# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import argparse
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import logging
import signal
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields
from typing import Optional
import yaml
class FaultToleranceConfig:
Configuration of fault tolerance
- `workload_check_interval` [float] periodic rank check interval (in seconds) in rank monitors.
- `initial_rank_heartbeat_timeout` [float] timeout (in seconds) for the first heartbeat from a rank.
Usually, it takes a bit longer for the first heartbeat to be sent, as the rank needs to initialize.
If rank does not send the first heartbeat within `initial_rank_heartbeat_timeout`, failure is detected.
If None this timeout needs to be deduced and set during runtime, based on the observed heartbeat intervals.
- `rank_heartbeat_timeout` [float] timeout (in seconds) for subsequent heartbeats from a rank.
If no rank heartbeat is received within `rank_heartbeat_timeout`, failure is detected.
If None this timeout needs to be deduced and set during runtime, based on the observed heartbeat intervals.
- `safety_factor` [float] when deducing the timeouts, observed heartbeat intervals are multiplied by this factor to obtain the timeouts.
- `rank_termination_signal` signal used to terminate the rank when failure is detected.
- `log_level` log level of fault tolerance components
workload_check_interval: float = 5.0
initial_rank_heartbeat_timeout: Optional[float] = 60.0 * 60.0
rank_heartbeat_timeout: Optional[float] = 45.0 * 60.0
safety_factor: float = 5.0
rank_termination_signal: signal.Signals = signal.SIGKILL
log_level: int = logging.INFO
def from_kwargs(ignore_not_recognized: bool = True, **kwargs) -> 'FaultToleranceConfig':
Create a FaultToleranceConfig object from keyword arguments.
ignore_not_recognized (bool, optional): Whether to ignore unrecognized arguments. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments representing the fields of the FaultToleranceConfig object.
FaultToleranceConfig: The created FaultToleranceConfig object.
ValueError: If there are unrecognized arguments and ignore_not_recognized is False.
fields_set = {f.name for f in fields(FaultToleranceConfig) if f.init}
matching_args = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in fields_set}
extra_args = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in fields_set}
if extra_args and not ignore_not_recognized:
raise ValueError(f"Not recognized args: {extra_args}")
return FaultToleranceConfig(**matching_args)
def from_yaml_file(cfg_path: str, ignore_not_recognized: bool = True) -> 'FaultToleranceConfig':
Load the fault tolerance configuration from a YAML file.
YAML file should contain `fault_tolerance` section.
`fault_tolerance` section can be at the top level or nested in any other section.
cfg_path (str): The path to the YAML configuration file.
ignore_not_recognized (bool, optional): Whether to ignore unrecognized configuration options.
Defaults to True.
FaultToleranceConfig: The fault tolerance configuration object.
ValueError: If the 'fault_tolerance' section is not found in the config file.
with open(cfg_path, 'r') as file:
yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(file)
ft_cfg = FaultToleranceConfig._find_fault_tol_section(yaml_data)
if ft_cfg:
return FaultToleranceConfig.from_kwargs(
**ft_cfg, ignore_not_recognized=ignore_not_recognized
raise ValueError(f"'fault_tolerance' section not found in config file {cfg_path}")
def from_args(
args: argparse.Namespace,
cfg_file_arg: str = None,
ft_args_prefix: str = '',
Init FT config object from parsed CLI args.
Implements the following logic:
- Use default FT config as a base.
- If there is a config file argument defined, first try to read the FT config from the file.
- Update the FT config with FT args provided via CLI.
- If can't read from file and there are no related args in CLI, raise an exception.
args (argparse.Namespace): Parsed arguments
cfg_file_arg (str, optional): Name of the argument that contains the FT config YAML file. Defaults to None - do not try to read from file.
ft_args_prefix (str, optional): Prefix of the FT related args. Defaults to empty str - assume no prefix.
ft_cfg = FaultToleranceConfig()
is_read_from_file = False
if cfg_file_arg:
cfg_path = getattr(args, cfg_file_arg)
if cfg_path is not None:
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
ft_cfg = FaultToleranceConfig.from_yaml_file(cfg_path)
is_read_from_file = True
# extract FT args specified via CLI, remove the common FT args prefix
# so we should get FaultToleranceConfig field name -> value mapping
provided_ft_args = {
k.removeprefix(ft_args_prefix): v
for k, v in vars(args).items()
if k.startswith(ft_args_prefix) and v is not None
for arg_name, arg_val in provided_ft_args.items():
assert hasattr(
ft_cfg, arg_name
), f"Invalid FT parameter specified via CLI: {ft_args_prefix}{arg_name}."
setattr(ft_cfg, arg_name, arg_val)
if not (is_read_from_file or provided_ft_args):
raise ValueError("No fault tolerance configuration provided.")
return ft_cfg
def to_yaml_file(self, cfg_path: str) -> None:
Convert the configuration object to a YAML file and save it to the specified path.
cfg_path (str): The path to save the YAML file.
# first, ensure that `rank_termination_signal` and `log_level` have their native types
# this might not be the case, if the object was modified after creation
with open(cfg_path, 'w') as file:
ft_cfg_dict = dataclasses.asdict(self)
ft_cfg_dict['rank_termination_signal'] = self.rank_termination_signal.name
ft_cfg_dict['log_level'] = self.log_level
ft_cfg_dict = {'fault_tolerance': ft_cfg_dict}
yaml.dump(ft_cfg_dict, file)
def _find_fault_tol_section(yaml_data):
if isinstance(yaml_data, dict):
if "fault_tolerance" in yaml_data:
return yaml_data["fault_tolerance"]
for key, value in yaml_data.items():
sub_config = FaultToleranceConfig._find_fault_tol_section(value)
if sub_config:
return sub_config
elif isinstance(yaml_data, list):
for item in yaml_data:
sub_config = FaultToleranceConfig._find_fault_tol_section(item)
if sub_config:
return sub_config
return None
def _fix_rank_termination_signal_type(self):
if isinstance(self.rank_termination_signal, int):
self.rank_termination_signal = signal.Signals(self.rank_termination_signal)
elif isinstance(self.rank_termination_signal, str):
sig_str = self.rank_termination_signal.upper()
if getattr(signal, sig_str, None) is None:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid rank_termination_signal string: {self.rank_termination_signal}"
self.rank_termination_signal = signal.Signals[sig_str]
elif isinstance(self.rank_termination_signal, signal.Signals):
self.rank_termination_signal = self.rank_termination_signal
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid value for rank_termination_signal: {self.rank_termination_signal}"
def _fix_log_level_type(self):
if isinstance(self.log_level, int):
if not (logging.DEBUG <= self.log_level <= logging.CRITICAL):
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid log level value ({self.log_level}). Should be in [{logging.DEBUG} (DEBUG), {logging.FATAL} (CRITICAL)]"
elif isinstance(self.log_level, str):
log_level_str = self.log_level.upper()
if log_level_str in ['DEBUG', 'DBG']:
self.log_level = logging.DEBUG
elif log_level_str == 'INFO':
self.log_level = logging.INFO
elif log_level_str in ['WARNING', 'WARN']:
self.log_level = logging.WARNING
elif log_level_str == 'ERROR':
self.log_level = logging.ERROR
elif log_level_str == 'CRITICAL':
self.log_level = logging.CRITICAL
raise ValueError(f"Invalid log level string: {self.log_level}")
raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for rank_termination_signal: {self.log_level}")
def __post_init__(self):