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cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ > Class Template Reference

Partial specialization for row-major shared memory.

#include <fragment_iterator_simt.h>

Public Types

using WarpShape = WarpShape_
using Operator = Operator_
using Layout = layout::RowMajor
using Policy = SimtPolicy< WarpShape, Operator, Layout, MmaSimtPolicy_ >
 Policy for warp-level epilogue components. More...
using Fragment = Array< typename Operator::ElementC, Policy::kElementsPerIteration >
 This is the fragment size produced by one access of the iterator. More...
using AccumulatorTile = Array< typename Operator::ElementC, Policy::kAccumulatorElementCount >
 This is the complete warp-level accumulator tile. More...
using OutputAccumulatorTile = AccumulatorTile

Public Member Functions

CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE FragmentIteratorSimt (AccumulatorTile const &accum)
 Constructs an iterator. More...
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE FragmentIteratorSimtoperator++ ()
 Increments. More...
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE FragmentIteratorSimtoperator-- ()
 Decrements. More...
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE void load (Fragment &frag, int index_offset=0) const
 Loads a fragment from the referenced part of the accumulator tile. More...

Static Public Attributes

static int const kIterations = Policy::kIterations
 Number of times this iterator can be incremented. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::AccumulatorTile = Array< typename Operator::ElementC, Policy::kAccumulatorElementCount>
template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::Fragment = Array< typename Operator::ElementC, Policy::kElementsPerIteration>
template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::Layout = layout::RowMajor
template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::Operator = Operator_
template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::OutputAccumulatorTile = AccumulatorTile
template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::Policy = SimtPolicy<WarpShape, Operator, Layout, MmaSimtPolicy_>
template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
using cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::WarpShape = WarpShape_

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::FragmentIteratorSimt ( AccumulatorTile const &  accum)

Member Function Documentation

template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE void cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::load ( Fragment frag,
int  index_offset = 0 
) const
template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE FragmentIteratorSimt& cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::operator++ ( )
template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
CUTLASS_HOST_DEVICE FragmentIteratorSimt& cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::operator-- ( )

Member Data Documentation

template<typename WarpShape_ , typename Operator_ , typename MmaSimtPolicy_ >
int const cutlass::epilogue::warp::FragmentIteratorSimt< WarpShape_, Operator_, layout::RowMajor, MmaSimtPolicy_ >::kIterations = Policy::kIterations

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