Source code for nvidia_resiliency_ext.fault_tolerance.rank_monitor_client

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import dataclasses
import logging
import os
import socket
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional

from .data import AuthkeyMsg, HeartbeatMsg, InitMsg, OkMsg, RankInfo, UpdateConfigMsg
from .rank_monitor_server import RankMonitorServer
from .timeouts_calc import TimeoutsCalc
from .utils import read_obj_from_ipc_socket, write_object_to_ipc_socket

[docs] class RankMonitorClientError(Exception): pass
[docs] @dataclass class HeartbeatTimeouts: """ Contains hearbeat related timeouts used by FT. - `initial` is the timeout for the first heartbeat. - `subsequent` is the timeout for the subsequent heartbeats. Usually, the first heartbeat takes longer to be sent, hence there are 2 separate timeouts. - `were_calculated` indicates whether the timeouts were calculated from the observed heartbeat intervals or defined in the (YAML) config. """ initial: Optional[float] = None subsequent: Optional[float] = None were_calculated: Optional[bool] = None @property def are_valid(self) -> bool: return self.initial is not None and self.subsequent is not None def __str__(self) -> str: ini = f"{self.initial:.2f}" if self.initial is not None else "None" subs = f"{self.subsequent:.2f}" if self.subsequent is not None else "None" return f"HeartbeatTimeouts(initial={ini}, subsequent={subs}, were_calculated={self.were_calculated})"
[docs] class RankMonitorClient: """ `RankMonitorClient` is a client for `RankMonitorServer`. Its instances are created in each rank process. After creation, IPC connection can be established with `RankMonitorServer` using `.init_workload_monitoring`. The client should send heartbeats to the server, which monitor its health. Heartbeats are sent with `.send_heartbeat`. `RankMonitorServer` monitors time between heartbeats and can detect hangs. `RankMonitorClient` can estimate suitable timeouts for the heartbeats, that will be used instead of values provided in the FT config. If there are timeouts predefined in the FT config and timeouts calculated, the calculated timeouts always take precedence. Currently used timeouts can be read from `timeouts` field. New timeouts can be calculated and set with `.calculate_and_set_timeouts`. Stateful protocol (`.state_dict()` `.load_state_dict()`) is used to persist the state of the client, e.g. calculated timeouts. `RankMonitorClient` logger is used for logging. """ CURRENT_TIMEOUTS_STATE_KEY = "current_timeouts" def __init__(self): """ Basic initialization of RankMonitorClient instance. `.init_workload_monitoring()` and `.load_state_dict()` need to be called to fully initialize. Full FT configuration will be obtained from the server via IPC. """ self.rank_info = None self.rank_monitor_socket = None self.is_initialized = False self.timeouts_calc = None self.timeouts = None self.loaded_timeouts = None self.chkpt_manager = None self.iter_idx = 0 self.cfg = None self.logger = logging.getLogger("RankMonitorClient") def _ensure_is_ready(self): if not self.is_initialized: raise RankMonitorClientError("RankMonitorClient is not initialized") assert self.rank_monitor_socket is not None def _ensure_response_is_ok(self, sock): reply = read_obj_from_ipc_socket(sock) if not isinstance(reply, OkMsg): raise RankMonitorClientError(f"Unexpected reply: {reply}. Expected OkMsg") return reply def _set_calculated_timeouts(self, new_timeouts: HeartbeatTimeouts): """ Send calculated timeouts to the server. They have an effect immediately after the call. """ assert new_timeouts.are_valid and new_timeouts.were_calculated cfg_upd_msg = UpdateConfigMsg( new_initial_heartbeat_timeout=new_timeouts.initial, new_heartbeat_timeout=new_timeouts.subsequent, ) write_object_to_ipc_socket(cfg_upd_msg, self.rank_monitor_socket) self._ensure_response_is_ok(self.rank_monitor_socket) self.timeouts = new_timeouts @staticmethod def _merge_timeouts(new_value: float, old_value: float, alpha: float = 0.75) -> float: """Merge computed timeout values with EMA""" assert 0 < alpha <= 1, "Alpha must be in the range (0, 1]." assert old_value > 0 and new_value > 0, "Timeout values must be non-negative." return alpha * new_value + (1 - alpha) * old_value
[docs] def calculate_and_set_timeouts(self, skip_if_not_ready: bool = False) -> bool: """ Calculates and sets the timeouts used for hang detection. NOTE: this call synchronizes the calculated timeouts across all ranks. NOTE: if calculated timeout value is smaller that currently used, the new value is ignored. Args: skip_if_not_ready (bool, optional): If True, silently skips the calculation if there is not enough data collected. Otherwise error will be raised. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if the timeouts were calculated and set successfully. False is returned only if calculation was not possible and `skip_if_not_ready` was `True`. """ self._ensure_is_ready() self.timeouts_calc.synchronize_all() if self.timeouts_calc.can_get_timeouts(): to = self.timeouts_calc.get_timeouts() new_initial, new_subsequent = to.initial, to.subsequent if self.timeouts.are_valid and self.timeouts.were_calculated: new_initial = RankMonitorClient._merge_timeouts(new_initial, self.timeouts.initial) new_subsequent = RankMonitorClient._merge_timeouts( new_subsequent, self.timeouts.subsequent ) new_timeouts = HeartbeatTimeouts( initial=new_initial, subsequent=new_subsequent, were_calculated=True, ) self._set_calculated_timeouts(new_timeouts) return True else: if skip_if_not_ready: return False else: raise RankMonitorClientError("Not enough heartbeats to compute timeouts.")
def _send_heartbeat_impl(self, state) -> None: """ Implementation of heartbeat sending. Args: state (Mapping): The state information to be included in the heartbeat message. """ self._ensure_is_ready() try: hb_msg = HeartbeatMsg(self.rank_info.rank, state) write_object_to_ipc_socket(hb_msg, self.rank_monitor_socket) self._ensure_response_is_ok(self.rank_monitor_socket) self.timeouts_calc.update() except Exception as e: raise RankMonitorClientError( f"RankMonitorClient could not send the heartbeat. Exception: {e}" ) def _connect_to_rmon_server(self): assert self.rank_monitor_socket is None ipc_socket_path = RankMonitorServer.get_ipc_socket_path(self.rank_info.rank) self.rank_monitor_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.rank_monitor_socket.connect(ipc_socket_path) write_object_to_ipc_socket(AuthkeyMsg(), self.rank_monitor_socket) self._ensure_response_is_ok(self.rank_monitor_socket) init_msg = InitMsg() init_msg.rank_info = self.rank_info write_object_to_ipc_socket(init_msg, self.rank_monitor_socket) reply_for_init = read_obj_from_ipc_socket(self.rank_monitor_socket) if not isinstance(reply_for_init, OkMsg): raise RankMonitorClientError( f"Unexpected reply for init msg: {reply_for_init}. Expected OkMsg" ) # we receive current FT config from the server self.cfg = reply_for_init.cfg
[docs] def init_workload_monitoring( self, ) -> None: """ Initializes the fault tolerance and connects to the RankMonitorServer. """ if self.is_initialized: raise RankMonitorClientError("RankMonitorClient is already initialized") self.logger.debug(f"Initializing fault detection. Rank process PID={os.getpid()}") self.rank_info = RankInfo.get_for_current_rank() self._connect_to_rmon_server() self.timeouts_calc = TimeoutsCalc(safety_factor=self.cfg.safety_factor) if self.loaded_timeouts: # restore the timeouts that were calculated and set previously. # rank monitor server is only aware of the timeouts from the main config. # if timeouts were calculated by the client, we need to send it to the server. self._set_calculated_timeouts(self.loaded_timeouts) assert self.timeouts.are_valid and self.timeouts.were_calculated is True elif ( self.cfg.initial_rank_heartbeat_timeout is not None and self.cfg.rank_heartbeat_timeout is not None ): # will use predefined timeouts from the config self.timeouts = HeartbeatTimeouts( self.cfg.initial_rank_heartbeat_timeout, self.cfg.rank_heartbeat_timeout, False, ) assert self.timeouts.are_valid and self.timeouts.were_calculated is False else: self.timeouts = HeartbeatTimeouts() assert self.timeouts.are_valid is False self.is_initialized = True
[docs] def shutdown_workload_monitoring(self): """ Shutdown the workload monitoring and close the connection to the RankMonitorServer. """ if self.is_initialized: self.rank_monitor_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) self.rank_monitor_socket.close() self.rank_monitor_socket = None self.is_initialized = False
[docs] def send_heartbeat(self) -> None: """ Sends a empty (not containing a state) heartbeat message to the rank monitor server. """ self._send_heartbeat_impl(state=dict())
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """ Returns the state dictionary of this RankMonitorClient object. NOTE: this method returns the same values on all ranks, there are no rank-specific values in `RankMonitorClient` state. Returns: Mapping[str, Any]: The state dictionary containing the current state. """ state = {} if self.timeouts.are_valid and self.timeouts.were_calculated: # timeouts are sychronized across all ranks after calculation, # so `self.timeouts` is identical on all ranks. state[self.CURRENT_TIMEOUTS_STATE_KEY] = dataclasses.asdict(self.timeouts) return state
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: """ Loads the state of the RankMonitorClient from a dictionary. Can be called at any momemnt e.g. before `init_workload_monitoring` or after. Args: state: (Mapping[str, Any]): The state as returend from the `state_dict` method. """ if self.CURRENT_TIMEOUTS_STATE_KEY in state: self.loaded_timeouts = HeartbeatTimeouts(**state[self.CURRENT_TIMEOUTS_STATE_KEY]) if self.is_initialized: self._set_calculated_timeouts(self.loaded_timeouts)
# else, the timeouts will be set in `init_workload_monitoring`