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"# Deutsch's Algorithm "
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"We have a function which takes in a bit and outputs a bit. This can be represented as $f: \\{0,1\\} \\longrightarrow \\{0,1\\}$. \n",
"The function $f$ has a property; either it is constant or balanced. \n",
"If constant, the outputs are the same regardless of the inputs, i.e., $f(0) = f(1) = 0$ or $f(0) = f(1) = 1$.\n",
"If balanced, the ouputs are balanced across their possibilities, i.e, if $f(0) = 0$ then $f(1) = 1$ or if $f(0) = 1$ then $f(1) = 0$.\n",
"The question we would like to answer is if the function is constant or balanced. \n",
" \n",
"Classically, if we are given a function $f$, we can solve to find its property via the code below: \n"
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"# Treat the code snippet below like a black box, i.e., you don't have access to the value of the property argument and can just query f with different inputs.\n",
"def f(x, property='constant'):\n",
" if property == 'constant':\n",
" # The output is a 1 regardless of the input; we can also make the output to be 0.\n",
" if x == 0:\n",
" return 1\n",
" elif x == 1:\n",
" return 1\n",
" if property == 'balanced':\n",
" # The output depends on the input.\n",
" if x == 0:\n",
" return 1\n",
" elif x == 1:\n",
" return 0"
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"Let us now classically find out if the function we defined above is constant or balanced. "
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"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
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"The function is constant\n"
"source": [
"if f(0) == 0:\n",
" if f(1) == 0:\n",
" print('The function is constant')\n",
" elif f(1) == 1:\n",
" print('The function is balanced')\n",
"elif f(0) == 1:\n",
" if f(1) == 1:\n",
" print('The function is constant')\n",
" elif f(1) == 0:\n",
" print('The function is balanced')"
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"If you step through the `if` statements above, one can see that we require 2 calls to the function to determine its property. That is, we have to query $f$ twice.\n",
"The claim is that Deutsch's algorithm can solve for this property with 1 function evalulation, demonstrating quantum advantage. \n",
"Below we first go through the math and then the implementation in CUDA Quantum. \n",
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"## XOR $\\oplus$\n",
"You may have seen the $\\oplus$ symbol floating around. This is the exclusive OR or the XOR operation. It follows the rules of addition modulo 2. For example, \n",
"1. $3\\oplus5 = (3+5)_{\\%2} = 8_{\\%2} = 0$\n",
"2. $5\\oplus4 = (5+4)_{\\%2} = 9_{\\%2} = 1$\n",
"A quick way to perform the $\\oplus$ calculation is if the result of the addition is an even number, the result is 0 otherwise 1. "
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"## Quantum oracles\n",
"Suppose we have $f(x): \\{0,1\\} \\longrightarrow \\{0,1\\}$. We can compute this function on a quantum computer using oracles which we treat as black box functions that yield the output with an appropriate sequence of logic gates. \n",
"Above you see an oracle represented as $U_f$ which allows us to transform the state $\\ket{x}\\ket{y}$ into: \n",
"\\begin{aligned} \n",
"U_f\\ket{x}\\ket{y} = \\ket{x}\\ket{y \\oplus f(x)}\n",
"If $y = 0$, then $U_f\\ket{x}\\ket{y} = U_f\\ket{x}\\ket{0} = \\ket{x}\\ket{0 \\oplus f(x)} = \\ket{x}\\ket{f(x)}$ since $f(x)$ can either be $0/1$ and $0 \\oplus 0 = 0$ and $0 \\oplus 1 = 1$.\n",
"This is remarkable because by setting $\\ket{y} = \\ket{0}$, we can extract the value of $f(x)$ by measuring the value of the second qubit. \n",
" \n",
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"## Phase oracle\n",
"Since $f(x)$ can be either $0$ or $1$, we have that $0 \\oplus f(x) = 0 \\oplus 0 = 0 = f(x)$ or $0 \\oplus f(x) = 0 \\oplus 1 = 1 = f(x)$. \n",
"Similarly, $1 \\oplus f(x) = 1 \\oplus 0 = 1 = \\overline{f(x)}$ or $1 \\oplus f(x) = 1 \\oplus 1 = 0 = \\overline{f(x)}$ where the bar on top of $f(x)$ denotes 'not $f(x)$'. \n",
"Let us now prove a result which we shall use later: \n",
"\\begin{aligned} \n",
"U_f\\ket{x}\\ket{-} &= U_f \\ket{x} \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}(\\ket{0} - \\ket{1}) \\\\\n",
"&= \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (U_f\\ket{x}\\ket{0} - U_f\\ket{x}\\ket{1}) \\\\\n",
"&= \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{x}\\ket{0 \\oplus f(x)} - \\ket{x}\\ket{1 \\oplus f(x)}) \\\\\n",
"&= \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{x}\\ket{f(x)} - \\ket{x}\\ket{\\overline{f(x)}}) \\\\\n",
"&= \n",
" \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{x}\\ket{0} - \\ket{x}\\ket{1}) = \\ket{x}\\ket{-} & f(x) = 0 \\\\\n",
" \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{x}\\ket{1} - \\ket{x}\\ket{0}) = -\\ket{x}\\ket{-} & f(x) = 1 \\\\\n",
"\\end{cases} \\\\\n",
"&= (-1)^{f(x)}\\ket{x}\\ket{-} \n",
"In summary, $U_f\\ket{x}\\ket{-} = (-1)^{f(x)}\\ket{x}\\ket{-}$ where the $\\ket{-}$ qubit was left unchanged and a phase was applied to $\\ket{x}$. \n",
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"## Quantum parallelism\n",
"Consider: \n",
"\\begin{aligned} \n",
"U_f\\ket{+}\\ket{0} &= U_f \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}(\\ket{0}+\\ket{1}) \\ket{0} \\\\\n",
"&= U_f \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}(\\ket{0}\\ket{0}+\\ket{1}\\ket{0}) \\\\\n",
"&= \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}(U_f \\ket{0}\\ket{0} + U_f \\ket{1}\\ket{0}) \\\\ \n",
"&= \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}(U_f \\ket{0}\\ket{0} + U_f \\ket{1}\\ket{0}) \\\\ \n",
"&= \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}(\\ket{0}\\ket{0 \\oplus f(0)} + \\ket{1}\\ket{0 \\oplus f(1)}) \\\\ \n",
"&= \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}}(\\ket{0}\\ket{f(0)} + \\ket{1}\\ket{f(1)}) \\\\ \n",
"We have calculated information about both $f(0)$ and $f(1)$ simultaneously. Quantum mechanics allows for parallelism by exploiting the ability of superposition states. "
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"## Deutschs' Algorithm: \n",
"Our aim is to find out if $f: \\{0,1\\} \\longrightarrow \\{0,1\\}$ is a constant or a balanced function? If constant, $f(0) = f(1)$, and if balanced, $f(0) \\neq f(1)$.\n",
"We step through the circuit diagram below and follow the math after the application of each gate.\n",
"\\ket{\\psi_0} = \\ket{01}\n",
"$$\\ket{\\psi_1} = H_1H_0\\ket{\\psi_0} = H_1H_0\\ket{01} = \\ket{+-} = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{0}+\\ket{1})\\ket{-}\n",
"\\ket{\\psi_2} = U_f\\ket{\\psi_1} = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (U_f\\ket{0}\\ket{-} + U_f\\ket{1}\\ket{-})\n",
"using $U_f\\ket{x}\\ket{-} = (-1)^{f(x)}\\ket{x}\\ket{-}$ which we proved in the phase oracle section above: \n",
"\\begin{aligned} \n",
"\\ket{\\psi_2} = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} ((-1)^{f(0)}\\ket{0}\\ket{-} + (-1)^{f(1)}\\ket{1}\\ket{-}) \\\\\n",
"= \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} ((-1)^{f(0)}\\ket{0} + (-1)^{f(1)}\\ket{1}) \\ket{-} \\\\\n",
"We now drop the second, qubit in the $\\ket{-}$ state from our derivations as the figure above has no further gate operations acting on it. Remember our aim is to find out if $f(x)$ is a constant or a balanced function. We have the following options: \n",
" \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{0} + \\ket{1}) & f(0) = 0, f(1) = 0, f(x) \\text{ is constant} \\\\\n",
" -\\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{0} + \\ket{1}) & f(0) = 1, f(1) = 1, f(x) \\text{ is constant} \\\\\n",
" \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{0} - \\ket{1}) & f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(x) \\text{ is balanced} \\\\\n",
" -\\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{0} - \\ket{1}) & f(0) = 1, f(1) = 0, f(x) \\text{ is balanced} \\\\\n",
"\\end{cases} \n",
"\\begin{aligned} \n",
"\\ket{\\psi_{2}} =\n",
" \\pm \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{0} + \\ket{1}) = \\pm \\ket{+} & f(x) \\text{ is constant} \\\\\n",
" \\pm \\tfrac{1}{\\sqrt{2}} (\\ket{0} - \\ket{1})= \\pm \\ket{-} & f(x) \\text{ is balanced} \\\\\n",
"\\end{cases} \n",
"\\begin{aligned} \n",
"\\ket{\\psi_{3}}= H\\ket{\\psi_{2}}\n",
" \\pm H\\ket{+} = \\pm \\ket{0} & f(x) \\text{ is constant} \\\\\n",
" \\pm H\\ket{-} = \\pm \\ket{1} & f(x) \\text{ is balanced} \\\\\n",
"\\end{cases} \n",
"We can now measure the first qubit to yield either a $0$ or a $1$ to determine if $f(x)$ is constant or balanced. \n",
"Deutsch's algorithm may not be practically useful but does demonstrate quantum advantage since it uses one function call to determine the property of $f$ in comparison to two for classical methods. \n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
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"text": [
"/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/qutip/__init__.py:66: UserWarning: The new version of Cython, (>= 3.0.0) is not supported.\n",
" warnings.warn(\n"
"source": [
"# Import the CUDA-Q package and set the target to run on NVIDIA GPUs.\n",
"import cudaq\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"from typing import List\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# Here we input the values of [f(0), f(1)] which allows us to represent constant or balanced functions.\n",
"fx = [0, 1]"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
" ╭───╮ ╭───╮\n",
"q0 : ┤ h ├───────●──┤ h ├\n",
" ├───┤╭───╮╭─┴─╮╰───╯\n",
"q1 : ┤ x ├┤ h ├┤ x ├─────\n",
" ╰───╯╰───╯╰───╯ \n",
"f(x) is a balanced function\n"
"source": [
"# Let us now code up the circuit shown above following the state Psi after each step.\n",
"qubit_count = 2\n",
"def kernel(fx: List[int]):\n",
" qubit_0 = cudaq.qubit()\n",
" qubit_1 = cudaq.qubit()\n",
" # Psi 0\n",
" x(qubit_1)\n",
" # Psi 1\n",
" h(qubit_0)\n",
" h(qubit_1)\n",
" # Psi 2 - oracle\n",
" if fx[0] == 1:\n",
" x.ctrl(qubit_0, qubit_1)\n",
" x(qubit_1)\n",
" if fx[1] == 1:\n",
" x.ctrl(qubit_0, qubit_1)\n",
" # Psi 3\n",
" h(qubit_0)\n",
" # Measure the qubit to yield if the function is constant or balanced.\n",
" mz(qubit_0)\n",
"print(cudaq.draw(kernel, fx))\n",
"result = cudaq.sample(kernel, fx, shots_count=1)\n",
"if np.array(result)[0] == '0':\n",
" print('f(x) is a constant function')\n",
"elif np.array(result)[0] == '1':\n",
" print('f(x) is a balanced function')"
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