Using CUDA and CUDA Quantum in a Project **************************************** It may be the case that a project that uses CUDA Quantum kernels may also want to use CUDA code to do computation on a GPU. This is possible by using both the CUDA Toolkit and CUDA Quantum tools. More about programming GPUs in CUDA can be found in the `Quick Start Guide `__. Once the :code:`nvcc` compiler is installed, it is possible to write CUDA kernels and have them execute on the system GPU. See NVIDIA's `An Easy Introduction to CUDA C and C++ `__ for more information on getting started with CUDA. CUDA code uses a unique syntax and is, typically, saved in a file with the extension :code:`.cu`. For our example, assume we have written our CUDA code in the file :code:``. CUDA Quantum code is a library-based extension of C++ and uses standard conforming C++ syntax. Typically, a quantum kernel would be saved in a file with the :code:`.cpp` extension. Again for our example, let's assume that we've written quantum kernels and saved them in the file :code:`my_proj_quantum.cpp`. There is a bit of a wrinkle to be aware of before we compile these two compilation units. Version 11 (and earlier) of CUDA :code:`nvcc` supports the C++ 11, 14, and 17 standards and the default standard is determined by the host C++ compiler. The CUDA Quantum compiler, :code:`nvq++`, defaults to the C++ 20 standard. To get around this limitation, the project makefiles should select a common C++ standard version. Fortunately, :code:`nvq++` does allow the use of C++ 17. Note that starting with version 12 of the CUDA toolkit, the C++ 20 standard is supported. Our project can then be built with commands such as .. code:: bash nvcc -c -std=c++17 -o my_proj.o nvq++ -std=c++17 my_project_quantum.cpp my_proj.o -L ${CUDA_INSTALL}/lib64 -lcudart -o my_executable Above, :code:`nvq++` is used for the link step and will make sure the CUDA Quantum runtime libraries are linked correctly to the executable program. The CUDA runtime is explicitly added to this command.