Running your first CUDA-Q Program ---------------------------------------- Now that you have defined your first quantum kernel, let's look at different options for how to execute it. In CUDA-Q, quantum circuits are stored as quantum kernels. For estimating the probability distribution of a measured quantum state in a circuit, we use the ``sample`` function call, and for computing the expectation value of a quantum state with a given observable, we use the ``observe`` function call. Sample ++++++++ Quantum states collapse upon measurement and hence need to be sampled many times to gather statistics. The CUDA-Q `sample` call enables this. .. tab:: Python The :func:`cudaq.sample` method takes a kernel and its arguments as inputs, and returns a :class:`cudaq.SampleResult`. .. tab:: C++ The `cudaq::sample` method takes a kernel and its arguments as inputs, and returns a `cudaq::SampleResult`. This result dictionary contains the distribution of measured states for the system. Continuing with the GHZ kernel defined in :doc:`Building Your First CUDA-Q Program `, we will set the concrete value of our `qubit_count` to be two. .. tab:: Python .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/python/using/ :language: python :start-after: [Begin Sample1] :end-before: [End Sample1] .. tab:: C++ .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/cpp/using/first_sample.cpp :language: cpp :start-after: [Begin Sample1] :end-before: [End Sample1] The code above can be run like any other program: .. tab:: Python Assuming the program is saved in the file ``, we can execute is with the command .. code-block:: console python3 .. tab:: C++ Assuming the program is saved in the file `sample.cpp`, we can now compile this file with the `nvq++` toolchain, and then run the compiled executable. .. code-block:: console nvq++ sample.cpp ./a.out By default, `sample` produces an ensemble of 1000 shots. This can be changed by specifying an integer argument for the `shots_count`. .. tab:: Python .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/python/using/ :language: python :start-after: [Begin Sample2] :end-before: [End Sample2] .. tab:: C++ .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/cpp/using/first_sample.cpp :language: cpp :start-after: [Begin Sample2] :end-before: [End Sample2] Note that there is a subtle difference between how sample is executed with the target device set to a simulator or with the target device set to a QPU. When run on a simulator, the quantum state is built once and then sampled repeatedly, where the number of samples is defined by `shots_count`. When executed on quantum hardware, the quantum state collapses upon measurement and hence needs to be rebuilt every time to collect a sample. A variety of methods can be used to extract useful information from a `SampleResult`. For example, to return the most probable measurement and its respective probability: .. tab:: Python .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/python/using/ :language: python :start-after: [Begin Sample3] :end-before: [End Sample3] See the :doc:`API specification <../../../api/languages/python_api>` for further information. .. tab:: C++ .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/cpp/using/first_sample.cpp :language: cpp :start-after: [Begin Sample3] :end-before: [End Sample3] See the :doc:`API specification <../../../api/languages/cpp_api>` for further information. Sampling a distribution can be a time intensive task. An asynchronous version of sample exists and can be useful to parallelize your application. Asynchronous programming is a technique that enables your program to start a potentially long-running task and still be able to be responsive to other events while that task runs, rather than having to wait until that task has finished. Once that task has finished, your program is presented with the result. Asynchronous execution allows to easily parallelize execution of multiple kernels on a multi-processor platform. Such a platform is available, for example, by choosing the target `nvidia-mqpu`: .. tab:: Python .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/python/using/ :language: python :start-after: [Begin SampleAsync] :end-before: [End SampleAsync] .. note:: This kind of parallelization is most effective if you actually have multiple QPU or CPU available. Otherwise, the sampling will still have to execute sequentially due to resource constraints. More information about parallelizing execution can be found at :doc:`../backends/platform` page. Observe +++++++++ The observe function allows us to calculate expectation values for a defined quantum operator, that is the value of :math:`\bra{\psi}H\ket{\psi}`, where :math:`H` is the desired operator and :math:`\ket{\psi}` is the quantum state after executing a given kernel. .. tab:: Python The :func:`cudaq.observe` method takes a kernel and its arguments as inputs, along with a :class:`cudaq.SpinOperator`. Using the `cudaq.spin` module, operators may be defined as a linear combination of Pauli strings. Functions, such as :func:`cudaq.spin.i`, :func:`cudaq.spin.x`, :func:`cudaq.spin.y`, :func:`cudaq.spin.z` may be used to construct more complex spin Hamiltonians on multiple qubits. .. tab:: C++ The `cudaq::observe` method takes a kernel and its arguments as inputs, along with a `cudaq::spin_op`. Within the `cudaq::spin` namespace, operators may be defined as a linear combination of Pauli strings. Functions, such as `cudaq::spin::i`, `cudaq::spin::x`, `cudaq::spin::y`, `cudaq::spin::z` may be used to construct more complex spin Hamiltonians on multiple qubits. Below is an example of a spin operator object consisting of a `Z(0)` operator, or a Pauli Z-operator on the qubit zero. This is followed by the construction of a kernel with a single qubit in an equal superposition. The Hamiltonian is printed to confirm it has been constructed properly. .. tab:: Python .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/python/using/ :language: python :start-after: [Begin Observe1] :end-before: [End Observe1] .. tab:: C++ .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/cpp/using/first_observe.cpp :language: cpp :start-after: [Begin Observe1] :end-before: [End Observe1] The `observe` function takes a kernel, any kernel arguments, and a spin operator as inputs and produces an `ObserveResult` object. The expectation value can be printed using the `expectation` method. .. note:: It is important to exclude a measurement in the kernel, otherwise the expectation value will be determined from a collapsed classical state. For this example, the expected result of 0.0 is produced. .. tab:: Python .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/python/using/ :language: python :start-after: [Begin Observe2] :end-before: [End Observe2] .. tab:: C++ .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/cpp/using/first_observe.cpp :language: cpp :start-after: [Begin Observe2] :end-before: [End Observe2] Unlike `sample`, the default `shots_count` for `observe` is 1. This result is deterministic and equivalent to the expectation value in the limit of infinite shots. To produce an approximate expectation value from sampling, `shots_count` can be specified to any integer. .. tab:: Python .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/python/using/ :language: python :start-after: [Begin Observe3] :end-before: [End Observe3] .. tab:: C++ .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/cpp/using/first_observe.cpp :language: cpp :start-after: [Begin Observe3] :end-before: [End Observe3] Similar to `sample_async` above, observe also supports asynchronous execution. More information about parallelizing execution can be found at :doc:`../backends/platform` page. Running on a GPU ++++++++++++++++++ .. tab:: Python Using :func:`cudaq.set_target`, different targets can be specified for kernel execution. .. tab:: C++ Using the `--target` argument to `nvq++`, different targets can be specified for kernel execution. If a local GPU is detected, the target will default to `nvidia`. Otherwise, the CPU-based simulation target, `qpp-cpu`, will be selected. We will demonstrate the benefits of using a GPU by sampling our GHZ kernel with 25 qubits and a `shots_count` of 1 million. Using a GPU accelerates this task by more than 35x. To learn about all of the available targets and ways to accelerate kernel execution, visit the :doc:`Backends <../backends/backends>` page. .. tab:: Python .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/python/using/ :language: python :start-after: [Begin Time] :end-before: [End Time] .. tab:: C++ To compare the performance, we can create a simple timing script that isolates just the call to `cudaq::sample`. We are still using the same GHZ kernel as earlier, but the following modification made to the main function: .. literalinclude:: ../../snippets/cpp/using/time.cpp :language: cpp :start-after: [Begin Time] :end-before: [End Time] First we execute on the CPU backend: .. code:: console nvq++ --target=qpp-cpu sample.cpp ./a.out seeing an output of the order: ``It took 22.8337 seconds.`` Now we can execute on the GPU enabled backend: .. code:: console nvq++ --target=nvidia sample.cpp ./a.out seeing an output of the order: ``It took 3.18988 seconds.``