Installation from Source ========================= In most cases, you should not need to build CUDA-Q from source. For the best experience, we recommend using a container runtime to avoid conflicts with other software tools installed on the system. Note that `Singularity `__ or `Docker rootless mode `__ address common issue or concerns that are often the motivation for avoiding the use of containers. Singularity, for example, can be installed in a user folder and its installation does not require admin permissions; see :ref:`this section ` for more detailed instructions on how to do that. Our installation guide also contains instructions for how to :ref:`connect an IDE ` to a running container. If you do not want use a container runtime, we also provide pre-built binaries for using CUDA-Q with C++, and Python wheels for using CUDA-Q with Python. These binaries and wheels are built following the instructions in this guide and should work for you as long as your system meets the compatibility requirements listed under :ref:`Prerequisites `. To install the pre-built binaries, please follow the instructions :ref:`here `. To install the Python wheels, please follow the instructions :ref:`here `. If your system is not listed as supported by our official packages, e.g. because you would like to use CUDA-Q on an operating system that uses an older C standard library, please follow this guide carefully without skipping any steps to build and install CUDA-Q from source. The rest of this guide details system requirements during the build and after installation, and walks through the installation steps. .. note:: CUDA-Q contains some components that are only included as pre-built binaries and not part of our open source repository. We are working on either open-sourcing these components or making them available as separate downloads in the future. Even without these components, almost all features of CUDA-Q will be enabled in a source build, though some pieces may be less performant. At this time, the :ref:`multi-GPU state vector simulator ` backend will not be included if you build CUDA-Q from source. .. _compatibility-prebuilt-binaries: Prerequisites ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following pre-requisites need to be satisfied both on the build system and on the host system, that is the system where the built CUDA-Q binaries will be installed and used. - Linux operating system. The instructions in this guide have been validated with the `AlmaLinux 8 image `__ that serves as the base image for the `manylinux_2_28 image `__, and should work for the operating systems CentOS 8, Debian 11 and 12, Fedora 38 and 39, OpenSUSE/SLED/SLES 15.5 and 15.6, RHEL 8 and 9, Rocky 8 and 9, and Ubuntu 24.04 and 22.04. Other operating systems may work, but have not been tested. - `Bash `__ shell. The CUDA-Q build, install and run scripts expect to use `/bin/bash`. - `GNU C library `__. Make sure that the version on the host system is the same one or newer than the version on the build system. Our own builds use version 2.28. - CPU with either x86-64 (x86-64-v3 architecture and newer) or ARM64 (ARM v8-A architecture and newer). Other architectures may work but are not tested and may require adjustments to the build instructions. - Needed **only on the host** system: NVIDIA GPU with Volta, Turing, Ampere, Ada, or Hopper architecture and `Compute Capability `__ 7+. Make sure you have the latest `drivers `__ installed for your GPU, and double check that the driver version listed by the `nvidia-smi` command is 470.57.02 or newer. You do *not* need to have a GPU available on the build system; the CUDA compiler needed for the build can be installed and used without a GPU. We strongly recommend using a virtual environment for the build that includes *only* the tools and dependencies listed in this guide. If you have additional software installed, you will need to make sure that the build is linking against the correct libraries and versions. Build Dependencies ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In addition to the prerequisites listed above, you will need to install the following prerequisites in your build environment prior to proceeding with the build as described in the subsequent sections: - Python version 3.10 or newer: If you intend to build CUDA-Q with Python support, make sure the Python version on the build system matches the version on the host system. If you intend to only build the C++ support for CUDA-Q, the Python interpreter is required only for some of the LLVM build scripts and the Python version used for the build does not have to match the version on the host system. - Common tools: `wget`, `git`, `unzip`. The commands in the rest of this guide assume that these tools are present on the build system, but they can be replaced by other alternatives (such as, for example, manually going to a web page and downloading a file/folder). The above prerequisites are no longer needed once CUDA-Q is built and do not need to be present on the host system. .. note:: The CUDA-Q build scripts and the commands listed in the rest of this document assume you are using `bash` as the shell for your build. In addition to installing the needed build dependencies listed above, make sure to set the following environment variables prior to proceeding: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../scripts/ :language: bash :dedent: :start-after: [>InstallLocations] :end-before: [`__ following the installation guide for your platform in the online documentation linked on that page. Within the tested AlmaLinux 8 environment, for example, the following commands install CUDA 12.0: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../scripts/ :language: bash :dedent: :start-after: [>CUDAInstall] :end-before: [`__ for the installed CUDA version. The following instructions have been tested with `GCC-11 `__. Other toolchains may be supported but have not been tested. Within the tested AlmaLinux 8 environment, for example, the following commands install GCC 11: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../scripts/ :language: bash :dedent: :start-after: [>gccInstall] :end-before: [ToolchainConfiguration] :end-before: [`__ and checkout the appropriate branch, tag, or commit. Note that the build scripts assume that they are run from within a git repository, and merely downloading the source code as ZIP archive hence will not work. Please follow the instructions in the respective subsection(s) to build the necessary components for using CUDA-Q from C++ and/or Python. After the build, check that the GPU-accelerated components have been built by confirming that the file `nvidia.config` exists in the `$CUDAQ_INSTALL_PREFIX/targets` folder. We also recommend checking the build log printed to the console to confirm that all desired components have been built. .. note:: The CUDA-Q build will compile or omit optional components automatically depending on whether the necessary pre-requisites are found in the build environment. If you see a message that a component has been skipped, and/or the CUDA compiler is not properly detected, make sure you followed the instructions for installing the necessary prerequisites and build dependencies, and have set the necessary environment variables as described in this document. .. _cudaq-python-from-source: Python Support +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The most convenient way to enable Python support within CUDA-Q is to build a `wheel `__ that can then easily be installed using `pip`. To ensure the wheel can be installed on the host system, make sure to use the same Python version for the build as the one that is installed on the host system. To build a CUDA-Q Python wheel, you will need to install the following additional Python-specific tools: - Python development headers: The development headers for your Python version are installed in the way as you installed Python itself. If you installed Python via the package manager for your system, you may need to install an additional package to get the development headers. The package name is usually your python version followed by either a `-dev` or `-devel` suffix. If you are using a `Conda environment `__, the necessary headers should already be installed. - Pip package manager: Make sure the `pip` module is enable for your Python version, and that your `pip` version is 24 or newer. We refer to the Python `documentation `__ for more information about installing/enabling `pip`. - Python modules: Install the additional modules `numpy`, `build`, `auditwheel`, and `patchelf` for your Python version, e.g. `python3 -m pip install numpy build auditwheel patchelf`. .. note:: The wheel build by default is configured to depend on CUDA 12. To build a wheel for CUDA 11, you need to adjust the dependencies and project name in the `pyproject.toml` file. From within the folder where you cloned the CUDA-Q repository, run the following command to build the CUDA-Q Python wheel: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docker/build/assets.Dockerfile :language: bash :dedent: :start-after: [>CUDAQuantumPythonBuild] :end-before: [`__ is used to include dependencies in the wheel, if necessary, and correctly label the wheel. We recommend not including the CUDA runtime libraries and instead install them separately on the host system following the instructions in the next section. The following command builds the final wheel, not including CUDA dependencies: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docker/build/assets.Dockerfile :language: bash :dedent: :start-after: [>CUDAQuantumWheel] :end-before: [`__. .. note:: You can confirm that the wheel is indeed compatible with your host platform by checking that the wheel tag (i.e. the file name ending of the `.whl` file) is listed under "Compatible Tags" when running the command `python3 -m pip debug --verbose` on the host. .. _cudaq-cpp-from-source: C++ Support +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From within the folder where you cloned the CUDA-Q repository, run the following command to build CUDA-Q: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docker/build/assets.Dockerfile :language: bash :dedent: :start-after: [>CUDAQuantumCppBuild] :end-before: [`__. To do so, download the `makeself script(s) `__ and move the necessary files to install into a separate folder using the command .. literalinclude:: ../../../../docker/release/installer.Dockerfile :language: bash :dedent: :start-after: [>CUDAQuantumAssets] :end-before: [`, copy the built `.whl` file to the host system, and install it using `pip`; e.g. .. code-block:: bash pip install cuda_quantum*.whl .. TODO: update pypi links throughout the docs To install the necessary CUDA and MPI dependencies for some of the components, you can either follow the instructions on ` `__, replacing `pip install cudaq` with the command above, or you can follow the instructions in the remaining sections of this document to customize and better optimize them for your host system. If you followed the instructions for building the :ref:`CUDA-Q C++ tools `, copy the `install_cuda_quantum` file that you created to the host system, and install it by running the commands .. code-block:: bash sudo bash install_cuda_quantum.$(uname -m) --accept . /opt/nvidia/cudaq/ This will extract the built assets and move them to the correct locations. The `` script in `/opt/nvidia/cudaq` defines the necessary environment variables to use CUDA-Q. To avoid having to set them manually every time a new shell is opened, we highly recommend adding the following lines to the `/etc/profile` file: .. code-block:: bash if [ -f /opt/nvidia/cudaq/ ]; . /opt/nvidia/cudaq/ fi .. note:: CUDA-Q as built following the instructions above includes and uses the LLVM C++ standard library. This will not interfere with any other C++ standard library you may have on your system. Pre-built external libraries, you may want to use with CUDA-Q, such as specific optimizers for example, have a C API to ensure compatibility across different versions of the C++ standard library and will work with CUDA-Q without issues. The same is true for all distributed CUDA libraries. To build you own CUDA libraries that can be used with CUDA-Q, please take a look at :doc:`../integration/cuda_gpu`. The remaining sections in this document list additional runtime dependencies that are not included in the migrated assets and are needed to use some of the CUDA-Q features and components. CUDA Runtime Libraries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To use GPU-acceleration in CUDA-Q you will need to install the necessary CUDA runtime libraries. Their version (at least the version major) needs to match the version used for the build. While not necessary, we recommend installing the complete CUDA toolkit like you did for the CUDA-Q build. If you prefer to only install the minimal set of runtime libraries, the following commands, for example, install the necessary packages for the AlmaLinux 8 environment: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../scripts/ :language: bash :dedent: :start-after: [>CUDARTInstall] :end-before: [OpenMPIBuild] :end-before: [`__ or `RSH `__ to communicate with each node unless another resource manager, such as `SLURM `__, is used. Different MPI implementations are supported via a plugin infrastructure in CUDA-Q. Once you have a CUDA-aware MPI installation on your host system, you can configure CUDA-Q to use it by activating the necessary plugin. Plugins for OpenMPI and MPICH are included in CUDA-Q and can be activated by setting the environment variable `MPI_PATH` to the MPI installation folder and then running the command .. code-block:: bash bash "${CUDA_QUANTUM_PATH}/distributed_interfaces/" .. note:: To activate the MPI plugin for the Python support, replace `${CUDA_QUANTUM_PATH}` with the path that is listed under "Location" when you run the command `pip show cuda-quantum`. If you use a different MPI implementation than OpenMPI or MPICH, you will need to implement the necessary plugin interface yourself prior to activating the plugin with the command above. .. TODO: For more information about building and activating a custom MPI plugin, see ...