Installation Guide ================== Installation Methods -------------------- CUDA-QX provides multiple installation methods to suit your needs: pip install ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The simplest way to install CUDA-QX is via pip. You can install individual components: .. code-block:: bash # Install QEC library pip install cudaq-qec # Install Solvers library pip install cudaq-solvers # Install both libraries pip install cudaq-qec cudaq-solvers .. note:: CUDA-Q Solvers will require the presence of :code:`libgfortran`, which is not distributed with the Python wheel, for provided classical optimizers. If :code:`libgfortran` is not installed, you will need to install it via your distribution's package manager. On Debian based systems, you can install this with :code:`apt-get install gfortran`. Docker Container ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CUDA-QX is available as a Docker container with all dependencies pre-installed: 1. Pull the container: .. code-block:: bash docker pull 2. Run the container: .. code-block:: bash docker run --gpus all -it The container includes: * CUDA-Q compiler and runtime * CUDA-QX libraries (QEC and Solvers) * All required dependencies * Example notebooks and tutorials Building from Source ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before building CUDA-QX from source, ensure your system meets the following requirements: * **CUDA-Q**: The NVIDIA quantum-classical programming model * **CMake**: Version 3.28 or higher (``pip install cmake>=3.28``) * **GCC**: Version 11 or higher * **Python**: Version 3.10, 3.11, or 3.12 * **NVIDIA GPU**: CUDA-capable GPU with compute capability 12.0 or higher * **Git**: For cloning the repository Build Instructions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Clone the repository: .. code-block:: bash git clone cd cudaqx 2. Create and enter build directory: .. code-block:: bash mkdir build && cd build 3. Configure with CMake: .. code-block:: bash cmake .. -G Ninja \ -DCUDAQX_ENABLE_LIBS="all" \ -DCUDAQX_INCLUDE_TESTS=ON \ -DCUDAQX_BINDINGS_PYTHON=ON \ -DCUDAQ_DIR=$HOME/.cudaq/lib/cmake/cudaq \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-Wno-attributes" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/.cudaqx 4. Build and install: .. code-block:: bash ninja install CMake Build Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``CUDAQX_ENABLE_LIBS``: Specify which libraries to build (``all``, ``qec``, ``solvers``) * ``CUDAQX_INCLUDE_TESTS``: Enable building of tests * ``CUDAQX_BINDINGS_PYTHON``: Enable Python bindings * ``CUDAQ_DIR``: Path to CUDA-Q installation * ``CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX``: Installation directory Verifying Installation ----------------------- To verify your installation, run the following Python code: .. code-block:: python import cudaq_qec as qec import cudaq_solvers as solvers Troubleshooting (Common Issues) -------------------------------- 1. **CMake configuration fails**: * Ensure CUDA-Q is properly installed * Verify CMake version (``cmake --version``) * Check GCC version (``gcc --version``) 2. **CUDA device not found**: * Verify NVIDIA driver installation * Check CUDA toolkit installation * Ensure GPU compute capability is supported 3. **Python bindings not found**: * Confirm ``CUDAQX_BINDINGS_PYTHON=ON`` during build * Check Python environment activation * Verify installation path is in ``PYTHONPATH`` For additional support, please visit our `GitHub Issues `_ page.