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Source code for earth2studio.statistics.moments

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import torch

from earth2studio.statistics.utils import _broadcast_weights
from earth2studio.utils.coords import handshake_dim
from earth2studio.utils.type import CoordSystem

[docs] class mean: """ Statistic for calculating the sample mean over a set of given dimensions. Parameters ---------- reduction_dimensions: List[str] A list of names corresponding to dimensions to perform the statistical reduction over. Example: ['lat', 'lon'] weights: torch.Tensor, optional A tensor containing weights to assign to the reduction dimensions. Note that these weights must have the same number of dimensions as passed in reduction_dimensions. Example: if reduction_dimensions = ['lat', 'lon'] then assert weights.ndim == 2. By default None. batch_update: bool, optional Whether to applying batch updates to the mean with each invocation of __call__. This is particularly useful when data is recieved in a stream of batches. Each invocation of __call__ will return the running mean. By default False. """ def __init__( self, reduction_dimensions: list[str], weights: torch.Tensor = None, batch_update: bool = False, ): if weights is not None: if weights.ndim != len(reduction_dimensions): raise ValueError( "Error! Weights must be the same dimension as reduction_dimensions" ) self._reduction_dimensions = reduction_dimensions self.weights = weights self.batch_update = batch_update if self.batch_update: self.n = 0 def __str__(self) -> str: return "_".join(self._reduction_dimensions + ["mean"]) @property def reduction_dimensions(self) -> list[str]: return self._reduction_dimensions def output_coords(self, input_coords: CoordSystem) -> CoordSystem: """Output coordinate system of the computed statistic, corresponding to the given input coordinates Parameters ---------- input_coords : CoordSystem Input coordinate system to transform into output_coords Returns ------- CoordSystem Coordinate system dictionary """ output_coords = input_coords.copy() for dimension in self.reduction_dimensions: handshake_dim(input_coords, dimension) output_coords.pop(dimension) return output_coords
[docs] def __call__( self, x: torch.Tensor, coords: CoordSystem ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, CoordSystem]: """ Apply the mean operation over the tensor x. If batch_update was passed True upon metric initialization then this method returns the running sample mean over all seen batches. Parameters ---------- x: torch.Tensor Input data to compute sample mean. coords: CoordSystem Coordinates referring to the input data, x. """ if not all([rd in coords for rd in self._reduction_dimensions]): raise ValueError( "Initialized reduction_dimensions do not appear in passed coords." ) dims = [list(coords).index(rd) for rd in self._reduction_dimensions] output_coords = CoordSystem( { key: coords[key] for key in coords if key not in self._reduction_dimensions } ) weights = _broadcast_weights( self.weights, self._reduction_dimensions, coords ).to(x.device) weights_sum = torch.sum(weights) # If not applying batch updating then return regular mean. if not self.batch_update: return torch.sum(weights * x, dim=dims) / weights_sum, output_coords # If batch updating then calculate updated mean else: if self.n == 0: self.sum = torch.sum(weights * x, dim=dims) else: self.sum += torch.sum(weights * x, dim=dims) self.n += weights_sum return self.sum / self.n, output_coords
[docs] class variance: """ Statistic for calculating the sample variance over a set of given dimensions. Parameters ---------- reduction_dimensions: List[str] A list of names corresponding to dimensions to perform the statistical reduction over. Example: ['lat', 'lon'] weights: torch.Tensor, optional A tensor containing weights to assign to the reduction dimensions. Note that these weights must have the same number of dimensions as passed in reduction_dimensions. Example: if reduction_dimensions = ['lat', 'lon'] then assert weights.ndim == 2. By default None. batch_update: bool, optional Whether to applying batch updates to the variance with each invocation of __call__. This is particularly useful when data is recieved in a stream of batches. Each invocation of __call__ will return the running variance. By default False. """ def __init__( self, reduction_dimensions: list[str], weights: torch.Tensor = None, batch_update: bool = False, ): if weights is not None: if weights.ndim != len(reduction_dimensions): raise ValueError( "Error! Weights must be the same dimension as reduction_dimensions" ) self._reduction_dimensions = reduction_dimensions self.weights = weights self.batch_update = batch_update if self.batch_update: self.n = 0 def __str__(self) -> str: return "_".join(self._reduction_dimensions + ["variance"]) def output_coords(self, input_coords: CoordSystem) -> CoordSystem: """Output coordinate system of the computed statistic, corresponding to the given input coordinates Parameters ---------- input_coords : CoordSystem Input coordinate system to transform into output_coords Returns ------- CoordSystem Coordinate system dictionary """ output_coords = input_coords.copy() for dimension in self.reduction_dimensions: handshake_dim(input_coords, dimension) output_coords.pop(dimension) return output_coords @property def reduction_dimensions(self) -> list[str]: return self._reduction_dimensions
[docs] def __call__( self, x: torch.Tensor, coords: CoordSystem ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, CoordSystem]: """ Apply the sample variance operation over the tensor x. If batch_update was passed True upon metric initialization then this method returns the running sample variance over all seen batches. Parameters ---------- x: torch.Tensor Input data to compute sample variance. coords: CoordSystem Coordinates referring to the input data, x. """ if not all([rd in coords for rd in self._reduction_dimensions]): raise ValueError( "Initialized reduction_dimensions do not appear in passed coords." ) dims = [list(coords).index(rd) for rd in self._reduction_dimensions] output_coords = CoordSystem( { key: coords[key] for key in coords if key not in self._reduction_dimensions } ) weights = _broadcast_weights( self.weights, self._reduction_dimensions, coords ).to(x.device) weights_sum = torch.sum(weights) # If not applying batch updating then return regular variance. if not self.batch_update: m = torch.sum(weights * x, dim=dims, keepdims=True) / weights_sum div = weights_sum - torch.sum(weights**2) / weights_sum return torch.sum(weights * (x - m) ** 2, dim=dims) / div, output_coords # If batch updating then calculate updated mean else: temp_n = weights_sum temp_sum = torch.sum(weights * x, dim=dims) temp_sum2 = torch.sum(weights * (x - temp_sum / temp_n) ** 2, dim=dims) # First batch then no correction if self.n == 0: self.n = temp_n self.sum = temp_sum self.sum2 = temp_sum2 # Second-order correction with each batch else: delta = self.sum * temp_n / self.n - temp_sum self.sum += temp_sum self.sum2 += ( temp_sum2 + self.n / temp_n / (self.n + temp_n) * delta**2 ) self.n += temp_n return ( self.sum2 / torch.maximum(self.n - 1.0, torch.tensor(1.0)), output_coords, )
[docs] class std: """ Statistic for calculating the sample standard deviation over a set of given dimensions. Parameters ---------- reduction_dimensions: List[str] A list of names corresponding to dimensions to perform the statistical reduction over. Example: ['lat', 'lon'] weights: torch.Tensor, optional A tensor containing weights to assign to the reduction dimensions. Note that these weights must have the same number of dimensions as passed in reduction_dimensions. Example: if reduction_dimensions = ['lat', 'lon'] then assert weights.ndim == 2. By default None. batch_update: bool, optional Whether to applying batch updates to the standard deviation with each invocation of __call__. This is particularly useful when data is recieved in a stream of batches. Each invocation of __call__ will return the running standard deviation. By default False. """ def __init__( self, reduction_dimensions: list[str], weights: torch.Tensor = None, batch_update: bool = False, ): self.var = variance( reduction_dimensions, weights=weights, batch_update=batch_update ) self._reduction_dimensions = reduction_dimensions self.weights = weights def __str__(self) -> str: return "_".join(self._reduction_dimensions + ["std"]) @property def reduction_dimensions(self) -> list[str]: return self._reduction_dimensions def output_coords(self, input_coords: CoordSystem) -> CoordSystem: """Output coordinate system of the computed statistic, corresponding to the given input coordinates Parameters ---------- input_coords : CoordSystem Input coordinate system to transform into output_coords Returns ------- CoordSystem Coordinate system dictionary """ output_coords = input_coords.copy() for dimension in self.reduction_dimensions: handshake_dim(input_coords, dimension) output_coords.pop(dimension) return output_coords
[docs] def __call__( self, x: torch.Tensor, coords: CoordSystem ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, CoordSystem]: """ Apply the sample standard deviation operation over the tensor x. If batch_update was passed True upon metric initialization then this method returns the running sample standard deviation over all seen batches. Parameters ---------- x: torch.Tensor Input data to compute sample standard deviation. coords: CoordSystem Coordinates referring to the input data, x. """ var, output_coords = self.var(x, coords) return torch.sqrt(var), output_coords