Source code for multistorageclient.providers.manifest_metadata
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations # Enables forward references in type hints
import io
import json
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple
from ..types import MetadataProvider, ObjectMetadata, StorageProvider
from ..utils import glob
DEFAULT_MANIFEST_BASE_DIR = ".msc_manifests"
MANIFEST_INDEX_FILENAME = "msc_manifest_index.json"
MANIFEST_PART_PREFIX = "msc_manifest_part"
MANIFEST_PART_SUFFIX = ".jsonl" # Suffix for the manifest part files
SEQUENCE_PADDING = 6 # Define padding for the sequence number (e.g., 6 for "000001")
class ManifestPartReference:
A data class representing a reference to dataset manifest part.
path (str): The path of the manifest part relative to the main manifest.
path: str
def from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> ManifestPartReference:
Creates a ManifestPartReference instance from a dictionary.
# Validate that the required 'path' field is present
if "path" not in data:
raise ValueError("Missing required field: 'path'")
return ManifestPartReference(path=data["path"])
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
Converts ManifestPartReference instance to a dictionary.
return {
"path": self.path,
class Manifest:
A data class representing a dataset manifest.
:version (str): Defines the version of the manifest schema.
:parts (List[ManifestPartReference]): References to manifest parts.
version: str
parts: List[ManifestPartReference]
def from_dict(data: dict) -> "Manifest":
Creates a Manifest instance from a dictionary (parsed from JSON).
# Perform any necessary validation here
version = data["version"]
parts = [ManifestPartReference.from_dict(part) for part in data["parts"]]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError("Invalid manifest data: Missing required field") from e
return Manifest(version=version, parts=parts)
def to_json(self) -> str:
# Convert dataclass to dict and parts to JSON-compatible format
data = asdict(self)
data["parts"] = [part.to_dict() for part in]
return json.dumps(data)
[docs]class ManifestMetadataProvider(MetadataProvider):
_storage_provider: StorageProvider
_files: Dict[str, ObjectMetadata]
_pending_adds: Dict[str, ObjectMetadata]
_pending_removes: list[str]
_manifest_path: str
_writable: bool
def __init__(self, storage_provider: StorageProvider, manifest_path: str, writable: bool = False) -> None:
Creates a :py:class:`ManifestMetadataProvider`.
:param storage_provider: Storage provider.
:param manifest_path: Main manifest file path.
:param writable: If true, allows modifications and new manifests to be written.
self._storage_provider = storage_provider
self._files = {}
self._pending_adds = {}
self._pending_removes = []
self._manifest_path = manifest_path
self._writable = writable
self._load_manifest(storage_provider, self._manifest_path)
def _load_manifest(self, storage_provider: StorageProvider, manifest_path: str) -> None:
Loads manifest.
:param storage_provider: Storage provider.
:param manifest_path: Main manifest file path
def helper_find_manifest_file(manifest_path: str) -> str:
if storage_provider.is_file(manifest_path):
return manifest_path
if storage_provider.is_file(os.path.join(manifest_path, MANIFEST_INDEX_FILENAME)):
return os.path.join(manifest_path, MANIFEST_INDEX_FILENAME)
# Now go looking and select newest manifest.
if DEFAULT_MANIFEST_BASE_DIR not in manifest_path.split("/"):
manifest_path = os.path.join(manifest_path, DEFAULT_MANIFEST_BASE_DIR)
candidates = storage_provider.glob(os.path.join(manifest_path, "*", MANIFEST_INDEX_FILENAME))
candidates = sorted(candidates)
return candidates[-1] if candidates else ""
manifest_path = helper_find_manifest_file(manifest_path)
if not manifest_path:
file_content = storage_provider.get_object(manifest_path)
prefix = os.path.dirname(manifest_path)
_, file_extension = os.path.splitext(manifest_path)
self._load_manifest_file(storage_provider, file_content, prefix, file_extension[1:])
def _load_manifest_file(
self, storage_provider: StorageProvider, file_content: bytes, manifest_base: str, file_type: str
) -> None:
Loads a manifest.
:param storage_provider: Storage provider.
:param file_content: Manifest file content bytes.
:param manifest_base: Manifest file base path.
:param file_type: Manifest file type.
if file_type == "json":
manifest_dict = json.loads(file_content.decode("utf-8"))
manifest = Manifest.from_dict(manifest_dict)
# Check manifest version. Not needed once we make the manifest model use sum types/discriminated unions.
if manifest.version != "1":
raise ValueError(f"Manifest version {manifest.version} is not supported.")
# Load manifest parts.
for manifest_part_reference in
object_metadata: List[ObjectMetadata] = self._load_manifest_part_file(
for object_metadatum in object_metadata:
self._files[object_metadatum.key] = object_metadatum
raise NotImplementedError(f"Manifest file type {file_type} is not supported.")
def _load_manifest_part_file(
self, storage_provider: StorageProvider, manifest_base: str, manifest_part_reference: ManifestPartReference
) -> List[ObjectMetadata]:
Loads a manifest part.
:param storage_provider: Storage provider.
:param manifest_base: Manifest file base path. Prepend to manifest part reference paths.
:param manifest_part_reference: Manifest part reference.
object_metadata = []
if not os.path.isabs(manifest_part_reference.path):
remote_path = os.path.join(manifest_base, manifest_part_reference.path)
remote_path = manifest_part_reference.path
manifest_part_file_content = storage_provider.get_object(remote_path)
# The manifest part is a JSON lines file. Each line is a JSON-serialized ObjectMetadata.
for line in io.TextIOWrapper(io.BytesIO(manifest_part_file_content), encoding="utf-8"):
object_metadatum_dict = json.loads(line)
object_metadatum_dict["content_length"] = object_metadatum_dict.pop("size_bytes")
object_metadatum = ObjectMetadata.from_dict(object_metadatum_dict)
return object_metadata
def _write_manifest_files(self, storage_provider: StorageProvider, object_metadata: List[ObjectMetadata]) -> None:
Writes the main manifest and its part files.
storage_provider (StorageProvider): The storage provider to use for writing.
object_metadata (List[ObjectMetadata]): objects to include in manifest.
def helper_write_file_to_storage(storage_provider: StorageProvider, path: str, content: str) -> None:
# Convert content to bytes and write it to the storage provider
storage_provider.put_object(path, content.encode("utf-8"))
base_path = self._manifest_path
manifest_base_path = base_path
base_path_parts = base_path.split(os.sep)
if DEFAULT_MANIFEST_BASE_DIR in base_path_parts:
manifests_index = base_path_parts.index(DEFAULT_MANIFEST_BASE_DIR)
if manifests_index > 0:
manifest_base_path = os.path.join(*base_path_parts[:manifests_index])
manifest_base_path = ""
if base_path.startswith(os.sep):
manifest_base_path = os.sep + manifest_base_path
current_time =
current_time_str = current_time.isoformat(timespec="seconds")
manifest_folderpath = os.path.join(manifest_base_path, DEFAULT_MANIFEST_BASE_DIR, current_time_str)
# We currently write only one part by default
part_sequence_number = 1
manifest_part_file_path = os.path.join(
manifest = Manifest(version="1", parts=[ManifestPartReference(path=manifest_part_file_path)])
# Write single manifest part with metadata as JSON lines (each object on a new line)
manifest_part_content = "\n".join(
json.dumps({**metadata_dict, "size_bytes": metadata_dict.pop("content_length")})
for metadata in object_metadata
for metadata_dict in [metadata.to_dict()]
os.path.join(manifest_folderpath, manifest_part_file_path), manifest_part_content.encode("utf-8")
# Write the main manifest file
manifest_file_path = os.path.join(manifest_folderpath, MANIFEST_INDEX_FILENAME)
manifest_content = manifest.to_json()
storage_provider.put_object(manifest_file_path, manifest_content.encode("utf-8"))
[docs] def list_objects(
self, prefix: str, start_after: Optional[str] = None, end_at: Optional[str] = None
) -> Iterator[ObjectMetadata]:
if (start_after is not None) and (end_at is not None) and not (start_after < end_at):
raise ValueError(f"start_after ({start_after}) must be before end_at ({end_at})!")
# Note that this is a generator, not a tuple (there's no tuple comprehension).
keys = (
for key in self._files
if key.startswith(prefix)
and (start_after is None or start_after < key)
and (end_at is None or key <= end_at)
# Dictionaries don't guarantee lexicographical order.
for key in sorted(keys):
yield ObjectMetadata(key=key, content_length=0,
[docs] def get_object_metadata(self, path: str) -> ObjectMetadata:
metadata = self._files.get(path, None)
if metadata is None:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Object {path} does not exist.")
return metadata
[docs] def glob(self, pattern: str) -> List[str]:
all_objects = [object.key for object in self.list_objects("")]
return [key for key in glob(all_objects, pattern)]
[docs] def realpath(self, path: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]:
exists = path in self._files
return path, exists
[docs] def add_file(self, path: str, metadata: ObjectMetadata) -> None:
if not self.is_writable():
raise RuntimeError(f"Manifest update support not enabled in configuration. Attempted to add {path}.")
self._pending_adds[path] = metadata
[docs] def remove_file(self, path: str) -> None:
if not self.is_writable():
raise RuntimeError(f"Manifest update support not enabled in configuration. Attempted to remove {path}.")
if path not in self._files:
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Object {path} does not exist.")
[docs] def commit_updates(self) -> None:
if not self._pending_adds and not self._pending_removes:
if self._pending_adds:
self._pending_adds = {}
for path in self._pending_removes:
# Collect metadata for each object to write out in this part file.
object_metadata = [
ObjectMetadata(key=file_path, content_length=metadata.content_length, last_modified=metadata.last_modified)
for file_path, metadata in self._files.items()
self._write_manifest_files(self._storage_provider, object_metadata)