then exactly one of cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle and cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must not be NULL. If cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle is not NULL, then it must represent a valid shared NT handle that is returned by ID3D12Device::CreateSharedHandle when referring to a ID3D12Heap object. This handle holds a reference to the underlying object. If cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::name is not NULL, then it must point to a NULL-terminated array of UTF-16 characters that refers to a ID3D12Heap object.

If type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D12Resource, then exactly one of cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle and cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must not be NULL. If cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle is not NULL, then it must represent a valid shared NT handle that is returned by ID3D12Device::CreateSharedHandle when referring to a ID3D12Resource object. This handle holds a reference to the underlying object. If cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::name is not NULL, then it must point to a NULL-terminated array of UTF-16 characters that refers to a ID3D12Resource object.

If type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D11Resource,then exactly one of cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle and cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must not be NULL. If cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle is not NULL, then it must represent a valid shared NT handle that is returned by IDXGIResource1::CreateSharedHandle when referring to a ID3D11Resource object. If cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::name is not NULL, then it must point to a NULL-terminated array of UTF-16 characters that refers to a ID3D11Resource object.

If type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D11ResourceKmt, then cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle must be non-NULL and cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must be NULL. The handle specified must be a valid shared KMT handle that is returned by IDXGIResource::GetSharedHandle when referring to a ID3D11Resource object.

If type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeNvSciBuf, then cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc::handle::nvSciBufObject must be NON-NULL and reference a valid NvSciBuf object. If the NvSciBuf object imported into CUDA is also mapped by other drivers, then the application must use cudaWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync or cudaSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync as approprriate barriers to maintain coherence between CUDA and the other drivers. See cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitSkipNvSciBufMemSync and cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalSkipNvSciBufMemSync for memory synchronization.

The size of the memory object must be specified in size.

Specifying the flag cudaExternalMemoryDedicated in flags indicates that the resource is a dedicated resource. The definition of what a dedicated resource is outside the scope of this extension. This flag must be set if type is one of the following: cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D12Resource cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D11Resource cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D11ResourceKmt


memHandleDesc (cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc) – Memory import handle descriptor



If the Vulkan memory imported into CUDA is mapped on the CPU then the application must use vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges/vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges as well as appropriate Vulkan pipeline barriers to maintain coherence between CPU and GPU. For more information on these APIs, please refer to “Synchronization and Cache Control” chapter from Vulkan specification.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer(extMem, cudaExternalMemoryBufferDesc bufferDesc: Optional[cudaExternalMemoryBufferDesc])#

Maps a buffer onto an imported memory object.

Maps a buffer onto an imported memory object and returns a device pointer in devPtr.

The properties of the buffer being mapped must be described in bufferDesc. The cudaExternalMemoryBufferDesc structure is defined as follows:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

where offset is the offset in the memory object where the buffer’s base address is. size is the size of the buffer. flags must be zero.

The offset and size have to be suitably aligned to match the requirements of the external API. Mapping two buffers whose ranges overlap may or may not result in the same virtual address being returned for the overlapped portion. In such cases, the application must ensure that all accesses to that region from the GPU are volatile. Otherwise writes made via one address are not guaranteed to be visible via the other address, even if they’re issued by the same thread. It is recommended that applications map the combined range instead of mapping separate buffers and then apply the appropriate offsets to the returned pointer to derive the individual buffers.

The returned pointer devPtr must be freed using cudaFree.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray(extMem, cudaExternalMemoryMipmappedArrayDesc mipmapDesc: Optional[cudaExternalMemoryMipmappedArrayDesc])#

Maps a CUDA mipmapped array onto an external memory object.

Maps a CUDA mipmapped array onto an external object and returns a handle to it in mipmap.

The properties of the CUDA mipmapped array being mapped must be described in mipmapDesc. The structure cudaExternalMemoryMipmappedArrayDesc is defined as follows:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

where offset is the offset in the memory object where the base level of the mipmap chain is. formatDesc describes the format of the data. extent specifies the dimensions of the base level of the mipmap chain. flags are flags associated with CUDA mipmapped arrays. For further details, please refer to the documentation for cudaMalloc3DArray. Note that if the mipmapped array is bound as a color target in the graphics API, then the flag cudaArrayColorAttachment must be specified in flags. numLevels specifies the total number of levels in the mipmap chain.

The returned CUDA mipmapped array must be freed using cudaFreeMipmappedArray.



If type is cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeNvSciBuf, then numLevels must not be greater than 1.


Destroys an external memory object.

Destroys the specified external memory object. Any existing buffers and CUDA mipmapped arrays mapped onto this object must no longer be used and must be explicitly freed using cudaFree and cudaFreeMipmappedArray respectively.


extMem (cudaExternalMemory_t) – External memory object to be destroyed


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaImportExternalSemaphore(cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc semHandleDesc: Optional[cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc])#

Imports an external semaphore.

Imports an externally allocated synchronization object and returns a handle to that in extSem_out.

The properties of the handle being imported must be described in semHandleDesc. The cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc is defined as follows:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

where type specifies the type of handle being imported. cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleType is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

If type is cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueFd, then cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::fd must be a valid file descriptor referencing a synchronization object. Ownership of the file descriptor is transferred to the CUDA driver when the handle is imported successfully. Performing any operations on the file descriptor after it is imported results in undefined behavior.

If type is cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueWin32, then exactly one of cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle and cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must not be NULL. If cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle is not NULL, then it must represent a valid shared NT handle that references a synchronization object. Ownership of this handle is not transferred to CUDA after the import operation, so the application must release the handle using the appropriate system call. If cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name is not NULL, then it must name a valid synchronization object.

If type is cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueWin32Kmt, then cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle must be non-NULL and cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must be NULL. The handle specified must be a globally shared KMT handle. This handle does not hold a reference to the underlying object, and thus will be invalid when all references to the synchronization object are destroyed.

If type is cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeD3D12Fence, then exactly one of cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle and cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must not be NULL. If cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle is not NULL, then it must represent a valid shared NT handle that is returned by ID3D12Device::CreateSharedHandle when referring to a ID3D12Fence object. This handle holds a reference to the underlying object. If cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name is not NULL, then it must name a valid synchronization object that refers to a valid ID3D12Fence object.

If type is cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeD3D11Fence, then exactly one of cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle and cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must not be NULL. If cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle is not NULL, then it must represent a valid shared NT handle that is returned by ID3D11Fence::CreateSharedHandle. If cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name is not NULL, then it must name a valid synchronization object that refers to a valid ID3D11Fence object.

If type is cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeNvSciSync, then cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::nvSciSyncObj represents a valid NvSciSyncObj.

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeKeyedMutex, then exactly one of cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle and cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must not be NULL. If cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle is not NULL, then it represent a valid shared NT handle that is returned by IDXGIResource1::CreateSharedHandle when referring to a IDXGIKeyedMutex object.

If type is cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeKeyedMutexKmt, then cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle must be non-NULL and cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must be NULL. The handle specified must represent a valid KMT handle that is returned by IDXGIResource::GetSharedHandle when referring to a IDXGIKeyedMutex object.

If type is cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeTimelineSemaphoreFd, then cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::fd must be a valid file descriptor referencing a synchronization object. Ownership of the file descriptor is transferred to the CUDA driver when the handle is imported successfully. Performing any operations on the file descriptor after it is imported results in undefined behavior.

If type is cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeTimelineSemaphoreWin32, then exactly one of cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle and cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name must not be NULL. If cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::handle is not NULL, then it must represent a valid shared NT handle that references a synchronization object. Ownership of this handle is not transferred to CUDA after the import operation, so the application must release the handle using the appropriate system call. If cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc::handle::win32::name is not NULL, then it must name a valid synchronization object.


semHandleDesc (cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc) – Semaphore import handle descriptor


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync(extSemArray: Optional[Tuple[cudaExternalSemaphore_t] | List[cudaExternalSemaphore_t]], paramsArray: Optional[Tuple[cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams] | List[cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams]], unsigned int numExtSems, stream)#

Signals a set of external semaphore objects.

Enqueues a signal operation on a set of externally allocated semaphore object in the specified stream. The operations will be executed when all prior operations in the stream complete.

The exact semantics of signaling a semaphore depends on the type of the object.

If the semaphore object is any one of the following types: cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueFd, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueWin32, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueWin32Kmt then signaling the semaphore will set it to the signaled state.

If the semaphore object is any one of the following types: cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeD3D12Fence, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeD3D11Fence, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeTimelineSemaphoreFd, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeTimelineSemaphoreWin32 then the semaphore will be set to the value specified in cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::params::fence::value.

If the semaphore object is of the type cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeNvSciSync this API sets cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::params::nvSciSync::fence to a value that can be used by subsequent waiters of the same NvSciSync object to order operations with those currently submitted in stream. Such an update will overwrite previous contents of cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::params::nvSciSync::fence. By default, signaling such an external semaphore object causes appropriate memory synchronization operations to be performed over all the external memory objects that are imported as cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeNvSciBuf. This ensures that any subsequent accesses made by other importers of the same set of NvSciBuf memory object(s) are coherent. These operations can be skipped by specifying the flag cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalSkipNvSciBufMemSync, which can be used as a performance optimization when data coherency is not required. But specifying this flag in scenarios where data coherency is required results in undefined behavior. Also, for semaphore object of the type cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeNvSciSync, if the NvSciSyncAttrList used to create the NvSciSyncObj had not set the flags in cudaDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes to cudaNvSciSyncAttrSignal, this API will return cudaErrorNotSupported.

cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::params::nvSciSync::fence associated with semaphore object of the type cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeNvSciSync can be deterministic. For this the NvSciSyncAttrList used to create the semaphore object must have value of NvSciSyncAttrKey_RequireDeterministicFences key set to true. Deterministic fences allow users to enqueue a wait over the semaphore object even before corresponding signal is enqueued. For such a semaphore object, CUDA guarantees that each signal operation will increment the fence value by ‘1’. Users are expected to track count of signals enqueued on the semaphore object and insert waits accordingly. When such a semaphore object is signaled from multiple streams, due to concurrent stream execution, it is possible that the order in which the semaphore gets signaled is indeterministic. This could lead to waiters of the semaphore getting unblocked incorrectly. Users are expected to handle such situations, either by not using the same semaphore object with deterministic fence support enabled in different streams or by adding explicit dependency amongst such streams so that the semaphore is signaled in order.

If the semaphore object is any one of the following types: cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeKeyedMutex, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeKeyedMutexKmt, then the keyed mutex will be released with the key specified in cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::params::keyedmutex::key.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync(extSemArray: Optional[Tuple[cudaExternalSemaphore_t] | List[cudaExternalSemaphore_t]], paramsArray: Optional[Tuple[cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitParams] | List[cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitParams]], unsigned int numExtSems, stream)#

Waits on a set of external semaphore objects.

Enqueues a wait operation on a set of externally allocated semaphore object in the specified stream. The operations will be executed when all prior operations in the stream complete.

The exact semantics of waiting on a semaphore depends on the type of the object.

If the semaphore object is any one of the following types: cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueFd, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueWin32, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueWin32Kmt then waiting on the semaphore will wait until the semaphore reaches the signaled state. The semaphore will then be reset to the unsignaled state. Therefore for every signal operation, there can only be one wait operation.

If the semaphore object is any one of the following types: cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeD3D12Fence, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeD3D11Fence, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeTimelineSemaphoreFd, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeTimelineSemaphoreWin32 then waiting on the semaphore will wait until the value of the semaphore is greater than or equal to cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitParams::params::fence::value.

If the semaphore object is of the type cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeNvSciSync then, waiting on the semaphore will wait until the cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::params::nvSciSync::fence is signaled by the signaler of the NvSciSyncObj that was associated with this semaphore object. By default, waiting on such an external semaphore object causes appropriate memory synchronization operations to be performed over all external memory objects that are imported as cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeNvSciBuf. This ensures that any subsequent accesses made by other importers of the same set of NvSciBuf memory object(s) are coherent. These operations can be skipped by specifying the flag cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitSkipNvSciBufMemSync, which can be used as a performance optimization when data coherency is not required. But specifying this flag in scenarios where data coherency is required results in undefined behavior. Also, for semaphore object of the type cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeNvSciSync, if the NvSciSyncAttrList used to create the NvSciSyncObj had not set the flags in cudaDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes to cudaNvSciSyncAttrWait, this API will return cudaErrorNotSupported.

If the semaphore object is any one of the following types: cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeKeyedMutex, cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeKeyedMutexKmt, then the keyed mutex will be acquired when it is released with the key specified in cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::params::keyedmutex::key or until the timeout specified by cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams::params::keyedmutex::timeoutMs has lapsed. The timeout interval can either be a finite value specified in milliseconds or an infinite value. In case an infinite value is specified the timeout never elapses. The windows INFINITE macro must be used to specify infinite timeout


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle cudaErrorTimeout

Return type:



Destroys an external semaphore.

Destroys an external semaphore object and releases any references to the underlying resource. Any outstanding signals or waits must have completed before the semaphore is destroyed.


extSem (cudaExternalSemaphore_t) – External semaphore to be destroyed


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle

Return type:


Execution Control#

This section describes the execution control functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.

Some functions have overloaded C++ API template versions documented separately in the C++ API Routines module.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(func, cacheConfig: cudaFuncCache)#

Sets the preferred cache configuration for a device function.

On devices where the L1 cache and shared memory use the same hardware resources, this sets through cacheConfig the preferred cache configuration for the function specified via func. This is only a preference. The runtime will use the requested configuration if possible, but it is free to choose a different configuration if required to execute func.

func is a device function symbol and must be declared as a None function. If the specified function does not exist, then cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction is returned. For templated functions, pass the function symbol as follows: func_name<template_arg_0,…,template_arg_N>

This setting does nothing on devices where the size of the L1 cache and shared memory are fixed.

Launching a kernel with a different preference than the most recent preference setting may insert a device-side synchronization point.

The supported cache configurations are:

  • func (Any) – Device function symbol

  • cacheConfig (cudaFuncCache) – Requested cache configuration


cudaSuccess, :py:obj:`~.cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction`2

Return type:


See also

cudaFuncSetCacheConfig (C++ API), cudaFuncGetAttributes (C API), cudaLaunchKernel (C API), cuFuncSetCacheConfig


Find out attributes for a given function.

This function obtains the attributes of a function specified via func. func is a device function symbol and must be declared as a None function. The fetched attributes are placed in attr. If the specified function does not exist, then cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction is returned. For templated functions, pass the function symbol as follows: func_name<template_arg_0,…,template_arg_N>

Note that some function attributes such as maxThreadsPerBlock may vary based on the device that is currently being used.


func (Any) – Device function symbol


See also

cudaFuncSetCacheConfig (C API), cudaFuncGetAttributes (C++ API), cudaLaunchKernel (C API), cuFuncGetAttribute

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaFuncSetAttribute(func, attr: cudaFuncAttribute, int value)#

Set attributes for a given function.

This function sets the attributes of a function specified via func. The parameter func must be a pointer to a function that executes on the device. The parameter specified by func must be declared as a None function. The enumeration defined by attr is set to the value defined by value. If the specified function does not exist, then cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction is returned. If the specified attribute cannot be written, or if the value is incorrect, then cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned.

Valid values for attr are:

  • cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize - The requested maximum size in bytes of dynamically-allocated shared memory. The sum of this value and the function attribute sharedSizeBytes cannot exceed the device attribute cudaDevAttrMaxSharedMemoryPerBlockOptin. The maximal size of requestable dynamic shared memory may differ by GPU architecture.

  • cudaFuncAttributePreferredSharedMemoryCarveout - On devices where the L1 cache and shared memory use the same hardware resources, this sets the shared memory carveout preference, in percent of the total shared memory. See cudaDevAttrMaxSharedMemoryPerMultiprocessor. This is only a hint, and the driver can choose a different ratio if required to execute the function.

  • cudaFuncAttributeRequiredClusterWidth: The required cluster width in blocks. The width, height, and depth values must either all be 0 or all be positive. The validity of the cluster dimensions is checked at launch time. If the value is set during compile time, it cannot be set at runtime. Setting it at runtime will return cudaErrorNotPermitted.

  • cudaFuncAttributeRequiredClusterHeight: The required cluster height in blocks. The width, height, and depth values must either all be 0 or all be positive. The validity of the cluster dimensions is checked at launch time. If the value is set during compile time, it cannot be set at runtime. Setting it at runtime will return cudaErrorNotPermitted.

  • cudaFuncAttributeRequiredClusterDepth: The required cluster depth in blocks. The width, height, and depth values must either all be 0 or all be positive. The validity of the cluster dimensions is checked at launch time. If the value is set during compile time, it cannot be set at runtime. Setting it at runtime will return cudaErrorNotPermitted.

  • cudaFuncAttributeNonPortableClusterSizeAllowed: Indicates whether the function can be launched with non-portable cluster size. 1 is allowed, 0 is disallowed.

  • cudaFuncAttributeClusterSchedulingPolicyPreference: The block scheduling policy of a function. The value type is cudaClusterSchedulingPolicy.

cudaLaunchKernel (C++ API), cudaFuncSetCacheConfig (C++ API), cudaFuncGetAttributes (C API),

  • func (Any) – Function to get attributes of

  • attr (cudaFuncAttribute) – Attribute to set

  • value (int) – Value to set


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaLaunchHostFunc(stream, fn, userData)#

Enqueues a host function call in a stream.

Enqueues a host function to run in a stream. The function will be called after currently enqueued work and will block work added after it.

The host function must not make any CUDA API calls. Attempting to use a CUDA API may result in cudaErrorNotPermitted, but this is not required. The host function must not perform any synchronization that may depend on outstanding CUDA work not mandated to run earlier. Host functions without a mandated order (such as in independent streams) execute in undefined order and may be serialized.

For the purposes of Unified Memory, execution makes a number of guarantees:

  • The stream is considered idle for the duration of the function’s execution. Thus, for example, the function may always use memory attached to the stream it was enqueued in.

  • The start of execution of the function has the same effect as synchronizing an event recorded in the same stream immediately prior to the function. It thus synchronizes streams which have been “joined” prior to the function.

  • Adding device work to any stream does not have the effect of making the stream active until all preceding host functions and stream callbacks have executed. Thus, for example, a function might use global attached memory even if work has been added to another stream, if the work has been ordered behind the function call with an event.

  • Completion of the function does not cause a stream to become active except as described above. The stream will remain idle if no device work follows the function, and will remain idle across consecutive host functions or stream callbacks without device work in between. Thus, for example, stream synchronization can be done by signaling from a host function at the end of the stream.

Note that, in constrast to cuStreamAddCallback, the function will not be called in the event of an error in the CUDA context.

  • hStream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream to enqueue function call in

  • fn (cudaHostFn_t) – The function to call once preceding stream operations are complete

  • userData (Any) – User-specified data to be passed to the function


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorNotSupported

Return type:



This section describes the occupancy calculation functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.

Besides the occupancy calculator functions (cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor and cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags), there are also C++ only occupancy-based launch configuration functions documented in C++ API Routines module.

See cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize (C++ API), cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize (C++ API), cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSMem (C++ API), cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSMem (C++ API) cudaOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock (C++ API),

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(func, int blockSize, size_t dynamicSMemSize)#

Returns occupancy for a device function.

Returns in *numBlocks the maximum number of active blocks per streaming multiprocessor for the device function.

  • func (Any) – Kernel function for which occupancy is calculated

  • blockSize (int) – Block size the kernel is intended to be launched with

  • dynamicSMemSize (size_t) – Per-block dynamic shared memory usage intended, in bytes


See also

cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSMem, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSMemWithFlags, cudaOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock, cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock(func, int numBlocks, int blockSize)#

Returns dynamic shared memory available per block when launching numBlocks blocks on SM.

Returns in *dynamicSmemSize the maximum size of dynamic shared memory to allow numBlocks blocks per SM.

  • func (Any) – Kernel function for which occupancy is calculated

  • numBlocks (int) – Number of blocks to fit on SM

  • blockSize (int) – Size of the block


See also

cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSMem, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSMemWithFlags, cudaOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags(func, int blockSize, size_t dynamicSMemSize, unsigned int flags)#

Returns occupancy for a device function with the specified flags.

Returns in *numBlocks the maximum number of active blocks per streaming multiprocessor for the device function.

The flags parameter controls how special cases are handled. Valid flags include:

  • cudaOccupancyDefault: keeps the default behavior as cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor

  • cudaOccupancyDisableCachingOverride: This flag suppresses the default behavior on platform where global caching affects occupancy. On such platforms, if caching is enabled, but per-block SM resource usage would result in zero occupancy, the occupancy calculator will calculate the occupancy as if caching is disabled. Setting this flag makes the occupancy calculator to return 0 in such cases. More information can be found about this feature in the “Unified L1/Texture Cache” section of the Maxwell tuning guide.

  • func (Any) – Kernel function for which occupancy is calculated

  • blockSize (int) – Block size the kernel is intended to be launched with

  • dynamicSMemSize (size_t) – Per-block dynamic shared memory usage intended, in bytes

  • flags (unsigned int) – Requested behavior for the occupancy calculator


See also

cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeWithFlags, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSMem, cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSizeVariableSMemWithFlags, cudaOccupancyAvailableDynamicSMemPerBlock, cuOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags

Memory Management#

This section describes the memory management functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.

Some functions have overloaded C++ API template versions documented separately in the C++ API Routines module.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMallocManaged(size_t size, unsigned int flags)#

Allocates memory that will be automatically managed by the Unified Memory system.

Allocates size bytes of managed memory on the device and returns in *devPtr a pointer to the allocated memory. If the device doesn’t support allocating managed memory, cudaErrorNotSupported is returned. Support for managed memory can be queried using the device attribute cudaDevAttrManagedMemory. The allocated memory is suitably aligned for any kind of variable. The memory is not cleared. If size is 0, cudaMallocManaged returns cudaErrorInvalidValue. The pointer is valid on the CPU and on all GPUs in the system that support managed memory. All accesses to this pointer must obey the Unified Memory programming model.

flags specifies the default stream association for this allocation. flags must be one of cudaMemAttachGlobal or cudaMemAttachHost. The default value for flags is cudaMemAttachGlobal. If cudaMemAttachGlobal is specified, then this memory is accessible from any stream on any device. If cudaMemAttachHost is specified, then the allocation should not be accessed from devices that have a zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess; an explicit call to cudaStreamAttachMemAsync will be required to enable access on such devices.

If the association is later changed via cudaStreamAttachMemAsync to a single stream, the default association, as specifed during cudaMallocManaged, is restored when that stream is destroyed. For managed variables, the default association is always cudaMemAttachGlobal. Note that destroying a stream is an asynchronous operation, and as a result, the change to default association won’t happen until all work in the stream has completed.

Memory allocated with cudaMallocManaged should be released with cudaFree.

Device memory oversubscription is possible for GPUs that have a non- zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess. Managed memory on such GPUs may be evicted from device memory to host memory at any time by the Unified Memory driver in order to make room for other allocations.

In a system where all GPUs have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess, managed memory may not be populated when this API returns and instead may be populated on access. In such systems, managed memory can migrate to any processor’s memory at any time. The Unified Memory driver will employ heuristics to maintain data locality and prevent excessive page faults to the extent possible. The application can also guide the driver about memory usage patterns via cudaMemAdvise. The application can also explicitly migrate memory to a desired processor’s memory via cudaMemPrefetchAsync.

In a multi-GPU system where all of the GPUs have a zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess and all the GPUs have peer-to-peer support with each other, the physical storage for managed memory is created on the GPU which is active at the time cudaMallocManaged is called. All other GPUs will reference the data at reduced bandwidth via peer mappings over the PCIe bus. The Unified Memory driver does not migrate memory among such GPUs.

In a multi-GPU system where not all GPUs have peer-to-peer support with each other and where the value of the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess is zero for at least one of those GPUs, the location chosen for physical storage of managed memory is system-dependent.

  • On Linux, the location chosen will be device memory as long as the current set of active contexts are on devices that either have peer- to-peer support with each other or have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess. If there is an active context on a GPU that does not have a non-zero value for that device attribute and it does not have peer-to-peer support with the other devices that have active contexts on them, then the location for physical storage will be ‘zero-copy’ or host memory. Note that this means that managed memory that is located in device memory is migrated to host memory if a new context is created on a GPU that doesn’t have a non-zero value for the device attribute and does not support peer-to-peer with at least one of the other devices that has an active context. This in turn implies that context creation may fail if there is insufficient host memory to migrate all managed allocations.

  • On Windows, the physical storage is always created in ‘zero-copy’ or host memory. All GPUs will reference the data at reduced bandwidth over the PCIe bus. In these circumstances, use of the environment variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is recommended to restrict CUDA to only use those GPUs that have peer-to-peer support. Alternatively, users can also set CUDA_MANAGED_FORCE_DEVICE_ALLOC to a non-zero value to force the driver to always use device memory for physical storage. When this environment variable is set to a non-zero value, all devices used in that process that support managed memory have to be peer-to-peer compatible with each other. The error cudaErrorInvalidDevice will be returned if a device that supports managed memory is used and it is not peer-to-peer compatible with any of the other managed memory supporting devices that were previously used in that process, even if cudaDeviceReset has been called on those devices. These environment variables are described in the CUDA programming guide under the “CUDA environment variables” section.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMalloc(size_t size)#

Allocate memory on the device.

Allocates size bytes of linear memory on the device and returns in *devPtr a pointer to the allocated memory. The allocated memory is suitably aligned for any kind of variable. The memory is not cleared. cudaMalloc() returns cudaErrorMemoryAllocation in case of failure.

The device version of cudaFree cannot be used with a *devPtr allocated using the host API, and vice versa.


size (size_t) – Requested allocation size in bytes


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMallocHost(size_t size)#

Allocates page-locked memory on the host.

Allocates size bytes of host memory that is page-locked and accessible to the device. The driver tracks the virtual memory ranges allocated with this function and automatically accelerates calls to functions such as malloc().

On systems where pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables is true, cudaMallocHost may not page-lock the allocated memory.

Page-locking excessive amounts of memory with cudaMallocHost() may degrade system performance, since it reduces the amount of memory available to the system for paging. As a result, this function is best used sparingly to allocate staging areas for data exchange between host and device.


size (size_t) – Requested allocation size in bytes


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMallocPitch(size_t width, size_t height)#

Allocates pitched memory on the device.

Allocates at least width (in bytes) * height bytes of linear memory on the device and returns in *devPtr a pointer to the allocated memory. The function may pad the allocation to ensure that corresponding pointers in any given row will continue to meet the alignment requirements for coalescing as the address is updated from row to row. The pitch returned in *pitch by cudaMallocPitch() is the width in bytes of the allocation. The intended usage of pitch is as a separate parameter of the allocation, used to compute addresses within the 2D array. Given the row and column of an array element of type T, the address is computed as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

For allocations of 2D arrays, it is recommended that programmers consider performing pitch allocations using cudaMallocPitch(). Due to pitch alignment restrictions in the hardware, this is especially true if the application will be performing 2D memory copies between different regions of device memory (whether linear memory or CUDA arrays).

  • width (size_t) – Requested pitched allocation width (in bytes)

  • height (size_t) – Requested pitched allocation height


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMallocArray(cudaChannelFormatDesc desc: Optional[cudaChannelFormatDesc], size_t width, size_t height, unsigned int flags)#

Allocate an array on the device.

Allocates a CUDA array according to the cudaChannelFormatDesc structure desc and returns a handle to the new CUDA array in *array.

The cudaChannelFormatDesc is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

where cudaChannelFormatKind is one of cudaChannelFormatKindSigned, cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned, or cudaChannelFormatKindFloat.

The flags parameter enables different options to be specified that affect the allocation, as follows.

  • cudaArrayDefault: This flag’s value is defined to be 0 and provides default array allocation

  • cudaArraySurfaceLoadStore: Allocates an array that can be read from or written to using a surface reference

  • cudaArrayTextureGather: This flag indicates that texture gather operations will be performed on the array.

  • cudaArraySparse: Allocates a CUDA array without physical backing memory. The subregions within this sparse array can later be mapped onto a physical memory allocation by calling cuMemMapArrayAsync. The physical backing memory must be allocated via cuMemCreate.

  • cudaArrayDeferredMapping: Allocates a CUDA array without physical backing memory. The entire array can later be mapped onto a physical memory allocation by calling cuMemMapArrayAsync. The physical backing memory must be allocated via cuMemCreate.

width and height must meet certain size requirements. See cudaMalloc3DArray() for more details.

  • desc (cudaChannelFormatDesc) – Requested channel format

  • width (size_t) – Requested array allocation width

  • height (size_t) – Requested array allocation height

  • flags (unsigned int) – Requested properties of allocated array



Frees memory on the device.

Frees the memory space pointed to by devPtr, which must have been returned by a previous call to one of the following memory allocation APIs - cudaMalloc(), cudaMallocPitch(), cudaMallocManaged(), cudaMallocAsync(), cudaMallocFromPoolAsync().

Note - This API will not perform any implicit synchronization when the pointer was allocated with cudaMallocAsync or cudaMallocFromPoolAsync. Callers must ensure that all accesses to these pointer have completed before invoking cudaFree. For best performance and memory reuse, users should use cudaFreeAsync to free memory allocated via the stream ordered memory allocator. For all other pointers, this API may perform implicit synchronization.

If cudaFree`(`devPtr) has already been called before, an error is returned. If devPtr is 0, no operation is performed. cudaFree() returns cudaErrorValue in case of failure.

The device version of cudaFree cannot be used with a *devPtr allocated using the host API, and vice versa.


devPtr (Any) – Device pointer to memory to free


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Frees page-locked memory.

Frees the memory space pointed to by hostPtr, which must have been returned by a previous call to cudaMallocHost() or cudaHostAlloc().


ptr (Any) – Pointer to memory to free


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Frees an array on the device.

Frees the CUDA array array, which must have been returned by a previous call to cudaMallocArray(). If devPtr is 0, no operation is performed.


array (cudaArray_t) – Pointer to array to free


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Frees a mipmapped array on the device.

Frees the CUDA mipmapped array mipmappedArray, which must have been returned by a previous call to cudaMallocMipmappedArray(). If devPtr is 0, no operation is performed.


mipmappedArray (cudaMipmappedArray_t) – Pointer to mipmapped array to free


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaHostAlloc(size_t size, unsigned int flags)#

Allocates page-locked memory on the host.

Allocates size bytes of host memory that is page-locked and accessible to the device. The driver tracks the virtual memory ranges allocated with this function and automatically accelerates calls to functions such as cudaMemcpy(). Since the memory can be accessed directly by the device, it can be read or written with much higher bandwidth than pageable memory obtained with functions such as malloc(). Allocating excessive amounts of pinned memory may degrade system performance, since it reduces the amount of memory available to the system for paging. As a result, this function is best used sparingly to allocate staging areas for data exchange between host and device.

The flags parameter enables different options to be specified that affect the allocation, as follows.

  • cudaHostAllocDefault: This flag’s value is defined to be 0 and causes cudaHostAlloc() to emulate cudaMallocHost().

  • cudaHostAllocPortable: The memory returned by this call will be considered as pinned memory by all CUDA contexts, not just the one that performed the allocation.

  • cudaHostAllocMapped: Maps the allocation into the CUDA address space. The device pointer to the memory may be obtained by calling cudaHostGetDevicePointer().

  • cudaHostAllocWriteCombined: Allocates the memory as write-combined (WC). WC memory can be transferred across the PCI Express bus more quickly on some system configurations, but cannot be read efficiently by most CPUs. WC memory is a good option for buffers that will be written by the CPU and read by the device via mapped pinned memory or host->device transfers.

All of these flags are orthogonal to one another: a developer may allocate memory that is portable, mapped and/or write-combined with no restrictions.

In order for the cudaHostAllocMapped flag to have any effect, the CUDA context must support the cudaDeviceMapHost flag, which can be checked via cudaGetDeviceFlags(). The cudaDeviceMapHost flag is implicitly set for contexts created via the runtime API.

The cudaHostAllocMapped flag may be specified on CUDA contexts for devices that do not support mapped pinned memory. The failure is deferred to cudaHostGetDevicePointer() because the memory may be mapped into other CUDA contexts via the cudaHostAllocPortable flag.

Memory allocated by this function must be freed with cudaFreeHost().

  • size (size_t) – Requested allocation size in bytes

  • flags (unsigned int) – Requested properties of allocated memory


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaHostRegister(ptr, size_t size, unsigned int flags)#

Registers an existing host memory range for use by CUDA.

Page-locks the memory range specified by ptr and size and maps it for the device(s) as specified by flags. This memory range also is added to the same tracking mechanism as cudaHostAlloc() to automatically accelerate calls to functions such as cudaMemcpy(). Since the memory can be accessed directly by the device, it can be read or written with much higher bandwidth than pageable memory that has not been registered. Page-locking excessive amounts of memory may degrade system performance, since it reduces the amount of memory available to the system for paging. As a result, this function is best used sparingly to register staging areas for data exchange between host and device.

On systems where pageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables is true, cudaHostRegister will not page-lock the memory range specified by ptr but only populate unpopulated pages.

cudaHostRegister is supported only on I/O coherent devices that have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrHostRegisterSupported.

The flags parameter enables different options to be specified that affect the allocation, as follows.

  • cudaHostRegisterDefault: On a system with unified virtual addressing, the memory will be both mapped and portable. On a system with no unified virtual addressing, the memory will be neither mapped nor portable.

  • cudaHostRegisterPortable: The memory returned by this call will be considered as pinned memory by all CUDA contexts, not just the one that performed the allocation.

  • cudaHostRegisterMapped: Maps the allocation into the CUDA address space. The device pointer to the memory may be obtained by calling cudaHostGetDevicePointer().

  • cudaHostRegisterIoMemory: The passed memory pointer is treated as pointing to some memory-mapped I/O space, e.g. belonging to a third-party PCIe device, and it will marked as non cache- coherent and contiguous.

  • cudaHostRegisterReadOnly: The passed memory pointer is treated as pointing to memory that is considered read-only by the device. On platforms without cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables, this flag is required in order to register memory mapped to the CPU as read-only. Support for the use of this flag can be queried from the device attribute cudaDeviceAttrReadOnlyHostRegisterSupported. Using this flag with a current context associated with a device that does not have this attribute set will cause cudaHostRegister to error with cudaErrorNotSupported.

All of these flags are orthogonal to one another: a developer may page- lock memory that is portable or mapped with no restrictions.

The CUDA context must have been created with the cudaMapHost flag in order for the cudaHostRegisterMapped flag to have any effect.

The cudaHostRegisterMapped flag may be specified on CUDA contexts for devices that do not support mapped pinned memory. The failure is deferred to cudaHostGetDevicePointer() because the memory may be mapped into other CUDA contexts via the cudaHostRegisterPortable flag.

For devices that have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrCanUseHostPointerForRegisteredMem, the memory can also be accessed from the device using the host pointer ptr. The device pointer returned by cudaHostGetDevicePointer() may or may not match the original host pointer ptr and depends on the devices visible to the application. If all devices visible to the application have a non-zero value for the device attribute, the device pointer returned by cudaHostGetDevicePointer() will match the original pointer ptr. If any device visible to the application has a zero value for the device attribute, the device pointer returned by cudaHostGetDevicePointer() will not match the original host pointer ptr, but it will be suitable for use on all devices provided Unified Virtual Addressing is enabled. In such systems, it is valid to access the memory using either pointer on devices that have a non-zero value for the device attribute. Note however that such devices should access the memory using only of the two pointers and not both.

The memory page-locked by this function must be unregistered with cudaHostUnregister().

  • ptr (Any) – Host pointer to memory to page-lock

  • size (size_t) – Size in bytes of the address range to page-lock in bytes

  • flags (unsigned int) – Flags for allocation request


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation, cudaErrorHostMemoryAlreadyRegistered, cudaErrorNotSupported

Return type:



Unregisters a memory range that was registered with cudaHostRegister.

Unmaps the memory range whose base address is specified by ptr, and makes it pageable again.

The base address must be the same one specified to cudaHostRegister().


ptr (Any) – Host pointer to memory to unregister


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorHostMemoryNotRegistered

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaHostGetDevicePointer(pHost, unsigned int flags)#

Passes back device pointer of mapped host memory allocated by cudaHostAlloc or registered by cudaHostRegister.

Passes back the device pointer corresponding to the mapped, pinned host buffer allocated by cudaHostAlloc() or registered by cudaHostRegister().

cudaHostGetDevicePointer() will fail if the cudaDeviceMapHost flag was not specified before deferred context creation occurred, or if called on a device that does not support mapped, pinned memory.

For devices that have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrCanUseHostPointerForRegisteredMem, the memory can also be accessed from the device using the host pointer pHost. The device pointer returned by cudaHostGetDevicePointer() may or may not match the original host pointer pHost and depends on the devices visible to the application. If all devices visible to the application have a non-zero value for the device attribute, the device pointer returned by cudaHostGetDevicePointer() will match the original pointer pHost. If any device visible to the application has a zero value for the device attribute, the device pointer returned by cudaHostGetDevicePointer() will not match the original host pointer pHost, but it will be suitable for use on all devices provided Unified Virtual Addressing is enabled. In such systems, it is valid to access the memory using either pointer on devices that have a non-zero value for the device attribute. Note however that such devices should access the memory using only of the two pointers and not both.

flags provides for future releases. For now, it must be set to 0.

  • pHost (Any) – Requested host pointer mapping

  • flags (unsigned int) – Flags for extensions (must be 0 for now)



Passes back flags used to allocate pinned host memory allocated by cudaHostAlloc.

cudaHostGetFlags() will fail if the input pointer does not reside in an address range allocated by cudaHostAlloc().


pHost (Any) – Host pointer


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMalloc3D(cudaExtent extent: cudaExtent)#

Allocates logical 1D, 2D, or 3D memory objects on the device.

Allocates at least width * height * depth bytes of linear memory on the device and returns a cudaPitchedPtr in which ptr is a pointer to the allocated memory. The function may pad the allocation to ensure hardware alignment requirements are met. The pitch returned in the pitch field of pitchedDevPtr is the width in bytes of the allocation.

The returned cudaPitchedPtr contains additional fields xsize and ysize, the logical width and height of the allocation, which are equivalent to the width and height extent parameters provided by the programmer during allocation.

For allocations of 2D and 3D objects, it is highly recommended that programmers perform allocations using cudaMalloc3D() or cudaMallocPitch(). Due to alignment restrictions in the hardware, this is especially true if the application will be performing memory copies involving 2D or 3D objects (whether linear memory or CUDA arrays).


extent (cudaExtent) – Requested allocation size (width field in bytes)


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMalloc3DArray(cudaChannelFormatDesc desc: Optional[cudaChannelFormatDesc], cudaExtent extent: cudaExtent, unsigned int flags)#

Allocate an array on the device.

Allocates a CUDA array according to the cudaChannelFormatDesc structure desc and returns a handle to the new CUDA array in *array.

The cudaChannelFormatDesc is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

where cudaChannelFormatKind is one of cudaChannelFormatKindSigned, cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned, or cudaChannelFormatKindFloat.

cudaMalloc3DArray() can allocate the following:

  • A 1D array is allocated if the height and depth extents are both zero.

  • A 2D array is allocated if only the depth extent is zero.

  • A 3D array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero.

  • A 1D layered CUDA array is allocated if only the height extent is zero and the cudaArrayLayered flag is set. Each layer is a 1D array. The number of layers is determined by the depth extent.

  • A 2D layered CUDA array is allocated if all three extents are non- zero and the cudaArrayLayered flag is set. Each layer is a 2D array. The number of layers is determined by the depth extent.

  • A cubemap CUDA array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero and the cudaArrayCubemap flag is set. Width must be equal to height, and depth must be six. A cubemap is a special type of 2D layered CUDA array, where the six layers represent the six faces of a cube. The order of the six layers in memory is the same as that listed in cudaGraphicsCubeFace.

  • A cubemap layered CUDA array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero, and both, cudaArrayCubemap and cudaArrayLayered flags are set. Width must be equal to height, and depth must be a multiple of six. A cubemap layered CUDA array is a special type of 2D layered CUDA array that consists of a collection of cubemaps. The first six layers represent the first cubemap, the next six layers form the second cubemap, and so on.

The flags parameter enables different options to be specified that affect the allocation, as follows.

  • cudaArrayDefault: This flag’s value is defined to be 0 and provides default array allocation

  • cudaArrayLayered: Allocates a layered CUDA array, with the depth extent indicating the number of layers

  • cudaArrayCubemap: Allocates a cubemap CUDA array. Width must be equal to height, and depth must be six. If the cudaArrayLayered flag is also set, depth must be a multiple of six.

  • cudaArraySurfaceLoadStore: Allocates a CUDA array that could be read from or written to using a surface reference.

  • cudaArrayTextureGather: This flag indicates that texture gather operations will be performed on the CUDA array. Texture gather can only be performed on 2D CUDA arrays.

  • cudaArraySparse: Allocates a CUDA array without physical backing memory. The subregions within this sparse array can later be mapped onto a physical memory allocation by calling cuMemMapArrayAsync. This flag can only be used for creating 2D, 3D or 2D layered sparse CUDA arrays. The physical backing memory must be allocated via cuMemCreate.

  • cudaArrayDeferredMapping: Allocates a CUDA array without physical backing memory. The entire array can later be mapped onto a physical memory allocation by calling cuMemMapArrayAsync. The physical backing memory must be allocated via cuMemCreate.

The width, height and depth extents must meet certain size requirements as listed in the following table. All values are specified in elements.

Note that 2D CUDA arrays have different size requirements if the cudaArrayTextureGather flag is set. In that case, the valid range for (width, height, depth) is ((1,maxTexture2DGather[0]), (1,maxTexture2DGather[1]), 0).

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a table example

  • desc (cudaChannelFormatDesc) – Requested channel format

  • extent (cudaExtent) – Requested allocation size (width field in elements)

  • flags (unsigned int) – Flags for extensions


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMallocMipmappedArray(cudaChannelFormatDesc desc: Optional[cudaChannelFormatDesc], cudaExtent extent: cudaExtent, unsigned int numLevels, unsigned int flags)#

Allocate a mipmapped array on the device.

Allocates a CUDA mipmapped array according to the cudaChannelFormatDesc structure desc and returns a handle to the new CUDA mipmapped array in *mipmappedArray. numLevels specifies the number of mipmap levels to be allocated. This value is clamped to the range [1, 1 + floor(log2(max(width, height, depth)))].

The cudaChannelFormatDesc is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

where cudaChannelFormatKind is one of cudaChannelFormatKindSigned, cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned, or cudaChannelFormatKindFloat.

cudaMallocMipmappedArray() can allocate the following:

  • A 1D mipmapped array is allocated if the height and depth extents are both zero.

  • A 2D mipmapped array is allocated if only the depth extent is zero.

  • A 3D mipmapped array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero.

  • A 1D layered CUDA mipmapped array is allocated if only the height extent is zero and the cudaArrayLayered flag is set. Each layer is a 1D mipmapped array. The number of layers is determined by the depth extent.

  • A 2D layered CUDA mipmapped array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero and the cudaArrayLayered flag is set. Each layer is a 2D mipmapped array. The number of layers is determined by the depth extent.

  • A cubemap CUDA mipmapped array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero and the cudaArrayCubemap flag is set. Width must be equal to height, and depth must be six. The order of the six layers in memory is the same as that listed in cudaGraphicsCubeFace.

  • A cubemap layered CUDA mipmapped array is allocated if all three extents are non-zero, and both, cudaArrayCubemap and cudaArrayLayered flags are set. Width must be equal to height, and depth must be a multiple of six. A cubemap layered CUDA mipmapped array is a special type of 2D layered CUDA mipmapped array that consists of a collection of cubemap mipmapped arrays. The first six layers represent the first cubemap mipmapped array, the next six layers form the second cubemap mipmapped array, and so on.

The flags parameter enables different options to be specified that affect the allocation, as follows.

  • cudaArrayDefault: This flag’s value is defined to be 0 and provides default mipmapped array allocation

  • cudaArrayLayered: Allocates a layered CUDA mipmapped array, with the depth extent indicating the number of layers

  • cudaArrayCubemap: Allocates a cubemap CUDA mipmapped array. Width must be equal to height, and depth must be six. If the cudaArrayLayered flag is also set, depth must be a multiple of six.

  • cudaArraySurfaceLoadStore: This flag indicates that individual mipmap levels of the CUDA mipmapped array will be read from or written to using a surface reference.

  • cudaArrayTextureGather: This flag indicates that texture gather operations will be performed on the CUDA array. Texture gather can only be performed on 2D CUDA mipmapped arrays, and the gather operations are performed only on the most detailed mipmap level.

  • cudaArraySparse: Allocates a CUDA mipmapped array without physical backing memory. The subregions within this sparse array can later be mapped onto a physical memory allocation by calling cuMemMapArrayAsync. This flag can only be used for creating 2D, 3D or 2D layered sparse CUDA mipmapped arrays. The physical backing memory must be allocated via cuMemCreate.

  • cudaArrayDeferredMapping: Allocates a CUDA mipmapped array without physical backing memory. The entire array can later be mapped onto a physical memory allocation by calling cuMemMapArrayAsync. The physical backing memory must be allocated via cuMemCreate.

The width, height and depth extents must meet certain size requirements as listed in the following table. All values are specified in elements.

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a table example

  • desc (cudaChannelFormatDesc) – Requested channel format

  • extent (cudaExtent) – Requested allocation size (width field in elements)

  • numLevels (unsigned int) – Number of mipmap levels to allocate

  • flags (unsigned int) – Flags for extensions


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGetMipmappedArrayLevel(mipmappedArray, unsigned int level)#

Gets a mipmap level of a CUDA mipmapped array.

Returns in *levelArray a CUDA array that represents a single mipmap level of the CUDA mipmapped array mipmappedArray.

If level is greater than the maximum number of levels in this mipmapped array, cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned.

If mipmappedArray is NULL, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle is returned.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy3D(cudaMemcpy3DParms p: Optional[cudaMemcpy3DParms])#

Copies data between 3D objects.

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

cudaMemcpy3D() copies data betwen two 3D objects. The source and destination objects may be in either host memory, device memory, or a CUDA array. The source, destination, extent, and kind of copy performed is specified by the cudaMemcpy3DParms struct which should be initialized to zero before use:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

The struct passed to cudaMemcpy3D() must specify one of srcArray or srcPtr and one of dstArray or dstPtr. Passing more than one non-zero source or destination will cause cudaMemcpy3D() to return an error.

The srcPos and dstPos fields are optional offsets into the source and destination objects and are defined in units of each object’s elements. The element for a host or device pointer is assumed to be unsigned char.

The extent field defines the dimensions of the transferred area in elements. If a CUDA array is participating in the copy, the extent is defined in terms of that array’s elements. If no CUDA array is participating in the copy then the extents are defined in elements of unsigned char.

The kind field defines the direction of the copy. It must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. For cudaMemcpyHostToHost or cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost passed as kind and cudaArray type passed as source or destination, if the kind implies cudaArray type to be present on the host, cudaMemcpy3D() will disregard that implication and silently correct the kind based on the fact that cudaArray type can only be present on the device.

If the source and destination are both arrays, cudaMemcpy3D() will return an error if they do not have the same element size.

The source and destination object may not overlap. If overlapping source and destination objects are specified, undefined behavior will result.

The source object must entirely contain the region defined by srcPos and extent. The destination object must entirely contain the region defined by dstPos and extent.

cudaMemcpy3D() returns an error if the pitch of srcPtr or dstPtr exceeds the maximum allowed. The pitch of a cudaPitchedPtr allocated with cudaMalloc3D() will always be valid.


p (cudaMemcpy3DParms) – 3D memory copy parameters


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy3DPeer(cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms p: Optional[cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms])#

Copies memory between devices.

Perform a 3D memory copy according to the parameters specified in p. See the definition of the cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms structure for documentation of its parameters.

Note that this function is synchronous with respect to the host only if the source or destination of the transfer is host memory. Note also that this copy is serialized with respect to all pending and future asynchronous work in to the current device, the copy’s source device, and the copy’s destination device (use cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync to avoid this synchronization).


p (cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms) – Parameters for the memory copy


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy3DAsync(cudaMemcpy3DParms p: Optional[cudaMemcpy3DParms], stream)#

Copies data between 3D objects.

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

cudaMemcpy3DAsync() copies data betwen two 3D objects. The source and destination objects may be in either host memory, device memory, or a CUDA array. The source, destination, extent, and kind of copy performed is specified by the cudaMemcpy3DParms struct which should be initialized to zero before use:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

The struct passed to cudaMemcpy3DAsync() must specify one of srcArray or srcPtr and one of dstArray or dstPtr. Passing more than one non-zero source or destination will cause cudaMemcpy3DAsync() to return an error.

The srcPos and dstPos fields are optional offsets into the source and destination objects and are defined in units of each object’s elements. The element for a host or device pointer is assumed to be unsigned char. For CUDA arrays, positions must be in the range [0, 2048) for any dimension.

The extent field defines the dimensions of the transferred area in elements. If a CUDA array is participating in the copy, the extent is defined in terms of that array’s elements. If no CUDA array is participating in the copy then the extents are defined in elements of unsigned char.

The kind field defines the direction of the copy. It must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. For cudaMemcpyHostToHost or cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost passed as kind and cudaArray type passed as source or destination, if the kind implies cudaArray type to be present on the host, cudaMemcpy3DAsync() will disregard that implication and silently correct the kind based on the fact that cudaArray type can only be present on the device.

If the source and destination are both arrays, cudaMemcpy3DAsync() will return an error if they do not have the same element size.

The source and destination object may not overlap. If overlapping source and destination objects are specified, undefined behavior will result.

The source object must lie entirely within the region defined by srcPos and extent. The destination object must lie entirely within the region defined by dstPos and extent.

cudaMemcpy3DAsync() returns an error if the pitch of srcPtr or dstPtr exceeds the maximum allowed. The pitch of a cudaPitchedPtr allocated with cudaMalloc3D() will always be valid.

cudaMemcpy3DAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be given local or shared pointers.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync(cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms p: Optional[cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms], stream)#

Copies memory between devices asynchronously.

Perform a 3D memory copy according to the parameters specified in p. See the definition of the cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms structure for documentation of its parameters.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue

Return type:



Gets free and total device memory.

Returns in *total the total amount of memory available to the the current context. Returns in *free the amount of memory on the device that is free according to the OS. CUDA is not guaranteed to be able to allocate all of the memory that the OS reports as free. In a multi- tenet situation, free estimate returned is prone to race condition where a new allocation/free done by a different process or a different thread in the same process between the time when free memory was estimated and reported, will result in deviation in free value reported and actual free memory.

The integrated GPU on Tegra shares memory with CPU and other component of the SoC. The free and total values returned by the API excludes the SWAP memory space maintained by the OS on some platforms. The OS may move some of the memory pages into swap area as the GPU or CPU allocate or access memory. See Tegra app note on how to calculate total and free memory on Tegra.


See also



Gets info about the specified cudaArray.

Returns in *desc, *extent and *flags respectively, the type, shape and flags of array.

Any of *desc, *extent and *flags may be specified as NULL.


array (cudaArray_t) – The cudaArray to get info for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaArrayGetPlane(hArray, unsigned int planeIdx)#

Gets a CUDA array plane from a CUDA array.

Returns in pPlaneArray a CUDA array that represents a single format plane of the CUDA array hArray.

If planeIdx is greater than the maximum number of planes in this array or if the array does not have a multi-planar format e.g: cudaChannelFormatKindNV12, then cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned.

Note that if the hArray has format cudaChannelFormatKindNV12, then passing in 0 for planeIdx returns a CUDA array of the same size as hArray but with one 8-bit channel and cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned as its format kind. If 1 is passed for planeIdx, then the returned CUDA array has half the height and width of hArray with two 8-bit channels and cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned as its format kind.

  • hArray (cudaArray_t) – CUDA array

  • planeIdx (unsigned int) – Plane index


See also


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaArrayGetMemoryRequirements(array, int device)#

Returns the memory requirements of a CUDA array.

Returns the memory requirements of a CUDA array in memoryRequirements If the CUDA array is not allocated with flag cudaArrayDeferredMapping cudaErrorInvalidValue will be returned.

The returned value in size represents the total size of the CUDA array. The returned value in alignment represents the alignment necessary for mapping the CUDA array.

  • array (cudaArray_t) – CUDA array to get the memory requirements of

  • device (int) – Device to get the memory requirements for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMipmappedArrayGetMemoryRequirements(mipmap, int device)#

Returns the memory requirements of a CUDA mipmapped array.

Returns the memory requirements of a CUDA mipmapped array in memoryRequirements If the CUDA mipmapped array is not allocated with flag cudaArrayDeferredMapping cudaErrorInvalidValue will be returned.

The returned value in size represents the total size of the CUDA mipmapped array. The returned value in alignment represents the alignment necessary for mapping the CUDA mipmapped array.

  • mipmap (cudaMipmappedArray_t) – CUDA mipmapped array to get the memory requirements of

  • device (int) – Device to get the memory requirements for



Returns the layout properties of a sparse CUDA array.

Returns the layout properties of a sparse CUDA array in sparseProperties. If the CUDA array is not allocated with flag cudaArraySparse cudaErrorInvalidValue will be returned.

If the returned value in flags contains cudaArraySparsePropertiesSingleMipTail, then miptailSize represents the total size of the array. Otherwise, it will be zero. Also, the returned value in miptailFirstLevel is always zero. Note that the array must have been allocated using cudaMallocArray or cudaMalloc3DArray. For CUDA arrays obtained using cudaMipmappedArrayGetLevel, cudaErrorInvalidValue will be returned. Instead, cudaMipmappedArrayGetSparseProperties must be used to obtain the sparse properties of the entire CUDA mipmapped array to which array belongs to.


array (cudaArray_t) – The CUDA array to get the sparse properties of



Returns the layout properties of a sparse CUDA mipmapped array.

Returns the sparse array layout properties in sparseProperties. If the CUDA mipmapped array is not allocated with flag cudaArraySparse cudaErrorInvalidValue will be returned.

For non-layered CUDA mipmapped arrays, miptailSize returns the size of the mip tail region. The mip tail region includes all mip levels whose width, height or depth is less than that of the tile. For layered CUDA mipmapped arrays, if flags contains cudaArraySparsePropertiesSingleMipTail, then miptailSize specifies the size of the mip tail of all layers combined. Otherwise, miptailSize specifies mip tail size per layer. The returned value of miptailFirstLevel is valid only if miptailSize is non-zero.


mipmap (cudaMipmappedArray_t) – The CUDA mipmapped array to get the sparse properties of


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy(dst, src, size_t count, kind: cudaMemcpyKind)#

Copies data between host and device.

Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. Calling cudaMemcpy() with dst and src pointers that do not match the direction of the copy results in an undefined behavior.



Destination memory address


Source memory address


Size in bytes to copy


Type of transfer


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray, cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync, cuMemcpyDtoH, cuMemcpyHtoD, cuMemcpyDtoD, cuMemcpy

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpyPeer(dst, int dstDevice, src, int srcDevice, size_t count)#

Copies memory between two devices.

Copies memory from one device to memory on another device. dst is the base device pointer of the destination memory and dstDevice is the destination device. src is the base device pointer of the source memory and srcDevice is the source device. count specifies the number of bytes to copy.

Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host, but serialized with respect all pending and future asynchronous work in to the current device, srcDevice, and dstDevice (use cudaMemcpyPeerAsync to avoid this synchronization).

  • dst (Any) – Destination device pointer

  • dstDevice (int) – Destination device

  • src (Any) – Source device pointer

  • srcDevice (int) – Source device

  • count (size_t) – Size of memory copy in bytes


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy2D(dst, size_t dpitch, src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, kind: cudaMemcpyKind)#

Copies data between host and device.

Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. dpitch and spitch are the widths in memory in bytes of the 2D arrays pointed to by dst and src, including any padding added to the end of each row. The memory areas may not overlap. width must not exceed either dpitch or spitch. Calling cudaMemcpy2D() with dst and src pointers that do not match the direction of the copy results in an undefined behavior. cudaMemcpy2D() returns an error if dpitch or spitch exceeds the maximum allowed.

  • dst (Any) – Destination memory address

  • dpitch (size_t) – Pitch of destination memory

  • src (Any) – Source memory address

  • spitch (size_t) – Pitch of source memory

  • width (size_t) – Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)

  • height (size_t) – Height of matrix transfer (rows)

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy2DToArray(dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, kind: cudaMemcpyKind)#

Copies data between host and device.

Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the memory area pointed to by src to the CUDA array dst starting at hOffset rows and wOffset bytes from the upper left corner, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. spitch is the width in memory in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by src, including any padding added to the end of each row. wOffset + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array dst. width must not exceed spitch. cudaMemcpy2DToArray() returns an error if spitch exceeds the maximum allowed.

  • dst (cudaArray_t) – Destination memory address

  • wOffset (size_t) – Destination starting X offset (columns in bytes)

  • hOffset (size_t) – Destination starting Y offset (rows)

  • src (Any) – Source memory address

  • spitch (size_t) – Pitch of source memory

  • width (size_t) – Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)

  • height (size_t) – Height of matrix transfer (rows)

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

Return type:


See also

cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray, cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync, cuMemcpy2D, cuMemcpy2DUnaligned

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy2DFromArray(dst, size_t dpitch, src, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t width, size_t height, kind: cudaMemcpyKind)#

Copies data between host and device.

Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the CUDA array src starting at hOffset rows and wOffset bytes from the upper left corner to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. dpitch is the width in memory in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by dst, including any padding added to the end of each row. wOffset + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array src. width must not exceed dpitch. cudaMemcpy2DFromArray() returns an error if dpitch exceeds the maximum allowed.

  • dst (Any) – Destination memory address

  • dpitch (size_t) – Pitch of destination memory

  • src (cudaArray_const_t) – Source memory address

  • wOffset (size_t) – Source starting X offset (columns in bytes)

  • hOffset (size_t) – Source starting Y offset (rows)

  • width (size_t) – Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)

  • height (size_t) – Height of matrix transfer (rows)

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

Return type:


See also

cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray, cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync, cuMemcpy2D, cuMemcpy2DUnaligned

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray(dst, size_t wOffsetDst, size_t hOffsetDst, src, size_t wOffsetSrc, size_t hOffsetSrc, size_t width, size_t height, kind: cudaMemcpyKind)#

Copies data between host and device.

Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the CUDA array src starting at hOffsetSrc rows and wOffsetSrc bytes from the upper left corner to the CUDA array dst starting at hOffsetDst rows and wOffsetDst bytes from the upper left corner, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. wOffsetDst + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array dst. wOffsetSrc + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array src.

  • dst (cudaArray_t) – Destination memory address

  • wOffsetDst (size_t) – Destination starting X offset (columns in bytes)

  • hOffsetDst (size_t) – Destination starting Y offset (rows)

  • src (cudaArray_const_t) – Source memory address

  • wOffsetSrc (size_t) – Source starting X offset (columns in bytes)

  • hOffsetSrc (size_t) – Source starting Y offset (rows)

  • width (size_t) – Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)

  • height (size_t) – Height of matrix transfer (rows)

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

Return type:


See also

cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync, cuMemcpy2D, cuMemcpy2DUnaligned

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpyAsync(dst, src, size_t count, kind: cudaMemcpyKind, stream)#

Copies data between host and device.

Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing.

The memory areas may not overlap. Calling cudaMemcpyAsync() with dst and src pointers that do not match the direction of the copy results in an undefined behavior.

cudaMemcpyAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and the stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be given local or shared pointers.

  • dst (Any) – Destination memory address

  • src (Any) – Source memory address

  • count (size_t) – Size in bytes to copy

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpyPeerAsync(dst, int dstDevice, src, int srcDevice, size_t count, stream)#

Copies memory between two devices asynchronously.

Copies memory from one device to memory on another device. dst is the base device pointer of the destination memory and dstDevice is the destination device. src is the base device pointer of the source memory and srcDevice is the source device. count specifies the number of bytes to copy.

Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host and all work on other devices.

  • dst (Any) – Destination device pointer

  • dstDevice (int) – Destination device

  • src (Any) – Source device pointer

  • srcDevice (int) – Source device

  • count (size_t) – Size of memory copy in bytes

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy2DAsync(dst, size_t dpitch, src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, kind: cudaMemcpyKind, stream)#

Copies data between host and device.

Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. dpitch and spitch are the widths in memory in bytes of the 2D arrays pointed to by dst and src, including any padding added to the end of each row. The memory areas may not overlap. width must not exceed either dpitch or spitch.

Calling cudaMemcpy2DAsync() with dst and src pointers that do not match the direction of the copy results in an undefined behavior. cudaMemcpy2DAsync() returns an error if dpitch or spitch is greater than the maximum allowed.

cudaMemcpy2DAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be given local or shared pointers.

  • dst (Any) – Destination memory address

  • dpitch (size_t) – Pitch of destination memory

  • src (Any) – Source memory address

  • spitch (size_t) – Pitch of source memory

  • width (size_t) – Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)

  • height (size_t) – Height of matrix transfer (rows)

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

Return type:


See also

cudaMemcpy, cudaMemcpy2D, cudaMemcpy2DToArray, cudaMemcpy2DFromArray, cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray, cudaMemcpyToSymbol, cudaMemcpyFromSymbol, cudaMemcpyAsync, cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync, cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync, cuMemcpy2DAsync

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync(dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, kind: cudaMemcpyKind, stream)#

Copies data between host and device.

Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the memory area pointed to by src to the CUDA array dst starting at hOffset rows and wOffset bytes from the upper left corner, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. spitch is the width in memory in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by src, including any padding added to the end of each row. wOffset + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array dst. width must not exceed spitch. cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync() returns an error if spitch exceeds the maximum allowed.

cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync, cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync, cuMemcpy2DAsync

  • dst (cudaArray_t) – Destination memory address

  • wOffset (size_t) – Destination starting X offset (columns in bytes)

  • hOffset (size_t) – Destination starting Y offset (rows)

  • src (Any) – Source memory address

  • spitch (size_t) – Pitch of source memory

  • width (size_t) – Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)

  • height (size_t) – Height of matrix transfer (rows)

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync(dst, size_t dpitch, src, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, size_t width, size_t height, kind: cudaMemcpyKind, stream)#

Copies data between host and device.

Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from the CUDA array src starting at hOffset rows and wOffset bytes from the upper left corner to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. dpitch is the width in memory in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by dst, including any padding added to the end of each row. wOffset + width must not exceed the width of the CUDA array src. width must not exceed dpitch. cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync() returns an error if dpitch exceeds the maximum allowed.

cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before the copy is complete. The copy can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-zero stream argument. If kind is cudaMemcpyHostToDevice or cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost and stream is non-zero, the copy may overlap with operations in other streams.

cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync, cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync, cuMemcpy2DAsync

  • dst (Any) – Destination memory address

  • dpitch (size_t) – Pitch of destination memory

  • src (cudaArray_const_t) – Source memory address

  • wOffset (size_t) – Source starting X offset (columns in bytes)

  • hOffset (size_t) – Source starting Y offset (rows)

  • width (size_t) – Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)

  • height (size_t) – Height of matrix transfer (rows)

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue, cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemset(devPtr, int value, size_t count)#

Initializes or sets device memory to a value.

Fills the first count bytes of the memory area pointed to by devPtr with the constant byte value value.

Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host unless devPtr refers to pinned host memory.

  • devPtr (Any) – Pointer to device memory

  • value (int) – Value to set for each byte of specified memory

  • count (size_t) – Size in bytes to set


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemset2D(devPtr, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t height)#

Initializes or sets device memory to a value.

Sets to the specified value value a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) pointed to by dstPtr. pitch is the width in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by dstPtr, including any padding added to the end of each row. This function performs fastest when the pitch is one that has been passed back by cudaMallocPitch().

Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host unless devPtr refers to pinned host memory.

  • devPtr (Any) – Pointer to 2D device memory

  • pitch (size_t) – Pitch in bytes of 2D device memory(Unused if height is 1)

  • value (int) – Value to set for each byte of specified memory

  • width (size_t) – Width of matrix set (columns in bytes)

  • height (size_t) – Height of matrix set (rows)


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemset3D(cudaPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr: cudaPitchedPtr, int value, cudaExtent extent: cudaExtent)#

Initializes or sets device memory to a value.

Initializes each element of a 3D array to the specified value value. The object to initialize is defined by pitchedDevPtr. The pitch field of pitchedDevPtr is the width in memory in bytes of the 3D array pointed to by pitchedDevPtr, including any padding added to the end of each row. The xsize field specifies the logical width of each row in bytes, while the ysize field specifies the height of each 2D slice in rows. The pitch field of pitchedDevPtr is ignored when height and depth are both equal to 1.

The extents of the initialized region are specified as a width in bytes, a height in rows, and a depth in slices.

Extents with width greater than or equal to the xsize of pitchedDevPtr may perform significantly faster than extents narrower than the xsize. Secondarily, extents with height equal to the ysize of pitchedDevPtr will perform faster than when the height is shorter than the ysize.

This function performs fastest when the pitchedDevPtr has been allocated by cudaMalloc3D().

Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host unless pitchedDevPtr refers to pinned host memory.

  • pitchedDevPtr (cudaPitchedPtr) – Pointer to pitched device memory

  • value (int) – Value to set for each byte of specified memory

  • extent (cudaExtent) – Size parameters for where to set device memory (width field in bytes)


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemsetAsync(devPtr, int value, size_t count, stream)#

Initializes or sets device memory to a value.

Fills the first count bytes of the memory area pointed to by devPtr with the constant byte value value.

cudaMemsetAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before the memset is complete. The operation can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-zero stream argument. If stream is non-zero, the operation may overlap with operations in other streams.

The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be given local or shared pointers.

  • devPtr (Any) – Pointer to device memory

  • value (int) – Value to set for each byte of specified memory

  • count (size_t) – Size in bytes to set

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemset2DAsync(devPtr, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t height, stream)#

Initializes or sets device memory to a value.

Sets to the specified value value a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) pointed to by dstPtr. pitch is the width in bytes of the 2D array pointed to by dstPtr, including any padding added to the end of each row. This function performs fastest when the pitch is one that has been passed back by cudaMallocPitch().

cudaMemset2DAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before the memset is complete. The operation can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non- zero stream argument. If stream is non-zero, the operation may overlap with operations in other streams.

The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be given local or shared pointers.

  • devPtr (Any) – Pointer to 2D device memory

  • pitch (size_t) – Pitch in bytes of 2D device memory(Unused if height is 1)

  • value (int) – Value to set for each byte of specified memory

  • width (size_t) – Width of matrix set (columns in bytes)

  • height (size_t) – Height of matrix set (rows)

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemset3DAsync(cudaPitchedPtr pitchedDevPtr: cudaPitchedPtr, int value, cudaExtent extent: cudaExtent, stream)#

Initializes or sets device memory to a value.

Initializes each element of a 3D array to the specified value value. The object to initialize is defined by pitchedDevPtr. The pitch field of pitchedDevPtr is the width in memory in bytes of the 3D array pointed to by pitchedDevPtr, including any padding added to the end of each row. The xsize field specifies the logical width of each row in bytes, while the ysize field specifies the height of each 2D slice in rows. The pitch field of pitchedDevPtr is ignored when height and depth are both equal to 1.

The extents of the initialized region are specified as a width in bytes, a height in rows, and a depth in slices.

Extents with width greater than or equal to the xsize of pitchedDevPtr may perform significantly faster than extents narrower than the xsize. Secondarily, extents with height equal to the ysize of pitchedDevPtr will perform faster than when the height is shorter than the ysize.

This function performs fastest when the pitchedDevPtr has been allocated by cudaMalloc3D().

cudaMemset3DAsync() is asynchronous with respect to the host, so the call may return before the memset is complete. The operation can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non- zero stream argument. If stream is non-zero, the operation may overlap with operations in other streams.

The device version of this function only handles device to device copies and cannot be given local or shared pointers.

  • pitchedDevPtr (cudaPitchedPtr) – Pointer to pitched device memory

  • value (int) – Value to set for each byte of specified memory

  • extent (cudaExtent) – Size parameters for where to set device memory (width field in bytes)

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream identifier


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPrefetchAsync(devPtr, size_t count, int dstDevice, stream)#

Prefetches memory to the specified destination device.

Prefetches memory to the specified destination device. devPtr is the base device pointer of the memory to be prefetched and dstDevice is the destination device. count specifies the number of bytes to copy. stream is the stream in which the operation is enqueued. The memory range must refer to managed memory allocated via cudaMallocManaged or declared via managed variables, or it may also refer to system-allocated memory on systems with non-zero cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess.

Passing in cudaCpuDeviceId for dstDevice will prefetch the data to host memory. If dstDevice is a GPU, then the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess must be non-zero. Additionally, stream must be associated with a device that has a non- zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess.

The start address and end address of the memory range will be rounded down and rounded up respectively to be aligned to CPU page size before the prefetch operation is enqueued in the stream.

If no physical memory has been allocated for this region, then this memory region will be populated and mapped on the destination device. If there’s insufficient memory to prefetch the desired region, the Unified Memory driver may evict pages from other cudaMallocManaged allocations to host memory in order to make room. Device memory allocated using cudaMalloc or cudaMallocArray will not be evicted.

By default, any mappings to the previous location of the migrated pages are removed and mappings for the new location are only setup on dstDevice. The exact behavior however also depends on the settings applied to this memory range via cudaMemAdvise as described below:

If cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly was set on any subset of this memory range, then that subset will create a read-only copy of the pages on dstDevice.

If cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation was called on any subset of this memory range, then the pages will be migrated to dstDevice even if dstDevice is not the preferred location of any pages in the memory range.

If cudaMemAdviseSetAccessedBy was called on any subset of this memory range, then mappings to those pages from all the appropriate processors are updated to refer to the new location if establishing such a mapping is possible. Otherwise, those mappings are cleared.

Note that this API is not required for functionality and only serves to improve performance by allowing the application to migrate data to a suitable location before it is accessed. Memory accesses to this range are always coherent and are allowed even when the data is actively being migrated.

Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host and all work on other devices.

  • devPtr (Any) – Pointer to be prefetched

  • count (size_t) – Size in bytes

  • dstDevice (int) – Destination device to prefetch to

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream to enqueue prefetch operation


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPrefetchAsync_v2(devPtr, size_t count, cudaMemLocation location: cudaMemLocation, unsigned int flags, stream)#

Prefetches memory to the specified destination location.

Prefetches memory to the specified destination location. devPtr is the base device pointer of the memory to be prefetched and location specifies the destination location. count specifies the number of bytes to copy. stream is the stream in which the operation is enqueued. The memory range must refer to managed memory allocated via cudaMallocManaged or declared via managed variables, or it may also refer to system-allocated memory on systems with non-zero cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess.

Specifying cudaMemLocationTypeDevice for type will prefetch memory to GPU specified by device ordinal id which must have non- zero value for the device attribute concurrentManagedAccess. Additionally, stream must be associated with a device that has a non-zero value for the device attribute concurrentManagedAccess. Specifying cudaMemLocationTypeHost as type will prefetch data to host memory. Applications can request prefetching memory to a specific host NUMA node by specifying cudaMemLocationTypeHostNuma for type and a valid host NUMA node id in id Users can also request prefetching memory to the host NUMA node closest to the current thread’s CPU by specifying cudaMemLocationTypeHostNumaCurrent for type. Note when type is etiher cudaMemLocationTypeHost OR cudaMemLocationTypeHostNumaCurrent, id will be ignored.

The start address and end address of the memory range will be rounded down and rounded up respectively to be aligned to CPU page size before the prefetch operation is enqueued in the stream.

If no physical memory has been allocated for this region, then this memory region will be populated and mapped on the destination device. If there’s insufficient memory to prefetch the desired region, the Unified Memory driver may evict pages from other cudaMallocManaged allocations to host memory in order to make room. Device memory allocated using cudaMalloc or cudaMallocArray will not be evicted.

By default, any mappings to the previous location of the migrated pages are removed and mappings for the new location are only setup on the destination location. The exact behavior however also depends on the settings applied to this memory range via cuMemAdvise as described below:

If cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly was set on any subset of this memory range, then that subset will create a read-only copy of the pages on destination location. If however the destination location is a host NUMA node, then any pages of that subset that are already in another host NUMA node will be transferred to the destination.

If cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation was called on any subset of this memory range, then the pages will be migrated to location even if location is not the preferred location of any pages in the memory range.

If cudaMemAdviseSetAccessedBy was called on any subset of this memory range, then mappings to those pages from all the appropriate processors are updated to refer to the new location if establishing such a mapping is possible. Otherwise, those mappings are cleared.

Note that this API is not required for functionality and only serves to improve performance by allowing the application to migrate data to a suitable location before it is accessed. Memory accesses to this range are always coherent and are allowed even when the data is actively being migrated.

Note that this function is asynchronous with respect to the host and all work on other devices.

  • devPtr (Any) – Pointer to be prefetched

  • count (size_t) – Size in bytes

  • location (cudaMemLocation) – location to prefetch to

  • flags (unsigned int) – flags for future use, must be zero now.

  • stream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – Stream to enqueue prefetch operation


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemAdvise(devPtr, size_t count, advice: cudaMemoryAdvise, int device)#

Advise about the usage of a given memory range.

Advise the Unified Memory subsystem about the usage pattern for the memory range starting at devPtr with a size of count bytes. The start address and end address of the memory range will be rounded down and rounded up respectively to be aligned to CPU page size before the advice is applied. The memory range must refer to managed memory allocated via cudaMallocManaged or declared via managed variables. The memory range could also refer to system-allocated pageable memory provided it represents a valid, host-accessible region of memory and all additional constraints imposed by advice as outlined below are also satisfied. Specifying an invalid system- allocated pageable memory range results in an error being returned.

The advice parameter can take the following values:

  • cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly: This implies that the data is mostly going to be read from and only occasionally written to. Any read accesses from any processor to this region will create a read- only copy of at least the accessed pages in that processor’s memory. Additionally, if cudaMemPrefetchAsync is called on this region, it will create a read-only copy of the data on the destination processor. If any processor writes to this region, all copies of the corresponding page will be invalidated except for the one where the write occurred. The device argument is ignored for this advice. Note that for a page to be read-duplicated, the accessing processor must either be the CPU or a GPU that has a non- zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess. Also, if a context is created on a device that does not have the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess set, then read- duplication will not occur until all such contexts are destroyed. If the memory region refers to valid system-allocated pageable memory, then the accessing device must have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess for a read-only copy to be created on that device. Note however that if the accessing device also has a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables, then setting this advice will not create a read-only copy when that device accesses this memory region.

  • cudaMemAdviceUnsetReadMostly: Undoes the effect of cudaMemAdviceReadMostly and also prevents the Unified Memory driver from attempting heuristic read-duplication on the memory range. Any read-duplicated copies of the data will be collapsed into a single copy. The location for the collapsed copy will be the preferred location if the page has a preferred location and one of the read-duplicated copies was resident at that location. Otherwise, the location chosen is arbitrary.

  • cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation: This advice sets the preferred location for the data to be the memory belonging to device. Passing in cudaCpuDeviceId for device sets the preferred location as host memory. If device is a GPU, then it must have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess. Setting the preferred location does not cause data to migrate to that location immediately. Instead, it guides the migration policy when a fault occurs on that memory region. If the data is already in its preferred location and the faulting processor can establish a mapping without requiring the data to be migrated, then data migration will be avoided. On the other hand, if the data is not in its preferred location or if a direct mapping cannot be established, then it will be migrated to the processor accessing it. It is important to note that setting the preferred location does not prevent data prefetching done using cudaMemPrefetchAsync. Having a preferred location can override the page thrash detection and resolution logic in the Unified Memory driver. Normally, if a page is detected to be constantly thrashing between for example host and device memory, the page may eventually be pinned to host memory by the Unified Memory driver. But if the preferred location is set as device memory, then the page will continue to thrash indefinitely. If cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly is also set on this memory region or any subset of it, then the policies associated with that advice will override the policies of this advice, unless read accesses from device will not result in a read-only copy being created on that device as outlined in description for the advice cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly. If the memory region refers to valid system-allocated pageable memory, then device must have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess.

  • cudaMemAdviseUnsetPreferredLocation: Undoes the effect of cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation and changes the preferred location to none.

  • cudaMemAdviseSetAccessedBy: This advice implies that the data will be accessed by device. Passing in cudaCpuDeviceId for device will set the advice for the CPU. If device is a GPU, then the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess must be non-zero. This advice does not cause data migration and has no impact on the location of the data per se. Instead, it causes the data to always be mapped in the specified processor’s page tables, as long as the location of the data permits a mapping to be established. If the data gets migrated for any reason, the mappings are updated accordingly. This advice is recommended in scenarios where data locality is not important, but avoiding faults is. Consider for example a system containing multiple GPUs with peer-to-peer access enabled, where the data located on one GPU is occasionally accessed by peer GPUs. In such scenarios, migrating data over to the other GPUs is not as important because the accesses are infrequent and the overhead of migration may be too high. But preventing faults can still help improve performance, and so having a mapping set up in advance is useful. Note that on CPU access of this data, the data may be migrated to host memory because the CPU typically cannot access device memory directly. Any GPU that had the cudaMemAdviceSetAccessedBy flag set for this data will now have its mapping updated to point to the page in host memory. If cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly is also set on this memory region or any subset of it, then the policies associated with that advice will override the policies of this advice. Additionally, if the preferred location of this memory region or any subset of it is also device, then the policies associated with cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation will override the policies of this advice. If the memory region refers to valid system- allocated pageable memory, then device must have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess. Additionally, if device has a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables, then this call has no effect.

  • cudaMemAdviseUnsetAccessedBy: Undoes the effect of cudaMemAdviseSetAccessedBy. Any mappings to the data from device may be removed at any time causing accesses to result in non-fatal page faults. If the memory region refers to valid system- allocated pageable memory, then device must have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess. Additionally, if device has a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables, then this call has no effect.

  • devPtr (Any) – Pointer to memory to set the advice for

  • count (size_t) – Size in bytes of the memory range

  • advice (cudaMemoryAdvise) – Advice to be applied for the specified memory range

  • device (int) – Device to apply the advice for


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemAdvise_v2(devPtr, size_t count, advice: cudaMemoryAdvise, cudaMemLocation location: cudaMemLocation)#

Advise about the usage of a given memory range.

Advise the Unified Memory subsystem about the usage pattern for the memory range starting at devPtr with a size of count bytes. The start address and end address of the memory range will be rounded down and rounded up respectively to be aligned to CPU page size before the advice is applied. The memory range must refer to managed memory allocated via cudaMallocManaged or declared via managed variables. The memory range could also refer to system-allocated pageable memory provided it represents a valid, host-accessible region of memory and all additional constraints imposed by advice as outlined below are also satisfied. Specifying an invalid system- allocated pageable memory range results in an error being returned.

The advice parameter can take the following values:

  • cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly: This implies that the data is mostly going to be read from and only occasionally written to. Any read accesses from any processor to this region will create a read- only copy of at least the accessed pages in that processor’s memory. Additionally, if cudaMemPrefetchAsync or cudaMemPrefetchAsync_v2 is called on this region, it will create a read-only copy of the data on the destination processor. If the target location for cudaMemPrefetchAsync_v2 is a host NUMA node and a read-only copy already exists on another host NUMA node, that copy will be migrated to the targeted host NUMA node. If any processor writes to this region, all copies of the corresponding page will be invalidated except for the one where the write occurred. If the writing processor is the CPU and the preferred location of the page is a host NUMA node, then the page will also be migrated to that host NUMA node. The location argument is ignored for this advice. Note that for a page to be read-duplicated, the accessing processor must either be the CPU or a GPU that has a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess. Also, if a context is created on a device that does not have the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess set, then read-duplication will not occur until all such contexts are destroyed. If the memory region refers to valid system-allocated pageable memory, then the accessing device must have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess for a read-only copy to be created on that device. Note however that if the accessing device also has a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables, then setting this advice will not create a read-only copy when that device accesses this memory region.

  • cudaMemAdviceUnsetReadMostly: Undoes the effect of cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly and also prevents the Unified Memory driver from attempting heuristic read-duplication on the memory range. Any read-duplicated copies of the data will be collapsed into a single copy. The location for the collapsed copy will be the preferred location if the page has a preferred location and one of the read-duplicated copies was resident at that location. Otherwise, the location chosen is arbitrary. Note: The location argument is ignored for this advice.

  • cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation: This advice sets the preferred location for the data to be the memory belonging to location. When type is cudaMemLocationTypeHost, id is ignored and the preferred location is set to be host memory. To set the preferred location to a specific host NUMA node, applications must set type to cudaMemLocationTypeHostNuma and id must specify the NUMA ID of the host NUMA node. If type is set to cudaMemLocationTypeHostNumaCurrent, id will be ignored and the host NUMA node closest to the calling thread’s CPU will be used as the preferred location. If type is a cudaMemLocationTypeDevice, then id must be a valid device ordinal and the device must have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess. Setting the preferred location does not cause data to migrate to that location immediately. Instead, it guides the migration policy when a fault occurs on that memory region. If the data is already in its preferred location and the faulting processor can establish a mapping without requiring the data to be migrated, then data migration will be avoided. On the other hand, if the data is not in its preferred location or if a direct mapping cannot be established, then it will be migrated to the processor accessing it. It is important to note that setting the preferred location does not prevent data prefetching done using cudaMemPrefetchAsync. Having a preferred location can override the page thrash detection and resolution logic in the Unified Memory driver. Normally, if a page is detected to be constantly thrashing between for example host and device memory, the page may eventually be pinned to host memory by the Unified Memory driver. But if the preferred location is set as device memory, then the page will continue to thrash indefinitely. If cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly is also set on this memory region or any subset of it, then the policies associated with that advice will override the policies of this advice, unless read accesses from location will not result in a read-only copy being created on that procesor as outlined in description for the advice cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly. If the memory region refers to valid system-allocated pageable memory, and type is cudaMemLocationTypeDevice then id must be a valid device that has a non- zero alue for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess.

  • cudaMemAdviseUnsetPreferredLocation: Undoes the effect of cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation and changes the preferred location to none. The location argument is ignored for this advice.

  • cudaMemAdviseSetAccessedBy: This advice implies that the data will be accessed by processor location. The type must be either cudaMemLocationTypeDevice with id representing a valid device ordinal or cudaMemLocationTypeHost and id will be ignored. All other location types are invalid. If id is a GPU, then the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess must be non-zero. This advice does not cause data migration and has no impact on the location of the data per se. Instead, it causes the data to always be mapped in the specified processor’s page tables, as long as the location of the data permits a mapping to be established. If the data gets migrated for any reason, the mappings are updated accordingly. This advice is recommended in scenarios where data locality is not important, but avoiding faults is. Consider for example a system containing multiple GPUs with peer-to-peer access enabled, where the data located on one GPU is occasionally accessed by peer GPUs. In such scenarios, migrating data over to the other GPUs is not as important because the accesses are infrequent and the overhead of migration may be too high. But preventing faults can still help improve performance, and so having a mapping set up in advance is useful. Note that on CPU access of this data, the data may be migrated to host memory because the CPU typically cannot access device memory directly. Any GPU that had the cudaMemAdviseSetAccessedBy flag set for this data will now have its mapping updated to point to the page in host memory. If cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly is also set on this memory region or any subset of it, then the policies associated with that advice will override the policies of this advice. Additionally, if the preferred location of this memory region or any subset of it is also location, then the policies associated with CU_MEM_ADVISE_SET_PREFERRED_LOCATION will override the policies of this advice. If the memory region refers to valid system- allocated pageable memory, and type is cudaMemLocationTypeDevice then device in id must have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess. Additionally, if id has a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables, then this call has no effect.

  • CU_MEM_ADVISE_UNSET_ACCESSED_BY: Undoes the effect of cudaMemAdviseSetAccessedBy. Any mappings to the data from location may be removed at any time causing accesses to result in non-fatal page faults. If the memory region refers to valid system- allocated pageable memory, and type is cudaMemLocationTypeDevice then device in id must have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess. Additionally, if id has a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables, then this call has no effect.

  • devPtr (Any) – Pointer to memory to set the advice for

  • count (size_t) – Size in bytes of the memory range

  • advice (cudaMemoryAdvise) – Advice to be applied for the specified memory range

  • location (cudaMemLocation) – location to apply the advice for


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemRangeGetAttribute(size_t dataSize, attribute: cudaMemRangeAttribute, devPtr, size_t count)#

Query an attribute of a given memory range.

Query an attribute about the memory range starting at devPtr with a size of count bytes. The memory range must refer to managed memory allocated via cudaMallocManaged or declared via managed variables.

The attribute parameter can take the following values:

  • cudaMemRangeAttributeReadMostly: If this attribute is specified, data will be interpreted as a 32-bit integer, and dataSize must be 4. The result returned will be 1 if all pages in the given memory range have read-duplication enabled, or 0 otherwise.

  • cudaMemRangeAttributePreferredLocation: If this attribute is specified, data will be interpreted as a 32-bit integer, and dataSize must be 4. The result returned will be a GPU device id if all pages in the memory range have that GPU as their preferred location, or it will be cudaCpuDeviceId if all pages in the memory range have the CPU as their preferred location, or it will be cudaInvalidDeviceId if either all the pages don’t have the same preferred location or some of the pages don’t have a preferred location at all. Note that the actual location of the pages in the memory range at the time of the query may be different from the preferred location.

  • cudaMemRangeAttributeAccessedBy: If this attribute is specified, data will be interpreted as an array of 32-bit integers, and dataSize must be a non-zero multiple of 4. The result returned will be a list of device ids that had cudaMemAdviceSetAccessedBy set for that entire memory range. If any device does not have that advice set for the entire memory range, that device will not be included. If data is larger than the number of devices that have that advice set for that memory range, cudaInvalidDeviceId will be returned in all the extra space provided. For ex., if dataSize is 12 (i.e. data has 3 elements) and only device 0 has the advice set, then the result returned will be { 0, cudaInvalidDeviceId, cudaInvalidDeviceId }. If data is smaller than the number of devices that have that advice set, then only as many devices will be returned as can fit in the array. There is no guarantee on which specific devices will be returned, however.

  • cudaMemRangeAttributeLastPrefetchLocation: If this attribute is specified, data will be interpreted as a 32-bit integer, and dataSize must be 4. The result returned will be the last location to which all pages in the memory range were prefetched explicitly via cudaMemPrefetchAsync. This will either be a GPU id or cudaCpuDeviceId depending on whether the last location for prefetch was a GPU or the CPU respectively. If any page in the memory range was never explicitly prefetched or if all pages were not prefetched to the same location, cudaInvalidDeviceId will be returned. Note that this simply returns the last location that the applicaton requested to prefetch the memory range to. It gives no indication as to whether the prefetch operation to that location has completed or even begun.

  • cudaMemRangeAttributePreferredLocationId: If this

attribute is specified, data will be interpreted as a 32-bit integer, and dataSize must be 4. If the cudaMemRangeAttributePreferredLocationType query for the same address range returns cudaMemLocationTypeDevice, it will be a valid device ordinal or if it returns cudaMemLocationTypeHostNuma, it will be a valid host NUMA node ID or if it returns any other location type, the id should be ignored.

attribute is specified, data will be interpreted as a 32-bit integer, and dataSize must be 4. If the cudaMemRangeAttributeLastPrefetchLocationType query for the same address range returns cudaMemLocationTypeDevice, it will be a valid device ordinal or if it returns cudaMemLocationTypeHostNuma, it will be a valid host NUMA node ID or if it returns any other location type, the id should be ignored.

  • dataSize (size_t) – Array containing the size of data

  • attribute (cudaMemRangeAttribute) – The attribute to query

  • devPtr (Any) – Start of the range to query

  • count (size_t) – Size of the range to query


  • cudaError_tcudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

  • data (Any) – A pointers to a memory location where the result of each attribute query will be written to.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemRangeGetAttributes(dataSizes: Tuple[int] | List[int], attributes: Optional[Tuple[cudaMemRangeAttribute] | List[cudaMemRangeAttribute]], size_t numAttributes, devPtr, size_t count)#

Query attributes of a given memory range.

Query attributes of the memory range starting at devPtr with a size of count bytes. The memory range must refer to managed memory allocated via cudaMallocManaged or declared via managed variables. The attributes array will be interpreted to have numAttributes entries. The dataSizes array will also be interpreted to have numAttributes entries. The results of the query will be stored in data.

The list of supported attributes are given below. Please refer to cudaMemRangeGetAttribute for attribute descriptions and restrictions.

  • dataSizes (List[int]) – Array containing the sizes of each result

  • attributes (List[cudaMemRangeAttribute]) – An array of attributes to query (numAttributes and the number of attributes in this array should match)

  • numAttributes (size_t) – Number of attributes to query

  • devPtr (Any) – Start of the range to query

  • count (size_t) – Size of the range to query


  • cudaError_tcudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

  • data (List[Any]) – A two-dimensional array containing pointers to memory locations where the result of each attribute query will be written to.

cuda.bindings.runtime.make_cudaPitchedPtr(d, size_t p, size_t xsz, size_t ysz)#

Returns a cudaPitchedPtr based on input parameters.

Returns a cudaPitchedPtr based on the specified input parameters d, p, xsz, and ysz.

  • d (Any) – Pointer to allocated memory

  • p (size_t) – Pitch of allocated memory in bytes

  • xsz (size_t) – Logical width of allocation in elements

  • ysz (size_t) – Logical height of allocation in elements


cuda.bindings.runtime.make_cudaPos(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z)#

Returns a cudaPos based on input parameters.

Returns a cudaPos based on the specified input parameters x, y, and z.

  • x (size_t) – X position

  • y (size_t) – Y position

  • z (size_t) – Z position


  • cudaError_t.cudaSuccess – cudaError_t.cudaSuccess

  • cudaPoscudaPos specified by x, y, and z

cuda.bindings.runtime.make_cudaExtent(size_t w, size_t h, size_t d)#

Returns a cudaExtent based on input parameters.

Returns a cudaExtent based on the specified input parameters w, h, and d.

  • w (size_t) – Width in elements when referring to array memory, in bytes when referring to linear memory

  • h (size_t) – Height in elements

  • d (size_t) – Depth in elements


  • cudaError_t.cudaSuccess – cudaError_t.cudaSuccess

  • cudaExtentcudaExtent specified by w, h, and d

Stream Ordered Memory Allocator#


The asynchronous allocator allows the user to allocate and free in stream order. All asynchronous accesses of the allocation must happen between the stream executions of the allocation and the free. If the memory is accessed outside of the promised stream order, a use before allocation / use after free error will cause undefined behavior.

The allocator is free to reallocate the memory as long as it can guarantee that compliant memory accesses will not overlap temporally. The allocator may refer to internal stream ordering as well as inter-stream dependencies (such as CUDA events and null stream dependencies) when establishing the temporal guarantee. The allocator may also insert inter-stream dependencies to establish the temporal guarantee.

Supported Platforms

Whether or not a device supports the integrated stream ordered memory allocator may be queried by calling cudaDeviceGetAttribute() with the device attribute cudaDevAttrMemoryPoolsSupported.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMallocAsync(size_t size, hStream)#

Allocates memory with stream ordered semantics.

Inserts an allocation operation into hStream. A pointer to the allocated memory is returned immediately in *dptr. The allocation must not be accessed until the the allocation operation completes. The allocation comes from the memory pool associated with the stream’s device.

  • size (size_t) – Number of bytes to allocate

  • hStream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – The stream establishing the stream ordering contract and the memory pool to allocate from



The default memory pool of a device contains device memory from that device.

Basic stream ordering allows future work submitted into the same stream to use the allocation. Stream query, stream synchronize, and CUDA events can be used to guarantee that the allocation operation completes before work submitted in a separate stream runs.

During stream capture, this function results in the creation of an allocation node. In this case, the allocation is owned by the graph instead of the memory pool. The memory pool’s properties are used to set the node’s creation parameters.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaFreeAsync(devPtr, hStream)#

Frees memory with stream ordered semantics.

Inserts a free operation into hStream. The allocation must not be accessed after stream execution reaches the free. After this API returns, accessing the memory from any subsequent work launched on the GPU or querying its pointer attributes results in undefined behavior.

  • dptr (Any) – memory to free

  • hStream (CUstream or cudaStream_t) – The stream establishing the stream ordering promise


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorNotSupported

Return type:



During stream capture, this function results in the creation of a free node and must therefore be passed the address of a graph allocation.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolTrimTo(memPool, size_t minBytesToKeep)#

Tries to release memory back to the OS.

Releases memory back to the OS until the pool contains fewer than minBytesToKeep reserved bytes, or there is no more memory that the allocator can safely release. The allocator cannot release OS allocations that back outstanding asynchronous allocations. The OS allocations may happen at different granularity from the user allocations.

  • pool (CUmemoryPool or cudaMemPool_t) – The memory pool to trim

  • minBytesToKeep (size_t) – If the pool has less than minBytesToKeep reserved, the TrimTo operation is a no-op. Otherwise the pool will be guaranteed to have at least minBytesToKeep bytes reserved after the operation.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



: Allocations that have not been freed count as outstanding.

: Allocations that have been asynchronously freed but whose completion has not been observed on the host (eg. by a synchronize) can count as outstanding.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolSetAttribute(memPool, attr: cudaMemPoolAttr, value)#

Sets attributes of a memory pool.

Supported attributes are:

  • cudaMemPoolAttrReleaseThreshold: (value type = cuuint64_t) Amount of reserved memory in bytes to hold onto before trying to release memory back to the OS. When more than the release threshold bytes of memory are held by the memory pool, the allocator will try to release memory back to the OS on the next call to stream, event or context synchronize. (default 0)

  • cudaMemPoolReuseFollowEventDependencies: (value type = int) Allow cudaMallocAsync to use memory asynchronously freed in another stream as long as a stream ordering dependency of the allocating stream on the free action exists. Cuda events and null stream interactions can create the required stream ordered dependencies. (default enabled)

  • cudaMemPoolReuseAllowOpportunistic: (value type = int) Allow reuse of already completed frees when there is no dependency between the free and allocation. (default enabled)

  • cudaMemPoolReuseAllowInternalDependencies: (value type = int) Allow cudaMallocAsync to insert new stream dependencies in order to establish the stream ordering required to reuse a piece of memory released by cudaFreeAsync (default enabled).

  • cudaMemPoolAttrReservedMemHigh: (value type = cuuint64_t) Reset the high watermark that tracks the amount of backing memory that was allocated for the memory pool. It is illegal to set this attribute to a non-zero value.

  • cudaMemPoolAttrUsedMemHigh: (value type = cuuint64_t) Reset the high watermark that tracks the amount of used memory that was allocated for the memory pool. It is illegal to set this attribute to a non-zero value.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolGetAttribute(memPool, attr: cudaMemPoolAttr)#

Gets attributes of a memory pool.

Supported attributes are:

  • cudaMemPoolAttrReleaseThreshold: (value type = cuuint64_t) Amount of reserved memory in bytes to hold onto before trying to release memory back to the OS. When more than the release threshold bytes of memory are held by the memory pool, the allocator will try to release memory back to the OS on the next call to stream, event or context synchronize. (default 0)

  • cudaMemPoolReuseFollowEventDependencies: (value type = int) Allow cudaMallocAsync to use memory asynchronously freed in another stream as long as a stream ordering dependency of the allocating stream on the free action exists. Cuda events and null stream interactions can create the required stream ordered dependencies. (default enabled)

  • cudaMemPoolReuseAllowOpportunistic: (value type = int) Allow reuse of already completed frees when there is no dependency between the free and allocation. (default enabled)

  • cudaMemPoolReuseAllowInternalDependencies: (value type = int) Allow cudaMallocAsync to insert new stream dependencies in order to establish the stream ordering required to reuse a piece of memory released by cudaFreeAsync (default enabled).

  • cudaMemPoolAttrReservedMemCurrent: (value type = cuuint64_t) Amount of backing memory currently allocated for the mempool.

  • cudaMemPoolAttrReservedMemHigh: (value type = cuuint64_t) High watermark of backing memory allocated for the mempool since the last time it was reset.

  • cudaMemPoolAttrUsedMemCurrent: (value type = cuuint64_t) Amount of memory from the pool that is currently in use by the application.

  • cudaMemPoolAttrUsedMemHigh: (value type = cuuint64_t) High watermark of the amount of memory from the pool that was in use by the application since the last time it was reset.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolSetAccess(memPool, descList: Optional[Tuple[cudaMemAccessDesc] | List[cudaMemAccessDesc]], size_t count)#

Controls visibility of pools between devices.

  • pool (CUmemoryPool or cudaMemPool_t) – The pool being modified

  • map (List[cudaMemAccessDesc]) – Array of access descriptors. Each descriptor instructs the access to enable for a single gpu

  • count (size_t) – Number of descriptors in the map array.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolGetAccess(memPool, cudaMemLocation location: Optional[cudaMemLocation])#

Returns the accessibility of a pool from a device.

Returns the accessibility of the pool’s memory from the specified location.


  • cudaError_t

  • flags (cudaMemAccessFlags) – the accessibility of the pool from the specified location

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolCreate(cudaMemPoolProps poolProps: Optional[cudaMemPoolProps])#

Creates a memory pool.

Creates a CUDA memory pool and returns the handle in pool. The poolProps determines the properties of the pool such as the backing device and IPC capabilities.

To create a memory pool targeting a specific host NUMA node, applications must set cudaMemPoolProps::cudaMemLocation::type to cudaMemLocationTypeHostNuma and cudaMemPoolProps::cudaMemLocation::id must specify the NUMA ID of the host memory node. Specifying cudaMemLocationTypeHostNumaCurrent or cudaMemLocationTypeHost as the cudaMemPoolProps::cudaMemLocation::type will result in cudaErrorInvalidValue. By default, the pool’s memory will be accessible from the device it is allocated on. In the case of pools created with cudaMemLocationTypeHostNuma, their default accessibility will be from the host CPU. Applications can control the maximum size of the pool by specifying a non-zero value for maxSize. If set to 0, the maximum size of the pool will default to a system dependent value.

Applications can set handleTypes to cudaMemHandleTypeFabric in order to create cudaMemPool_t suitable for sharing within an IMEX domain. An IMEX domain is either an OS instance or a group of securely connected OS instances using the NVIDIA IMEX daemon. An IMEX channel is a global resource within the IMEX domain that represents a logical entity that aims to provide fine grained accessibility control for the participating processes. When exporter and importer CUDA processes have been granted access to the same IMEX channel, they can securely share memory. If the allocating process does not have access setup for an IMEX channel, attempting to export a CUmemoryPool with cudaMemHandleTypeFabric will result in cudaErrorNotPermitted. The nvidia-modprobe CLI provides more information regarding setting up of IMEX channels.


poolProps (cudaMemPoolProps) – None



Specifying cudaMemHandleTypeNone creates a memory pool that will not support IPC.


Destroys the specified memory pool.

If any pointers obtained from this pool haven’t been freed or the pool has free operations that haven’t completed when cudaMemPoolDestroy is invoked, the function will return immediately and the resources associated with the pool will be released automatically once there are no more outstanding allocations.

Destroying the current mempool of a device sets the default mempool of that device as the current mempool for that device.


memPool (CUmemoryPool or cudaMemPool_t) – None


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



A device’s default memory pool cannot be destroyed.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMallocFromPoolAsync(size_t size, memPool, stream)#

Allocates memory from a specified pool with stream ordered semantics.

Inserts an allocation operation into hStream. A pointer to the allocated memory is returned immediately in *dptr. The allocation must not be accessed until the the allocation operation completes. The allocation comes from the specified memory pool.



During stream capture, this function results in the creation of an allocation node. In this case, the allocation is owned by the graph instead of the memory pool. The memory pool’s properties are used to set the node’s creation parameters.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolExportToShareableHandle(memPool, handleType: cudaMemAllocationHandleType, unsigned int flags)#

Exports a memory pool to the requested handle type.

Given an IPC capable mempool, create an OS handle to share the pool with another process. A recipient process can convert the shareable handle into a mempool with cudaMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle. Individual pointers can then be shared with the cudaMemPoolExportPointer and cudaMemPoolImportPointer APIs. The implementation of what the shareable handle is and how it can be transferred is defined by the requested handle type.



: To create an IPC capable mempool, create a mempool with a CUmemAllocationHandleType other than cudaMemHandleTypeNone.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolImportFromShareableHandle(shareableHandle, handleType: cudaMemAllocationHandleType, unsigned int flags)#

imports a memory pool from a shared handle.

Specific allocations can be imported from the imported pool with cudaMemPoolImportPointer.

  • handle (Any) – OS handle of the pool to open

  • handleType (cudaMemAllocationHandleType) – The type of handle being imported

  • flags (unsigned int) – must be 0



Imported memory pools do not support creating new allocations. As such imported memory pools may not be used in cudaDeviceSetMemPool or cudaMallocFromPoolAsync calls.


Export data to share a memory pool allocation between processes.

Constructs shareData_out for sharing a specific allocation from an already shared memory pool. The recipient process can import the allocation with the cudaMemPoolImportPointer api. The data is not a handle and may be shared through any IPC mechanism.


ptr (Any) – pointer to memory being exported


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolImportPointer(memPool, cudaMemPoolPtrExportData exportData: Optional[cudaMemPoolPtrExportData])#

Import a memory pool allocation from another process.

Returns in ptr_out a pointer to the imported memory. The imported memory must not be accessed before the allocation operation completes in the exporting process. The imported memory must be freed from all importing processes before being freed in the exporting process. The pointer may be freed with cudaFree or cudaFreeAsync. If cudaFreeAsync is used, the free must be completed on the importing process before the free operation on the exporting process.



The cudaFreeAsync api may be used in the exporting process before the cudaFreeAsync operation completes in its stream as long as the cudaFreeAsync in the exporting process specifies a stream with a stream dependency on the importing process’s cudaFreeAsync.

Unified Addressing#

This section describes the unified addressing functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.


CUDA devices can share a unified address space with the host.

For these devices there is no distinction between a device pointer and a host pointer – the same pointer value may be used to access memory from the host program and from a kernel running on the device (with exceptions enumerated below).

Supported Platforms

Whether or not a device supports unified addressing may be queried by calling cudaGetDeviceProperties() with the device property cudaDeviceProp::unifiedAddressing.

Unified addressing is automatically enabled in 64-bit processes .

Looking Up Information from Pointer Values

It is possible to look up information about the memory which backs a pointer value. For instance, one may want to know if a pointer points to host or device memory. As another example, in the case of device memory, one may want to know on which CUDA device the memory resides. These properties may be queried using the function cudaPointerGetAttributes()

Since pointers are unique, it is not necessary to specify information about the pointers specified to cudaMemcpy() and other copy functions.

The copy direction cudaMemcpyDefault may be used to specify that the CUDA runtime should infer the location of the pointer from its value.

Automatic Mapping of Host Allocated Host Memory

All host memory allocated through all devices using cudaMallocHost() and cudaHostAlloc() is always directly accessible from all devices that support unified addressing. This is the case regardless of whether or not the flags cudaHostAllocPortable and cudaHostAllocMapped are specified.

The pointer value through which allocated host memory may be accessed in kernels on all devices that support unified addressing is the same as the pointer value through which that memory is accessed on the host. It is not necessary to call cudaHostGetDevicePointer() to get the device pointer for these allocations.

Note that this is not the case for memory allocated using the flag cudaHostAllocWriteCombined, as discussed below.

Direct Access of Peer Memory

Upon enabling direct access from a device that supports unified addressing to another peer device that supports unified addressing using cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess() all memory allocated in the peer device using cudaMalloc() and cudaMallocPitch() will immediately be accessible by the current device. The device pointer value through which any peer’s memory may be accessed in the current device is the same pointer value through which that memory may be accessed from the peer device.

Exceptions, Disjoint Addressing

Not all memory may be accessed on devices through the same pointer value through which they are accessed on the host. These exceptions are host memory registered using cudaHostRegister() and host memory allocated using the flag cudaHostAllocWriteCombined. For these exceptions, there exists a distinct host and device address for the memory. The device address is guaranteed to not overlap any valid host pointer range and is guaranteed to have the same value across all devices that support unified addressing.

This device address may be queried using cudaHostGetDevicePointer() when a device using unified addressing is current. Either the host or the unified device pointer value may be used to refer to this memory in cudaMemcpy() and similar functions using the cudaMemcpyDefault memory direction.


Returns attributes about a specified pointer.

Returns in *attributes the attributes of the pointer ptr. If pointer was not allocated in, mapped by or registered with context supporting unified addressing cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned.

The cudaPointerAttributes structure is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

In this structure, the individual fields mean

  • type identifies type of memory. It can be cudaMemoryTypeUnregistered for unregistered host memory, cudaMemoryTypeHost for registered host memory, cudaMemoryTypeDevice for device memory or cudaMemoryTypeManaged for managed memory.

  • device is the device against which ptr was allocated. If ptr has memory type cudaMemoryTypeDevice then this identifies the device on which the memory referred to by ptr physically resides. If ptr has memory type cudaMemoryTypeHost then this identifies the device which was current when the allocation was made (and if that device is deinitialized then this allocation will vanish with that device’s state).

  • devicePointer is the device pointer alias through which the memory referred to by ptr may be accessed on the current device. If the memory referred to by ptr cannot be accessed directly by the current device then this is NULL.

  • hostPointer is the host pointer alias through which the memory referred to by ptr may be accessed on the host. If the memory referred to by ptr cannot be accessed directly by the host then this is NULL.


ptr (Any) – Pointer to get attributes for



In CUDA 11.0 forward passing host pointer will return cudaMemoryTypeUnregistered in type and call will return cudaSuccess.

Peer Device Memory Access#

This section describes the peer device memory access functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer(int device, int peerDevice)#

Queries if a device may directly access a peer device’s memory.

Returns in *canAccessPeer a value of 1 if device device is capable of directly accessing memory from peerDevice and 0 otherwise. If direct access of peerDevice from device is possible, then access may be enabled by calling cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess().

  • device (int) – Device from which allocations on peerDevice are to be directly accessed.

  • peerDevice (int) – Device on which the allocations to be directly accessed by device reside.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess(int peerDevice, unsigned int flags)#

Enables direct access to memory allocations on a peer device.

On success, all allocations from peerDevice will immediately be accessible by the current device. They will remain accessible until access is explicitly disabled using cudaDeviceDisablePeerAccess() or either device is reset using cudaDeviceReset().

Note that access granted by this call is unidirectional and that in order to access memory on the current device from peerDevice, a separate symmetric call to cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess() is required.

Note that there are both device-wide and system-wide limitations per system configuration, as noted in the CUDA Programming Guide under the section “Peer-to-Peer Memory Access”.

Returns cudaErrorInvalidDevice if cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer() indicates that the current device cannot directly access memory from peerDevice.

Returns cudaErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled if direct access of peerDevice from the current device has already been enabled.

Returns cudaErrorInvalidValue if flags is not 0.

  • peerDevice (int) – Peer device to enable direct access to from the current device

  • flags (unsigned int) – Reserved for future use and must be set to 0


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidDevice, cudaErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceDisablePeerAccess(int peerDevice)#

Disables direct access to memory allocations on a peer device.

Returns cudaErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled if direct access to memory on peerDevice has not yet been enabled from the current device.


peerDevice (int) – Peer device to disable direct access to


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

Return type:


OpenGL Interoperability#


This section describes the OpenGL interoperability functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface. Note that mapping of OpenGL resources is performed with the graphics API agnostic, resource mapping interface described in Graphics Interopability.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGLDeviceList(value)#

CUDA devices corresponding to the current OpenGL context

cudaGLDeviceListAll = 1#

The CUDA devices for all GPUs used by the current OpenGL context

cudaGLDeviceListCurrentFrame = 2#

The CUDA devices for the GPUs used by the current OpenGL context in its currently rendering frame

cudaGLDeviceListNextFrame = 3#

The CUDA devices for the GPUs to be used by the current OpenGL context in the next frame

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGLGetDevices(unsigned int cudaDeviceCount, deviceList: cudaGLDeviceList)#

Gets the CUDA devices associated with the current OpenGL context.

Returns in *pCudaDeviceCount the number of CUDA-compatible devices corresponding to the current OpenGL context. Also returns in *pCudaDevices at most cudaDeviceCount of the CUDA-compatible devices corresponding to the current OpenGL context. If any of the GPUs being used by the current OpenGL context are not CUDA capable then the call will return cudaErrorNoDevice.

  • cudaDeviceCount (unsigned int) – The size of the output device array pCudaDevices

  • deviceList (cudaGLDeviceList) – The set of devices to return. This set may be cudaGLDeviceListAll for all devices, cudaGLDeviceListCurrentFrame for the devices used to render the current frame (in SLI), or cudaGLDeviceListNextFrame for the devices used to render the next frame (in SLI).


  • cudaError_t – cudaSuccess cudaErrorNoDevice cudaErrorInvalidGraphicsContext cudaErrorUnknown

  • pCudaDeviceCount (unsigned int) – Returned number of CUDA devices corresponding to the current OpenGL context

  • pCudaDevices (List[int]) – Returned CUDA devices corresponding to the current OpenGL context


This function is not supported on Mac OS X.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsGLRegisterImage(image, target, unsigned int flags)#

Register an OpenGL texture or renderbuffer object.

Registers the texture or renderbuffer object specified by image for access by CUDA. A handle to the registered object is returned as resource.

target must match the type of the object, and must be one of GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, or GL_RENDERBUFFER.

The register flags flags specify the intended usage, as follows:

The following image formats are supported. For brevity’s sake, the list is abbreviated. For ex., {GL_R, GL_RG} X {8, 16} would expand to the following 4 formats {GL_R8, GL_R16, GL_RG8, GL_RG16} :


  • {GL_R, GL_RG, GL_RGBA} X {8, 16, 16F, 32F, 8UI, 16UI, 32UI, 8I, 16I, 32I}


The following image classes are currently disallowed:

  • Textures with borders

  • Multisampled renderbuffers

  • image (GLuint) – name of texture or renderbuffer object to be registered

  • target (GLenum) – Identifies the type of object specified by image

  • flags (unsigned int) – Register flags


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer(buffer, unsigned int flags)#

Registers an OpenGL buffer object.

Registers the buffer object specified by buffer for access by CUDA. A handle to the registered object is returned as resource. The register flags flags specify the intended usage, as follows:

  • cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone: Specifies no hints about how this resource will be used. It is therefore assumed that this resource will be read from and written to by CUDA. This is the default value.

  • cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsReadOnly: Specifies that CUDA will not write to this resource.

  • cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsWriteDiscard: Specifies that CUDA will not read from this resource and will write over the entire contents of the resource, so none of the data previously stored in the resource will be preserved.

  • buffer (GLuint) – name of buffer object to be registered

  • flags (unsigned int) – Register flags


Direct3D 9 Interoperability#

Direct3D 10 Interoperability#

Direct3D 11 Interoperability#

VDPAU Interoperability#

This section describes the VDPAU interoperability functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaVDPAUGetDevice(vdpDevice, vdpGetProcAddress)#

Gets the CUDA device associated with a VdpDevice.

Returns the CUDA device associated with a VdpDevice, if applicable.

  • vdpDevice (VdpDevice) – A VdpDevice handle

  • vdpGetProcAddress (VdpGetProcAddress) – VDPAU’s VdpGetProcAddress function pointer


  • cudaError_tcudaSuccess

  • device (int) – Returns the device associated with vdpDevice, or -1 if the device associated with vdpDevice is not a compute device.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaVDPAUSetVDPAUDevice(int device, vdpDevice, vdpGetProcAddress)#

Sets a CUDA device to use VDPAU interoperability.

Records vdpDevice as the VdpDevice for VDPAU interoperability with the CUDA device device and sets device as the current device for the calling host thread.

This function will immediately initialize the primary context on device if needed.

If device has already been initialized then this call will fail with the error cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess. In this case it is necessary to reset device using cudaDeviceReset() before VDPAU interoperability on device may be enabled.

  • device (int) – Device to use for VDPAU interoperability

  • vdpDevice (VdpDevice) – The VdpDevice to interoperate with

  • vdpGetProcAddress (VdpGetProcAddress) – VDPAU’s VdpGetProcAddress function pointer


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidDevice, cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsVDPAURegisterVideoSurface(vdpSurface, unsigned int flags)#

Register a VdpVideoSurface object.

Registers the VdpVideoSurface specified by vdpSurface for access by CUDA. A handle to the registered object is returned as resource. The surface’s intended usage is specified using flags, as follows:

  • cudaGraphicsMapFlagsNone: Specifies no hints about how this resource will be used. It is therefore assumed that this resource will be read from and written to by CUDA. This is the default value.

  • cudaGraphicsMapFlagsReadOnly: Specifies that CUDA will not write to this resource.

  • cudaGraphicsMapFlagsWriteDiscard: Specifies that CUDA will not read from this resource and will write over the entire contents of the resource, so none of the data previously stored in the resource will be preserved.

  • vdpSurface (VdpVideoSurface) – VDPAU object to be registered

  • flags (unsigned int) – Map flags


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsVDPAURegisterOutputSurface(vdpSurface, unsigned int flags)#

Register a VdpOutputSurface object.

Registers the VdpOutputSurface specified by vdpSurface for access by CUDA. A handle to the registered object is returned as resource. The surface’s intended usage is specified using flags, as follows:

  • cudaGraphicsMapFlagsNone: Specifies no hints about how this resource will be used. It is therefore assumed that this resource will be read from and written to by CUDA. This is the default value.

  • cudaGraphicsMapFlagsReadOnly: Specifies that CUDA will not write to this resource.

  • cudaGraphicsMapFlagsWriteDiscard: Specifies that CUDA will not read from this resource and will write over the entire contents of the resource, so none of the data previously stored in the resource will be preserved.

  • vdpSurface (VdpOutputSurface) – VDPAU object to be registered

  • flags (unsigned int) – Map flags


EGL Interoperability#

This section describes the EGL interoperability functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsEGLRegisterImage(image, unsigned int flags)#

Registers an EGL image.

Registers the EGLImageKHR specified by image for access by CUDA. A handle to the registered object is returned as pCudaResource. Additional Mapping/Unmapping is not required for the registered resource and cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedEglFrame can be directly called on the pCudaResource.

The application will be responsible for synchronizing access to shared objects. The application must ensure that any pending operation which access the objects have completed before passing control to CUDA. This may be accomplished by issuing and waiting for glFinish command on all GLcontexts (for OpenGL and likewise for other APIs). The application will be also responsible for ensuring that any pending operation on the registered CUDA resource has completed prior to executing subsequent commands in other APIs accesing the same memory objects. This can be accomplished by calling cuCtxSynchronize or cuEventSynchronize (preferably).

The surface’s intended usage is specified using flags, as follows:

  • cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone: Specifies no hints about how this resource will be used. It is therefore assumed that this resource will be read from and written to by CUDA. This is the default value.

  • cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsReadOnly: Specifies that CUDA will not write to this resource.

  • cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsWriteDiscard: Specifies that CUDA will not read from this resource and will write over the entire contents of the resource, so none of the data previously stored in the resource will be preserved.

The EGLImageKHR is an object which can be used to create EGLImage target resource. It is defined as a void pointer. typedef void* EGLImageKHR

  • image (EGLImageKHR) – An EGLImageKHR image which can be used to create target resource.

  • flags (unsigned int) – Map flags



Connect CUDA to EGLStream as a consumer.

Connect CUDA as a consumer to EGLStreamKHR specified by eglStream.

The EGLStreamKHR is an EGL object that transfers a sequence of image frames from one API to another.


eglStream (EGLStreamKHR) – EGLStreamKHR handle


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEGLStreamConsumerConnectWithFlags(eglStream, unsigned int flags)#

Connect CUDA to EGLStream as a consumer with given flags.

Connect CUDA as a consumer to EGLStreamKHR specified by stream with specified flags defined by cudaEglResourceLocationFlags.

The flags specify whether the consumer wants to access frames from system memory or video memory. Default is cudaEglResourceLocationVidmem.

  • eglStream (EGLStreamKHR) – EGLStreamKHR handle

  • flags (unsigned int) – Flags denote intended location - system or video.



Disconnect CUDA as a consumer to EGLStream .

Disconnect CUDA as a consumer to EGLStreamKHR.


conn (cudaEglStreamConnection) – Conection to disconnect.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorUnknown

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEGLStreamConsumerAcquireFrame(conn, pCudaResource, pStream, unsigned int timeout)#

Acquire an image frame from the EGLStream with CUDA as a consumer.

Acquire an image frame from EGLStreamKHR. cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedEglFrame can be called on pCudaResource to get cudaEglFrame.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorUnknown, cudaErrorLaunchTimeout

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEGLStreamConsumerReleaseFrame(conn, pCudaResource, pStream)#

Releases the last frame acquired from the EGLStream.

Release the acquired image frame specified by pCudaResource to EGLStreamKHR.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorUnknown

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEGLStreamProducerConnect(eglStream, width, height)#

Connect CUDA to EGLStream as a producer.

Connect CUDA as a producer to EGLStreamKHR specified by stream.

The EGLStreamKHR is an EGL object that transfers a sequence of image frames from one API to another.

  • eglStream (EGLStreamKHR) – EGLStreamKHR handle

  • width (EGLint) – width of the image to be submitted to the stream

  • height (EGLint) – height of the image to be submitted to the stream



Disconnect CUDA as a producer to EGLStream .

Disconnect CUDA as a producer to EGLStreamKHR.


conn (cudaEglStreamConnection) – Conection to disconnect.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorUnknown

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEGLStreamProducerPresentFrame(conn, cudaEglFrame eglframe: cudaEglFrame, pStream)#

Present a CUDA eglFrame to the EGLStream with CUDA as a producer.

The cudaEglFrame is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

For cudaEglFrame of type cudaEglFrameTypePitch, the application may present sub-region of a memory allocation. In that case, ptr will specify the start address of the sub-region in the allocation and cudaEglPlaneDesc will specify the dimensions of the sub-region.

  • conn (cudaEglStreamConnection) – Connection on which to present the CUDA array

  • eglframe (cudaEglFrame) – CUDA Eglstream Proucer Frame handle to be sent to the consumer over EglStream.

  • pStream (cudaStream_t) – CUDA stream on which to present the frame.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorUnknown

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEGLStreamProducerReturnFrame(conn, cudaEglFrame eglframe: Optional[cudaEglFrame], pStream)#

Return the CUDA eglFrame to the EGLStream last released by the consumer.

This API can potentially return cudaErrorLaunchTimeout if the consumer has not returned a frame to EGL stream. If timeout is returned the application can retry.

  • conn (cudaEglStreamConnection) – Connection on which to present the CUDA array

  • eglframe (cudaEglFrame) – CUDA Eglstream Proucer Frame handle returned from the consumer over EglStream.

  • pStream (cudaStream_t) – CUDA stream on which to return the frame.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorLaunchTimeout, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorUnknown

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsResourceGetMappedEglFrame(resource, unsigned int index, unsigned int mipLevel)#

Get an eglFrame through which to access a registered EGL graphics resource.

Returns in *eglFrame an eglFrame pointer through which the registered graphics resource resource may be accessed. This API can only be called for EGL graphics resources.

The cudaEglFrame is defined as

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

  • resource (cudaGraphicsResource_t) – Registered resource to access.

  • index (unsigned int) – Index for cubemap surfaces.

  • mipLevel (unsigned int) – Mipmap level for the subresource to access.



Note that in case of multiplanar *eglFrame, pitch of only first plane (unsigned int pitch) is to be considered by the application.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEventCreateFromEGLSync(eglSync, unsigned int flags)#

Creates an event from EGLSync object.

Creates an event *phEvent from an EGLSyncKHR eglSync with the flages specified via flags. Valid flags include:

cudaEventRecord and TimingData are not supported for events created from EGLSync.

The EGLSyncKHR is an opaque handle to an EGL sync object. typedef void* EGLSyncKHR

  • eglSync (EGLSyncKHR) – Opaque handle to EGLSync object

  • flags (unsigned int) – Event creation flags


Graphics Interoperability#

This section describes the graphics interoperability functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface.


Unregisters a graphics resource for access by CUDA.

Unregisters the graphics resource resource so it is not accessible by CUDA unless registered again.

If resource is invalid then cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle is returned.


resource (cudaGraphicsResource_t) – Resource to unregister


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorUnknown

Return type:


See also

cudaGraphicsD3D9RegisterResource, cudaGraphicsD3D10RegisterResource, cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource, cudaGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer, cudaGraphicsGLRegisterImage, cuGraphicsUnregisterResource

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsResourceSetMapFlags(resource, unsigned int flags)#

Set usage flags for mapping a graphics resource.

Set flags for mapping the graphics resource resource.

Changes to flags will take effect the next time resource is mapped. The flags argument may be any of the following:

  • cudaGraphicsMapFlagsNone: Specifies no hints about how resource will be used. It is therefore assumed that CUDA may read from or write to resource.

  • cudaGraphicsMapFlagsReadOnly: Specifies that CUDA will not write to resource.

  • cudaGraphicsMapFlagsWriteDiscard: Specifies CUDA will not read from resource and will write over the entire contents of resource, so none of the data previously stored in resource will be preserved.

If resource is presently mapped for access by CUDA then cudaErrorUnknown is returned. If flags is not one of the above values then cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned.

  • resource (cudaGraphicsResource_t) – Registered resource to set flags for

  • flags (unsigned int) – Parameters for resource mapping


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorUnknown,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsMapResources(int count, resources, stream)#

Map graphics resources for access by CUDA.

Maps the count graphics resources in resources for access by CUDA.

The resources in resources may be accessed by CUDA until they are unmapped. The graphics API from which resources were registered should not access any resources while they are mapped by CUDA. If an application does so, the results are undefined.

This function provides the synchronization guarantee that any graphics calls issued before cudaGraphicsMapResources() will complete before any subsequent CUDA work issued in stream begins.

If resources contains any duplicate entries then cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle is returned. If any of resources are presently mapped for access by CUDA then cudaErrorUnknown is returned.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorUnknown

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsUnmapResources(int count, resources, stream)#

Unmap graphics resources.

Unmaps the count graphics resources in resources.

Once unmapped, the resources in resources may not be accessed by CUDA until they are mapped again.

This function provides the synchronization guarantee that any CUDA work issued in stream before cudaGraphicsUnmapResources() will complete before any subsequently issued graphics work begins.

If resources contains any duplicate entries then cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle is returned. If any of resources are not presently mapped for access by CUDA then cudaErrorUnknown is returned.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorUnknown

Return type:



Get an device pointer through which to access a mapped graphics resource.

Returns in *devPtr a pointer through which the mapped graphics resource resource may be accessed. Returns in *size the size of the memory in bytes which may be accessed from that pointer. The value set in devPtr may change every time that resource is mapped.

If resource is not a buffer then it cannot be accessed via a pointer and cudaErrorUnknown is returned. If resource is not mapped then cudaErrorUnknown is returned.


resource (cudaGraphicsResource_t) – None


  • cudaError_t

  • devPtr (Any) – None

  • size (int) – None

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray(resource, unsigned int arrayIndex, unsigned int mipLevel)#

Get an array through which to access a subresource of a mapped graphics resource.

Returns in *array an array through which the subresource of the mapped graphics resource resource which corresponds to array index arrayIndex and mipmap level mipLevel may be accessed. The value set in array may change every time that resource is mapped.

If resource is not a texture then it cannot be accessed via an array and cudaErrorUnknown is returned. If arrayIndex is not a valid array index for resource then cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned. If mipLevel is not a valid mipmap level for resource then cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned. If resource is not mapped then cudaErrorUnknown is returned.

  • resource (cudaGraphicsResource_t) – Mapped resource to access

  • arrayIndex (unsigned int) – Array index for array textures or cubemap face index as defined by cudaGraphicsCubeFace for cubemap textures for the subresource to access

  • mipLevel (unsigned int) – Mipmap level for the subresource to access



Get a mipmapped array through which to access a mapped graphics resource.

Returns in *mipmappedArray a mipmapped array through which the mapped graphics resource resource may be accessed. The value set in mipmappedArray may change every time that resource is mapped.

If resource is not a texture then it cannot be accessed via an array and cudaErrorUnknown is returned. If resource is not mapped then cudaErrorUnknown is returned.


resource (cudaGraphicsResource_t) – Mapped resource to access


Texture Object Management#

This section describes the low level texture object management functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface. The texture object API is only supported on devices of compute capability 3.0 or higher.


Get the channel descriptor of an array.

Returns in *desc the channel descriptor of the CUDA array array.


array (cudaArray_const_t) – Memory array on device


See also

cudaCreateChannelDesc (C API), cudaCreateTextureObject, cudaCreateSurfaceObject

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaCreateChannelDesc(int x, int y, int z, int w, f: cudaChannelFormatKind)#

Returns a channel descriptor using the specified format.

Returns a channel descriptor with format f and number of bits of each component x, y, z, and w. The cudaChannelFormatDesc is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

where cudaChannelFormatKind is one of cudaChannelFormatKindSigned, cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned, or cudaChannelFormatKindFloat.

  • x (int) – X component

  • y (int) – Y component

  • z (int) – Z component

  • w (int) – W component

  • f (cudaChannelFormatKind) – Channel format


  • cudaError_t.cudaSuccess – cudaError_t.cudaSuccess

  • cudaChannelFormatDesc – Channel descriptor with format f

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaCreateTextureObject(cudaResourceDesc pResDesc: Optional[cudaResourceDesc], cudaTextureDesc pTexDesc: Optional[cudaTextureDesc], cudaResourceViewDesc pResViewDesc: Optional[cudaResourceViewDesc])#

Creates a texture object.

Creates a texture object and returns it in pTexObject. pResDesc describes the data to texture from. pTexDesc describes how the data should be sampled. pResViewDesc is an optional argument that specifies an alternate format for the data described by pResDesc, and also describes the subresource region to restrict access to when texturing. pResViewDesc can only be specified if the type of resource is a CUDA array or a CUDA mipmapped array not in a block compressed format.

Texture objects are only supported on devices of compute capability 3.0 or higher. Additionally, a texture object is an opaque value, and, as such, should only be accessed through CUDA API calls.

The cudaResourceDesc structure is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example


  • resType specifies the type of resource to texture from. CUresourceType is defined as:

  • View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

If resType is set to cudaResourceTypeArray, cudaResourceDesc::res::array::array must be set to a valid CUDA array handle.

If resType is set to cudaResourceTypeMipmappedArray, cudaResourceDesc::res::mipmap::mipmap must be set to a valid CUDA mipmapped array handle and normalizedCoords must be set to true.

If resType is set to cudaResourceTypeLinear, cudaResourceDesc::res::linear::devPtr must be set to a valid device pointer, that is aligned to textureAlignment. cudaResourceDesc::res::linear::desc describes the format and the number of components per array element. cudaResourceDesc::res::linear::sizeInBytes specifies the size of the array in bytes. The total number of elements in the linear address range cannot exceed maxTexture1DLinear. The number of elements is computed as (sizeInBytes / sizeof(desc)).

If resType is set to cudaResourceTypePitch2D, cudaResourceDesc::res::pitch2D::devPtr must be set to a valid device pointer, that is aligned to textureAlignment. cudaResourceDesc::res::pitch2D::desc describes the format and the number of components per array element. cudaResourceDesc::res::pitch2D::width and cudaResourceDesc::res::pitch2D::height specify the width and height of the array in elements, and cannot exceed cudaResourceDesc::res::pitch2D::pitchInBytes specifies the pitch between two rows in bytes and has to be aligned to texturePitchAlignment. Pitch cannot exceed :py:obj:`~.cudaDeviceProp.maxTexture2DLinear`[2].

The cudaTextureDesc struct is defined as

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example


The cudaResourceViewDesc struct is defined as

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example


  • format specifies how the data contained in the CUDA array or CUDA mipmapped array should be interpreted. Note that this can incur a change in size of the texture data. If the resource view format is a block compressed format, then the underlying CUDA array or CUDA mipmapped array has to have a 32-bit unsigned integer format with 2 or 4 channels, depending on the block compressed format. For ex., BC1 and BC4 require the underlying CUDA array to have a 32-bit unsigned int with 2 channels. The other BC formats require the underlying resource to have the same 32-bit unsigned int format but with 4 channels.

  • width specifies the new width of the texture data. If the resource view format is a block compressed format, this value has to be 4 times the original width of the resource. For non block compressed formats, this value has to be equal to that of the original resource.

  • height specifies the new height of the texture data. If the resource view format is a block compressed format, this value has to be 4 times the original height of the resource. For non block compressed formats, this value has to be equal to that of the original resource.

  • depth specifies the new depth of the texture data. This value has to be equal to that of the original resource.

  • firstMipmapLevel specifies the most detailed mipmap level. This will be the new mipmap level zero. For non-mipmapped resources, this value has to be zero.:py:obj:~.cudaTextureDesc.minMipmapLevelClamp and maxMipmapLevelClamp will be relative to this value. For ex., if the firstMipmapLevel is set to 2, and a minMipmapLevelClamp of 1.2 is specified, then the actual minimum mipmap level clamp will be 3.2.

  • lastMipmapLevel specifies the least detailed mipmap level. For non-mipmapped resources, this value has to be zero.

  • firstLayer specifies the first layer index for layered textures. This will be the new layer zero. For non- layered resources, this value has to be zero.

  • lastLayer specifies the last layer index for layered textures. For non-layered resources, this value has to be zero.



Destroys a texture object.

Destroys the texture object specified by texObject.


texObject (cudaTextureObject_t) – Texture object to destroy


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Returns a texture object’s resource descriptor.

Returns the resource descriptor for the texture object specified by texObject.


texObject (cudaTextureObject_t) – Texture object



Returns a texture object’s texture descriptor.

Returns the texture descriptor for the texture object specified by texObject.


texObject (cudaTextureObject_t) – Texture object



Returns a texture object’s resource view descriptor.

Returns the resource view descriptor for the texture object specified by texObject. If no resource view was specified, cudaErrorInvalidValue is returned.


texObject (cudaTextureObject_t) – Texture object


Surface Object Management#

This section describes the low level texture object management functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface. The surface object API is only supported on devices of compute capability 3.0 or higher.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaCreateSurfaceObject(cudaResourceDesc pResDesc: Optional[cudaResourceDesc])#

Creates a surface object.

Creates a surface object and returns it in pSurfObject. pResDesc describes the data to perform surface load/stores on. resType must be cudaResourceTypeArray and cudaResourceDesc::res::array::array must be set to a valid CUDA array handle.

Surface objects are only supported on devices of compute capability 3.0 or higher. Additionally, a surface object is an opaque value, and, as such, should only be accessed through CUDA API calls.


pResDesc (cudaResourceDesc) – Resource descriptor



Destroys a surface object.

Destroys the surface object specified by surfObject.


surfObject (cudaSurfaceObject_t) – Surface object to destroy


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Returns a surface object’s resource descriptor Returns the resource descriptor for the surface object specified by surfObject.


surfObject (cudaSurfaceObject_t) – Surface object


Version Management#


Returns the latest version of CUDA supported by the driver.

Returns in *driverVersion the latest version of CUDA supported by the driver. The version is returned as (1000 * major + 10 * minor). For example, CUDA 9.2 would be represented by 9020. If no driver is installed, then 0 is returned as the driver version.

This function automatically returns cudaErrorInvalidValue if driverVersion is NULL.



Returns the CUDA Runtime version.

Returns in *runtimeVersion the version number of the current CUDA Runtime instance. The version is returned as (1000 * major + 10 * minor). For example, CUDA 9.2 would be represented by 9020.

As of CUDA 12.0, this function no longer initializes CUDA. The purpose of this API is solely to return a compile-time constant stating the CUDA Toolkit version in the above format.

This function automatically returns cudaErrorInvalidValue if the runtimeVersion argument is NULL.



Returns the CUDA Runtime version of local shared library.

Returns in *runtimeVersion the version number of the current CUDA Runtime instance. The version is returned as (1000 * major + 10 * minor). For example, CUDA 9.2 would be represented by 9020.

As of CUDA 12.0, this function no longer initializes CUDA. The purpose of this API is solely to return a compile-time constant stating the CUDA Toolkit version in the above format.

This function automatically returns cudaErrorInvalidValue if the runtimeVersion argument is NULL.


Graph Management#

This section describes the graph management functions of CUDA runtime application programming interface.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphCreate(unsigned int flags)#

Creates a graph.

Creates an empty graph, which is returned via pGraph.


flags (unsigned int) – Graph creation flags, must be 0


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddKernelNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, cudaKernelNodeParams pNodeParams: Optional[cudaKernelNodeParams])#

Creates a kernel execution node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new kernel execution node and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies and arguments specified in pNodeParams. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

The cudaKernelNodeParams structure is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

When the graph is launched, the node will invoke kernel func on a (gridDim.x x gridDim.y x gridDim.z) grid of blocks. Each block contains (blockDim.x x blockDim.y x blockDim.z) threads.

sharedMem sets the amount of dynamic shared memory that will be available to each thread block.

Kernel parameters to func can be specified in one of two ways:

1) Kernel parameters can be specified via kernelParams. If the kernel has N parameters, then kernelParams needs to be an array of N pointers. Each pointer, from `kernelParams`[0] to `kernelParams`[N-1], points to the region of memory from which the actual parameter will be copied. The number of kernel parameters and their offsets and sizes do not need to be specified as that information is retrieved directly from the kernel’s image.

2) Kernel parameters can also be packaged by the application into a single buffer that is passed in via extra. This places the burden on the application of knowing each kernel parameter’s size and alignment/padding within the buffer. The extra parameter exists to allow this function to take additional less commonly used arguments. extra specifies a list of names of extra settings and their corresponding values. Each extra setting name is immediately followed by the corresponding value. The list must be terminated with either NULL or CU_LAUNCH_PARAM_END.

The error cudaErrorInvalidValue will be returned if kernel parameters are specified with both kernelParams and extra (i.e. both kernelParams and extra are non-NULL).

The kernelParams or extra array, as well as the argument values it points to, are copied during this call.



Kernels launched using graphs must not use texture and surface references. Reading or writing through any texture or surface reference is undefined behavior. This restriction does not apply to texture and surface objects.


Returns a kernel node’s parameters.

Returns the parameters of kernel node node in pNodeParams. The kernelParams or extra array returned in pNodeParams, as well as the argument values it points to, are owned by the node. This memory remains valid until the node is destroyed or its parameters are modified, and should not be modified directly. Use cudaGraphKernelNodeSetParams to update the parameters of this node.

The params will contain either kernelParams or extra, according to which of these was most recently set on the node.


node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the parameters for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphKernelNodeSetParams(node, cudaKernelNodeParams pNodeParams: Optional[cudaKernelNodeParams])#

Sets a kernel node’s parameters.

Sets the parameters of kernel node node to pNodeParams.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle, cudaErrorMemoryAllocation

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes(hSrc, hDst)#

Copies attributes from source node to destination node.

Copies attributes from source node src to destination node dst. Both node must have the same context.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidContext

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphKernelNodeGetAttribute(hNode, attr: cudaKernelNodeAttrID)#

Queries node attribute.

Queries attribute attr from node hNode and stores it in corresponding member of value_out.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute(hNode, attr: cudaKernelNodeAttrID, cudaKernelNodeAttrValue value: Optional[cudaKernelNodeAttrValue])#

Sets node attribute.

Sets attribute attr on node hNode from corresponding attribute of value.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddMemcpyNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, cudaMemcpy3DParms pCopyParams: Optional[cudaMemcpy3DParms])#

Creates a memcpy node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new memcpy node and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

When the graph is launched, the node will perform the memcpy described by pCopyParams. See cudaMemcpy3D() for a description of the structure and its restrictions.

Memcpy nodes have some additional restrictions with regards to managed memory, if the system contains at least one device which has a zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to which to add the node

  • pDependencies (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Dependencies of the node

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies

  • pCopyParams (cudaMemcpy3DParms) – Parameters for the memory copy


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddMemcpyNode1D(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, dst, src, size_t count, kind: cudaMemcpyKind)#

Creates a 1D memcpy node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new 1D memcpy node and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

When the graph is launched, the node will copy count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. Launching a memcpy node with dst and src pointers that do not match the direction of the copy results in an undefined behavior.

Memcpy nodes have some additional restrictions with regards to managed memory, if the system contains at least one device which has a zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to which to add the node

  • pDependencies (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Dependencies of the node

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies

  • dst (Any) – Destination memory address

  • src (Any) – Source memory address

  • count (size_t) – Size in bytes to copy

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer



Returns a memcpy node’s parameters.

Returns the parameters of memcpy node node in pNodeParams.


node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the parameters for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams(node, cudaMemcpy3DParms pNodeParams: Optional[cudaMemcpy3DParms])#

Sets a memcpy node’s parameters.

Sets the parameters of memcpy node node to pNodeParams.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


See also

cudaGraphNodeSetParams, cudaMemcpy3D, cudaGraphMemcpyNodeSetParamsToSymbol, cudaGraphMemcpyNodeSetParamsFromSymbol, cudaGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams1D, cudaGraphAddMemcpyNode, cudaGraphMemcpyNodeGetParams

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphMemcpyNodeSetParams1D(node, dst, src, size_t count, kind: cudaMemcpyKind)#

Sets a memcpy node’s parameters to perform a 1-dimensional copy.

Sets the parameters of memcpy node node to the copy described by the provided parameters.

When the graph is launched, the node will copy count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing. Launching a memcpy node with dst and src pointers that do not match the direction of the copy results in an undefined behavior.

  • node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to set the parameters for

  • dst (Any) – Destination memory address

  • src (Any) – Source memory address

  • count (size_t) – Size in bytes to copy

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddMemsetNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, cudaMemsetParams pMemsetParams: Optional[cudaMemsetParams])#

Creates a memset node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new memset node and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

The element size must be 1, 2, or 4 bytes. When the graph is launched, the node will perform the memset described by pMemsetParams.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to which to add the node

  • pDependencies (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Dependencies of the node

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies

  • pMemsetParams (cudaMemsetParams) – Parameters for the memory set



Returns a memset node’s parameters.

Returns the parameters of memset node node in pNodeParams.


node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the parameters for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphMemsetNodeSetParams(node, cudaMemsetParams pNodeParams: Optional[cudaMemsetParams])#

Sets a memset node’s parameters.

Sets the parameters of memset node node to pNodeParams.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddHostNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, cudaHostNodeParams pNodeParams: Optional[cudaHostNodeParams])#

Creates a host execution node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new CPU execution node and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies and arguments specified in pNodeParams. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

When the graph is launched, the node will invoke the specified CPU function. Host nodes are not supported under MPS with pre-Volta GPUs.



Returns a host node’s parameters.

Returns the parameters of host node node in pNodeParams.


node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the parameters for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphHostNodeSetParams(node, cudaHostNodeParams pNodeParams: Optional[cudaHostNodeParams])#

Sets a host node’s parameters.

Sets the parameters of host node node to nodeParams.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddChildGraphNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, childGraph)#

Creates a child graph node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new node which executes an embedded graph, and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

If hGraph contains allocation or free nodes, this call will return an error.

The node executes an embedded child graph. The child graph is cloned in this call.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to which to add the node

  • pDependencies (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Dependencies of the node

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies

  • childGraph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – The graph to clone into this node



Gets a handle to the embedded graph of a child graph node.

Gets a handle to the embedded graph in a child graph node. This call does not clone the graph. Changes to the graph will be reflected in the node, and the node retains ownership of the graph.

Allocation and free nodes cannot be added to the returned graph. Attempting to do so will return an error.


node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the embedded graph for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddEmptyNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies)#

Creates an empty node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new node which performs no operation, and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

An empty node performs no operation during execution, but can be used for transitive ordering. For example, a phased execution graph with 2 groups of n nodes with a barrier between them can be represented using an empty node and 2*n dependency edges, rather than no empty node and n^2 dependency edges.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to which to add the node

  • pDependencies (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Dependencies of the node

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddEventRecordNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, event)#

Creates an event record node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new event record node and adds it to hGraph with numDependencies dependencies specified via dependencies and event specified in event. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. dependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in phGraphNode.

Each launch of the graph will record event to capture execution of the node’s dependencies.

These nodes may not be used in loops or conditionals.



Returns the event associated with an event record node.

Returns the event of event record node hNode in event_out.


hNode (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the event for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphEventRecordNodeSetEvent(node, event)#

Sets an event record node’s event.

Sets the event of event record node hNode to event.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddEventWaitNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, event)#

Creates an event wait node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new event wait node and adds it to hGraph with numDependencies dependencies specified via dependencies and event specified in event. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. dependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in phGraphNode.

The graph node will wait for all work captured in event. See cuEventRecord() for details on what is captured by an event. The synchronization will be performed efficiently on the device when applicable. event may be from a different context or device than the launch stream.

These nodes may not be used in loops or conditionals.



Returns the event associated with an event wait node.

Returns the event of event wait node hNode in event_out.


hNode (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the event for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphEventWaitNodeSetEvent(node, event)#

Sets an event wait node’s event.

Sets the event of event wait node hNode to event.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddExternalSemaphoresSignalNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams])#

Creates an external semaphore signal node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new external semaphore signal node and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via dependencies and arguments specified in nodeParams. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. dependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

Performs a signal operation on a set of externally allocated semaphore objects when the node is launched. The operation(s) will occur after all of the node’s dependencies have completed.



Returns an external semaphore signal node’s parameters.

Returns the parameters of an external semaphore signal node hNode in params_out. The extSemArray and paramsArray returned in params_out, are owned by the node. This memory remains valid until the node is destroyed or its parameters are modified, and should not be modified directly. Use cudaGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams to update the parameters of this node.


hNode (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the parameters for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams(hNode, cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams])#

Sets an external semaphore signal node’s parameters.

Sets the parameters of an external semaphore signal node hNode to nodeParams.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddExternalSemaphoresWaitNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams])#

Creates an external semaphore wait node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new external semaphore wait node and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via dependencies and arguments specified in nodeParams. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. dependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

Performs a wait operation on a set of externally allocated semaphore objects when the node is launched. The node’s dependencies will not be launched until the wait operation has completed.



Returns an external semaphore wait node’s parameters.

Returns the parameters of an external semaphore wait node hNode in params_out. The extSemArray and paramsArray returned in params_out, are owned by the node. This memory remains valid until the node is destroyed or its parameters are modified, and should not be modified directly. Use cudaGraphExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams to update the parameters of this node.


hNode (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the parameters for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams(hNode, cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams])#

Sets an external semaphore wait node’s parameters.

Sets the parameters of an external semaphore wait node hNode to nodeParams.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddMemAllocNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, cudaMemAllocNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaMemAllocNodeParams])#

Creates an allocation node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new allocation node and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies and arguments specified in nodeParams. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

When cudaGraphAddMemAllocNode creates an allocation node, it returns the address of the allocation in nodeParams.dptr. The allocation’s address remains fixed across instantiations and launches.

If the allocation is freed in the same graph, by creating a free node using cudaGraphAddMemFreeNode, the allocation can be accessed by nodes ordered after the allocation node but before the free node. These allocations cannot be freed outside the owning graph, and they can only be freed once in the owning graph.

If the allocation is not freed in the same graph, then it can be accessed not only by nodes in the graph which are ordered after the allocation node, but also by stream operations ordered after the graph’s execution but before the allocation is freed.

Allocations which are not freed in the same graph can be freed by:

  • passing the allocation to cudaMemFreeAsync or cudaMemFree;

  • launching a graph with a free node for that allocation; or

  • specifying cudaGraphInstantiateFlagAutoFreeOnLaunch during instantiation, which makes each launch behave as though it called cudaMemFreeAsync for every unfreed allocation.

It is not possible to free an allocation in both the owning graph and another graph. If the allocation is freed in the same graph, a free node cannot be added to another graph. If the allocation is freed in another graph, a free node can no longer be added to the owning graph.

The following restrictions apply to graphs which contain allocation and/or memory free nodes:

  • Nodes and edges of the graph cannot be deleted.

  • The graph cannot be used in a child node.

  • Only one instantiation of the graph may exist at any point in time.

  • The graph cannot be cloned.



Returns a memory alloc node’s parameters.

Returns the parameters of a memory alloc node hNode in params_out. The poolProps and accessDescs returned in params_out, are owned by the node. This memory remains valid until the node is destroyed. The returned parameters must not be modified.


node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the parameters for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddMemFreeNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, dptr)#

Creates a memory free node and adds it to a graph.

Creates a new memory free node and adds it to graph with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies and address specified in dptr. It is possible for numDependencies to be 0, in which case the node will be placed at the root of the graph. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries. A handle to the new node will be returned in pGraphNode.

cudaGraphAddMemFreeNode will return cudaErrorInvalidValue if the user attempts to free:

  • an allocation twice in the same graph.

  • an address that was not returned by an allocation node.

  • an invalid address.

The following restrictions apply to graphs which contain allocation and/or memory free nodes:

  • Nodes and edges of the graph cannot be deleted.

  • The graph cannot be used in a child node.

  • Only one instantiation of the graph may exist at any point in time.

  • The graph cannot be cloned.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to which to add the node

  • pDependencies (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Dependencies of the node

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies

  • dptr (Any) – Address of memory to free



Returns a memory free node’s parameters.

Returns the address of a memory free node hNode in dptr_out.


node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to get the parameters for


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGraphMemTrim(int device)#

Free unused memory that was cached on the specified device for use with graphs back to the OS.

Blocks which are not in use by a graph that is either currently executing or scheduled to execute are freed back to the operating system.


device (int) – The device for which cached memory should be freed.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceGetGraphMemAttribute(int device, attr: cudaGraphMemAttributeType)#

Query asynchronous allocation attributes related to graphs.

Valid attributes are:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceSetGraphMemAttribute(int device, attr: cudaGraphMemAttributeType, value)#

Set asynchronous allocation attributes related to graphs.

Valid attributes are:

  • cudaGraphMemAttrUsedMemHigh: High watermark of memory, in bytes, associated with graphs since the last time it was reset. High watermark can only be reset to zero.

  • cudaGraphMemAttrReservedMemHigh: High watermark of memory, in bytes, currently allocated for use by the CUDA graphs asynchronous allocator.

  • device (int) – Specifies the scope of the query

  • attr (cudaGraphMemAttributeType) – attribute to get

  • value (Any) – pointer to value to set


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidDevice

Return type:



Clones a graph.

This function creates a copy of originalGraph and returns it in pGraphClone. All parameters are copied into the cloned graph. The original graph may be modified after this call without affecting the clone.

Child graph nodes in the original graph are recursively copied into the clone.


originalGraph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to clone


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNodeFindInClone(originalNode, clonedGraph)#

Finds a cloned version of a node.

This function returns the node in clonedGraph corresponding to originalNode in the original graph.

clonedGraph must have been cloned from originalGraph via cudaGraphClone. originalNode must have been in originalGraph at the time of the call to cudaGraphClone, and the corresponding cloned node in clonedGraph must not have been removed. The cloned node is then returned via pClonedNode.


See also



Returns a node’s type.

Returns the node type of node in pType.


node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to query


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphGetNodes(graph, size_t numNodes=0)#

Returns a graph’s nodes.

Returns a list of graph’s nodes. nodes may be NULL, in which case this function will return the number of nodes in numNodes. Otherwise, numNodes entries will be filled in. If numNodes is higher than the actual number of nodes, the remaining entries in nodes will be set to NULL, and the number of nodes actually obtained will be returned in numNodes.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphGetRootNodes(graph, size_t pNumRootNodes=0)#

Returns a graph’s root nodes.

Returns a list of graph’s root nodes. pRootNodes may be NULL, in which case this function will return the number of root nodes in pNumRootNodes. Otherwise, pNumRootNodes entries will be filled in. If pNumRootNodes is higher than the actual number of root nodes, the remaining entries in pRootNodes will be set to NULL, and the number of nodes actually obtained will be returned in pNumRootNodes.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to query

  • pNumRootNodes (int) – See description


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphGetEdges(graph, size_t numEdges=0)#

Returns a graph’s dependency edges.

Returns a list of graph’s dependency edges. Edges are returned via corresponding indices in from and to; that is, the node in to`[i] has a dependency on the node in `from`[i]. `from and to may both be NULL, in which case this function only returns the number of edges in numEdges. Otherwise, numEdges entries will be filled in. If numEdges is higher than the actual number of edges, the remaining entries in from and to will be set to NULL, and the number of edges actually returned will be written to numEdges.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to get the edges from

  • numEdges (int) – See description


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphGetEdges_v2(graph, size_t numEdges=0)#

Returns a graph’s dependency edges (12.3+)

Returns a list of graph’s dependency edges. Edges are returned via corresponding indices in from, to and edgeData; that is, the node in to`[i] has a dependency on the node in `from`[i] with data `edgeData`[i]. `from and to may both be NULL, in which case this function only returns the number of edges in numEdges. Otherwise, numEdges entries will be filled in. If numEdges is higher than the actual number of edges, the remaining entries in from and to will be set to NULL, and the number of edges actually returned will be written to numEdges. edgeData may alone be NULL, in which case the edges must all have default (zeroed) edge data. Attempting a losst query via NULL edgeData will result in cudaErrorLossyQuery. If edgeData is non-NULL then from and to must be as well.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to get the edges from

  • numEdges (int) – See description


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNodeGetDependencies(node, size_t pNumDependencies=0)#

Returns a node’s dependencies.

Returns a list of node’s dependencies. pDependencies may be NULL, in which case this function will return the number of dependencies in pNumDependencies. Otherwise, pNumDependencies entries will be filled in. If pNumDependencies is higher than the actual number of dependencies, the remaining entries in pDependencies will be set to NULL, and the number of nodes actually obtained will be returned in pNumDependencies.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNodeGetDependencies_v2(node, size_t pNumDependencies=0)#

Returns a node’s dependencies (12.3+)

Returns a list of node’s dependencies. pDependencies may be NULL, in which case this function will return the number of dependencies in pNumDependencies. Otherwise, pNumDependencies entries will be filled in. If pNumDependencies is higher than the actual number of dependencies, the remaining entries in pDependencies will be set to NULL, and the number of nodes actually obtained will be returned in pNumDependencies.

Note that if an edge has non-zero (non-default) edge data and edgeData is NULL, this API will return cudaErrorLossyQuery. If edgeData is non-NULL, then pDependencies must be as well.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNodeGetDependentNodes(node, size_t pNumDependentNodes=0)#

Returns a node’s dependent nodes.

Returns a list of node’s dependent nodes. pDependentNodes may be NULL, in which case this function will return the number of dependent nodes in pNumDependentNodes. Otherwise, pNumDependentNodes entries will be filled in. If pNumDependentNodes is higher than the actual number of dependent nodes, the remaining entries in pDependentNodes will be set to NULL, and the number of nodes actually obtained will be returned in pNumDependentNodes.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNodeGetDependentNodes_v2(node, size_t pNumDependentNodes=0)#

Returns a node’s dependent nodes (12.3+)

Returns a list of node’s dependent nodes. pDependentNodes may be NULL, in which case this function will return the number of dependent nodes in pNumDependentNodes. Otherwise, pNumDependentNodes entries will be filled in. If pNumDependentNodes is higher than the actual number of dependent nodes, the remaining entries in pDependentNodes will be set to NULL, and the number of nodes actually obtained will be returned in pNumDependentNodes.

Note that if an edge has non-zero (non-default) edge data and edgeData is NULL, this API will return cudaErrorLossyQuery. If edgeData is non-NULL, then pDependentNodes must be as well.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddDependencies(graph, from_: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], to: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies)#

Adds dependency edges to a graph.

The number of dependencies to be added is defined by numDependencies Elements in pFrom and pTo at corresponding indices define a dependency. Each node in pFrom and pTo must belong to graph.

If numDependencies is 0, elements in pFrom and pTo will be ignored. Specifying an existing dependency will return an error.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to which dependencies are added

  • from (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Array of nodes that provide the dependencies

  • to (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Array of dependent nodes

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies to be added


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddDependencies_v2(graph, from_: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], to: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], edgeData: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphEdgeData] | List[cudaGraphEdgeData]], size_t numDependencies)#

Adds dependency edges to a graph. (12.3+)

The number of dependencies to be added is defined by numDependencies Elements in pFrom and pTo at corresponding indices define a dependency. Each node in pFrom and pTo must belong to graph.

If numDependencies is 0, elements in pFrom and pTo will be ignored. Specifying an existing dependency will return an error.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to which dependencies are added

  • from (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Array of nodes that provide the dependencies

  • to (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Array of dependent nodes

  • edgeData (List[cudaGraphEdgeData]) – Optional array of edge data. If NULL, default (zeroed) edge data is assumed.

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies to be added


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphRemoveDependencies(graph, from_: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], to: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies)#

Removes dependency edges from a graph.

The number of pDependencies to be removed is defined by numDependencies. Elements in pFrom and pTo at corresponding indices define a dependency. Each node in pFrom and pTo must belong to graph.

If numDependencies is 0, elements in pFrom and pTo will be ignored. Specifying a non-existing dependency will return an error.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph from which to remove dependencies

  • from (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Array of nodes that provide the dependencies

  • to (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Array of dependent nodes

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies to be removed


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphRemoveDependencies_v2(graph, from_: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], to: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], edgeData: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphEdgeData] | List[cudaGraphEdgeData]], size_t numDependencies)#

Removes dependency edges from a graph. (12.3+)

The number of pDependencies to be removed is defined by numDependencies. Elements in pFrom and pTo at corresponding indices define a dependency. Each node in pFrom and pTo must belong to graph.

If numDependencies is 0, elements in pFrom and pTo will be ignored. Specifying an edge that does not exist in the graph, with data matching edgeData, results in an error. edgeData is nullable, which is equivalent to passing default (zeroed) data for each edge.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph from which to remove dependencies

  • from (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Array of nodes that provide the dependencies

  • to (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Array of dependent nodes

  • edgeData (List[cudaGraphEdgeData]) – Optional array of edge data. If NULL, edge data is assumed to be default (zeroed).

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies to be removed


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Remove a node from the graph.

Removes node from its graph. This operation also severs any dependencies of other nodes on node and vice versa.

Dependencies cannot be removed from graphs which contain allocation or free nodes. Any attempt to do so will return an error.


node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node to remove


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphInstantiate(graph, unsigned long long flags)#

Creates an executable graph from a graph.

Instantiates graph as an executable graph. The graph is validated for any structural constraints or intra-node constraints which were not previously validated. If instantiation is successful, a handle to the instantiated graph is returned in pGraphExec.

The flags parameter controls the behavior of instantiation and subsequent graph launches. Valid flags are:

  • cudaGraphInstantiateFlagAutoFreeOnLaunch, which configures a graph containing memory allocation nodes to automatically free any unfreed memory allocations before the graph is relaunched.

  • cudaGraphInstantiateFlagDeviceLaunch, which configures the graph for launch from the device. If this flag is passed, the executable graph handle returned can be used to launch the graph from both the host and device. This flag cannot be used in conjunction with cudaGraphInstantiateFlagAutoFreeOnLaunch.

  • cudaGraphInstantiateFlagUseNodePriority, which causes the graph to use the priorities from the per-node attributes rather than the priority of the launch stream during execution. Note that priorities are only available on kernel nodes, and are copied from stream priority during stream capture.

If graph contains any allocation or free nodes, there can be at most one executable graph in existence for that graph at a time. An attempt to instantiate a second executable graph before destroying the first with cudaGraphExecDestroy will result in an error. The same also applies if graph contains any device-updatable kernel nodes.

Graphs instantiated for launch on the device have additional restrictions which do not apply to host graphs:

  • The graph’s nodes must reside on a single device.

  • The graph can only contain kernel nodes, memcpy nodes, memset nodes, and child graph nodes.

  • The graph cannot be empty and must contain at least one kernel, memcpy, or memset node. Operation-specific restrictions are outlined below.

  • Kernel nodes:

    • Use of CUDA Dynamic Parallelism is not permitted.

    • Cooperative launches are permitted as long as MPS is not in use.

  • Memcpy nodes:

    • Only copies involving device memory and/or pinned device-mapped host memory are permitted.

    • Copies involving CUDA arrays are not permitted.

    • Both operands must be accessible from the current device, and the current device must match the device of other nodes in the graph.

If graph is not instantiated for launch on the device but contains kernels which call device-side cudaGraphLaunch() from multiple devices, this will result in an error.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphInstantiateWithFlags(graph, unsigned long long flags)#

Creates an executable graph from a graph.

Instantiates graph as an executable graph. The graph is validated for any structural constraints or intra-node constraints which were not previously validated. If instantiation is successful, a handle to the instantiated graph is returned in pGraphExec.

The flags parameter controls the behavior of instantiation and subsequent graph launches. Valid flags are:

  • cudaGraphInstantiateFlagAutoFreeOnLaunch, which configures a graph containing memory allocation nodes to automatically free any unfreed memory allocations before the graph is relaunched.

  • cudaGraphInstantiateFlagDeviceLaunch, which configures the graph for launch from the device. If this flag is passed, the executable graph handle returned can be used to launch the graph from both the host and device. This flag can only be used on platforms which support unified addressing. This flag cannot be used in conjunction with cudaGraphInstantiateFlagAutoFreeOnLaunch.

  • cudaGraphInstantiateFlagUseNodePriority, which causes the graph to use the priorities from the per-node attributes rather than the priority of the launch stream during execution. Note that priorities are only available on kernel nodes, and are copied from stream priority during stream capture.

If graph contains any allocation or free nodes, there can be at most one executable graph in existence for that graph at a time. An attempt to instantiate a second executable graph before destroying the first with cudaGraphExecDestroy will result in an error. The same also applies if graph contains any device-updatable kernel nodes.

If graph contains kernels which call device-side cudaGraphLaunch() from multiple devices, this will result in an error.

Graphs instantiated for launch on the device have additional restrictions which do not apply to host graphs:

  • The graph’s nodes must reside on a single device.

  • The graph can only contain kernel nodes, memcpy nodes, memset nodes, and child graph nodes.

  • The graph cannot be empty and must contain at least one kernel, memcpy, or memset node. Operation-specific restrictions are outlined below.

  • Kernel nodes:

    • Use of CUDA Dynamic Parallelism is not permitted.

    • Cooperative launches are permitted as long as MPS is not in use.

  • Memcpy nodes:

    • Only copies involving device memory and/or pinned device-mapped host memory are permitted.

    • Copies involving CUDA arrays are not permitted.

    • Both operands must be accessible from the current device, and the current device must match the device of other nodes in the graph.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphInstantiateWithParams(graph, cudaGraphInstantiateParams instantiateParams: Optional[cudaGraphInstantiateParams])#

Creates an executable graph from a graph.

Instantiates graph as an executable graph according to the instantiateParams structure. The graph is validated for any structural constraints or intra-node constraints which were not previously validated. If instantiation is successful, a handle to the instantiated graph is returned in pGraphExec.

instantiateParams controls the behavior of instantiation and subsequent graph launches, as well as returning more detailed information in the event of an error. cudaGraphInstantiateParams is defined as:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a C++ code example

The flags field controls the behavior of instantiation and subsequent graph launches. Valid flags are:

  • cudaGraphInstantiateFlagAutoFreeOnLaunch, which configures a graph containing memory allocation nodes to automatically free any unfreed memory allocations before the graph is relaunched.

  • cudaGraphInstantiateFlagUpload, which will perform an upload of the graph into uploadStream once the graph has been instantiated.

  • cudaGraphInstantiateFlagDeviceLaunch, which configures the graph for launch from the device. If this flag is passed, the executable graph handle returned can be used to launch the graph from both the host and device. This flag can only be used on platforms which support unified addressing. This flag cannot be used in conjunction with cudaGraphInstantiateFlagAutoFreeOnLaunch.

  • cudaGraphInstantiateFlagUseNodePriority, which causes the graph to use the priorities from the per-node attributes rather than the priority of the launch stream during execution. Note that priorities are only available on kernel nodes, and are copied from stream priority during stream capture.

If graph contains any allocation or free nodes, there can be at most one executable graph in existence for that graph at a time. An attempt to instantiate a second executable graph before destroying the first with cudaGraphExecDestroy will result in an error. The same also applies if graph contains any device-updatable kernel nodes.

If graph contains kernels which call device-side cudaGraphLaunch() from multiple devices, this will result in an error.

Graphs instantiated for launch on the device have additional restrictions which do not apply to host graphs:

  • The graph’s nodes must reside on a single device.

  • The graph can only contain kernel nodes, memcpy nodes, memset nodes, and child graph nodes.

  • The graph cannot be empty and must contain at least one kernel, memcpy, or memset node. Operation-specific restrictions are outlined below.

  • Kernel nodes:

    • Use of CUDA Dynamic Parallelism is not permitted.

    • Cooperative launches are permitted as long as MPS is not in use.

  • Memcpy nodes:

    • Only copies involving device memory and/or pinned device-mapped host memory are permitted.

    • Copies involving CUDA arrays are not permitted.

    • Both operands must be accessible from the current device, and the current device must match the device of other nodes in the graph.

In the event of an error, the result_out and errNode_out fields will contain more information about the nature of the error. Possible error reporting includes:

  • cudaGraphInstantiateError, if passed an invalid value or if an unexpected error occurred which is described by the return value of the function. errNode_out will be set to NULL.

  • cudaGraphInstantiateInvalidStructure, if the graph structure is invalid. errNode_out will be set to one of the offending nodes.

  • cudaGraphInstantiateNodeOperationNotSupported, if the graph is instantiated for device launch but contains a node of an unsupported node type, or a node which performs unsupported operations, such as use of CUDA dynamic parallelism within a kernel node. errNode_out will be set to this node.

  • cudaGraphInstantiateMultipleDevicesNotSupported, if the graph is instantiated for device launch but a node’s device differs from that of another node. This error can also be returned if a graph is not instantiated for device launch and it contains kernels which call device-side cudaGraphLaunch() from multiple devices. errNode_out will be set to this node.

If instantiation is successful, result_out will be set to cudaGraphInstantiateSuccess, and hErrNode_out will be set to NULL.



Query the instantiation flags of an executable graph.

Returns the flags that were passed to instantiation for the given executable graph. cudaGraphInstantiateFlagUpload will not be returned by this API as it does not affect the resulting executable graph.


graphExec (CUgraphExec or cudaGraphExec_t) – The executable graph to query


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecKernelNodeSetParams(hGraphExec, node, cudaKernelNodeParams pNodeParams: Optional[cudaKernelNodeParams])#

Sets the parameters for a kernel node in the given graphExec.

Sets the parameters of a kernel node in an executable graph hGraphExec. The node is identified by the corresponding node node in the non-executable graph, from which the executable graph was instantiated.

node must not have been removed from the original graph. All nodeParams fields may change, but the following restrictions apply to func updates:

  • The owning device of the function cannot change.

  • A node whose function originally did not use CUDA dynamic parallelism cannot be updated to a function which uses CDP

  • A node whose function originally did not make device-side update calls cannot be updated to a function which makes device-side update calls.

  • If hGraphExec was not instantiated for device launch, a node whose function originally did not use device-side cudaGraphLaunch() cannot be updated to a function which uses device-side cudaGraphLaunch() unless the node resides on the same device as nodes which contained such calls at instantiate-time. If no such calls were present at instantiation, these updates cannot be performed at all.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. node is also not modified by this call.

If node is a device-updatable kernel node, the next upload/launch of hGraphExec will overwrite any previous device-side updates. Additionally, applying host updates to a device-updatable kernel node while it is being updated from the device will result in undefined behavior.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams(hGraphExec, node, cudaMemcpy3DParms pNodeParams: Optional[cudaMemcpy3DParms])#

Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec.

Updates the work represented by node in hGraphExec as though node had contained pNodeParams at instantiation. node must remain in the graph which was used to instantiate hGraphExec. Changed edges to and from node are ignored.

The source and destination memory in pNodeParams must be allocated from the same contexts as the original source and destination memory. Both the instantiation-time memory operands and the memory operands in pNodeParams must be 1-dimensional. Zero-length operations are not supported.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. node is also not modified by this call.

Returns cudaErrorInvalidValue if the memory operands’ mappings changed or either the original or new memory operands are multidimensional.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecMemcpyNodeSetParams1D(hGraphExec, node, dst, src, size_t count, kind: cudaMemcpyKind)#

Sets the parameters for a memcpy node in the given graphExec to perform a 1-dimensional copy.

Updates the work represented by node in hGraphExec as though node had contained the given params at instantiation. node must remain in the graph which was used to instantiate hGraphExec. Changed edges to and from node are ignored.

src and dst must be allocated from the same contexts as the original source and destination memory. The instantiation-time memory operands must be 1-dimensional. Zero-length operations are not supported.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. node is also not modified by this call.

Returns cudaErrorInvalidValue if the memory operands’ mappings changed or the original memory operands are multidimensional.

  • hGraphExec (CUgraphExec or cudaGraphExec_t) – The executable graph in which to set the specified node

  • node (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Memcpy node from the graph which was used to instantiate graphExec

  • dst (Any) – Destination memory address

  • src (Any) – Source memory address

  • count (size_t) – Size in bytes to copy

  • kind (cudaMemcpyKind) – Type of transfer


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecMemsetNodeSetParams(hGraphExec, node, cudaMemsetParams pNodeParams: Optional[cudaMemsetParams])#

Sets the parameters for a memset node in the given graphExec.

Updates the work represented by node in hGraphExec as though node had contained pNodeParams at instantiation. node must remain in the graph which was used to instantiate hGraphExec. Changed edges to and from node are ignored.

Zero sized operations are not supported.

The new destination pointer in pNodeParams must be to the same kind of allocation as the original destination pointer and have the same context association and device mapping as the original destination pointer.

Both the value and pointer address may be updated. Changing other aspects of the memset (width, height, element size or pitch) may cause the update to be rejected. Specifically, for 2d memsets, all dimension changes are rejected. For 1d memsets, changes in height are explicitly rejected and other changes are oportunistically allowed if the resulting work maps onto the work resources already allocated for the node.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. node is also not modified by this call.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecHostNodeSetParams(hGraphExec, node, cudaHostNodeParams pNodeParams: Optional[cudaHostNodeParams])#

Sets the parameters for a host node in the given graphExec.

Updates the work represented by node in hGraphExec as though node had contained pNodeParams at instantiation. node must remain in the graph which was used to instantiate hGraphExec. Changed edges to and from node are ignored.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. node is also not modified by this call.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecChildGraphNodeSetParams(hGraphExec, node, childGraph)#

Updates node parameters in the child graph node in the given graphExec.

Updates the work represented by node in hGraphExec as though the nodes contained in node’s graph had the parameters contained in childGraph’s nodes at instantiation. node must remain in the graph which was used to instantiate hGraphExec. Changed edges to and from node are ignored.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. node is also not modified by this call.

The topology of childGraph, as well as the node insertion order, must match that of the graph contained in node. See cudaGraphExecUpdate() for a list of restrictions on what can be updated in an instantiated graph. The update is recursive, so child graph nodes contained within the top level child graph will also be updated.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecEventRecordNodeSetEvent(hGraphExec, hNode, event)#

Sets the event for an event record node in the given graphExec.

Sets the event of an event record node in an executable graph hGraphExec. The node is identified by the corresponding node hNode in the non-executable graph, from which the executable graph was instantiated.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. hNode is also not modified by this call.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecEventWaitNodeSetEvent(hGraphExec, hNode, event)#

Sets the event for an event wait node in the given graphExec.

Sets the event of an event wait node in an executable graph hGraphExec. The node is identified by the corresponding node hNode in the non-executable graph, from which the executable graph was instantiated.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. hNode is also not modified by this call.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecExternalSemaphoresSignalNodeSetParams(hGraphExec, hNode, cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams])#

Sets the parameters for an external semaphore signal node in the given graphExec.

Sets the parameters of an external semaphore signal node in an executable graph hGraphExec. The node is identified by the corresponding node hNode in the non-executable graph, from which the executable graph was instantiated.

hNode must not have been removed from the original graph.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. hNode is also not modified by this call.

Changing nodeParams->numExtSems is not supported.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecExternalSemaphoresWaitNodeSetParams(hGraphExec, hNode, cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams])#

Sets the parameters for an external semaphore wait node in the given graphExec.

Sets the parameters of an external semaphore wait node in an executable graph hGraphExec. The node is identified by the corresponding node hNode in the non-executable graph, from which the executable graph was instantiated.

hNode must not have been removed from the original graph.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. hNode is also not modified by this call.

Changing nodeParams->numExtSems is not supported.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNodeSetEnabled(hGraphExec, hNode, unsigned int isEnabled)#

Enables or disables the specified node in the given graphExec.

Sets hNode to be either enabled or disabled. Disabled nodes are functionally equivalent to empty nodes until they are reenabled. Existing node parameters are not affected by disabling/enabling the node.

The node is identified by the corresponding node hNode in the non- executable graph, from which the executable graph was instantiated.

hNode must not have been removed from the original graph.

The modifications only affect future launches of hGraphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of hGraphExec are not affected by this call. hNode is also not modified by this call.

  • hGraphExec (CUgraphExec or cudaGraphExec_t) – The executable graph in which to set the specified node

  • hNode (CUgraphNode or cudaGraphNode_t) – Node from the graph from which graphExec was instantiated

  • isEnabled (unsigned int) – Node is enabled if != 0, otherwise the node is disabled


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:



Currently only kernel, memset and memcpy nodes are supported.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNodeGetEnabled(hGraphExec, hNode)#

Query whether a node in the given graphExec is enabled.

Sets isEnabled to 1 if hNode is enabled, or 0 if hNode is disabled.

The node is identified by the corresponding node hNode in the non- executable graph, from which the executable graph was instantiated.

hNode must not have been removed from the original graph.



Currently only kernel, memset and memcpy nodes are supported.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecUpdate(hGraphExec, hGraph)#

Check whether an executable graph can be updated with a graph and perform the update if possible.

Updates the node parameters in the instantiated graph specified by hGraphExec with the node parameters in a topologically identical graph specified by hGraph.


  • Kernel nodes:

    • The owning context of the function cannot change.

    • A node whose function originally did not use CUDA dynamic parallelism cannot be updated to a function which uses CDP.

    • A node whose function originally did not make device-side update calls cannot be updated to a function which makes device-side update calls.

    • A cooperative node cannot be updated to a non-cooperative node, and vice-versa.

    • If the graph was instantiated with cudaGraphInstantiateFlagUseNodePriority, the priority attribute cannot change. Equality is checked on the originally requested priority values, before they are clamped to the device’s supported range.

    • If hGraphExec was not instantiated for device launch, a node whose function originally did not use device-side cudaGraphLaunch() cannot be updated to a function which uses device-side cudaGraphLaunch() unless the node resides on the same device as nodes which contained such calls at instantiate-time. If no such calls were present at instantiation, these updates cannot be performed at all.

    • Neither hGraph nor hGraphExec may contain device-updatable kernel nodes.

  • Memset and memcpy nodes:

    • The CUDA device(s) to which the operand(s) was allocated/mapped cannot change.

    • The source/destination memory must be allocated from the same contexts as the original source/destination memory.

    • For 2d memsets, only address and assinged value may be updated.

    • For 1d memsets, updating dimensions is also allowed, but may fail if the resulting operation doesn’t map onto the work resources already allocated for the node.

  • Additional memcpy node restrictions:

    • Changing either the source or destination memory type(i.e. CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE, CU_MEMORYTYPE_ARRAY, etc.) is not supported.

  • Conditional nodes:

    • Changing node parameters is not supported.

    • Changeing parameters of nodes within the conditional body graph is subject to the rules above.

    • Conditional handle flags and default values are updated as part of the graph update.

Note: The API may add further restrictions in future releases. The return code should always be checked.

cudaGraphExecUpdate sets the result member of resultInfo to cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorTopologyChanged under the following conditions:

  • The count of nodes directly in hGraphExec and hGraph differ, in which case resultInfo->errorNode is set to NULL.

  • hGraph has more exit nodes than hGraph, in which case resultInfo->errorNode is set to one of the exit nodes in hGraph.

  • A node in hGraph has a different number of dependencies than the node from hGraphExec it is paired with, in which case resultInfo->errorNode is set to the node from hGraph.

  • A node in hGraph has a dependency that does not match with the corresponding dependency of the paired node from hGraphExec. resultInfo->errorNode will be set to the node from hGraph. resultInfo->errorFromNode will be set to the mismatched dependency. The dependencies are paired based on edge order and a dependency does not match when the nodes are already paired based on other edges examined in the graph.

cudaGraphExecUpdate sets the result member of resultInfo to:

  • cudaGraphExecUpdateError if passed an invalid value.

  • cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorTopologyChanged if the graph topology changed

  • cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorNodeTypeChanged if the type of a node changed, in which case hErrorNode_out is set to the node from hGraph.

  • cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorFunctionChanged if the function of a kernel node changed (CUDA driver < 11.2)

  • cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorUnsupportedFunctionChange if the func field of a kernel changed in an unsupported way(see note above), in which case hErrorNode_out is set to the node from hGraph

  • cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorParametersChanged if any parameters to a node changed in a way that is not supported, in which case hErrorNode_out is set to the node from hGraph

  • cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorAttributesChanged if any attributes of a node changed in a way that is not supported, in which case hErrorNode_out is set to the node from hGraph

  • cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorNotSupported if something about a node is unsupported, like the node’s type or configuration, in which case hErrorNode_out is set to the node from hGraph

If the update fails for a reason not listed above, the result member of resultInfo will be set to cudaGraphExecUpdateError. If the update succeeds, the result member will be set to cudaGraphExecUpdateSuccess.

cudaGraphExecUpdate returns cudaSuccess when the updated was performed successfully. It returns cudaErrorGraphExecUpdateFailure if the graph update was not performed because it included changes which violated constraints specific to instantiated graph update.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphUpload(graphExec, stream)#

Uploads an executable graph in a stream.

Uploads hGraphExec to the device in hStream without executing it. Uploads of the same hGraphExec will be serialized. Each upload is ordered behind both any previous work in hStream and any previous launches of hGraphExec. Uses memory cached by stream to back the allocations owned by graphExec.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue,

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphLaunch(graphExec, stream)#

Launches an executable graph in a stream.

Executes graphExec in stream. Only one instance of graphExec may be executing at a time. Each launch is ordered behind both any previous work in stream and any previous launches of graphExec. To execute a graph concurrently, it must be instantiated multiple times into multiple executable graphs.

If any allocations created by graphExec remain unfreed (from a previous launch) and graphExec was not instantiated with cudaGraphInstantiateFlagAutoFreeOnLaunch, the launch will fail with cudaErrorInvalidValue.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Destroys an executable graph.

Destroys the executable graph specified by graphExec.


graphExec (CUgraphExec or cudaGraphExec_t) – Executable graph to destroy


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:



Destroys a graph.

Destroys the graph specified by graph, as well as all of its nodes.


graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to destroy


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


See also


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphDebugDotPrint(graph, char *path, unsigned int flags)#

Write a DOT file describing graph structure.

Using the provided graph, write to path a DOT formatted description of the graph. By default this includes the graph topology, node types, node id, kernel names and memcpy direction. flags can be specified to write more detailed information about each node type such as parameter values, kernel attributes, node and function handles.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – The graph to create a DOT file from

  • path (bytes) – The path to write the DOT file to

  • flags (unsigned int) – Flags from cudaGraphDebugDotFlags for specifying which additional node information to write


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorOperatingSystem

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaUserObjectCreate(ptr, destroy, unsigned int initialRefcount, unsigned int flags)#

Create a user object.

Create a user object with the specified destructor callback and initial reference count. The initial references are owned by the caller.

Destructor callbacks cannot make CUDA API calls and should avoid blocking behavior, as they are executed by a shared internal thread. Another thread may be signaled to perform such actions, if it does not block forward progress of tasks scheduled through CUDA.

See CUDA User Objects in the CUDA C++ Programming Guide for more information on user objects.

  • ptr (Any) – The pointer to pass to the destroy function

  • destroy (cudaHostFn_t) – Callback to free the user object when it is no longer in use

  • initialRefcount (unsigned int) – The initial refcount to create the object with, typically 1. The initial references are owned by the calling thread.

  • flags (unsigned int) – Currently it is required to pass cudaUserObjectNoDestructorSync, which is the only defined flag. This indicates that the destroy callback cannot be waited on by any CUDA API. Users requiring synchronization of the callback should signal its completion manually.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaUserObjectRetain(object, unsigned int count)#

Retain a reference to a user object.

Retains new references to a user object. The new references are owned by the caller.

See CUDA User Objects in the CUDA C++ Programming Guide for more information on user objects.

  • object (cudaUserObject_t) – The object to retain

  • count (unsigned int) – The number of references to retain, typically 1. Must be nonzero and not larger than INT_MAX.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaUserObjectRelease(object, unsigned int count)#

Release a reference to a user object.

Releases user object references owned by the caller. The object’s destructor is invoked if the reference count reaches zero.

It is undefined behavior to release references not owned by the caller, or to use a user object handle after all references are released.

See CUDA User Objects in the CUDA C++ Programming Guide for more information on user objects.

  • object (cudaUserObject_t) – The object to release

  • count (unsigned int) – The number of references to release, typically 1. Must be nonzero and not larger than INT_MAX.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphRetainUserObject(graph, object, unsigned int count, unsigned int flags)#

Retain a reference to a user object from a graph.

Creates or moves user object references that will be owned by a CUDA graph.

See CUDA User Objects in the CUDA C++ Programming Guide for more information on user objects.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – The graph to associate the reference with

  • object (cudaUserObject_t) – The user object to retain a reference for

  • count (unsigned int) – The number of references to add to the graph, typically 1. Must be nonzero and not larger than INT_MAX.

  • flags (unsigned int) – The optional flag cudaGraphUserObjectMove transfers references from the calling thread, rather than create new references. Pass 0 to create new references.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphReleaseUserObject(graph, object, unsigned int count)#

Release a user object reference from a graph.

Releases user object references owned by a graph.

See CUDA User Objects in the CUDA C++ Programming Guide for more information on user objects.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – The graph that will release the reference

  • object (cudaUserObject_t) – The user object to release a reference for

  • count (unsigned int) – The number of references to release, typically 1. Must be nonzero and not larger than INT_MAX.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddNode(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], size_t numDependencies, cudaGraphNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaGraphNodeParams])#

Adds a node of arbitrary type to a graph.

Creates a new node in graph described by nodeParams with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies. numDependencies may be 0. pDependencies may be null if numDependencies is 0. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries.

nodeParams is a tagged union. The node type should be specified in the typename field, and type-specific parameters in the corresponding union member. All unused bytes - that is, reserved0 and all bytes past the utilized union member - must be set to zero. It is recommended to use brace initialization or memset to ensure all bytes are initialized.

Note that for some node types, nodeParams may contain “out parameters” which are modified during the call, such as nodeParams->alloc.dptr.

A handle to the new node will be returned in phGraphNode.


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphAddNode_v2(graph, pDependencies: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphNode_t] | List[cudaGraphNode_t]], dependencyData: Optional[Tuple[cudaGraphEdgeData] | List[cudaGraphEdgeData]], size_t numDependencies, cudaGraphNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaGraphNodeParams])#

Adds a node of arbitrary type to a graph (12.3+)

Creates a new node in graph described by nodeParams with numDependencies dependencies specified via pDependencies. numDependencies may be 0. pDependencies may be null if numDependencies is 0. pDependencies may not have any duplicate entries.

nodeParams is a tagged union. The node type should be specified in the typename field, and type-specific parameters in the corresponding union member. All unused bytes - that is, reserved0 and all bytes past the utilized union member - must be set to zero. It is recommended to use brace initialization or memset to ensure all bytes are initialized.

Note that for some node types, nodeParams may contain “out parameters” which are modified during the call, such as nodeParams->alloc.dptr.

A handle to the new node will be returned in phGraphNode.

  • graph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph to which to add the node

  • pDependencies (List[cudaGraphNode_t]) – Dependencies of the node

  • dependencyData (List[cudaGraphEdgeData]) – Optional edge data for the dependencies. If NULL, the data is assumed to be default (zeroed) for all dependencies.

  • numDependencies (size_t) – Number of dependencies

  • nodeParams (cudaGraphNodeParams) – Specification of the node


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNodeSetParams(node, cudaGraphNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaGraphNodeParams])#

Update’s a graph node’s parameters.

Sets the parameters of graph node node to nodeParams. The node type specified by nodeParams->type must match the type of node. nodeParams must be fully initialized and all unused bytes (reserved, padding) zeroed.

Modifying parameters is not supported for node types cudaGraphNodeTypeMemAlloc and cudaGraphNodeTypeMemFree.


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction, cudaErrorNotSupported

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecNodeSetParams(graphExec, node, cudaGraphNodeParams nodeParams: Optional[cudaGraphNodeParams])#

Update’s a graph node’s parameters in an instantiated graph.

Sets the parameters of a node in an executable graph graphExec. The node is identified by the corresponding node node in the non- executable graph from which the executable graph was instantiated. node must not have been removed from the original graph.

The modifications only affect future launches of graphExec. Already enqueued or running launches of graphExec are not affected by this call. node is also not modified by this call.

Allowed changes to parameters on executable graphs are as follows:

View CUDA Toolkit Documentation for a table example


cudaSuccess, cudaErrorInvalidValue, cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction, cudaErrorNotSupported

Return type:


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphConditionalHandleCreate(graph, unsigned int defaultLaunchValue, unsigned int flags)#

Create a conditional handle.

Creates a conditional handle associated with hGraph.

The conditional handle must be associated with a conditional node in this graph or one of its children.

Handles not associated with a conditional node may cause graph instantiation to fail.

  • hGraph (CUgraph or cudaGraph_t) – Graph which will contain the conditional node using this handle.

  • defaultLaunchValue (unsigned int) – Optional initial value for the conditional variable.

  • flags (unsigned int) – Currently must be cudaGraphCondAssignDefault or 0.


See also


Driver Entry Point Access#

This section describes the driver entry point access functions of CUDA runtime application programming interface.

cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGetDriverEntryPoint(char *symbol, unsigned long long flags)#

Returns the requested driver API function pointer.

Returns in **funcPtr the address of the CUDA driver function for the requested flags.

For a requested driver symbol, if the CUDA version in which the driver symbol was introduced is less than or equal to the CUDA runtime version, the API will return the function pointer to the corresponding versioned driver function.

The pointer returned by the API should be cast to a function pointer matching the requested driver function’s definition in the API header file. The function pointer typedef can be picked up from the corresponding typedefs header file. For example, cudaTypedefs.h consists of function pointer typedefs for driver APIs defined in cuda.h.

The API will return cudaSuccess and set the returned funcPtr if the requested driver function is valid and supported on the platform.

The API will return cudaSuccess and set the returned funcPtr to NULL if the requested driver function is not supported on the platform, no ABI compatible driver function exists for the CUDA runtime version or if the driver symbol is invalid.

It will also set the optional driverStatus to one of the values in cudaDriverEntryPointQueryResult with the following meanings:

The requested flags can be:

  • cudaEnableDefault: This is the default mode. This is equivalent to cudaEnablePerThreadDefaultStream if the code is compiled with –default-stream per-thread compilation flag or the macro CUDA_API_PER_THREAD_DEFAULT_STREAM is defined; cudaEnableLegacyStream otherwise.

  • cudaEnableLegacyStream: This will enable the search for all driver symbols that match the requested driver symbol name except the corresponding per-thread versions.

  • cudaEnablePerThreadDefaultStream: This will enable the search for all driver symbols that match the requested driver symbol name including the per-thread versions. If a per-thread version is not found, the API will return the legacy version of the driver function.

  • symbol (bytes) – The base name of the driver API function to look for. As an example, for the driver API cuMemAlloc_v2, symbol would be cuMemAlloc. Note that the API will use the CUDA runtime version to return the address to the most recent ABI compatible driver symbol, cuMemAlloc or cuMemAlloc_v2.

  • flags (unsigned long long) – Flags to specify search options.


See also


cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGetDriverEntryPointByVersion(char *symbol, unsigned int cudaVersion, unsigned long long flags)#

Returns the requested driver API function pointer by CUDA version.

Returns in **funcPtr the address of the CUDA driver function for the requested flags and CUDA driver version.

The CUDA version is specified as (1000 * major + 10 * minor), so CUDA 11.2 should be specified as 11020. For a requested driver symbol, if the specified CUDA version is greater than or equal to the CUDA version in which the driver symbol was introduced, this API will return the function pointer to the corresponding versioned function.

The pointer returned by the API should be cast to a function pointer matching the requested driver function’s definition in the API header file. The function pointer typedef can be picked up from the corresponding typedefs header file. For example, cudaTypedefs.h consists of function pointer typedefs for driver APIs defined in cuda.h.

For the case where the CUDA version requested is greater than the CUDA Toolkit installed, there may not be an appropriate function pointer typedef in the corresponding header file and may need a custom typedef to match the driver function signature returned. This can be done by getting the typedefs from a later toolkit or creating appropriately matching custom function typedefs.

The API will return cudaSuccess and set the returned funcPtr if the requested driver function is valid and supported on the platform.

The API will return cudaSuccess and set the returned funcPtr to NULL if the requested driver function is not supported on the platform, no ABI compatible driver function exists for the requested version or if the driver symbol is invalid.

It will also set the optional driverStatus to one of the values in cudaDriverEntryPointQueryResult with the following meanings:

The requested flags can be:

  • cudaEnableDefault: This is the default mode. This is equivalent to cudaEnablePerThreadDefaultStream if the code is compiled with –default-stream per-thread compilation flag or the macro CUDA_API_PER_THREAD_DEFAULT_STREAM is defined; cudaEnableLegacyStream otherwise.

  • cudaEnableLegacyStream: This will enable the search for all driver symbols that match the requested driver symbol name except the corresponding per-thread versions.

  • cudaEnablePerThreadDefaultStream: This will enable the search for all driver symbols that match the requested driver symbol name including the per-thread versions. If a per-thread version is not found, the API will return the legacy version of the driver function.

  • symbol (bytes) – The base name of the driver API function to look for. As an example, for the driver API cuMemAlloc_v2, symbol would be cuMemAlloc.

  • cudaVersion (unsigned int) – The CUDA version to look for the requested driver symbol

  • flags (unsigned long long) – Flags to specify search options.


See also


C++ API Routines#

C++-style interface built on top of CUDA runtime API. impl_private

This section describes the C++ high level API functions of the CUDA runtime application programming interface. To use these functions, your application needs to be compiled with the nvcc compiler.

Interactions with the CUDA Driver API#

This section describes the interactions between the CUDA Driver API and the CUDA Runtime API

Primary Contexts

There exists a one to one relationship between CUDA devices in the CUDA Runtime API and ::CUcontext s in the CUDA Driver API within a process. The specific context which the CUDA Runtime API uses for a device is called the device’s primary context. From the perspective of the CUDA Runtime API, a device and its primary context are synonymous.

Initialization and Tear-Down

CUDA Runtime API calls operate on the CUDA Driver API ::CUcontext which is current to to the calling host thread.

The function cudaInitDevice() ensures that the primary context is initialized for the requested device but does not make it current to the calling thread.

The function cudaSetDevice() initializes the primary context for the specified device and makes it current to the calling thread by calling ::cuCtxSetCurrent().

The CUDA Runtime API will automatically initialize the primary context for a device at the first CUDA Runtime API call which requires an active context. If no ::CUcontext is current to the calling thread when a CUDA Runtime API call which requires an active context is made, then the primary context for a device will be selected, made current to the calling thread, and initialized.

The context which the CUDA Runtime API initializes will be initialized using the parameters specified by the CUDA Runtime API functions cudaSetDeviceFlags(), ::cudaD3D9SetDirect3DDevice(), ::cudaD3D10SetDirect3DDevice(), ::cudaD3D11SetDirect3DDevice(), cudaGLSetGLDevice(), and cudaVDPAUSetVDPAUDevice(). Note that these functions will fail with cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess if they are called when the primary context for the specified device has already been initialized. (or if the current device has already been initialized, in the case of cudaSetDeviceFlags()).

Primary contexts will remain active until they are explicitly deinitialized using cudaDeviceReset(). The function cudaDeviceReset() will deinitialize the primary context for the calling thread’s current device immediately. The context will remain current to all of the threads that it was current to. The next CUDA Runtime API call on any thread which requires an active context will trigger the reinitialization of that device’s primary context.

Note that primary contexts are shared resources. It is recommended that the primary context not be reset except just before exit or to recover from an unspecified launch failure.

Context Interoperability

Note that the use of multiple ::CUcontext s per device within a single process will substantially degrade performance and is strongly discouraged. Instead, it is highly recommended that the implicit one-to-one device-to-context mapping for the process provided by the CUDA Runtime API be used.

If a non-primary ::CUcontext created by the CUDA Driver API is current to a thread then the CUDA Runtime API calls to that thread will operate on that ::CUcontext, with some exceptions listed below. Interoperability between data types is discussed in the following sections.

The function cudaPointerGetAttributes() will return the error cudaErrorIncompatibleDriverContext if the pointer being queried was allocated by a non-primary context. The function cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess() and the rest of the peer access API may not be called when a non-primary ::CUcontext is current.

To use the pointer query and peer access APIs with a context created using the CUDA Driver API, it is necessary that the CUDA Driver API be used to access these features.

All CUDA Runtime API state (e.g, global variables’ addresses and values) travels with its underlying ::CUcontext. In particular, if a ::CUcontext is moved from one thread to another then all CUDA Runtime API state will move to that thread as well.

Please note that attaching to legacy contexts (those with a version of 3010 as returned by ::cuCtxGetApiVersion()) is not possible. The CUDA Runtime will return cudaErrorIncompatibleDriverContext in such cases.

Interactions between CUstream and cudaStream_t

The types ::CUstream and cudaStream_t are identical and may be used interchangeably.

Interactions between CUevent and cudaEvent_t

The types ::CUevent and cudaEvent_t are identical and may be used interchangeably.

Interactions between CUarray and cudaArray_t

The types ::CUarray and struct ::cudaArray * represent the same data type and may be used interchangeably by casting the two types between each other.

In order to use a ::CUarray in a CUDA Runtime API function which takes a struct ::cudaArray *, it is necessary to explicitly cast the ::CUarray to a struct ::cudaArray *.

In order to use a struct ::cudaArray * in a CUDA Driver API function which takes a ::CUarray, it is necessary to explicitly cast the struct ::cudaArray * to a ::CUarray .

Interactions between CUgraphicsResource and cudaGraphicsResource_t

The types ::CUgraphicsResource and cudaGraphicsResource_t represent the same data type and may be used interchangeably by casting the two types between each other.

In order to use a ::CUgraphicsResource in a CUDA Runtime API function which takes a cudaGraphicsResource_t, it is necessary to explicitly cast the ::CUgraphicsResource to a cudaGraphicsResource_t.

In order to use a cudaGraphicsResource_t in a CUDA Driver API function which takes a ::CUgraphicsResource, it is necessary to explicitly cast the cudaGraphicsResource_t to a ::CUgraphicsResource.

Interactions between CUtexObject and cudaTextureObject_t

The types ::CUtexObject and cudaTextureObject_t represent the same data type and may be used interchangeably by casting the two types between each other.

In order to use a ::CUtexObject in a CUDA Runtime API function which takes a cudaTextureObject_t, it is necessary to explicitly cast the ::CUtexObject to a cudaTextureObject_t.

In order to use a cudaTextureObject_t in a CUDA Driver API function which takes a ::CUtexObject, it is necessary to explicitly cast the cudaTextureObject_t to a ::CUtexObject.

Interactions between CUsurfObject and cudaSurfaceObject_t

The types ::CUsurfObject and cudaSurfaceObject_t represent the same data type and may be used interchangeably by casting the two types between each other.

In order to use a ::CUsurfObject in a CUDA Runtime API function which takes a cudaSurfaceObject_t, it is necessary to explicitly cast the ::CUsurfObject to a cudaSurfaceObject_t.

In order to use a cudaSurfaceObject_t in a CUDA Driver API function which takes a ::CUsurfObject, it is necessary to explicitly cast the cudaSurfaceObject_t to a ::CUsurfObject.

Interactions between CUfunction and cudaFunction_t

The types ::CUfunction and cudaFunction_t represent the same data type and may be used interchangeably by casting the two types between each other.

In order to use a cudaFunction_t in a CUDA Driver API function which takes a ::CUfunction, it is necessary to explicitly cast the cudaFunction_t to a ::CUfunction.


Get pointer to device kernel that matches entry function entryFuncAddr.

Returns in kernelPtr the device kernel corresponding to the entry function entryFuncAddr.


entryFuncAddr (Any) – Address of device entry function to search kernel for


See also


Data types used by CUDA Runtime#

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEglPlaneDesc_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA EGL Plane Descriptor - structure defining each plane of a CUDA EGLFrame


Width of plane


unsigned int


Height of plane


unsigned int


Depth of plane


unsigned int


Pitch of plane


unsigned int


Number of channels for the plane


unsigned int


Channel Format Descriptor




Reserved for future use


List[unsigned int]


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEglFrame_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA EGLFrame Descriptor - structure defining one frame of EGL. Each frame may contain one or more planes depending on whether the surface is Multiplanar or not. Each plane of EGLFrame is represented by cudaEglPlaneDesc which is defined as: typedefstructcudaEglPlaneDesc_st unsignedintwidth; unsignedintheight; unsignedintdepth; unsignedintpitch; unsignedintnumChannels; structcudaChannelFormatDescchannelDesc; unsignedintreserved[4]; cudaEglPlaneDesc;




CUDA EGL Plane Descriptor cudaEglPlaneDesc




Number of planes


unsigned int


Array or Pitch




CUDA EGL Color Format




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaChannelFormatDesc(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA Channel format descriptor


















Channel format kind




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaArraySparseProperties(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Sparse CUDA array and CUDA mipmapped array properties




First mip level at which the mip tail begins


unsigned int


Total size of the mip tail.


unsigned long long


Flags will either be zero or cudaArraySparsePropertiesSingleMipTail


unsigned int


List[unsigned int]


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaArrayMemoryRequirements(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA array and CUDA mipmapped array memory requirements


Total size of the array.




Alignment necessary for mapping the array.




List[unsigned int]


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaPitchedPtr(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA Pitched memory pointer ::make_cudaPitchedPtr


Pointer to allocated memory




Pitch of allocated memory in bytes




Logical width of allocation in elements




Logical height of allocation in elements




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExtent(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA extent ::make_cudaExtent


Width in elements when referring to array memory, in bytes when referring to linear memory




Height in elements




Depth in elements




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaPos(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA 3D position ::make_cudaPos














Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy3DParms(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA 3D memory copying parameters


Source memory address




Source position offset




Pitched source memory address




Destination memory address




Destination position offset




Pitched destination memory address




Requested memory copy size




Type of transfer




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpyNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Memcpy node parameters


Must be zero




Must be zero




Parameters for the memory copy




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA 3D cross-device memory copying parameters


Source memory address




Source position offset




Pitched source memory address




Source device




Destination memory address




Destination position offset




Pitched destination memory address




Destination device




Requested memory copy size




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemsetParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA Memset node parameters


Destination device pointer




Pitch of destination device pointer. Unused if height is 1




Value to be set


unsigned int


Size of each element in bytes. Must be 1, 2, or 4.


unsigned int


Width of the row in elements




Number of rows




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemsetParamsV2(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA Memset node parameters


Destination device pointer




Pitch of destination device pointer. Unused if height is 1




Value to be set


unsigned int


Size of each element in bytes. Must be 1, 2, or 4.


unsigned int


Width of the row in elements




Number of rows




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaAccessPolicyWindow(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Specifies an access policy for a window, a contiguous extent of memory beginning at base_ptr and ending at base_ptr + num_bytes. Partition into many segments and assign segments such that. sum of “hit segments” / window == approx. ratio. sum of “miss segments” / window == approx 1-ratio. Segments and ratio specifications are fitted to the capabilities of the architecture. Accesses in a hit segment apply the hitProp access policy. Accesses in a miss segment apply the missProp access policy.


Starting address of the access policy window. CUDA driver may align it.




Size in bytes of the window policy. CUDA driver may restrict the maximum size and alignment.




hitRatio specifies percentage of lines assigned hitProp, rest are assigned missProp.




::CUaccessProperty set for hit.




::CUaccessProperty set for miss. Must be either NORMAL or STREAMING.




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaHostNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA host node parameters


The function to call when the node executes




Argument to pass to the function




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaHostNodeParamsV2(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA host node parameters


The function to call when the node executes




Argument to pass to the function




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaResourceDesc(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA resource descriptor


Resource type






Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaResourceViewDesc(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA resource view descriptor


Resource view format




Width of the resource view




Height of the resource view




Depth of the resource view




First defined mipmap level


unsigned int


Last defined mipmap level


unsigned int


First layer index


unsigned int


Last layer index


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaPointerAttributes(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA pointer attributes


The type of memory - cudaMemoryTypeUnregistered, cudaMemoryTypeHost, cudaMemoryTypeDevice or cudaMemoryTypeManaged.




The device against which the memory was allocated or registered. If the memory type is cudaMemoryTypeDevice then this identifies the device on which the memory referred physically resides. If the memory type is cudaMemoryTypeHost or::cudaMemoryTypeManaged then this identifies the device which was current when the memory was allocated or registered (and if that device is deinitialized then this allocation will vanish with that device’s state).




The address which may be dereferenced on the current device to access the memory or NULL if no such address exists.




The address which may be dereferenced on the host to access the memory or NULL if no such address exists. CUDA doesn’t check if unregistered memory is allocated so this field may contain invalid pointer if an invalid pointer has been passed to CUDA.




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaFuncAttributes(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA function attributes


The size in bytes of statically-allocated shared memory per block required by this function. This does not include dynamically- allocated shared memory requested by the user at runtime.




The size in bytes of user-allocated constant memory required by this function.




The size in bytes of local memory used by each thread of this function.




The maximum number of threads per block, beyond which a launch of the function would fail. This number depends on both the function and the device on which the function is currently loaded.




The number of registers used by each thread of this function.




The PTX virtual architecture version for which the function was compiled. This value is the major PTX version * 10 + the minor PTX version, so a PTX version 1.3 function would return the value 13.




The binary architecture version for which the function was compiled. This value is the major binary version * 10 + the minor binary version, so a binary version 1.3 function would return the value 13.




The attribute to indicate whether the function has been compiled with user specified option “-Xptxas –dlcm=ca” set.




The maximum size in bytes of dynamic shared memory per block for this function. Any launch must have a dynamic shared memory size smaller than this value.




On devices where the L1 cache and shared memory use the same hardware resources, this sets the shared memory carveout preference, in percent of the maximum shared memory. Refer to cudaDevAttrMaxSharedMemoryPerMultiprocessor. This is only a hint, and the driver can choose a different ratio if required to execute the function. See cudaFuncSetAttribute




If this attribute is set, the kernel must launch with a valid cluster dimension specified.




The required cluster width/height/depth in blocks. The values must either all be 0 or all be positive. The validity of the cluster dimensions is otherwise checked at launch time. If the value is set during compile time, it cannot be set at runtime. Setting it at runtime should return cudaErrorNotPermitted. See cudaFuncSetAttribute








The block scheduling policy of a function. See cudaFuncSetAttribute




Whether the function can be launched with non-portable cluster size. 1 is allowed, 0 is disallowed. A non-portable cluster size may only function on the specific SKUs the program is tested on. The launch might fail if the program is run on a different hardware platform. CUDA API provides cudaOccupancyMaxActiveClusters to assist with checking whether the desired size can be launched on the current device. Portable Cluster Size A portable cluster size is guaranteed to be functional on all compute capabilities higher than the target compute capability. The portable cluster size for sm_90 is 8 blocks per cluster. This value may increase for future compute capabilities. The specific hardware unit may support higher cluster sizes that’s not guaranteed to be portable. See cudaFuncSetAttribute




Reserved for future use.




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemLocation(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Specifies a memory location. To specify a gpu, set type = cudaMemLocationTypeDevice and set id = the gpu’s device ordinal. To specify a cpu NUMA node, set type = cudaMemLocationTypeHostNuma and set id = host NUMA node id.


Specifies the location type, which modifies the meaning of id.




identifier for a given this location’s ::CUmemLocationType.




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemAccessDesc(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Memory access descriptor


Location on which the request is to change it’s accessibility




::CUmemProt accessibility flags to set on the request




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolProps(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Specifies the properties of allocations made from the pool.


Allocation type. Currently must be specified as cudaMemAllocationTypePinned




Handle types that will be supported by allocations from the pool.




Location allocations should reside.




Windows-specific LPSECURITYATTRIBUTES required when cudaMemHandleTypeWin32 is specified. This security attribute defines the scope of which exported allocations may be tranferred to other processes. In all other cases, this field is required to be zero.




Maximum pool size. When set to 0, defaults to a system dependent value.




Bitmask indicating intended usage for the pool.


unsigned short


reserved for future use, must be 0




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolPtrExportData(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Opaque data for exporting a pool allocation




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemAllocNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Memory allocation node parameters


in: location where the allocation should reside (specified in ::location). ::handleTypes must be cudaMemHandleTypeNone. IPC is not supported. in: array of memory access descriptors. Used to describe peer GPU access




in: number of memory access descriptors. Must not exceed the number of GPUs.




in: Number of `accessDescs`s




in: size in bytes of the requested allocation




out: address of the allocation returned by CUDA




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemAllocNodeParamsV2(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Memory allocation node parameters


in: location where the allocation should reside (specified in ::location). ::handleTypes must be cudaMemHandleTypeNone. IPC is not supported. in: array of memory access descriptors. Used to describe peer GPU access




in: number of memory access descriptors. Must not exceed the number of GPUs.




in: Number of `accessDescs`s




in: size in bytes of the requested allocation




out: address of the allocation returned by CUDA




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemFreeNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Memory free node parameters


in: the pointer to free




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.CUuuid_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

< CUDA definition of UUID




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceProp(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA device properties


ASCII string identifying device




16-byte unique identifier




8-byte locally unique identifier. Value is undefined on TCC and non-Windows platforms




LUID device node mask. Value is undefined on TCC and non-Windows platforms


unsigned int


Global memory available on device in bytes




Shared memory available per block in bytes




32-bit registers available per block




Warp size in threads




Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies




Maximum number of threads per block




Maximum size of each dimension of a block




Maximum size of each dimension of a grid




Deprecated, Clock frequency in kilohertz




Constant memory available on device in bytes




Major compute capability




Minor compute capability




Alignment requirement for textures




Pitch alignment requirement for texture references bound to pitched memory




Device can concurrently copy memory and execute a kernel. Deprecated. Use instead asyncEngineCount.




Number of multiprocessors on device




Deprecated, Specified whether there is a run time limit on kernels




Device is integrated as opposed to discrete




Device can map host memory with cudaHostAlloc/cudaHostGetDevicePointer




Deprecated, Compute mode (See cudaComputeMode)




Maximum 1D texture size




Maximum 1D mipmapped texture size




Deprecated, do not use. Use cudaDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth() or cuDeviceGetTexture1DLinearMaxWidth() instead.




Maximum 2D texture dimensions




Maximum 2D mipmapped texture dimensions




Maximum dimensions (width, height, pitch) for 2D textures bound to pitched memory




Maximum 2D texture dimensions if texture gather operations have to be performed




Maximum 3D texture dimensions




Maximum alternate 3D texture dimensions




Maximum Cubemap texture dimensions




Maximum 1D layered texture dimensions




Maximum 2D layered texture dimensions




Maximum Cubemap layered texture dimensions




Maximum 1D surface size




Maximum 2D surface dimensions




Maximum 3D surface dimensions




Maximum 1D layered surface dimensions




Maximum 2D layered surface dimensions




Maximum Cubemap surface dimensions




Maximum Cubemap layered surface dimensions




Alignment requirements for surfaces




Device can possibly execute multiple kernels concurrently




Device has ECC support enabled




PCI bus ID of the device




PCI device ID of the device




PCI domain ID of the device




1 if device is a Tesla device using TCC driver, 0 otherwise




Number of asynchronous engines




Device shares a unified address space with the host




Deprecated, Peak memory clock frequency in kilohertz




Global memory bus width in bits




Size of L2 cache in bytes




Device’s maximum l2 persisting lines capacity setting in bytes




Maximum resident threads per multiprocessor




Device supports stream priorities




Device supports caching globals in L1




Device supports caching locals in L1




Shared memory available per multiprocessor in bytes




32-bit registers available per multiprocessor




Device supports allocating managed memory on this system




Device is on a multi-GPU board




Unique identifier for a group of devices on the same multi-GPU board




Link between the device and the host supports native atomic operations




Deprecated, Ratio of single precision performance (in floating- point operations per second) to double precision performance




Device supports coherently accessing pageable memory without calling cudaHostRegister on it




Device can coherently access managed memory concurrently with the CPU




Device supports Compute Preemption




Device can access host registered memory at the same virtual address as the CPU




Device supports launching cooperative kernels via cudaLaunchCooperativeKernel




Deprecated, cudaLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice is deprecated.




Per device maximum shared memory per block usable by special opt in




Device accesses pageable memory via the host’s page tables




Host can directly access managed memory on the device without migration.




Maximum number of resident blocks per multiprocessor




The maximum value of cudaAccessPolicyWindow::num_bytes.




Shared memory reserved by CUDA driver per block in bytes




Device supports host memory registration via cudaHostRegister.




1 if the device supports sparse CUDA arrays and sparse CUDA mipmapped arrays, 0 otherwise




Device supports using the cudaHostRegister flag cudaHostRegisterReadOnly to register memory that must be mapped as read-only to the GPU




External timeline semaphore interop is supported on the device




1 if the device supports using the cudaMallocAsync and cudaMemPool family of APIs, 0 otherwise




1 if the device supports GPUDirect RDMA APIs, 0 otherwise




Bitmask to be interpreted according to the cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesOptions enum


unsigned int


See the cudaGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrdering enum for numerical values




Bitmask of handle types supported with mempool-based IPC


unsigned int


1 if the device supports deferred mapping CUDA arrays and CUDA mipmapped arrays




Device supports IPC Events.




Indicates device supports cluster launch




Indicates device supports unified pointers






Reserved for future use




Reserved for future use




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaIpcEventHandle_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA IPC event handle




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaIpcMemHandle_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA IPC memory handle




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemFabricHandle_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#



Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalMemoryHandleDesc(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

External memory handle descriptor


Type of the handle






Size of the memory allocation


unsigned long long


Flags must either be zero or cudaExternalMemoryDedicated


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalMemoryBufferDesc(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

External memory buffer descriptor


Offset into the memory object where the buffer’s base is


unsigned long long


Size of the buffer


unsigned long long


Flags reserved for future use. Must be zero.


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalMemoryMipmappedArrayDesc(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

External memory mipmap descriptor


Offset into the memory object where the base level of the mipmap chain is.


unsigned long long


Format of base level of the mipmap chain




Dimensions of base level of the mipmap chain




Flags associated with CUDA mipmapped arrays. See cudaMallocMipmappedArray


unsigned int


Total number of levels in the mipmap chain


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

External semaphore handle descriptor


Type of the handle






Flags reserved for the future. Must be zero.


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

External semaphore signal parameters, compatible with driver type




Only when cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams is used to signal a cudaExternalSemaphore_t of type cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeNvSciSync, the valid flag is cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalSkipNvSciBufMemSync: which indicates that while signaling the cudaExternalSemaphore_t, no memory synchronization operations should be performed for any external memory object imported as cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeNvSciBuf. For all other types of cudaExternalSemaphore_t, flags must be zero.


unsigned int


List[unsigned int]


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

External semaphore wait parameters, compatible with driver type




Only when cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams is used to signal a cudaExternalSemaphore_t of type cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeNvSciSync, the valid flag is cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalSkipNvSciBufMemSync: which indicates that while waiting for the cudaExternalSemaphore_t, no memory synchronization operations should be performed for any external memory object imported as cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeNvSciBuf. For all other types of cudaExternalSemaphore_t, flags must be zero.


unsigned int


List[unsigned int]


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaKernelNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA GPU kernel node parameters


Kernel to launch




Grid dimensions




Block dimensions




Dynamic shared-memory size per thread block in bytes


unsigned int


Array of pointers to individual kernel arguments




Pointer to kernel arguments in the “extra” format




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaKernelNodeParamsV2(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA GPU kernel node parameters


Kernel to launch




Grid dimensions




Block dimensions




Dynamic shared-memory size per thread block in bytes


unsigned int


Array of pointers to individual kernel arguments




Pointer to kernel arguments in the “extra” format




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

External semaphore signal node parameters


Array of external semaphore handles.




Array of external semaphore signal parameters.




Number of handles and parameters supplied in extSemArray and paramsArray.


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParamsV2(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

External semaphore signal node parameters


Array of external semaphore handles.




Array of external semaphore signal parameters.




Number of handles and parameters supplied in extSemArray and paramsArray.


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

External semaphore wait node parameters


Array of external semaphore handles.




Array of external semaphore wait parameters.




Number of handles and parameters supplied in extSemArray and paramsArray.


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParamsV2(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

External semaphore wait node parameters


Array of external semaphore handles.




Array of external semaphore wait parameters.




Number of handles and parameters supplied in extSemArray and paramsArray.


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaConditionalNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA conditional node parameters


Conditional node handle. Handles must be created in advance of creating the node using cudaGraphConditionalHandleCreate.




Type of conditional node.




Size of graph output array. Must be 1.


unsigned int


CUDA-owned array populated with conditional node child graphs during creation of the node. Valid for the lifetime of the conditional node. The contents of the graph(s) are subject to the following constraints: - Allowed node types are kernel nodes, empty nodes, child graphs, memsets, memcopies, and conditionals. This applies recursively to child graphs and conditional bodies. - All kernels, including kernels in nested conditionals or child graphs at any level, must belong to the same CUDA context. These graphs may be populated using graph node creation APIs or cudaStreamBeginCaptureToGraph.




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaChildGraphNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Child graph node parameters


The child graph to clone into the node for node creation, or a handle to the graph owned by the node for node query




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEventRecordNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Event record node parameters


The event to record when the node executes




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEventWaitNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Event wait node parameters


The event to wait on from the node




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNodeParams(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Graph node parameters. See cudaGraphAddNode.


Type of the node




Reserved. Must be zero.




Padding. Unused bytes must be zero.


List[long long]


Kernel node parameters.




Memcpy node parameters.




Memset node parameters.




Host node parameters.




Child graph node parameters.




Event wait node parameters.




Event record node parameters.




External semaphore signal node parameters.




External semaphore wait node parameters.




Memory allocation node parameters.




Memory free node parameters.




Conditional node parameters.




Reserved bytes. Must be zero.


long long


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphEdgeData_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Optional annotation for edges in a CUDA graph. Note, all edges implicitly have annotations and default to a zero-initialized value if not specified. A zero-initialized struct indicates a standard full serialization of two nodes with memory visibility.


This indicates when the dependency is triggered from the upstream node on the edge. The meaning is specfic to the node type. A value of 0 in all cases means full completion of the upstream node, with memory visibility to the downstream node or portion thereof (indicated by to_port). Only kernel nodes define non-zero ports. A kernel node can use the following output port types: cudaGraphKernelNodePortDefault, cudaGraphKernelNodePortProgrammatic, or cudaGraphKernelNodePortLaunchCompletion.




This indicates what portion of the downstream node is dependent on the upstream node or portion thereof (indicated by from_port). The meaning is specific to the node type. A value of 0 in all cases means the entirety of the downstream node is dependent on the upstream work. Currently no node types define non-zero ports. Accordingly, this field must be set to zero.




This should be populated with a value from ::cudaGraphDependencyType. (It is typed as char due to compiler- specific layout of bitfields.) See ::cudaGraphDependencyType.




These bytes are unused and must be zeroed. This ensures compatibility if additional fields are added in the future.




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphInstantiateParams_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Graph instantiation parameters


Instantiation flags


unsigned long long


Upload stream




The node which caused instantiation to fail, if any




Whether instantiation was successful. If it failed, the reason why




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecUpdateResultInfo_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Result information returned by cudaGraphExecUpdate


Gives more specific detail when a cuda graph update fails.




The “to node” of the error edge when the topologies do not match. The error node when the error is associated with a specific node. NULL when the error is generic.




The from node of error edge when the topologies do not match. Otherwise NULL.




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphKernelNodeUpdate(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Struct to specify a single node update to pass as part of a larger array to ::cudaGraphKernelNodeUpdatesApply


Node to update




Which type of update to apply. Determines how updateData is interpreted




Update data to apply. Which field is used depends on field’s value




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainMap_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Memory Synchronization Domain map See cudaLaunchMemSyncDomain. By default, kernels are launched in domain 0. Kernel launched with cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainRemote will have a different domain ID. User may also alter the domain ID with ::cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainMap for a specific stream / graph node / kernel launch. See cudaLaunchAttributeMemSyncDomainMap. Domain ID range is available through cudaDevAttrMemSyncDomainCount.


The default domain ID to use for designated kernels




The remote domain ID to use for designated kernels




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaLaunchAttributeValue(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Launch attributes union; used as value field of ::cudaLaunchAttribute




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeAccessPolicyWindow.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeCooperative. Nonzero indicates a cooperative kernel (see cudaLaunchCooperativeKernel).




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeSynchronizationPolicy. ::cudaSynchronizationPolicy for work queued up in this stream.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeClusterDimension that represents the desired cluster dimensions for the kernel. Opaque type with the following fields: - x - The X dimension of the cluster, in blocks. Must be a divisor of the grid X dimension. - y - The Y dimension of the cluster, in blocks. Must be a divisor of the grid Y dimension. - z - The Z dimension of the cluster, in blocks. Must be a divisor of the grid Z dimension.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeClusterSchedulingPolicyPreference. Cluster scheduling policy preference for the kernel.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeProgrammaticStreamSerialization.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeProgrammaticEvent with the following fields: - cudaEvent_t event - Event to fire when all blocks trigger it. - int flags; - Event record flags, see cudaEventRecordWithFlags. Does not accept cudaEventRecordExternal. - int triggerAtBlockStart - If this is set to non-0, each block launch will automatically trigger the event.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributePriority. Execution priority of the kernel.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeMemSyncDomainMap. See ::cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainMap.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeMemSyncDomain. See cudaLaunchMemSyncDomain.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeLaunchCompletionEvent with the following fields: - cudaEvent_t event - Event to fire when the last block launches. - int flags - Event record flags, see cudaEventRecordWithFlags. Does not accept cudaEventRecordExternal.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeDeviceUpdatableKernelNode with the following fields: - int deviceUpdatable - Whether or not the resulting kernel node should be device-updatable. - cudaGraphDeviceNode_t devNode - Returns a handle to pass to the various device-side update functions.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributePreferredSharedMemoryCarveout.


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaLaunchAttribute_st(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Launch attribute


Attribute to set




Value of the attribute




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaAsyncNotificationInfo(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Information describing an async notification event






Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaTextureDesc(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

CUDA texture descriptor


Texture address mode for up to 3 dimensions




Texture filter mode




Texture read mode




Perform sRGB->linear conversion during texture read




Texture Border Color




Indicates whether texture reads are normalized or not




Limit to the anisotropy ratio


unsigned int


Mipmap filter mode




Offset applied to the supplied mipmap level




Lower end of the mipmap level range to clamp access to




Upper end of the mipmap level range to clamp access to




Disable any trilinear filtering optimizations.




Enable seamless cube map filtering.




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEglFrameType(value)#

CUDA EglFrame type - array or pointer

cudaEglFrameTypeArray = 0#

Frame type CUDA array

cudaEglFrameTypePitch = 1#

Frame type CUDA pointer

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEglResourceLocationFlags(value)#

Resource location flags- sysmem or vidmem For CUDA context on iGPU, since video and system memory are equivalent - these flags will not have an effect on the execution. For CUDA context on dGPU, applications can use the flag cudaEglResourceLocationFlags to give a hint about the desired location. cudaEglResourceLocationSysmem - the frame data is made resident on the system memory to be accessed by CUDA. cudaEglResourceLocationVidmem - the frame data is made resident on the dedicated video memory to be accessed by CUDA. There may be an additional latency due to new allocation and data migration, if the frame is produced on a different memory.

cudaEglResourceLocationSysmem = 0#

Resource location sysmem

cudaEglResourceLocationVidmem = 1#

Resource location vidmem

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEglColorFormat(value)#

CUDA EGL Color Format - The different planar and multiplanar formats currently supported for CUDA_EGL interops.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV420Planar = 0#

Y, U, V in three surfaces, each in a separate surface, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV420SemiPlanar = 1#

Y, UV in two surfaces (UV as one surface) with VU byte ordering, width, height ratio same as YUV420Planar.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV422Planar = 2#

Y, U, V each in a separate surface, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV422SemiPlanar = 3#

Y, UV in two surfaces with VU byte ordering, width, height ratio same as YUV422Planar.

cudaEglColorFormatARGB = 6#

R/G/B/A four channels in one surface with BGRA byte ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatRGBA = 7#

R/G/B/A four channels in one surface with ABGR byte ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatL = 8#

single luminance channel in one surface.

cudaEglColorFormatR = 9#

single color channel in one surface.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV444Planar = 10#

Y, U, V in three surfaces, each in a separate surface, U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV444SemiPlanar = 11#

Y, UV in two surfaces (UV as one surface) with VU byte ordering, width, height ratio same as YUV444Planar.

cudaEglColorFormatYUYV422 = 12#

Y, U, V in one surface, interleaved as UYVY in one channel.

cudaEglColorFormatUYVY422 = 13#

Y, U, V in one surface, interleaved as YUYV in one channel.

cudaEglColorFormatABGR = 14#

R/G/B/A four channels in one surface with RGBA byte ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatBGRA = 15#

R/G/B/A four channels in one surface with ARGB byte ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatA = 16#

Alpha color format - one channel in one surface.

cudaEglColorFormatRG = 17#

R/G color format - two channels in one surface with GR byte ordering

cudaEglColorFormatAYUV = 18#

Y, U, V, A four channels in one surface, interleaved as VUYA.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU444SemiPlanar = 19#

Y, VU in two surfaces (VU as one surface) with UV byte ordering, U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU422SemiPlanar = 20#

Y, VU in two surfaces (VU as one surface) with UV byte ordering, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU420SemiPlanar = 21#

Y, VU in two surfaces (VU as one surface) with UV byte ordering, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_444SemiPlanar = 22#

Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) with UV byte ordering, U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_420SemiPlanar = 23#

Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) with UV byte ordering, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY12V12U12_444SemiPlanar = 24#

Y12, V12U12 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) with UV byte ordering, U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY12V12U12_420SemiPlanar = 25#

Y12, V12U12 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) with UV byte ordering, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatVYUY_ER = 26#

Extended Range Y, U, V in one surface, interleaved as YVYU in one channel.

cudaEglColorFormatUYVY_ER = 27#

Extended Range Y, U, V in one surface, interleaved as YUYV in one channel.

cudaEglColorFormatYUYV_ER = 28#

Extended Range Y, U, V in one surface, interleaved as UYVY in one channel.

cudaEglColorFormatYVYU_ER = 29#

Extended Range Y, U, V in one surface, interleaved as VYUY in one channel.

cudaEglColorFormatYUVA_ER = 31#

Extended Range Y, U, V, A four channels in one surface, interleaved as AVUY.

cudaEglColorFormatAYUV_ER = 32#

Extended Range Y, U, V, A four channels in one surface, interleaved as VUYA.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV444Planar_ER = 33#

Extended Range Y, U, V in three surfaces, U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV422Planar_ER = 34#

Extended Range Y, U, V in three surfaces, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV420Planar_ER = 35#

Extended Range Y, U, V in three surfaces, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV444SemiPlanar_ER = 36#

Extended Range Y, UV in two surfaces (UV as one surface) with VU byte ordering, U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV422SemiPlanar_ER = 37#

Extended Range Y, UV in two surfaces (UV as one surface) with VU byte ordering, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV420SemiPlanar_ER = 38#

Extended Range Y, UV in two surfaces (UV as one surface) with VU byte ordering, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU444Planar_ER = 39#

Extended Range Y, V, U in three surfaces, U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU422Planar_ER = 40#

Extended Range Y, V, U in three surfaces, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU420Planar_ER = 41#

Extended Range Y, V, U in three surfaces, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU444SemiPlanar_ER = 42#

Extended Range Y, VU in two surfaces (VU as one surface) with UV byte ordering, U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU422SemiPlanar_ER = 43#

Extended Range Y, VU in two surfaces (VU as one surface) with UV byte ordering, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU420SemiPlanar_ER = 44#

Extended Range Y, VU in two surfaces (VU as one surface) with UV byte ordering, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerRGGB = 45#

Bayer format - one channel in one surface with interleaved RGGB ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerBGGR = 46#

Bayer format - one channel in one surface with interleaved BGGR ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerGRBG = 47#

Bayer format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GRBG ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerGBRG = 48#

Bayer format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GBRG ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer10RGGB = 49#

Bayer10 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved RGGB ordering. Out of 16 bits, 10 bits used 6 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer10BGGR = 50#

Bayer10 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved BGGR ordering. Out of 16 bits, 10 bits used 6 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer10GRBG = 51#

Bayer10 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GRBG ordering. Out of 16 bits, 10 bits used 6 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer10GBRG = 52#

Bayer10 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GBRG ordering. Out of 16 bits, 10 bits used 6 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer12RGGB = 53#

Bayer12 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved RGGB ordering. Out of 16 bits, 12 bits used 4 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer12BGGR = 54#

Bayer12 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved BGGR ordering. Out of 16 bits, 12 bits used 4 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer12GRBG = 55#

Bayer12 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GRBG ordering. Out of 16 bits, 12 bits used 4 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer12GBRG = 56#

Bayer12 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GBRG ordering. Out of 16 bits, 12 bits used 4 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer14RGGB = 57#

Bayer14 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved RGGB ordering. Out of 16 bits, 14 bits used 2 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer14BGGR = 58#

Bayer14 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved BGGR ordering. Out of 16 bits, 14 bits used 2 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer14GRBG = 59#

Bayer14 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GRBG ordering. Out of 16 bits, 14 bits used 2 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer14GBRG = 60#

Bayer14 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GBRG ordering. Out of 16 bits, 14 bits used 2 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer20RGGB = 61#

Bayer20 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved RGGB ordering. Out of 32 bits, 20 bits used 12 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer20BGGR = 62#

Bayer20 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved BGGR ordering. Out of 32 bits, 20 bits used 12 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer20GRBG = 63#

Bayer20 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GRBG ordering. Out of 32 bits, 20 bits used 12 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer20GBRG = 64#

Bayer20 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GBRG ordering. Out of 32 bits, 20 bits used 12 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU444Planar = 65#

Y, V, U in three surfaces, each in a separate surface, U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU422Planar = 66#

Y, V, U in three surfaces, each in a separate surface, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU420Planar = 67#

Y, V, U in three surfaces, each in a separate surface, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerIspRGGB = 68#

Nvidia proprietary Bayer ISP format - one channel in one surface with interleaved RGGB ordering and mapped to opaque integer datatype.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerIspBGGR = 69#

Nvidia proprietary Bayer ISP format - one channel in one surface with interleaved BGGR ordering and mapped to opaque integer datatype.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerIspGRBG = 70#

Nvidia proprietary Bayer ISP format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GRBG ordering and mapped to opaque integer datatype.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerIspGBRG = 71#

Nvidia proprietary Bayer ISP format - one channel in one surface with interleaved GBRG ordering and mapped to opaque integer datatype.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerBCCR = 72#

Bayer format - one channel in one surface with interleaved BCCR ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerRCCB = 73#

Bayer format - one channel in one surface with interleaved RCCB ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerCRBC = 74#

Bayer format - one channel in one surface with interleaved CRBC ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatBayerCBRC = 75#

Bayer format - one channel in one surface with interleaved CBRC ordering.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer10CCCC = 76#

Bayer10 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved CCCC ordering. Out of 16 bits, 10 bits used 6 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer12BCCR = 77#

Bayer12 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved BCCR ordering. Out of 16 bits, 12 bits used 4 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer12RCCB = 78#

Bayer12 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved RCCB ordering. Out of 16 bits, 12 bits used 4 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer12CRBC = 79#

Bayer12 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved CRBC ordering. Out of 16 bits, 12 bits used 4 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer12CBRC = 80#

Bayer12 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved CBRC ordering. Out of 16 bits, 12 bits used 4 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatBayer12CCCC = 81#

Bayer12 format - one channel in one surface with interleaved CCCC ordering. Out of 16 bits, 12 bits used 4 bits No-op.

cudaEglColorFormatY = 82#

Color format for single Y plane.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV420SemiPlanar_2020 = 83#

Y, UV in two surfaces (UV as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU420SemiPlanar_2020 = 84#

Y, VU in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV420Planar_2020 = 85#

Y, U, V in three surfaces, each in a separate surface, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU420Planar_2020 = 86#

Y, V, U in three surfaces, each in a separate surface, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV420SemiPlanar_709 = 87#

Y, UV in two surfaces (UV as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU420SemiPlanar_709 = 88#

Y, VU in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYUV420Planar_709 = 89#

Y, U, V in three surfaces, each in a separate surface, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatYVU420Planar_709 = 90#

Y, V, U in three surfaces, each in a separate surface, U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_420SemiPlanar_709 = 91#

Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_420SemiPlanar_2020 = 92#

Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_422SemiPlanar_2020 = 93#

Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_422SemiPlanar = 94#

Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_422SemiPlanar_709 = 95#

Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY_ER = 96#

Extended Range Color format for single Y plane.

cudaEglColorFormatY_709_ER = 97#

Extended Range Color format for single Y plane.

cudaEglColorFormatY10_ER = 98#

Extended Range Color format for single Y10 plane.

cudaEglColorFormatY10_709_ER = 99#

Extended Range Color format for single Y10 plane.

cudaEglColorFormatY12_ER = 100#

Extended Range Color format for single Y12 plane.

cudaEglColorFormatY12_709_ER = 101#

Extended Range Color format for single Y12 plane.

cudaEglColorFormatYUVA = 102#

Y, U, V, A four channels in one surface, interleaved as AVUY.

cudaEglColorFormatYVYU = 104#

Y, U, V in one surface, interleaved as YVYU in one channel.

cudaEglColorFormatVYUY = 105#

Y, U, V in one surface, interleaved as VYUY in one channel.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_420SemiPlanar_ER = 106#

Extended Range Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_420SemiPlanar_709_ER = 107#

Extended Range Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_444SemiPlanar_ER = 108#

Extended Range Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY10V10U10_444SemiPlanar_709_ER = 109#

Extended Range Y10, V10U10 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY12V12U12_420SemiPlanar_ER = 110#

Extended Range Y12, V12U12 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY12V12U12_420SemiPlanar_709_ER = 111#

Extended Range Y12, V12U12 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = 1/2 Y width, U/V height = 1/2 Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY12V12U12_444SemiPlanar_ER = 112#

Extended Range Y12, V12U12 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

cudaEglColorFormatY12V12U12_444SemiPlanar_709_ER = 113#

Extended Range Y12, V12U12 in two surfaces (VU as one surface) U/V width = Y width, U/V height = Y height.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaError_t(value)#

impl_private CUDA error types

cudaSuccess = 0#

The API call returned with no errors. In the case of query calls, this also means that the operation being queried is complete (see cudaEventQuery() and cudaStreamQuery()).

cudaErrorInvalidValue = 1#

This indicates that one or more of the parameters passed to the API call is not within an acceptable range of values.

cudaErrorMemoryAllocation = 2#

The API call failed because it was unable to allocate enough memory or other resources to perform the requested operation.

cudaErrorInitializationError = 3#

The API call failed because the CUDA driver and runtime could not be initialized.

cudaErrorCudartUnloading = 4#

This indicates that a CUDA Runtime API call cannot be executed because it is being called during process shut down, at a point in time after CUDA driver has been unloaded.

cudaErrorProfilerDisabled = 5#

This indicates profiler is not initialized for this run. This can happen when the application is running with external profiling tools like visual profiler.

cudaErrorProfilerNotInitialized = 6#


cudaErrorProfilerAlreadyStarted = 7#


cudaErrorProfilerAlreadyStopped = 8#


cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration = 9#

This indicates that a kernel launch is requesting resources that can never be satisfied by the current device. Requesting more shared memory per block than the device supports will trigger this error, as will requesting too many threads or blocks. See cudaDeviceProp for more device limitations.

cudaErrorInvalidPitchValue = 12#

This indicates that one or more of the pitch-related parameters passed to the API call is not within the acceptable range for pitch.

cudaErrorInvalidSymbol = 13#

This indicates that the symbol name/identifier passed to the API call is not a valid name or identifier.

cudaErrorInvalidHostPointer = 16#

This indicates that at least one host pointer passed to the API call is not a valid host pointer. [Deprecated]

cudaErrorInvalidDevicePointer = 17#

This indicates that at least one device pointer passed to the API call is not a valid device pointer. [Deprecated]

cudaErrorInvalidTexture = 18#

This indicates that the texture passed to the API call is not a valid texture.

cudaErrorInvalidTextureBinding = 19#

This indicates that the texture binding is not valid. This occurs if you call cudaGetTextureAlignmentOffset() with an unbound texture.

cudaErrorInvalidChannelDescriptor = 20#

This indicates that the channel descriptor passed to the API call is not valid. This occurs if the format is not one of the formats specified by cudaChannelFormatKind, or if one of the dimensions is invalid.

cudaErrorInvalidMemcpyDirection = 21#

This indicates that the direction of the memcpy passed to the API call is not one of the types specified by cudaMemcpyKind.

cudaErrorAddressOfConstant = 22#

This indicated that the user has taken the address of a constant variable, which was forbidden up until the CUDA 3.1 release. [Deprecated]

cudaErrorTextureFetchFailed = 23#

This indicated that a texture fetch was not able to be performed. This was previously used for device emulation of texture operations. [Deprecated]

cudaErrorTextureNotBound = 24#

This indicated that a texture was not bound for access. This was previously used for device emulation of texture operations. [Deprecated]

cudaErrorSynchronizationError = 25#

This indicated that a synchronization operation had failed. This was previously used for some device emulation functions. [Deprecated]

cudaErrorInvalidFilterSetting = 26#

This indicates that a non-float texture was being accessed with linear filtering. This is not supported by CUDA.

cudaErrorInvalidNormSetting = 27#

This indicates that an attempt was made to read a non-float texture as a normalized float. This is not supported by CUDA.

cudaErrorMixedDeviceExecution = 28#

Mixing of device and device emulation code was not allowed. [Deprecated]

cudaErrorNotYetImplemented = 31#

This indicates that the API call is not yet implemented. Production releases of CUDA will never return this error. [Deprecated]

cudaErrorMemoryValueTooLarge = 32#

This indicated that an emulated device pointer exceeded the 32-bit address range. [Deprecated]

cudaErrorStubLibrary = 34#

This indicates that the CUDA driver that the application has loaded is a stub library. Applications that run with the stub rather than a real driver loaded will result in CUDA API returning this error.

cudaErrorInsufficientDriver = 35#

This indicates that the installed NVIDIA CUDA driver is older than the CUDA runtime library. This is not a supported configuration. Users should install an updated NVIDIA display driver to allow the application to run.

cudaErrorCallRequiresNewerDriver = 36#

This indicates that the API call requires a newer CUDA driver than the one currently installed. Users should install an updated NVIDIA CUDA driver to allow the API call to succeed.

cudaErrorInvalidSurface = 37#

This indicates that the surface passed to the API call is not a valid surface.

cudaErrorDuplicateVariableName = 43#

This indicates that multiple global or constant variables (across separate CUDA source files in the application) share the same string name.

cudaErrorDuplicateTextureName = 44#

This indicates that multiple textures (across separate CUDA source files in the application) share the same string name.

cudaErrorDuplicateSurfaceName = 45#

This indicates that multiple surfaces (across separate CUDA source files in the application) share the same string name.

cudaErrorDevicesUnavailable = 46#

This indicates that all CUDA devices are busy or unavailable at the current time. Devices are often busy/unavailable due to use of cudaComputeModeProhibited, cudaComputeModeExclusiveProcess, or when long running CUDA kernels have filled up the GPU and are blocking new work from starting. They can also be unavailable due to memory constraints on a device that already has active CUDA work being performed.

cudaErrorIncompatibleDriverContext = 49#

This indicates that the current context is not compatible with this the CUDA Runtime. This can only occur if you are using CUDA Runtime/Driver interoperability and have created an existing Driver context using the driver API. The Driver context may be incompatible either because the Driver context was created using an older version of the API, because the Runtime API call expects a primary driver context and the Driver context is not primary, or because the Driver context has been destroyed. Please see :py:obj:`~.Interactions`with the CUDA Driver API” for more information.

cudaErrorMissingConfiguration = 52#

The device function being invoked (usually via cudaLaunchKernel()) was not previously configured via the cudaConfigureCall() function.

cudaErrorPriorLaunchFailure = 53#

This indicated that a previous kernel launch failed. This was previously used for device emulation of kernel launches. [Deprecated]

cudaErrorLaunchMaxDepthExceeded = 65#

This error indicates that a device runtime grid launch did not occur because the depth of the child grid would exceed the maximum supported number of nested grid launches.

cudaErrorLaunchFileScopedTex = 66#

This error indicates that a grid launch did not occur because the kernel uses file-scoped textures which are unsupported by the device runtime. Kernels launched via the device runtime only support textures created with the Texture Object API’s.

cudaErrorLaunchFileScopedSurf = 67#

This error indicates that a grid launch did not occur because the kernel uses file-scoped surfaces which are unsupported by the device runtime. Kernels launched via the device runtime only support surfaces created with the Surface Object API’s.

cudaErrorSyncDepthExceeded = 68#

This error indicates that a call to cudaDeviceSynchronize made from the device runtime failed because the call was made at grid depth greater than than either the default (2 levels of grids) or user specified device limit cudaLimitDevRuntimeSyncDepth. To be able to synchronize on launched grids at a greater depth successfully, the maximum nested depth at which cudaDeviceSynchronize will be called must be specified with the cudaLimitDevRuntimeSyncDepth limit to the cudaDeviceSetLimit api before the host-side launch of a kernel using the device runtime. Keep in mind that additional levels of sync depth require the runtime to reserve large amounts of device memory that cannot be used for user allocations. Note that cudaDeviceSynchronize made from device runtime is only supported on devices of compute capability < 9.0.

cudaErrorLaunchPendingCountExceeded = 69#

This error indicates that a device runtime grid launch failed because the launch would exceed the limit cudaLimitDevRuntimePendingLaunchCount. For this launch to proceed successfully, cudaDeviceSetLimit must be called to set the cudaLimitDevRuntimePendingLaunchCount to be higher than the upper bound of outstanding launches that can be issued to the device runtime. Keep in mind that raising the limit of pending device runtime launches will require the runtime to reserve device memory that cannot be used for user allocations.

cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction = 98#

The requested device function does not exist or is not compiled for the proper device architecture.

cudaErrorNoDevice = 100#

This indicates that no CUDA-capable devices were detected by the installed CUDA driver.

cudaErrorInvalidDevice = 101#

This indicates that the device ordinal supplied by the user does not correspond to a valid CUDA device or that the action requested is invalid for the specified device.

cudaErrorDeviceNotLicensed = 102#

This indicates that the device doesn’t have a valid Grid License.

cudaErrorSoftwareValidityNotEstablished = 103#

By default, the CUDA runtime may perform a minimal set of self-tests, as well as CUDA driver tests, to establish the validity of both. Introduced in CUDA 11.2, this error return indicates that at least one of these tests has failed and the validity of either the runtime or the driver could not be established.

cudaErrorStartupFailure = 127#

This indicates an internal startup failure in the CUDA runtime.

cudaErrorInvalidKernelImage = 200#

This indicates that the device kernel image is invalid.

cudaErrorDeviceUninitialized = 201#

This most frequently indicates that there is no context bound to the current thread. This can also be returned if the context passed to an API call is not a valid handle (such as a context that has had cuCtxDestroy() invoked on it). This can also be returned if a user mixes different API versions (i.e. 3010 context with 3020 API calls). See cuCtxGetApiVersion() for more details.

cudaErrorMapBufferObjectFailed = 205#

This indicates that the buffer object could not be mapped.

cudaErrorUnmapBufferObjectFailed = 206#

This indicates that the buffer object could not be unmapped.

cudaErrorArrayIsMapped = 207#

This indicates that the specified array is currently mapped and thus cannot be destroyed.

cudaErrorAlreadyMapped = 208#

This indicates that the resource is already mapped.

cudaErrorNoKernelImageForDevice = 209#

This indicates that there is no kernel image available that is suitable for the device. This can occur when a user specifies code generation options for a particular CUDA source file that do not include the corresponding device configuration.

cudaErrorAlreadyAcquired = 210#

This indicates that a resource has already been acquired.

cudaErrorNotMapped = 211#

This indicates that a resource is not mapped.

cudaErrorNotMappedAsArray = 212#

This indicates that a mapped resource is not available for access as an array.

cudaErrorNotMappedAsPointer = 213#

This indicates that a mapped resource is not available for access as a pointer.

cudaErrorECCUncorrectable = 214#

This indicates that an uncorrectable ECC error was detected during execution.

cudaErrorUnsupportedLimit = 215#

This indicates that the cudaLimit passed to the API call is not supported by the active device.

cudaErrorDeviceAlreadyInUse = 216#

This indicates that a call tried to access an exclusive-thread device that is already in use by a different thread.

cudaErrorPeerAccessUnsupported = 217#

This error indicates that P2P access is not supported across the given devices.

cudaErrorInvalidPtx = 218#

A PTX compilation failed. The runtime may fall back to compiling PTX if an application does not contain a suitable binary for the current device.

cudaErrorInvalidGraphicsContext = 219#

This indicates an error with the OpenGL or DirectX context.

cudaErrorNvlinkUncorrectable = 220#

This indicates that an uncorrectable NVLink error was detected during the execution.

cudaErrorJitCompilerNotFound = 221#

This indicates that the PTX JIT compiler library was not found. The JIT Compiler library is used for PTX compilation. The runtime may fall back to compiling PTX if an application does not contain a suitable binary for the current device.

cudaErrorUnsupportedPtxVersion = 222#

This indicates that the provided PTX was compiled with an unsupported toolchain. The most common reason for this, is the PTX was generated by a compiler newer than what is supported by the CUDA driver and PTX JIT compiler.

cudaErrorJitCompilationDisabled = 223#

This indicates that the JIT compilation was disabled. The JIT compilation compiles PTX. The runtime may fall back to compiling PTX if an application does not contain a suitable binary for the current device.

cudaErrorUnsupportedExecAffinity = 224#

This indicates that the provided execution affinity is not supported by the device.

cudaErrorUnsupportedDevSideSync = 225#

This indicates that the code to be compiled by the PTX JIT contains unsupported call to cudaDeviceSynchronize.

cudaErrorInvalidSource = 300#

This indicates that the device kernel source is invalid.

cudaErrorFileNotFound = 301#

This indicates that the file specified was not found.

cudaErrorSharedObjectSymbolNotFound = 302#

This indicates that a link to a shared object failed to resolve.

cudaErrorSharedObjectInitFailed = 303#

This indicates that initialization of a shared object failed.

cudaErrorOperatingSystem = 304#

This error indicates that an OS call failed.

cudaErrorInvalidResourceHandle = 400#

This indicates that a resource handle passed to the API call was not valid. Resource handles are opaque types like cudaStream_t and cudaEvent_t.

cudaErrorIllegalState = 401#

This indicates that a resource required by the API call is not in a valid state to perform the requested operation.

cudaErrorLossyQuery = 402#

This indicates an attempt was made to introspect an object in a way that would discard semantically important information. This is either due to the object using funtionality newer than the API version used to introspect it or omission of optional return arguments.

cudaErrorSymbolNotFound = 500#

This indicates that a named symbol was not found. Examples of symbols are global/constant variable names, driver function names, texture names, and surface names.

cudaErrorNotReady = 600#

This indicates that asynchronous operations issued previously have not completed yet. This result is not actually an error, but must be indicated differently than cudaSuccess (which indicates completion). Calls that may return this value include cudaEventQuery() and cudaStreamQuery().

cudaErrorIllegalAddress = 700#

The device encountered a load or store instruction on an invalid memory address. This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorLaunchOutOfResources = 701#

This indicates that a launch did not occur because it did not have appropriate resources. Although this error is similar to cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration, this error usually indicates that the user has attempted to pass too many arguments to the device kernel, or the kernel launch specifies too many threads for the kernel’s register count.

cudaErrorLaunchTimeout = 702#

This indicates that the device kernel took too long to execute. This can only occur if timeouts are enabled - see the device property kernelExecTimeoutEnabled for more information. This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorLaunchIncompatibleTexturing = 703#

This error indicates a kernel launch that uses an incompatible texturing mode.

cudaErrorPeerAccessAlreadyEnabled = 704#

This error indicates that a call to cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess() is trying to re-enable peer addressing on from a context which has already had peer addressing enabled.

cudaErrorPeerAccessNotEnabled = 705#

This error indicates that cudaDeviceDisablePeerAccess() is trying to disable peer addressing which has not been enabled yet via cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess().

cudaErrorSetOnActiveProcess = 708#

This indicates that the user has called cudaSetValidDevices(), cudaSetDeviceFlags(), cudaD3D9SetDirect3DDevice(), cudaD3D10SetDirect3DDevice, cudaD3D11SetDirect3DDevice(), or cudaVDPAUSetVDPAUDevice() after initializing the CUDA runtime by calling non-device management operations (allocating memory and launching kernels are examples of non-device management operations). This error can also be returned if using runtime/driver interoperability and there is an existing CUcontext active on the host thread.

cudaErrorContextIsDestroyed = 709#

This error indicates that the context current to the calling thread has been destroyed using cuCtxDestroy, or is a primary context which has not yet been initialized.

cudaErrorAssert = 710#

An assert triggered in device code during kernel execution. The device cannot be used again. All existing allocations are invalid. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorTooManyPeers = 711#

This error indicates that the hardware resources required to enable peer access have been exhausted for one or more of the devices passed to cudaEnablePeerAccess().

cudaErrorHostMemoryAlreadyRegistered = 712#

This error indicates that the memory range passed to cudaHostRegister() has already been registered.

cudaErrorHostMemoryNotRegistered = 713#

This error indicates that the pointer passed to cudaHostUnregister() does not correspond to any currently registered memory region.

cudaErrorHardwareStackError = 714#

Device encountered an error in the call stack during kernel execution, possibly due to stack corruption or exceeding the stack size limit. This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorIllegalInstruction = 715#

The device encountered an illegal instruction during kernel execution This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorMisalignedAddress = 716#

The device encountered a load or store instruction on a memory address which is not aligned. This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorInvalidAddressSpace = 717#

While executing a kernel, the device encountered an instruction which can only operate on memory locations in certain address spaces (global, shared, or local), but was supplied a memory address not belonging to an allowed address space. This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorInvalidPc = 718#

The device encountered an invalid program counter. This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorLaunchFailure = 719#

An exception occurred on the device while executing a kernel. Common causes include dereferencing an invalid device pointer and accessing out of bounds shared memory. Less common cases can be system specific - more information about these cases can be found in the system specific user guide. This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorCooperativeLaunchTooLarge = 720#

This error indicates that the number of blocks launched per grid for a kernel that was launched via either cudaLaunchCooperativeKernel or cudaLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice exceeds the maximum number of blocks as allowed by cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor or cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessorWithFlags times the number of multiprocessors as specified by the device attribute cudaDevAttrMultiProcessorCount.

cudaErrorNotPermitted = 800#

This error indicates the attempted operation is not permitted.

cudaErrorNotSupported = 801#

This error indicates the attempted operation is not supported on the current system or device.

cudaErrorSystemNotReady = 802#

This error indicates that the system is not yet ready to start any CUDA work. To continue using CUDA, verify the system configuration is in a valid state and all required driver daemons are actively running. More information about this error can be found in the system specific user guide.

cudaErrorSystemDriverMismatch = 803#

This error indicates that there is a mismatch between the versions of the display driver and the CUDA driver. Refer to the compatibility documentation for supported versions.

cudaErrorCompatNotSupportedOnDevice = 804#

This error indicates that the system was upgraded to run with forward compatibility but the visible hardware detected by CUDA does not support this configuration. Refer to the compatibility documentation for the supported hardware matrix or ensure that only supported hardware is visible during initialization via the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable.

cudaErrorMpsConnectionFailed = 805#

This error indicates that the MPS client failed to connect to the MPS control daemon or the MPS server.

cudaErrorMpsRpcFailure = 806#

This error indicates that the remote procedural call between the MPS server and the MPS client failed.

cudaErrorMpsServerNotReady = 807#

This error indicates that the MPS server is not ready to accept new MPS client requests. This error can be returned when the MPS server is in the process of recovering from a fatal failure.

cudaErrorMpsMaxClientsReached = 808#

This error indicates that the hardware resources required to create MPS client have been exhausted.

cudaErrorMpsMaxConnectionsReached = 809#

This error indicates the the hardware resources required to device connections have been exhausted.

cudaErrorMpsClientTerminated = 810#

This error indicates that the MPS client has been terminated by the server. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorCdpNotSupported = 811#

This error indicates, that the program is using CUDA Dynamic Parallelism, but the current configuration, like MPS, does not support it.

cudaErrorCdpVersionMismatch = 812#

This error indicates, that the program contains an unsupported interaction between different versions of CUDA Dynamic Parallelism.

cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnsupported = 900#

The operation is not permitted when the stream is capturing.

cudaErrorStreamCaptureInvalidated = 901#

The current capture sequence on the stream has been invalidated due to a previous error.

cudaErrorStreamCaptureMerge = 902#

The operation would have resulted in a merge of two independent capture sequences.

cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnmatched = 903#

The capture was not initiated in this stream.

cudaErrorStreamCaptureUnjoined = 904#

The capture sequence contains a fork that was not joined to the primary stream.

cudaErrorStreamCaptureIsolation = 905#

A dependency would have been created which crosses the capture sequence boundary. Only implicit in-stream ordering dependencies are allowed to cross the boundary.

cudaErrorStreamCaptureImplicit = 906#

The operation would have resulted in a disallowed implicit dependency on a current capture sequence from cudaStreamLegacy.

cudaErrorCapturedEvent = 907#

The operation is not permitted on an event which was last recorded in a capturing stream.

cudaErrorStreamCaptureWrongThread = 908#

A stream capture sequence not initiated with the cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed argument to cudaStreamBeginCapture was passed to cudaStreamEndCapture in a different thread.

cudaErrorTimeout = 909#

This indicates that the wait operation has timed out.

cudaErrorGraphExecUpdateFailure = 910#

This error indicates that the graph update was not performed because it included changes which violated constraints specific to instantiated graph update.

cudaErrorExternalDevice = 911#

This indicates that an async error has occurred in a device outside of CUDA. If CUDA was waiting for an external device’s signal before consuming shared data, the external device signaled an error indicating that the data is not valid for consumption. This leaves the process in an inconsistent state and any further CUDA work will return the same error. To continue using CUDA, the process must be terminated and relaunched.

cudaErrorInvalidClusterSize = 912#

This indicates that a kernel launch error has occurred due to cluster misconfiguration.

cudaErrorFunctionNotLoaded = 913#

Indiciates a function handle is not loaded when calling an API that requires a loaded function.

cudaErrorInvalidResourceType = 914#

This error indicates one or more resources passed in are not valid resource types for the operation.

cudaErrorInvalidResourceConfiguration = 915#

This error indicates one or more resources are insufficient or non-applicable for the operation.

cudaErrorUnknown = 999#

This indicates that an unknown internal error has occurred.

cudaErrorApiFailureBase = 10000#
class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaChannelFormatKind(value)#

Channel format kind

cudaChannelFormatKindSigned = 0#

Signed channel format

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned = 1#

Unsigned channel format

cudaChannelFormatKindFloat = 2#

Float channel format

cudaChannelFormatKindNone = 3#

No channel format

cudaChannelFormatKindNV12 = 4#

Unsigned 8-bit integers, planar 4:2:0 YUV format

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedNormalized8X1 = 5#

1 channel unsigned 8-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedNormalized8X2 = 6#

2 channel unsigned 8-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedNormalized8X4 = 7#

4 channel unsigned 8-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedNormalized16X1 = 8#

1 channel unsigned 16-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedNormalized16X2 = 9#

2 channel unsigned 16-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedNormalized16X4 = 10#

4 channel unsigned 16-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindSignedNormalized8X1 = 11#

1 channel signed 8-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindSignedNormalized8X2 = 12#

2 channel signed 8-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindSignedNormalized8X4 = 13#

4 channel signed 8-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindSignedNormalized16X1 = 14#

1 channel signed 16-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindSignedNormalized16X2 = 15#

2 channel signed 16-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindSignedNormalized16X4 = 16#

4 channel signed 16-bit normalized integer

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed1 = 17#

4 channel unsigned normalized block-compressed (BC1 compression) format

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed1SRGB = 18#

4 channel unsigned normalized block-compressed (BC1 compression) format with sRGB encoding

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed2 = 19#

4 channel unsigned normalized block-compressed (BC2 compression) format

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed2SRGB = 20#

4 channel unsigned normalized block-compressed (BC2 compression) format with sRGB encoding

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed3 = 21#

4 channel unsigned normalized block-compressed (BC3 compression) format

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed3SRGB = 22#

4 channel unsigned normalized block-compressed (BC3 compression) format with sRGB encoding

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed4 = 23#

1 channel unsigned normalized block-compressed (BC4 compression) format

cudaChannelFormatKindSignedBlockCompressed4 = 24#

1 channel signed normalized block-compressed (BC4 compression) format

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed5 = 25#

2 channel unsigned normalized block-compressed (BC5 compression) format

cudaChannelFormatKindSignedBlockCompressed5 = 26#

2 channel signed normalized block-compressed (BC5 compression) format

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed6H = 27#

3 channel unsigned half-float block-compressed (BC6H compression) format

cudaChannelFormatKindSignedBlockCompressed6H = 28#

3 channel signed half-float block-compressed (BC6H compression) format

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed7 = 29#

4 channel unsigned normalized block-compressed (BC7 compression) format

cudaChannelFormatKindUnsignedBlockCompressed7SRGB = 30#

4 channel unsigned normalized block-compressed (BC7 compression) format with sRGB encoding

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemoryType(value)#

CUDA memory types

cudaMemoryTypeUnregistered = 0#

Unregistered memory

cudaMemoryTypeHost = 1#

Host memory

cudaMemoryTypeDevice = 2#

Device memory

cudaMemoryTypeManaged = 3#

Managed memory

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemcpyKind(value)#

CUDA memory copy types

cudaMemcpyHostToHost = 0#

Host -> Host

cudaMemcpyHostToDevice = 1#

Host -> Device

cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost = 2#

Device -> Host

cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice = 3#

Device -> Device

cudaMemcpyDefault = 4#

Direction of the transfer is inferred from the pointer values. Requires unified virtual addressing

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaAccessProperty(value)#

Specifies performance hint with cudaAccessPolicyWindow for hitProp and missProp members.

cudaAccessPropertyNormal = 0#

Normal cache persistence.

cudaAccessPropertyStreaming = 1#

Streaming access is less likely to persit from cache.

cudaAccessPropertyPersisting = 2#

Persisting access is more likely to persist in cache.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamCaptureStatus(value)#

Possible stream capture statuses returned by cudaStreamIsCapturing

cudaStreamCaptureStatusNone = 0#

Stream is not capturing

cudaStreamCaptureStatusActive = 1#

Stream is actively capturing

cudaStreamCaptureStatusInvalidated = 2#

Stream is part of a capture sequence that has been invalidated, but not terminated

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamCaptureMode(value)#

Possible modes for stream capture thread interactions. For more details see cudaStreamBeginCapture and cudaThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode

cudaStreamCaptureModeGlobal = 0#
cudaStreamCaptureModeThreadLocal = 1#
cudaStreamCaptureModeRelaxed = 2#
class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaSynchronizationPolicy(value)#
cudaSyncPolicyAuto = 1#
cudaSyncPolicySpin = 2#
cudaSyncPolicyYield = 3#
cudaSyncPolicyBlockingSync = 4#
class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaClusterSchedulingPolicy(value)#

Cluster scheduling policies. These may be passed to cudaFuncSetAttribute

cudaClusterSchedulingPolicyDefault = 0#

the default policy

cudaClusterSchedulingPolicySpread = 1#

spread the blocks within a cluster to the SMs

cudaClusterSchedulingPolicyLoadBalancing = 2#

allow the hardware to load-balance the blocks in a cluster to the SMs

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamUpdateCaptureDependenciesFlags(value)#

Flags for cudaStreamUpdateCaptureDependencies

cudaStreamAddCaptureDependencies = 0#

Add new nodes to the dependency set

cudaStreamSetCaptureDependencies = 1#

Replace the dependency set with the new nodes

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaUserObjectFlags(value)#

Flags for user objects for graphs

cudaUserObjectNoDestructorSync = 1#

Indicates the destructor execution is not synchronized by any CUDA handle.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaUserObjectRetainFlags(value)#

Flags for retaining user object references for graphs

cudaGraphUserObjectMove = 1#

Transfer references from the caller rather than creating new references.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsRegisterFlags(value)#

CUDA graphics interop register flags

cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone = 0#


cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsReadOnly = 1#

CUDA will not write to this resource

cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsWriteDiscard = 2#

CUDA will only write to and will not read from this resource

cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsSurfaceLoadStore = 4#

CUDA will bind this resource to a surface reference

cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsTextureGather = 8#

CUDA will perform texture gather operations on this resource

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsMapFlags(value)#

CUDA graphics interop map flags

cudaGraphicsMapFlagsNone = 0#

Default; Assume resource can be read/written

cudaGraphicsMapFlagsReadOnly = 1#

CUDA will not write to this resource

cudaGraphicsMapFlagsWriteDiscard = 2#

CUDA will only write to and will not read from this resource

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsCubeFace(value)#

CUDA graphics interop array indices for cube maps

cudaGraphicsCubeFacePositiveX = 0#

Positive X face of cubemap

cudaGraphicsCubeFaceNegativeX = 1#

Negative X face of cubemap

cudaGraphicsCubeFacePositiveY = 2#

Positive Y face of cubemap

cudaGraphicsCubeFaceNegativeY = 3#

Negative Y face of cubemap

cudaGraphicsCubeFacePositiveZ = 4#

Positive Z face of cubemap

cudaGraphicsCubeFaceNegativeZ = 5#

Negative Z face of cubemap

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaResourceType(value)#

CUDA resource types

cudaResourceTypeArray = 0#

Array resource

cudaResourceTypeMipmappedArray = 1#

Mipmapped array resource

cudaResourceTypeLinear = 2#

Linear resource

cudaResourceTypePitch2D = 3#

Pitch 2D resource

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaResourceViewFormat(value)#

CUDA texture resource view formats

cudaResViewFormatNone = 0#

No resource view format (use underlying resource format)

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedChar1 = 1#

1 channel unsigned 8-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedChar2 = 2#

2 channel unsigned 8-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedChar4 = 3#

4 channel unsigned 8-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatSignedChar1 = 4#

1 channel signed 8-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatSignedChar2 = 5#

2 channel signed 8-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatSignedChar4 = 6#

4 channel signed 8-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedShort1 = 7#

1 channel unsigned 16-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedShort2 = 8#

2 channel unsigned 16-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedShort4 = 9#

4 channel unsigned 16-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatSignedShort1 = 10#

1 channel signed 16-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatSignedShort2 = 11#

2 channel signed 16-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatSignedShort4 = 12#

4 channel signed 16-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedInt1 = 13#

1 channel unsigned 32-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedInt2 = 14#

2 channel unsigned 32-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedInt4 = 15#

4 channel unsigned 32-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatSignedInt1 = 16#

1 channel signed 32-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatSignedInt2 = 17#

2 channel signed 32-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatSignedInt4 = 18#

4 channel signed 32-bit integers

cudaResViewFormatHalf1 = 19#

1 channel 16-bit floating point

cudaResViewFormatHalf2 = 20#

2 channel 16-bit floating point

cudaResViewFormatHalf4 = 21#

4 channel 16-bit floating point

cudaResViewFormatFloat1 = 22#

1 channel 32-bit floating point

cudaResViewFormatFloat2 = 23#

2 channel 32-bit floating point

cudaResViewFormatFloat4 = 24#

4 channel 32-bit floating point

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedBlockCompressed1 = 25#

Block compressed 1

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedBlockCompressed2 = 26#

Block compressed 2

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedBlockCompressed3 = 27#

Block compressed 3

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedBlockCompressed4 = 28#

Block compressed 4 unsigned

cudaResViewFormatSignedBlockCompressed4 = 29#

Block compressed 4 signed

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedBlockCompressed5 = 30#

Block compressed 5 unsigned

cudaResViewFormatSignedBlockCompressed5 = 31#

Block compressed 5 signed

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedBlockCompressed6H = 32#

Block compressed 6 unsigned half-float

cudaResViewFormatSignedBlockCompressed6H = 33#

Block compressed 6 signed half-float

cudaResViewFormatUnsignedBlockCompressed7 = 34#

Block compressed 7

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaFuncAttribute(value)#

CUDA function attributes that can be set using cudaFuncSetAttribute

cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize = 8#

Maximum dynamic shared memory size

cudaFuncAttributePreferredSharedMemoryCarveout = 9#

Preferred shared memory-L1 cache split

cudaFuncAttributeClusterDimMustBeSet = 10#

Indicator to enforce valid cluster dimension specification on kernel launch

cudaFuncAttributeRequiredClusterWidth = 11#

Required cluster width

cudaFuncAttributeRequiredClusterHeight = 12#

Required cluster height

cudaFuncAttributeRequiredClusterDepth = 13#

Required cluster depth

cudaFuncAttributeNonPortableClusterSizeAllowed = 14#

Whether non-portable cluster scheduling policy is supported

cudaFuncAttributeClusterSchedulingPolicyPreference = 15#

Required cluster scheduling policy preference

cudaFuncAttributeMax = 16#
class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaFuncCache(value)#

CUDA function cache configurations

cudaFuncCachePreferNone = 0#

Default function cache configuration, no preference

cudaFuncCachePreferShared = 1#

Prefer larger shared memory and smaller L1 cache

cudaFuncCachePreferL1 = 2#

Prefer larger L1 cache and smaller shared memory

cudaFuncCachePreferEqual = 3#

Prefer equal size L1 cache and shared memory

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaSharedMemConfig(value)#

CUDA shared memory configuration [Deprecated]

cudaSharedMemBankSizeDefault = 0#
cudaSharedMemBankSizeFourByte = 1#
cudaSharedMemBankSizeEightByte = 2#
class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaSharedCarveout(value)#

Shared memory carveout configurations. These may be passed to cudaFuncSetAttribute

cudaSharedmemCarveoutDefault = -1#

No preference for shared memory or L1 (default)

cudaSharedmemCarveoutMaxShared = 100#

Prefer maximum available shared memory, minimum L1 cache

cudaSharedmemCarveoutMaxL1 = 0#

Prefer maximum available L1 cache, minimum shared memory

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaComputeMode(value)#

CUDA device compute modes

cudaComputeModeDefault = 0#

Default compute mode (Multiple threads can use cudaSetDevice() with this device)

cudaComputeModeExclusive = 1#

Compute-exclusive-thread mode (Only one thread in one process will be able to use cudaSetDevice() with this device)

cudaComputeModeProhibited = 2#

Compute-prohibited mode (No threads can use cudaSetDevice() with this device)

cudaComputeModeExclusiveProcess = 3#

Compute-exclusive-process mode (Many threads in one process will be able to use cudaSetDevice() with this device)

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaLimit(value)#

CUDA Limits

cudaLimitStackSize = 0#

GPU thread stack size

cudaLimitPrintfFifoSize = 1#

GPU printf FIFO size

cudaLimitMallocHeapSize = 2#

GPU malloc heap size

cudaLimitDevRuntimeSyncDepth = 3#

GPU device runtime synchronize depth

cudaLimitDevRuntimePendingLaunchCount = 4#

GPU device runtime pending launch count

cudaLimitMaxL2FetchGranularity = 5#

A value between 0 and 128 that indicates the maximum fetch granularity of L2 (in Bytes). This is a hint

cudaLimitPersistingL2CacheSize = 6#

A size in bytes for L2 persisting lines cache size

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemoryAdvise(value)#

CUDA Memory Advise values

cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly = 1#

Data will mostly be read and only occassionally be written to

cudaMemAdviseUnsetReadMostly = 2#

Undo the effect of cudaMemAdviseSetReadMostly

cudaMemAdviseSetPreferredLocation = 3#

Set the preferred location for the data as the specified device

cudaMemAdviseUnsetPreferredLocation = 4#

Clear the preferred location for the data

cudaMemAdviseSetAccessedBy = 5#

Data will be accessed by the specified device, so prevent page faults as much as possible

cudaMemAdviseUnsetAccessedBy = 6#

Let the Unified Memory subsystem decide on the page faulting policy for the specified device

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemRangeAttribute(value)#

CUDA range attributes

cudaMemRangeAttributeReadMostly = 1#

Whether the range will mostly be read and only occassionally be written to

cudaMemRangeAttributePreferredLocation = 2#

The preferred location of the range

cudaMemRangeAttributeAccessedBy = 3#

Memory range has cudaMemAdviseSetAccessedBy set for specified device

cudaMemRangeAttributeLastPrefetchLocation = 4#

The last location to which the range was prefetched

cudaMemRangeAttributePreferredLocationType = 5#

The preferred location type of the range

cudaMemRangeAttributePreferredLocationId = 6#

The preferred location id of the range

cudaMemRangeAttributeLastPrefetchLocationType = 7#

The last location type to which the range was prefetched

cudaMemRangeAttributeLastPrefetchLocationId = 8#

The last location id to which the range was prefetched

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesOptions(value)#

CUDA GPUDirect RDMA flush writes APIs supported on the device

cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesOptionHost = 1#

cudaDeviceFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites() and its CUDA Driver API counterpart are supported on the device.

cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesOptionMemOps = 2#

The CU_STREAM_WAIT_VALUE_FLUSH flag and the CU_STREAM_MEM_OP_FLUSH_REMOTE_WRITES MemOp are supported on the CUDA device.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrdering(value)#

CUDA GPUDirect RDMA flush writes ordering features of the device

cudaGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrderingNone = 0#

The device does not natively support ordering of GPUDirect RDMA writes. cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites() can be leveraged if supported.

cudaGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrderingOwner = 100#

Natively, the device can consistently consume GPUDirect RDMA writes, although other CUDA devices may not.

cudaGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrderingAllDevices = 200#

Any CUDA device in the system can consistently consume GPUDirect RDMA writes to this device.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesScope(value)#

CUDA GPUDirect RDMA flush writes scopes

cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesToOwner = 100#

Blocks until remote writes are visible to the CUDA device context owning the data.

cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesToAllDevices = 200#

Blocks until remote writes are visible to all CUDA device contexts.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesTarget(value)#

CUDA GPUDirect RDMA flush writes targets

cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesTargetCurrentDevice = 0#

Sets the target for cudaDeviceFlushGPUDirectRDMAWrites() to the currently active CUDA device context.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceAttr(value)#

CUDA device attributes

cudaDevAttrMaxThreadsPerBlock = 1#

Maximum number of threads per block

cudaDevAttrMaxBlockDimX = 2#

Maximum block dimension X

cudaDevAttrMaxBlockDimY = 3#

Maximum block dimension Y

cudaDevAttrMaxBlockDimZ = 4#

Maximum block dimension Z

cudaDevAttrMaxGridDimX = 5#

Maximum grid dimension X

cudaDevAttrMaxGridDimY = 6#

Maximum grid dimension Y

cudaDevAttrMaxGridDimZ = 7#

Maximum grid dimension Z

cudaDevAttrMaxSharedMemoryPerBlock = 8#

Maximum shared memory available per block in bytes

cudaDevAttrTotalConstantMemory = 9#

Memory available on device for constant variables in a CUDA C kernel in bytes

cudaDevAttrWarpSize = 10#

Warp size in threads

cudaDevAttrMaxPitch = 11#

Maximum pitch in bytes allowed by memory copies

cudaDevAttrMaxRegistersPerBlock = 12#

Maximum number of 32-bit registers available per block

cudaDevAttrClockRate = 13#

Peak clock frequency in kilohertz

cudaDevAttrTextureAlignment = 14#

Alignment requirement for textures

cudaDevAttrGpuOverlap = 15#

Device can possibly copy memory and execute a kernel concurrently

cudaDevAttrMultiProcessorCount = 16#

Number of multiprocessors on device

cudaDevAttrKernelExecTimeout = 17#

Specifies whether there is a run time limit on kernels

cudaDevAttrIntegrated = 18#

Device is integrated with host memory

cudaDevAttrCanMapHostMemory = 19#

Device can map host memory into CUDA address space

cudaDevAttrComputeMode = 20#

Compute mode (See cudaComputeMode for details)

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture1DWidth = 21#

Maximum 1D texture width

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DWidth = 22#

Maximum 2D texture width

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DHeight = 23#

Maximum 2D texture height

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture3DWidth = 24#

Maximum 3D texture width

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture3DHeight = 25#

Maximum 3D texture height

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture3DDepth = 26#

Maximum 3D texture depth

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DLayeredWidth = 27#

Maximum 2D layered texture width

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DLayeredHeight = 28#

Maximum 2D layered texture height

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DLayeredLayers = 29#

Maximum layers in a 2D layered texture

cudaDevAttrSurfaceAlignment = 30#

Alignment requirement for surfaces

cudaDevAttrConcurrentKernels = 31#

Device can possibly execute multiple kernels concurrently

cudaDevAttrEccEnabled = 32#

Device has ECC support enabled

cudaDevAttrPciBusId = 33#

PCI bus ID of the device

cudaDevAttrPciDeviceId = 34#

PCI device ID of the device

cudaDevAttrTccDriver = 35#

Device is using TCC driver model

cudaDevAttrMemoryClockRate = 36#

Peak memory clock frequency in kilohertz

cudaDevAttrGlobalMemoryBusWidth = 37#

Global memory bus width in bits

cudaDevAttrL2CacheSize = 38#

Size of L2 cache in bytes

cudaDevAttrMaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor = 39#

Maximum resident threads per multiprocessor

cudaDevAttrAsyncEngineCount = 40#

Number of asynchronous engines

cudaDevAttrUnifiedAddressing = 41#

Device shares a unified address space with the host

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture1DLayeredWidth = 42#

Maximum 1D layered texture width

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture1DLayeredLayers = 43#

Maximum layers in a 1D layered texture

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DGatherWidth = 45#

Maximum 2D texture width if cudaArrayTextureGather is set

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DGatherHeight = 46#

Maximum 2D texture height if cudaArrayTextureGather is set

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture3DWidthAlt = 47#

Alternate maximum 3D texture width

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture3DHeightAlt = 48#

Alternate maximum 3D texture height

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture3DDepthAlt = 49#

Alternate maximum 3D texture depth

cudaDevAttrPciDomainId = 50#

PCI domain ID of the device

cudaDevAttrTexturePitchAlignment = 51#

Pitch alignment requirement for textures

cudaDevAttrMaxTextureCubemapWidth = 52#

Maximum cubemap texture width/height

cudaDevAttrMaxTextureCubemapLayeredWidth = 53#

Maximum cubemap layered texture width/height

cudaDevAttrMaxTextureCubemapLayeredLayers = 54#

Maximum layers in a cubemap layered texture

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface1DWidth = 55#

Maximum 1D surface width

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface2DWidth = 56#

Maximum 2D surface width

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface2DHeight = 57#

Maximum 2D surface height

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface3DWidth = 58#

Maximum 3D surface width

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface3DHeight = 59#

Maximum 3D surface height

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface3DDepth = 60#

Maximum 3D surface depth

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface1DLayeredWidth = 61#

Maximum 1D layered surface width

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface1DLayeredLayers = 62#

Maximum layers in a 1D layered surface

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface2DLayeredWidth = 63#

Maximum 2D layered surface width

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface2DLayeredHeight = 64#

Maximum 2D layered surface height

cudaDevAttrMaxSurface2DLayeredLayers = 65#

Maximum layers in a 2D layered surface

cudaDevAttrMaxSurfaceCubemapWidth = 66#

Maximum cubemap surface width

cudaDevAttrMaxSurfaceCubemapLayeredWidth = 67#

Maximum cubemap layered surface width

cudaDevAttrMaxSurfaceCubemapLayeredLayers = 68#

Maximum layers in a cubemap layered surface

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture1DLinearWidth = 69#

Maximum 1D linear texture width

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DLinearWidth = 70#

Maximum 2D linear texture width

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DLinearHeight = 71#

Maximum 2D linear texture height

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DLinearPitch = 72#

Maximum 2D linear texture pitch in bytes

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DMipmappedWidth = 73#

Maximum mipmapped 2D texture width

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture2DMipmappedHeight = 74#

Maximum mipmapped 2D texture height

cudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMajor = 75#

Major compute capability version number

cudaDevAttrComputeCapabilityMinor = 76#

Minor compute capability version number

cudaDevAttrMaxTexture1DMipmappedWidth = 77#

Maximum mipmapped 1D texture width

cudaDevAttrStreamPrioritiesSupported = 78#

Device supports stream priorities

cudaDevAttrGlobalL1CacheSupported = 79#

Device supports caching globals in L1

cudaDevAttrLocalL1CacheSupported = 80#

Device supports caching locals in L1

cudaDevAttrMaxSharedMemoryPerMultiprocessor = 81#

Maximum shared memory available per multiprocessor in bytes

cudaDevAttrMaxRegistersPerMultiprocessor = 82#

Maximum number of 32-bit registers available per multiprocessor

cudaDevAttrManagedMemory = 83#

Device can allocate managed memory on this system

cudaDevAttrIsMultiGpuBoard = 84#

Device is on a multi-GPU board

cudaDevAttrMultiGpuBoardGroupID = 85#

Unique identifier for a group of devices on the same multi-GPU board

cudaDevAttrHostNativeAtomicSupported = 86#

Link between the device and the host supports native atomic operations

cudaDevAttrSingleToDoublePrecisionPerfRatio = 87#

Ratio of single precision performance (in floating-point operations per second) to double precision performance

cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccess = 88#

Device supports coherently accessing pageable memory without calling cudaHostRegister on it

cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess = 89#

Device can coherently access managed memory concurrently with the CPU

cudaDevAttrComputePreemptionSupported = 90#

Device supports Compute Preemption

cudaDevAttrCanUseHostPointerForRegisteredMem = 91#

Device can access host registered memory at the same virtual address as the CPU

cudaDevAttrReserved92 = 92#
cudaDevAttrReserved93 = 93#
cudaDevAttrReserved94 = 94#
cudaDevAttrCooperativeLaunch = 95#

Device supports launching cooperative kernels via cudaLaunchCooperativeKernel

cudaDevAttrCooperativeMultiDeviceLaunch = 96#

Deprecated, cudaLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice is deprecated.

cudaDevAttrMaxSharedMemoryPerBlockOptin = 97#

The maximum optin shared memory per block. This value may vary by chip. See cudaFuncSetAttribute

cudaDevAttrCanFlushRemoteWrites = 98#

Device supports flushing of outstanding remote writes.

cudaDevAttrHostRegisterSupported = 99#

Device supports host memory registration via cudaHostRegister.

cudaDevAttrPageableMemoryAccessUsesHostPageTables = 100#

Device accesses pageable memory via the host’s page tables.

cudaDevAttrDirectManagedMemAccessFromHost = 101#

Host can directly access managed memory on the device without migration.

cudaDevAttrMaxBlocksPerMultiprocessor = 106#

Maximum number of blocks per multiprocessor

cudaDevAttrMaxPersistingL2CacheSize = 108#

Maximum L2 persisting lines capacity setting in bytes.

cudaDevAttrMaxAccessPolicyWindowSize = 109#

Maximum value of num_bytes.

cudaDevAttrReservedSharedMemoryPerBlock = 111#

Shared memory reserved by CUDA driver per block in bytes

cudaDevAttrSparseCudaArraySupported = 112#

Device supports sparse CUDA arrays and sparse CUDA mipmapped arrays

cudaDevAttrHostRegisterReadOnlySupported = 113#

Device supports using the cudaHostRegister flag cudaHostRegisterReadOnly to register memory that must be mapped as read-only to the GPU

cudaDevAttrTimelineSemaphoreInteropSupported = 114#

External timeline semaphore interop is supported on the device

cudaDevAttrMaxTimelineSemaphoreInteropSupported = 114#

Deprecated, External timeline semaphore interop is supported on the device

cudaDevAttrMemoryPoolsSupported = 115#

Device supports using the cudaMallocAsync and cudaMemPool family of APIs

cudaDevAttrGPUDirectRDMASupported = 116#

Device supports GPUDirect RDMA APIs, like nvidia_p2p_get_pages (see for more information)

cudaDevAttrGPUDirectRDMAFlushWritesOptions = 117#

The returned attribute shall be interpreted as a bitmask, where the individual bits are listed in the cudaFlushGPUDirectRDMAWritesOptions enum

cudaDevAttrGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrdering = 118#

GPUDirect RDMA writes to the device do not need to be flushed for consumers within the scope indicated by the returned attribute. See cudaGPUDirectRDMAWritesOrdering for the numerical values returned here.

cudaDevAttrMemoryPoolSupportedHandleTypes = 119#

Handle types supported with mempool based IPC

cudaDevAttrClusterLaunch = 120#

Indicates device supports cluster launch

cudaDevAttrDeferredMappingCudaArraySupported = 121#

Device supports deferred mapping CUDA arrays and CUDA mipmapped arrays

cudaDevAttrReserved122 = 122#
cudaDevAttrReserved123 = 123#
cudaDevAttrReserved124 = 124#
cudaDevAttrIpcEventSupport = 125#

Device supports IPC Events.

cudaDevAttrMemSyncDomainCount = 126#

Number of memory synchronization domains the device supports.

cudaDevAttrReserved127 = 127#
cudaDevAttrReserved128 = 128#
cudaDevAttrReserved129 = 129#
cudaDevAttrNumaConfig = 130#

NUMA configuration of a device: value is of type cudaDeviceNumaConfig enum

cudaDevAttrNumaId = 131#

NUMA node ID of the GPU memory

cudaDevAttrReserved132 = 132#
cudaDevAttrMpsEnabled = 133#

Contexts created on this device will be shared via MPS

cudaDevAttrHostNumaId = 134#

NUMA ID of the host node closest to the device. Returns -1 when system does not support NUMA.

cudaDevAttrD3D12CigSupported = 135#

Device supports CIG with D3D12.

cudaDevAttrMax = 136#
class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPoolAttr(value)#

CUDA memory pool attributes

cudaMemPoolReuseFollowEventDependencies = 1#

(value type = int) Allow cuMemAllocAsync to use memory asynchronously freed in another streams as long as a stream ordering dependency of the allocating stream on the free action exists. Cuda events and null stream interactions can create the required stream ordered dependencies. (default enabled)

cudaMemPoolReuseAllowOpportunistic = 2#

(value type = int) Allow reuse of already completed frees when there is no dependency between the free and allocation. (default enabled)

cudaMemPoolReuseAllowInternalDependencies = 3#

(value type = int) Allow cuMemAllocAsync to insert new stream dependencies in order to establish the stream ordering required to reuse a piece of memory released by cuFreeAsync (default enabled).

cudaMemPoolAttrReleaseThreshold = 4#

(value type = cuuint64_t) Amount of reserved memory in bytes to hold onto before trying to release memory back to the OS. When more than the release threshold bytes of memory are held by the memory pool, the allocator will try to release memory back to the OS on the next call to stream, event or context synchronize. (default 0)

cudaMemPoolAttrReservedMemCurrent = 5#

(value type = cuuint64_t) Amount of backing memory currently allocated for the mempool.

cudaMemPoolAttrReservedMemHigh = 6#

(value type = cuuint64_t) High watermark of backing memory allocated for the mempool since the last time it was reset. High watermark can only be reset to zero.

cudaMemPoolAttrUsedMemCurrent = 7#

(value type = cuuint64_t) Amount of memory from the pool that is currently in use by the application.

cudaMemPoolAttrUsedMemHigh = 8#

(value type = cuuint64_t) High watermark of the amount of memory from the pool that was in use by the application since the last time it was reset. High watermark can only be reset to zero.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemLocationType(value)#

Specifies the type of location

cudaMemLocationTypeInvalid = 0#
cudaMemLocationTypeDevice = 1#

Location is a device location, thus id is a device ordinal

cudaMemLocationTypeHost = 2#

Location is host, id is ignored

cudaMemLocationTypeHostNuma = 3#

Location is a host NUMA node, thus id is a host NUMA node id

cudaMemLocationTypeHostNumaCurrent = 4#

Location is the host NUMA node closest to the current thread’s CPU, id is ignored

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemAccessFlags(value)#

Specifies the memory protection flags for mapping.

cudaMemAccessFlagsProtNone = 0#

Default, make the address range not accessible

cudaMemAccessFlagsProtRead = 1#

Make the address range read accessible

cudaMemAccessFlagsProtReadWrite = 3#

Make the address range read-write accessible

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemAllocationType(value)#

Defines the allocation types available

cudaMemAllocationTypeInvalid = 0#
cudaMemAllocationTypePinned = 1#

This allocation type is ‘pinned’, i.e. cannot migrate from its current location while the application is actively using it

cudaMemAllocationTypeMax = 2147483647#
class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemAllocationHandleType(value)#

Flags for specifying particular handle types

cudaMemHandleTypeNone = 0#

Does not allow any export mechanism. >

cudaMemHandleTypePosixFileDescriptor = 1#

Allows a file descriptor to be used for exporting. Permitted only on POSIX systems. (int)

cudaMemHandleTypeWin32 = 2#

Allows a Win32 NT handle to be used for exporting. (HANDLE)

cudaMemHandleTypeWin32Kmt = 4#

Allows a Win32 KMT handle to be used for exporting. (D3DKMT_HANDLE)

cudaMemHandleTypeFabric = 8#

Allows a fabric handle to be used for exporting. (cudaMemFabricHandle_t)

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphMemAttributeType(value)#

Graph memory attributes

cudaGraphMemAttrUsedMemCurrent = 0#

(value type = cuuint64_t) Amount of memory, in bytes, currently associated with graphs.

cudaGraphMemAttrUsedMemHigh = 1#

(value type = cuuint64_t) High watermark of memory, in bytes, associated with graphs since the last time it was reset. High watermark can only be reset to zero.

cudaGraphMemAttrReservedMemCurrent = 2#

(value type = cuuint64_t) Amount of memory, in bytes, currently allocated for use by the CUDA graphs asynchronous allocator.

cudaGraphMemAttrReservedMemHigh = 3#

(value type = cuuint64_t) High watermark of memory, in bytes, currently allocated for use by the CUDA graphs asynchronous allocator.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceP2PAttr(value)#

CUDA device P2P attributes

cudaDevP2PAttrPerformanceRank = 1#

A relative value indicating the performance of the link between two devices

cudaDevP2PAttrAccessSupported = 2#

Peer access is enabled

cudaDevP2PAttrNativeAtomicSupported = 3#

Native atomic operation over the link supported

cudaDevP2PAttrCudaArrayAccessSupported = 4#

Accessing CUDA arrays over the link supported

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalMemoryHandleType(value)#

External memory handle types

cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeOpaqueFd = 1#

Handle is an opaque file descriptor

cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeOpaqueWin32 = 2#

Handle is an opaque shared NT handle

cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeOpaqueWin32Kmt = 3#

Handle is an opaque, globally shared handle

cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D12Heap = 4#

Handle is a D3D12 heap object

cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D12Resource = 5#

Handle is a D3D12 committed resource

cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D11Resource = 6#

Handle is a shared NT handle to a D3D11 resource

cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeD3D11ResourceKmt = 7#

Handle is a globally shared handle to a D3D11 resource

cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeNvSciBuf = 8#

Handle is an NvSciBuf object

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleType(value)#

External semaphore handle types

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueFd = 1#

Handle is an opaque file descriptor

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueWin32 = 2#

Handle is an opaque shared NT handle

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeOpaqueWin32Kmt = 3#

Handle is an opaque, globally shared handle

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeD3D12Fence = 4#

Handle is a shared NT handle referencing a D3D12 fence object

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeD3D11Fence = 5#

Handle is a shared NT handle referencing a D3D11 fence object

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeNvSciSync = 6#

Opaque handle to NvSciSync Object

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeKeyedMutex = 7#

Handle is a shared NT handle referencing a D3D11 keyed mutex object

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeKeyedMutexKmt = 8#

Handle is a shared KMT handle referencing a D3D11 keyed mutex object

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeTimelineSemaphoreFd = 9#

Handle is an opaque handle file descriptor referencing a timeline semaphore

cudaExternalSemaphoreHandleTypeTimelineSemaphoreWin32 = 10#

Handle is an opaque handle file descriptor referencing a timeline semaphore

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaCGScope(value)#

CUDA cooperative group scope

cudaCGScopeInvalid = 0#

Invalid cooperative group scope

cudaCGScopeGrid = 1#

Scope represented by a grid_group

cudaCGScopeMultiGrid = 2#

Scope represented by a multi_grid_group

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphConditionalHandleFlags(value)#
cudaGraphCondAssignDefault = 1#

Apply default handle value when graph is launched.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphConditionalNodeType(value)#

CUDA conditional node types

cudaGraphCondTypeIf = 0#

Conditional ‘if’ Node. Body executed once if condition value is non-zero.

cudaGraphCondTypeWhile = 1#

Conditional ‘while’ Node. Body executed repeatedly while condition value is non-zero.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNodeType(value)#

CUDA Graph node types

cudaGraphNodeTypeKernel = 0#

GPU kernel node

cudaGraphNodeTypeMemcpy = 1#

Memcpy node

cudaGraphNodeTypeMemset = 2#

Memset node

cudaGraphNodeTypeHost = 3#

Host (executable) node

cudaGraphNodeTypeGraph = 4#

Node which executes an embedded graph

cudaGraphNodeTypeEmpty = 5#

Empty (no-op) node

cudaGraphNodeTypeWaitEvent = 6#

External event wait node

cudaGraphNodeTypeEventRecord = 7#

External event record node

cudaGraphNodeTypeExtSemaphoreSignal = 8#

External semaphore signal node

cudaGraphNodeTypeExtSemaphoreWait = 9#

External semaphore wait node

cudaGraphNodeTypeMemAlloc = 10#

Memory allocation node

cudaGraphNodeTypeMemFree = 11#

Memory free node

cudaGraphNodeTypeConditional = 13#

Conditional node May be used to implement a conditional execution path or loop

inside of a graph. The graph(s) contained within the body of the conditional node

can be selectively executed or iterated upon based on the value of a conditional


Handles must be created in advance of creating the node

using cudaGraphConditionalHandleCreate.

The following restrictions apply to graphs which contain conditional nodes:

The graph cannot be used in a child node.

Only one instantiation of the graph may exist at any point in time.

The graph cannot be cloned.

To set the control value, supply a default value when creating the handle and/or

call cudaGraphSetConditional from device code.

cudaGraphNodeTypeCount = 14#
class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphDependencyType(value)#

Type annotations that can be applied to graph edges as part of cudaGraphEdgeData.

cudaGraphDependencyTypeDefault = 0#

This is an ordinary dependency.

cudaGraphDependencyTypeProgrammatic = 1#

This dependency type allows the downstream node to use cudaGridDependencySynchronize(). It may only be used between kernel nodes, and must be used with either the cudaGraphKernelNodePortProgrammatic or cudaGraphKernelNodePortLaunchCompletion outgoing port.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecUpdateResult(value)#

CUDA Graph Update error types

cudaGraphExecUpdateSuccess = 0#

The update succeeded

cudaGraphExecUpdateError = 1#

The update failed for an unexpected reason which is described in the return value of the function

cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorTopologyChanged = 2#

The update failed because the topology changed

cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorNodeTypeChanged = 3#

The update failed because a node type changed

cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorFunctionChanged = 4#

The update failed because the function of a kernel node changed (CUDA driver < 11.2)

cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorParametersChanged = 5#

The update failed because the parameters changed in a way that is not supported

cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorNotSupported = 6#

The update failed because something about the node is not supported

cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorUnsupportedFunctionChange = 7#

The update failed because the function of a kernel node changed in an unsupported way

cudaGraphExecUpdateErrorAttributesChanged = 8#

The update failed because the node attributes changed in a way that is not supported

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphInstantiateResult(value)#

Graph instantiation results

cudaGraphInstantiateSuccess = 0#

Instantiation succeeded

cudaGraphInstantiateError = 1#

Instantiation failed for an unexpected reason which is described in the return value of the function

cudaGraphInstantiateInvalidStructure = 2#

Instantiation failed due to invalid structure, such as cycles

cudaGraphInstantiateNodeOperationNotSupported = 3#

Instantiation for device launch failed because the graph contained an unsupported operation

cudaGraphInstantiateMultipleDevicesNotSupported = 4#

Instantiation for device launch failed due to the nodes belonging to different contexts

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphKernelNodeField(value)#

Specifies the field to update when performing multiple node updates from the device

cudaGraphKernelNodeFieldInvalid = 0#

Invalid field

cudaGraphKernelNodeFieldGridDim = 1#

Grid dimension update

cudaGraphKernelNodeFieldParam = 2#

Kernel parameter update

cudaGraphKernelNodeFieldEnabled = 3#

Node enable/disable

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGetDriverEntryPointFlags(value)#

Flags to specify search options to be used with cudaGetDriverEntryPoint For more details see cuGetProcAddress

cudaEnableDefault = 0#

Default search mode for driver symbols.

cudaEnableLegacyStream = 1#

Search for legacy versions of driver symbols.

cudaEnablePerThreadDefaultStream = 2#

Search for per-thread versions of driver symbols.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDriverEntryPointQueryResult(value)#

Enum for status from obtaining driver entry points, used with cudaApiGetDriverEntryPoint

cudaDriverEntryPointSuccess = 0#

Search for symbol found a match

cudaDriverEntryPointSymbolNotFound = 1#

Search for symbol was not found

cudaDriverEntryPointVersionNotSufficent = 2#

Search for symbol was found but version wasn’t great enough

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphDebugDotFlags(value)#

CUDA Graph debug write options

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsVerbose = 1#

Output all debug data as if every debug flag is enabled

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsKernelNodeParams = 4#

Adds cudaKernelNodeParams to output

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsMemcpyNodeParams = 8#

Adds cudaMemcpy3DParms to output

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsMemsetNodeParams = 16#

Adds cudaMemsetParams to output

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsHostNodeParams = 32#

Adds cudaHostNodeParams to output

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsEventNodeParams = 64#

Adds cudaEvent_t handle from record and wait nodes to output

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsExtSemasSignalNodeParams = 128#

Adds cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalNodeParams values to output

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsExtSemasWaitNodeParams = 256#

Adds cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitNodeParams to output

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsKernelNodeAttributes = 512#

Adds cudaKernelNodeAttrID values to output

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsHandles = 1024#

Adds node handles and every kernel function handle to output

cudaGraphDebugDotFlagsConditionalNodeParams = 32768#

Adds cudaConditionalNodeParams to output

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphInstantiateFlags(value)#

Flags for instantiating a graph

cudaGraphInstantiateFlagAutoFreeOnLaunch = 1#

Automatically free memory allocated in a graph before relaunching.

cudaGraphInstantiateFlagUpload = 2#

Automatically upload the graph after instantiation. Only supported by

cudaGraphInstantiateWithParams. The upload will be performed using the

stream provided in instantiateParams.

cudaGraphInstantiateFlagDeviceLaunch = 4#

Instantiate the graph to be launchable from the device. This flag can only

be used on platforms which support unified addressing. This flag cannot be

used in conjunction with cudaGraphInstantiateFlagAutoFreeOnLaunch.

cudaGraphInstantiateFlagUseNodePriority = 8#

Run the graph using the per-node priority attributes rather than the priority of the stream it is launched into.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaLaunchMemSyncDomain(value)#

Memory Synchronization Domain A kernel can be launched in a specified memory synchronization domain that affects all memory operations issued by that kernel. A memory barrier issued in one domain will only order memory operations in that domain, thus eliminating latency increase from memory barriers ordering unrelated traffic. By default, kernels are launched in domain 0. Kernel launched with cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainRemote will have a different domain ID. User may also alter the domain ID with cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainMap for a specific stream / graph node / kernel launch. See cudaLaunchAttributeMemSyncDomain, cudaStreamSetAttribute, cudaLaunchKernelEx, cudaGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute. Memory operations done in kernels launched in different domains are considered system-scope distanced. In other words, a GPU scoped memory synchronization is not sufficient for memory order to be observed by kernels in another memory synchronization domain even if they are on the same GPU.

cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainDefault = 0#

Launch kernels in the default domain

cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainRemote = 1#

Launch kernels in the remote domain

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaLaunchAttributeID(value)#

Launch attributes enum; used as id field of cudaLaunchAttribute

cudaLaunchAttributeIgnore = 0#

Ignored entry, for convenient composition

cudaLaunchAttributeAccessPolicyWindow = 1#

Valid for streams, graph nodes, launches. See accessPolicyWindow.

cudaLaunchAttributeCooperative = 2#

Valid for graph nodes, launches. See cooperative.

cudaLaunchAttributeSynchronizationPolicy = 3#

Valid for streams. See syncPolicy.

cudaLaunchAttributeClusterDimension = 4#

Valid for graph nodes, launches. See clusterDim.

cudaLaunchAttributeClusterSchedulingPolicyPreference = 5#

Valid for graph nodes, launches. See clusterSchedulingPolicyPreference.

cudaLaunchAttributeProgrammaticStreamSerialization = 6#

Valid for launches. Setting programmaticStreamSerializationAllowed to non-0 signals that the kernel will use programmatic means to resolve its stream dependency, so that the CUDA runtime should opportunistically allow the grid’s execution to overlap with the previous kernel in the stream, if that kernel requests the overlap. The dependent launches can choose to wait on the dependency using the programmatic sync (cudaGridDependencySynchronize() or equivalent PTX instructions).

cudaLaunchAttributeProgrammaticEvent = 7#

Valid for launches. Set programmaticEvent to record the event. Event recorded through this launch attribute is guaranteed to only trigger after all block in the associated kernel trigger the event. A block can trigger the event programmatically in a future CUDA release. A trigger can also be inserted at the beginning of each block’s execution if triggerAtBlockStart is set to non-0. The dependent launches can choose to wait on the dependency using the programmatic sync (cudaGridDependencySynchronize() or equivalent PTX instructions). Note that dependents (including the CPU thread calling cudaEventSynchronize()) are not guaranteed to observe the release precisely when it is released. For example, cudaEventSynchronize() may only observe the event trigger long after the associated kernel has completed. This recording type is primarily meant for establishing programmatic dependency between device tasks. Note also this type of dependency allows, but does not guarantee, concurrent execution of tasks.

The event supplied must not be an interprocess or interop event. The event must disable timing (i.e. must be created with the cudaEventDisableTiming flag set).

cudaLaunchAttributePriority = 8#

Valid for streams, graph nodes, launches. See priority.

cudaLaunchAttributeMemSyncDomainMap = 9#

Valid for streams, graph nodes, launches. See memSyncDomainMap.

cudaLaunchAttributeMemSyncDomain = 10#

Valid for streams, graph nodes, launches. See memSyncDomain.

cudaLaunchAttributeLaunchCompletionEvent = 12#

Valid for launches. Set launchCompletionEvent to record the event.

Nominally, the event is triggered once all blocks of the kernel have begun execution. Currently this is a best effort. If a kernel B has a launch completion dependency on a kernel A, B may wait until A is complete. Alternatively, blocks of B may begin before all blocks of A have begun, for example if B can claim execution resources unavailable to A (e.g. they run on different GPUs) or if B is a higher priority than A. Exercise caution if such an ordering inversion could lead to deadlock.

A launch completion event is nominally similar to a programmatic event with triggerAtBlockStart set except that it is not visible to cudaGridDependencySynchronize() and can be used with compute capability less than 9.0.

The event supplied must not be an interprocess or interop event. The event must disable timing (i.e. must be created with the cudaEventDisableTiming flag set).

cudaLaunchAttributeDeviceUpdatableKernelNode = 13#

Valid for graph nodes, launches. This attribute is graphs-only, and passing it to a launch in a non-capturing stream will result in an error.

:cudaLaunchAttributeValue::deviceUpdatableKernelNode::deviceUpdatable can only be set to 0 or 1. Setting the field to 1 indicates that the corresponding kernel node should be device-updatable. On success, a handle will be returned via cudaLaunchAttributeValue::deviceUpdatableKernelNode::devNode which can be passed to the various device-side update functions to update the node’s kernel parameters from within another kernel. For more information on the types of device updates that can be made, as well as the relevant limitations thereof, see cudaGraphKernelNodeUpdatesApply.

Nodes which are device-updatable have additional restrictions compared to regular kernel nodes. Firstly, device-updatable nodes cannot be removed from their graph via cudaGraphDestroyNode. Additionally, once opted-in to this functionality, a node cannot opt out, and any attempt to set the deviceUpdatable attribute to 0 will result in an error. Device-updatable kernel nodes also cannot have their attributes copied to/from another kernel node via cudaGraphKernelNodeCopyAttributes. Graphs containing one or more device-updatable nodes also do not allow multiple instantiation, and neither the graph nor its instantiated version can be passed to cudaGraphExecUpdate.

If a graph contains device-updatable nodes and updates those nodes from the device from within the graph, the graph must be uploaded with cuGraphUpload before it is launched. For such a graph, if host-side executable graph updates are made to the device-updatable nodes, the graph must be uploaded before it is launched again.

cudaLaunchAttributePreferredSharedMemoryCarveout = 14#

Valid for launches. On devices where the L1 cache and shared memory use the same hardware resources, setting sharedMemCarveout to a percentage between 0-100 signals sets the shared memory carveout preference in percent of the total shared memory for that kernel launch. This attribute takes precedence over cudaFuncAttributePreferredSharedMemoryCarveout. This is only a hint, and the driver can choose a different configuration if required for the launch.

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaDeviceNumaConfig(value)#

CUDA device NUMA config

cudaDeviceNumaConfigNone = 0#

The GPU is not a NUMA node

cudaDeviceNumaConfigNumaNode = 1#

The GPU is a NUMA node, cudaDevAttrNumaId contains its NUMA ID

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaAsyncNotificationType(value)#

Types of async notification that can occur

cudaAsyncNotificationTypeOverBudget = 1#
class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode(value)#

CUDA Surface boundary modes

cudaBoundaryModeZero = 0#

Zero boundary mode

cudaBoundaryModeClamp = 1#

Clamp boundary mode

cudaBoundaryModeTrap = 2#

Trap boundary mode

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaSurfaceFormatMode(value)#

CUDA Surface format modes

cudaFormatModeForced = 0#

Forced format mode

cudaFormatModeAuto = 1#

Auto format mode

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaTextureAddressMode(value)#

CUDA texture address modes

cudaAddressModeWrap = 0#

Wrapping address mode

cudaAddressModeClamp = 1#

Clamp to edge address mode

cudaAddressModeMirror = 2#

Mirror address mode

cudaAddressModeBorder = 3#

Border address mode

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaTextureFilterMode(value)#

CUDA texture filter modes

cudaFilterModePoint = 0#

Point filter mode

cudaFilterModeLinear = 1#

Linear filter mode

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaTextureReadMode(value)#

CUDA texture read modes

cudaReadModeElementType = 0#

Read texture as specified element type

cudaReadModeNormalizedFloat = 1#

Read texture as normalized float

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEglPlaneDesc#

CUDA EGL Plane Descriptor - structure defining each plane of a CUDA EGLFrame


Width of plane


unsigned int


Height of plane


unsigned int


Depth of plane


unsigned int


Pitch of plane


unsigned int


Number of channels for the plane


unsigned int


Channel Format Descriptor




Reserved for future use


List[unsigned int]


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEglFrame#

CUDA EGLFrame Descriptor - structure defining one frame of EGL. Each frame may contain one or more planes depending on whether the surface is Multiplanar or not. Each plane of EGLFrame is represented by cudaEglPlaneDesc which is defined as: typedefstructcudaEglPlaneDesc_st unsignedintwidth; unsignedintheight; unsignedintdepth; unsignedintpitch; unsignedintnumChannels; structcudaChannelFormatDescchannelDesc; unsignedintreserved[4]; cudaEglPlaneDesc;




CUDA EGL Plane Descriptor cudaEglPlaneDesc




Number of planes


unsigned int


Array or Pitch




CUDA EGL Color Format




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEglStreamConnection#

CUDA EGLSream Connection


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaArray_t(*args, **kwargs)#

CUDA array


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaArray_const_t(*args, **kwargs)#

CUDA array (as source copy argument)


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMipmappedArray_t(*args, **kwargs)#

CUDA mipmapped array


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMipmappedArray_const_t(*args, **kwargs)#

CUDA mipmapped array (as source argument)


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaHostFn_t(*args, **kwargs)#

Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.CUuuid#

< CUDA definition of UUID




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaUUID_t#

< CUDA definition of UUID




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaIpcEventHandle_t#

CUDA IPC event handle




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaIpcMemHandle_t#

CUDA IPC memory handle




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemFabricHandle_t#



Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStream_t#

CUDA stream


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaEvent_t#

CUDA event types


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphicsResource_t(*args, **kwargs)#

CUDA graphics resource types


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalMemory_t(*args, **kwargs)#

CUDA external memory


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaExternalSemaphore_t(*args, **kwargs)#

CUDA external semaphore


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraph_t#

CUDA graph


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphNode_t#

CUDA graph node.


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaUserObject_t#

CUDA user object for graphs


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphConditionalHandle#

CUDA handle for conditional graph nodes


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaFunction_t#

CUDA function


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaKernel_t(*args, **kwargs)#

CUDA kernel


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaMemPool_t#

CUDA memory pool


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphEdgeData#

Optional annotation for edges in a CUDA graph. Note, all edges implicitly have annotations and default to a zero-initialized value if not specified. A zero-initialized struct indicates a standard full serialization of two nodes with memory visibility.


This indicates when the dependency is triggered from the upstream node on the edge. The meaning is specfic to the node type. A value of 0 in all cases means full completion of the upstream node, with memory visibility to the downstream node or portion thereof (indicated by to_port). Only kernel nodes define non-zero ports. A kernel node can use the following output port types: cudaGraphKernelNodePortDefault, cudaGraphKernelNodePortProgrammatic, or cudaGraphKernelNodePortLaunchCompletion.




This indicates what portion of the downstream node is dependent on the upstream node or portion thereof (indicated by from_port). The meaning is specific to the node type. A value of 0 in all cases means the entirety of the downstream node is dependent on the upstream work. Currently no node types define non-zero ports. Accordingly, this field must be set to zero.




This should be populated with a value from ::cudaGraphDependencyType. (It is typed as char due to compiler- specific layout of bitfields.) See ::cudaGraphDependencyType.




These bytes are unused and must be zeroed. This ensures compatibility if additional fields are added in the future.




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExec_t#

CUDA executable (launchable) graph


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphInstantiateParams#

Graph instantiation parameters


Instantiation flags


unsigned long long


Upload stream




The node which caused instantiation to fail, if any




Whether instantiation was successful. If it failed, the reason why




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphExecUpdateResultInfo#

Result information returned by cudaGraphExecUpdate


Gives more specific detail when a cuda graph update fails.




The “to node” of the error edge when the topologies do not match. The error node when the error is associated with a specific node. NULL when the error is generic.




The from node of error edge when the topologies do not match. Otherwise NULL.




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaGraphDeviceNode_t(*args, **kwargs)#

CUDA device node handle for device-side node update


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainMap#

Memory Synchronization Domain map See cudaLaunchMemSyncDomain. By default, kernels are launched in domain 0. Kernel launched with cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainRemote will have a different domain ID. User may also alter the domain ID with ::cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainMap for a specific stream / graph node / kernel launch. See cudaLaunchAttributeMemSyncDomainMap. Domain ID range is available through cudaDevAttrMemSyncDomainCount.


The default domain ID to use for designated kernels




The remote domain ID to use for designated kernels




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaLaunchAttributeValue(void_ptr _ptr=0)#

Launch attributes union; used as value field of ::cudaLaunchAttribute




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeAccessPolicyWindow.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeCooperative. Nonzero indicates a cooperative kernel (see cudaLaunchCooperativeKernel).




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeSynchronizationPolicy. ::cudaSynchronizationPolicy for work queued up in this stream.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeClusterDimension that represents the desired cluster dimensions for the kernel. Opaque type with the following fields: - x - The X dimension of the cluster, in blocks. Must be a divisor of the grid X dimension. - y - The Y dimension of the cluster, in blocks. Must be a divisor of the grid Y dimension. - z - The Z dimension of the cluster, in blocks. Must be a divisor of the grid Z dimension.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeClusterSchedulingPolicyPreference. Cluster scheduling policy preference for the kernel.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeProgrammaticStreamSerialization.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeProgrammaticEvent with the following fields: - cudaEvent_t event - Event to fire when all blocks trigger it. - int flags; - Event record flags, see cudaEventRecordWithFlags. Does not accept cudaEventRecordExternal. - int triggerAtBlockStart - If this is set to non-0, each block launch will automatically trigger the event.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributePriority. Execution priority of the kernel.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeMemSyncDomainMap. See ::cudaLaunchMemSyncDomainMap.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeMemSyncDomain. See cudaLaunchMemSyncDomain.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeLaunchCompletionEvent with the following fields: - cudaEvent_t event - Event to fire when the last block launches. - int flags - Event record flags, see cudaEventRecordWithFlags. Does not accept cudaEventRecordExternal.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributeDeviceUpdatableKernelNode with the following fields: - int deviceUpdatable - Whether or not the resulting kernel node should be device-updatable. - cudaGraphDeviceNode_t devNode - Returns a handle to pass to the various device-side update functions.




Value of launch attribute cudaLaunchAttributePreferredSharedMemoryCarveout.


unsigned int


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaLaunchAttribute#

Launch attribute


Attribute to set




Value of the attribute




Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaAsyncCallbackHandle_t(*args, **kwargs)#

CUDA async callback handle


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaAsyncNotificationInfo_t#

Information describing an async notification event






Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaAsyncCallback(*args, **kwargs)#

Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaSurfaceObject_t#

An opaque value that represents a CUDA Surface object


Get memory address of class instance

class cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaTextureObject_t#

An opaque value that represents a CUDA texture object


Get memory address of class instance

runtime.CUDA_EGL_MAX_PLANES = 3#

Maximum number of planes per frame

runtime.cudaHostAllocDefault = 0#

Default page-locked allocation flag

runtime.cudaHostAllocPortable = 1#

Pinned memory accessible by all CUDA contexts

runtime.cudaHostAllocMapped = 2#

Map allocation into device space

runtime.cudaHostAllocWriteCombined = 4#

Write-combined memory

runtime.cudaHostRegisterDefault = 0#

Default host memory registration flag

runtime.cudaHostRegisterPortable = 1#

Pinned memory accessible by all CUDA contexts

runtime.cudaHostRegisterMapped = 2#

Map registered memory into device space

runtime.cudaHostRegisterIoMemory = 4#

Memory-mapped I/O space

runtime.cudaHostRegisterReadOnly = 8#

Memory-mapped read-only

runtime.cudaPeerAccessDefault = 0#

Default peer addressing enable flag

runtime.cudaStreamDefault = 0#

Default stream flag

runtime.cudaStreamNonBlocking = 1#

Stream does not synchronize with stream 0 (the NULL stream)

runtime.cudaStreamLegacy = 1#

Legacy stream handle

Stream handle that can be passed as a cudaStream_t to use an implicit stream with legacy synchronization behavior.

See details of the link_sync_behavior

runtime.cudaStreamPerThread = 2#

Per-thread stream handle

Stream handle that can be passed as a cudaStream_t to use an implicit stream with per-thread synchronization behavior.

See details of the link_sync_behavior

runtime.cudaEventDefault = 0#

Default event flag

runtime.cudaEventBlockingSync = 1#

Event uses blocking synchronization

runtime.cudaEventDisableTiming = 2#

Event will not record timing data

runtime.cudaEventInterprocess = 4#

Event is suitable for interprocess use. cudaEventDisableTiming must be set

runtime.cudaEventRecordDefault = 0#

Default event record flag

runtime.cudaEventRecordExternal = 1#

Event is captured in the graph as an external event node when performing stream capture

runtime.cudaEventWaitDefault = 0#

Default event wait flag

runtime.cudaEventWaitExternal = 1#

Event is captured in the graph as an external event node when performing stream capture

runtime.cudaDeviceScheduleAuto = 0#

Device flag - Automatic scheduling

runtime.cudaDeviceScheduleSpin = 1#

Device flag - Spin default scheduling

runtime.cudaDeviceScheduleYield = 2#

Device flag - Yield default scheduling

runtime.cudaDeviceScheduleBlockingSync = 4#

Device flag - Use blocking synchronization

runtime.cudaDeviceBlockingSync = 4#

Device flag - Use blocking synchronization [Deprecated]

runtime.cudaDeviceScheduleMask = 7#

Device schedule flags mask

runtime.cudaDeviceMapHost = 8#

Device flag - Support mapped pinned allocations

runtime.cudaDeviceLmemResizeToMax = 16#

Device flag - Keep local memory allocation after launch

runtime.cudaDeviceSyncMemops = 128#

Device flag - Ensure synchronous memory operations on this context will synchronize

runtime.cudaDeviceMask = 255#

Device flags mask

runtime.cudaArrayDefault = 0#

Default CUDA array allocation flag

runtime.cudaArrayLayered = 1#

Must be set in cudaMalloc3DArray to create a layered CUDA array

runtime.cudaArraySurfaceLoadStore = 2#

Must be set in cudaMallocArray or cudaMalloc3DArray in order to bind surfaces to the CUDA array

runtime.cudaArrayCubemap = 4#

Must be set in cudaMalloc3DArray to create a cubemap CUDA array

runtime.cudaArrayTextureGather = 8#

Must be set in cudaMallocArray or cudaMalloc3DArray in order to perform texture gather operations on the CUDA array

runtime.cudaArrayColorAttachment = 32#

Must be set in cudaExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray if the mipmapped array is used as a color target in a graphics API

runtime.cudaArraySparse = 64#

Must be set in cudaMallocArray, cudaMalloc3DArray or cudaMallocMipmappedArray in order to create a sparse CUDA array or CUDA mipmapped array

runtime.cudaArrayDeferredMapping = 128#

Must be set in cudaMallocArray, cudaMalloc3DArray or cudaMallocMipmappedArray in order to create a deferred mapping CUDA array or CUDA mipmapped array

runtime.cudaIpcMemLazyEnablePeerAccess = 1#

Automatically enable peer access between remote devices as needed

runtime.cudaMemAttachGlobal = 1#

Memory can be accessed by any stream on any device

runtime.cudaMemAttachHost = 2#

Memory cannot be accessed by any stream on any device

runtime.cudaMemAttachSingle = 4#

Memory can only be accessed by a single stream on the associated device

runtime.cudaOccupancyDefault = 0#

Default behavior

runtime.cudaOccupancyDisableCachingOverride = 1#

Assume global caching is enabled and cannot be automatically turned off

runtime.cudaCpuDeviceId = -1#

Device id that represents the CPU

runtime.cudaInvalidDeviceId = -2#

Device id that represents an invalid device

runtime.cudaInitDeviceFlagsAreValid = 1#

Tell the CUDA runtime that DeviceFlags is being set in cudaInitDevice call

runtime.cudaCooperativeLaunchMultiDeviceNoPreSync = 1#

If set, each kernel launched as part of cudaLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice only waits for prior work in the stream corresponding to that GPU to complete before the kernel begins execution.

runtime.cudaCooperativeLaunchMultiDeviceNoPostSync = 2#

If set, any subsequent work pushed in a stream that participated in a call to cudaLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice will only wait for the kernel launched on the GPU corresponding to that stream to complete before it begins execution.

runtime.cudaArraySparsePropertiesSingleMipTail = 1#

Indicates that the layered sparse CUDA array or CUDA mipmapped array has a single mip tail region for all layers

runtime.CUDA_IPC_HANDLE_SIZE = 64#

CUDA IPC Handle Size

runtime.cudaExternalMemoryDedicated = 1#

Indicates that the external memory object is a dedicated resource

runtime.cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalSkipNvSciBufMemSync = 1#

When the /p flags parameter of cudaExternalSemaphoreSignalParams contains this flag, it indicates that signaling an external semaphore object should skip performing appropriate memory synchronization operations over all the external memory objects that are imported as cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeNvSciBuf, which otherwise are performed by default to ensure data coherency with other importers of the same NvSciBuf memory objects.

runtime.cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitSkipNvSciBufMemSync = 2#

When the /p flags parameter of cudaExternalSemaphoreWaitParams contains this flag, it indicates that waiting an external semaphore object should skip performing appropriate memory synchronization operations over all the external memory objects that are imported as cudaExternalMemoryHandleTypeNvSciBuf, which otherwise are performed by default to ensure data coherency with other importers of the same NvSciBuf memory objects.

runtime.cudaNvSciSyncAttrSignal = 1#

When /p flags of cudaDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes is set to this, it indicates that application need signaler specific NvSciSyncAttr to be filled by cudaDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes.

runtime.cudaNvSciSyncAttrWait = 2#

When /p flags of cudaDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes is set to this, it indicates that application need waiter specific NvSciSyncAttr to be filled by cudaDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes.

runtime.cudaGraphKernelNodePortDefault = 0#

This port activates when the kernel has finished executing.

runtime.cudaGraphKernelNodePortProgrammatic = 1#

This port activates when all blocks of the kernel have performed cudaTriggerProgrammaticLaunchCompletion() or have terminated. It must be used with edge type cudaGraphDependencyTypeProgrammatic. See also cudaLaunchAttributeProgrammaticEvent.

runtime.cudaGraphKernelNodePortLaunchCompletion = 2#

This port activates when all blocks of the kernel have begun execution. See also cudaLaunchAttributeLaunchCompletionEvent.

runtime.cudaStreamAttrID = <enum 'cudaStreamAttrID'>#
runtime.cudaStreamAttributeAccessPolicyWindow = 1#
runtime.cudaStreamAttributeSynchronizationPolicy = 3#
runtime.cudaStreamAttributeMemSyncDomainMap = 9#
runtime.cudaStreamAttributeMemSyncDomain = 10#
runtime.cudaStreamAttributePriority = 8#
runtime.cudaStreamAttrValue = <class 'cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaStreamAttrValue'>#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttrID = <enum 'cudaKernelNodeAttrID'>#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttributeAccessPolicyWindow = 1#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttributeCooperative = 2#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttributePriority = 8#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttributeClusterDimension = 4#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttributeClusterSchedulingPolicyPreference = 5#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttributeMemSyncDomainMap = 9#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttributeMemSyncDomain = 10#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttributePreferredSharedMemoryCarveout = 14#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttributeDeviceUpdatableKernelNode = 13#
runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttrValue = <class 'cuda.bindings.runtime.cudaKernelNodeAttrValue'>#
runtime.cudaSurfaceType1D = 1#
runtime.cudaSurfaceType2D = 2#
runtime.cudaSurfaceType3D = 3#
runtime.cudaSurfaceTypeCubemap = 12#
runtime.cudaSurfaceType1DLayered = 241#
runtime.cudaSurfaceType2DLayered = 242#
runtime.cudaSurfaceTypeCubemapLayered = 252#
runtime.cudaTextureType1D = 1#
runtime.cudaTextureType2D = 2#
runtime.cudaTextureType3D = 3#
runtime.cudaTextureTypeCubemap = 12#
runtime.cudaTextureType1DLayered = 241#
runtime.cudaTextureType2DLayered = 242#
runtime.cudaTextureTypeCubemapLayered = 252#