What is a CUDA Quantum Kernel?

A common pattern in the design and implementation of accelerated-node programming models is the separation of accelerator-device code from existing CPU host code via function-level boundaries.

__this_is_device__ void deviceCode(...) { ... do some work on the accelerator ... }
void hostCode(...) {
  ... do host work...
  ... continue host work ...

This provides a clear delineation between what must be compiled for, and executed on, an available computational accelerator. The annotation of device code is common to aid programming model implementations in device code discovery, compilation, and runtime-library configuration and setup.

CUDA Quantum follows a similar pattern. Specifically, in an effort to better enable the development of generic libraries of quantum algorithmic primitives and applications, CUDA Quantum defines quantum device code as stand-alone typed callables in C++. A typed callable in C++ is any user-defined struct or class that provides an operator-call overload (void operator()(Args...) {}). C++ lambdas — enabled as automated type definitions through compiler implementations — also implicitly provide this typed-callable pattern. CUDA Quantum requires that these callable definitions be annotated in some way to indicate that this expression is meant for compilation and execution on the quantum device.

CUDA Quantum distinguishes between two separate kinds of kernel expressions: entry-point and pure-device quantum kernels. Entry-point kernels are those that can be called from host code, while pure-device kernels are those that can only be called from other quantum kernel code. See the specification for more detail, but here we note that the “typed” requirement can be relaxed for pure-device kernels:

__qpu__ void freeFunctionDeviceKernel(cudaq::qview<> q) { ... }
// Entry points are those that can be called from host code
// i.e., can only take classical input and return classical output
struct myEntryPointKernel1 {
  int operator()(int i, int j) __qpu__ {
struct myEntryPointKernel2 {
  // All classical input must be provided by value
  void operator()(std::vector<double> x) __qpu__ {

// CUDA Quantum Kernels can be lambdas too
auto pureDeviceLambda = [](cudaq::qubit& q) __qpu__ {
auto entryPointLambda = [](double theta, double phi) __qpu__ {
  ... allocate quantum memory q ...