# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import dataclasses
import math
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Tuple
import torch
from . import dist_utils
from .name_mapper import NameMapper
from .statistics import Statistic
_SummaryType = Mapping[Statistic, float] # type alias for kernel or section statistics
class StragglerId:
Straggler identity
rank: int
node: str
class Report:
There are 2 types of the performance scores provided in this report:
- Relative performance scores (0...1) that compare the performance of the current rank to the best performing rank.
- Individual performance scores (0...1) that compare the performance of the current rank to the rank's past performance.
Relative scores need inter-rank synchronization to be computed, while individual scores can be computed on each rank separately.
All performance scores can be interpreted as a ratio of: current performance/reference performance.
For example:
- If the relative performance score is 0.5, it means that the current rank is 2x slower than the best performing rank.
- If the individual performance score is 0.5, it means that the current rank is 2x slower than its best performance.
If `gather_on_rank0=True`: `*_perf_scores` fields contain results for all ranks (only on rank0, otherwise undefined).
If `gather_on_rank0=False`: `*_perf_scores` fields contain only current rank results.
Containers can be empty if there are no results.
* gpu_relative_perf_scores: Rank -> GPU relative performance score.
* section_relative_perf_scores: Section name -> (Rank -> Section relative performance score).
* gpu_individual_perf_scores: Rank -> GPU individual performance score.
* section_individual_perf_scores: Section name -> (Rank -> Section individual performance score).
* rank_to_node: Rank -> Node name, aux mapping useful for results reporting.
* local_section_summaries: Local (e.g. this rank) timing stats for each user defined section/context.
* local_kernel_summaries: Local (e.g. this rank) timing stats for each captured CUDA kernel.
* generate_report_elapsed_time: How long did it take to generate this report.
* gather_on_rank0 : Mode for results gather, if gather_on_rank0 = False,
* rank: Rank of the current report. None if not corresponding to any rank (i.e. gather_on_rank0=True).
gpu_relative_perf_scores: Mapping[int, float]
section_relative_perf_scores: Mapping[str, Mapping[int, float]]
gpu_individual_perf_scores: Mapping[int, float]
section_individual_perf_scores: Mapping[str, Mapping[int, float]]
rank_to_node: Mapping[int, str]
local_section_summaries: Mapping[str, Any]
local_kernel_summaries: Mapping[str, Any]
generate_report_elapsed_time: float
gather_on_rank0: bool
rank: Optional[int]
def identify_stragglers(
gpu_rel_threshold: float = 0.75,
section_rel_threshold: float = 0.75,
gpu_indiv_threshold: float = 0.75,
section_indiv_threshold: float = 0.75,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Identify the ranks with straggler GPUs based on performance
gpu_rel_threshold (float): The threshold for relative GPU performance scores to identify stragglers. Default is 0.75
section_rel_threshold (float): The threshold for relative sections performance scores. Default is 0.75
gpu_indiv_threshold (float): The threshold for individual GPU performance scores. Default is 0.75
section_indiv_threshold (float): The threshold for individual section performance scores. Default is 0.75
Dict with string keys:
- 'straggler_gpus_relative' (Set[StragglerId]): Stragglers with relative GPU performance scores below the threshold
- 'straggler_gpus_individual' (Set[StragglerId]): Stragglers with individual GPU performance scores below the threshold
- 'straggler_sections_relative' (Dict[str, Set[StragglerId]]): Sections with ranks having relative performance scores below the threshold
- 'straggler_sections_individual' (Dict[str, Set[StragglerId]]): Sections with ranks having individual performance scores below the threshold
stragglers: Dict[str, Any] = {
'straggler_gpus_relative': (
StragglerId(rank=r, node=self.rank_to_node[r])
for r, d in self.gpu_relative_perf_scores.items()
if d < gpu_rel_threshold
'straggler_gpus_individual': (
StragglerId(rank=r, node=self.rank_to_node[r])
for r, d in self.gpu_individual_perf_scores.items()
if d < gpu_indiv_threshold
'straggler_sections_relative': {},
'straggler_sections_individual': {},
if self.section_relative_perf_scores:
for (
) in self.section_relative_perf_scores.items():
if straggler_ranks := {
StragglerId(rank=r, node=self.rank_to_node[r])
for r, d in perf_scores.items()
if d < section_rel_threshold
stragglers['straggler_sections_relative'][section] = straggler_ranks
if self.section_individual_perf_scores:
for (
) in self.section_individual_perf_scores.items():
if straggler_ranks := {
StragglerId(rank=r, node=self.rank_to_node[r])
for r, d in perf_scores.items()
if d < section_indiv_threshold
stragglers['straggler_sections_individual'][section] = straggler_ranks
return stragglers
class ReportGenerator:
"""This class is responsible for generating the performance report, based
on the section and kernel summaries (section/kernel name -> stats).
It is guaranteed that `.generate_report` is called on all ranks,
so any required data synchronization can be done here.
def __init__(
) -> None:
scores_to_compute (list): List of scores to compute, e.g. ['relative_perf_scores', 'individual_perf_scores']
gather_on_rank0 (bool): If True, report on rank 0 includes results for all ranks, reports on other ranks are empty
If False, report on any rank contains just the results for that particular rank
pg: Process group for communication
node_name: User-friendly name of the current node, that will be used in reports
self.is_computing_rel_scores = 'relative_perf_scores' in scores_to_compute
self.is_computing_indiv_scores = 'individual_perf_scores' in scores_to_compute
self.gather_on_rank0 = gather_on_rank0
self.group = pg
self.world_size = dist_utils.get_world_size(self.group)
self.rank = dist_utils.get_rank(self.group)
self.node_name = node_name
# dicts of best median execution times, used for individual scores normalization
self.min_local_kernel_times: Dict[str, float] = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: float('inf')
self.min_local_section_times: Dict[str, float] = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: float('inf')
self.name_mapper = NameMapper(pg=pg)
self.rank_to_node: Dict[int, str] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: '<unk>')
def _compute_sections_perf_scores(
sections_summaries: Mapping[str, _SummaryType],
reference: Mapping[str, float],
) -> Mapping[str, float]:
"""Compute local rank performance scores (0...1) for each custom section."""
# Section scoring algorithm outline:
# for each section calculate ratio: reference median time / median time on this rank
# where "reference median time" can be:
# - min median time across all ranks (aka "workload min")
# - min median time observed on this rank (aka "rank historical min")
# I.e. if a rank median time for a section is 2x higher than median on the fastest rank,
# and the reference is "workload min", the rank will get a score 0.5
# I.e. if a rank median time for a section is 2x higher that the minimum ever observed
# on this rank, and the reference is "rank historical min", the rank will get a score 0.5
section_to_score = {}
for section, summary in sections_summaries.items():
score = reference[section] / summary[Statistic.MED]
section_to_score[section] = score
return section_to_score
def _compute_gpu_perf_score(
kernels_summaries: Mapping[str, _SummaryType],
reference: Mapping[str, float],
) -> float:
"""Compute local rank GPU performance score (0...1) based on the gathered
kernel summaries."""
# GPU scoring algorithm outline:
# for each kernel calculate ratio: reference median / median time on this rank
# reference median can be:
# - min of median times across all ranks (aka "workload min")
# - min median ever observed on this rank (aka "rank historical min")
# compute final result, as a weighted arithmetic average of all kernel scores,
# using total time spent in the kernel as a weight.
# Kernels thet were not executed on all ranks are skipped.
# (TODO can we allow for different ranks to capture different kernels?).
rank_score = float('nan')
if kernels_summaries:
weighted_scores_sum = 0.0
weights_sum = 0.0
num_common_kernels = 0
for kernel, summary in kernels_summaries.items():
ref = reference[kernel]
if math.isnan(ref):
continue # no reference for this kernel, some ranks have not executed it
num_common_kernels += 1
score = ref / summary[Statistic.MED]
weight = summary[Statistic.NUM] * summary[Statistic.AVG]
weighted_scores_sum += score * weight
weights_sum += weight
if num_common_kernels > 0:
rank_score = weighted_scores_sum / weights_sum
return rank_score
def _all_reduce_times(
kernel_summaries: Mapping[str, _SummaryType],
section_summaries: Mapping[str, _SummaryType],
) -> Tuple[Mapping[str, float], Mapping[str, float]]:
"""Get minimum (across all ranks) median times for kernels and sections
kernel_summaries: local kernel summaries
section_summaries: local section summaries
Tuple of dicts: kernel name -> min median time, section name -> min median time
# Pack local median times into a tensor, then all-reduce it
num_kernels = self.name_mapper.kernel_counter
num_sections = self.name_mapper.section_counter
total_len = num_kernels + num_sections
times_tensor = torch.full((total_len,), -1.0, device='cpu')
for k in kernel_summaries:
idx = self.name_mapper.get_kernel_id(k)
times_tensor[idx] = kernel_summaries[k][Statistic.MED]
for s in section_summaries:
idx = num_kernels + self.name_mapper.get_section_id(s)
times_tensor[idx] = section_summaries[s][Statistic.MED]
times_tensor = times_tensor.to(dist_utils.get_device_for_backend(self.group))
dist_utils.all_reduce(times_tensor, op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.MIN, group=self.group)
# Unpack reduced tensor into dicts of name->score
# NOTE: -1 will be obtained if some rank(s) did not have stats for given kernel/section
# convert these to NaNs, to simplify further processing.
times_tensor = times_tensor.cpu()
min_kernel_times = {}
for kernel_id in range(num_kernels):
kernel_name = self.name_mapper.get_kernel_name(kernel_id)
val = times_tensor[kernel_id].item()
min_kernel_times[kernel_name] = val if val >= 0.0 else float('nan')
min_section_times = {}
for section_id in range(num_sections):
section_name = self.name_mapper.get_section_name(section_id)
val = times_tensor[num_kernels + section_id].item()
min_section_times[section_name] = val if val >= 0.0 else float('nan')
return min_kernel_times, min_section_times
def _update_local_min_times(
kernel_summaries: Mapping[str, _SummaryType],
section_summaries: Mapping[str, _SummaryType],
) -> None:
"""Update minimum median times observed on this rank
kernel_summaries: local kernel summaries
section_summaries: local section summaries
for kernel, summary in kernel_summaries.items():
new_val = min(self.min_local_kernel_times[kernel], summary[Statistic.MED])
self.min_local_kernel_times[kernel] = new_val
for section, summary in section_summaries.items():
new_val = min(self.min_local_section_times[section], summary[Statistic.MED])
self.min_local_section_times[section] = new_val
def _maybe_gather_rank_to_node(self) -> None:
"""Gather auxiliary rank to node mapping if not gathered yet"""
if not self.rank_to_node:
if self.gather_on_rank0:
gathered_rank_node = dist_utils.all_gather_object(
(self.rank, self.node_name), self.group
self.rank_to_node = dict(gathered_rank_node)
# if results are not gathered on rank0,
# just put the current rank and node into the mapping,
# in this case each rank deals only with its own results
self.rank_to_node[self.rank] = self.node_name
def _filter_out_nccl_kernels(self, kernel_summaries) -> Mapping[str, _SummaryType]:
# TODO: NCCL kernels are skipped due to huge differences in execution time between ranks observerd:
# E.g. `*ncclDevKernel_AllReduce_Sum*` MED=256us on a "fast" rank VS MED=3369us on a "slow" rank; need to:
# - Explain that behaviour
# - Decide on NCCL kernels: should we skip them all? or just a subset?
# - Is the kernel name reliable way to identify NCCL kernels?
return {k: v for k, v in kernel_summaries.items() if "ncclDev" not in k}
def _get_tensor_from_scores(
gpu_individual_score: float,
sections_individual_scores: Mapping[str, float],
gpu_relative_score: float,
sections_relative_scores: Mapping[str, float],
"""Pack local GPU and section scores into a flat/1D CPU tensor"""
sections_individual_scores = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: float('nan'), sections_individual_scores
sections_relative_scores = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: float('nan'), sections_relative_scores
num_sections = self.name_mapper.section_counter
num_scores_per_rank = 2 + 2 * num_sections
scores_tensor = torch.full((num_scores_per_rank,), float('nan'), device='cpu')
scores_tensor[0] = gpu_individual_score
scores_tensor[1] = gpu_relative_score
for section_id in range(num_sections):
section_name = self.name_mapper.get_section_name(section_id)
scores_tensor[2 + section_id] = sections_individual_scores[section_name]
scores_tensor[2 + num_sections + section_id] = sections_relative_scores[section_name]
return scores_tensor
def _get_scores_from_tensor(self, tensor) -> Tuple[float, Mapping, float, Mapping]:
"""Unpack flat/1D tensor obtained with `_get_tensor_from_scores`"""
gpu_individual_score = tensor[0].item()
gpu_relative_score = tensor[1].item()
num_sections = (len(tensor) - 2) // 2
assert num_sections == self.name_mapper.section_counter
sections_individual_scores = {}
sections_relative_scores = {}
for section_id in range(num_sections):
section_name = self.name_mapper.get_section_name(section_id)
sections_individual_scores[section_name] = tensor[2 + section_id].item()
sections_relative_scores[section_name] = tensor[2 + num_sections + section_id].item()
return (
def _gather_results_on_rank0(
gpu_individual_score: float,
sections_individual_scores: Mapping[str, float],
gpu_relative_score: float,
sections_relative_scores: Mapping[str, float],
) -> Tuple[Mapping, Mapping, Mapping, Mapping]:
"""Collect all perf scores on rank0 and return them in the expected output format"""
scores_tensor = self._get_tensor_from_scores(
gather_list = dist_utils.gather_on_rank0(scores_tensor, group=self.group)
res_gi: Dict[int, float] = {} # rank -> GPU individual score
res_gr: Dict[int, float] = {} # rank -> GPU relative score
res_si: Dict[str, Dict[int, float]] = collections.defaultdict(
) # section -> (rank->section individual score)
res_sr: Mapping[str, Dict[int, float]] = collections.defaultdict(
) # section -> (rank->section relative score)
if self.rank == 0:
# convert gathered per-rank scores into the final multi-rank dicts
for r in range(self.world_size):
gi, si, gr, sr = self._get_scores_from_tensor(gather_list[r])
if self.is_computing_indiv_scores:
res_gi[r] = gi
for s in si:
res_si[s].update({r: si[s]})
if self.is_computing_rel_scores:
res_gr[r] = gr
for s in sr:
res_sr[s].update({r: sr[s]})
return res_gi, dict(res_si), res_gr, dict(res_sr)
def generate_report(
section_summaries: Mapping[str, _SummaryType],
kernel_summaries: Mapping[str, _SummaryType],
"""Generate a performance report based on the given summaries.
All ranks need to call .generate_report, as there can be synchronization between ranks.
If `gather_on_rank0` is True:
- The report on rank 0 includes results for all ranks.
- On all other ranks the return value is None.
If `gather_on_rank0` is False:
- The report on any rank contains just the results for that particular rank.
section_summaries (dict): Timing stats collected for user-defined sections on the current rank.
kernel_summaries (dict): Timing stats collected for captured CUDA kernels on the current rank.
A `Report` object containing the performance scores and summaries,
or None if gather_on_rank0 is True and the current rank is not 0
report_start = time.perf_counter_ns()
# update rank and world size in case they are not set
self.world_size = dist_utils.get_world_size(self.group)
self.rank = dist_utils.get_rank(self.group)
kernel_summaries = self._filter_out_nccl_kernels(kernel_summaries)
self._maybe_gather_rank_to_node() # one time rank->node mapping synchronization
# prepare name mapper, so we can map kernel/section names to integer IDs if needed.
# name mapper is not used if there is no inter-rank synchronization e.g.
# with individual scores only + no gather_on_rank0. NOTE: inter-rank names synchronization
# is expected to happen just at the beginning, when there are new kernels/sections captured.
need_name_mapper = self.is_computing_rel_scores or self.gather_on_rank0
if need_name_mapper:
gpu_individual_score: float = float('nan')
sections_individual_scores: Mapping[str, float] = {}
if self.is_computing_indiv_scores:
self._update_local_min_times(kernel_summaries, section_summaries)
gpu_individual_score = self._compute_gpu_perf_score(
sections_individual_scores = self._compute_sections_perf_scores(
gpu_relative_score: float = float('nan')
sections_relative_scores: Mapping[str, float] = {}
if self.is_computing_rel_scores:
min_workload_kernel_times, min_workload_section_times = self._all_reduce_times(
kernel_summaries, section_summaries
gpu_relative_score = self._compute_gpu_perf_score(
sections_relative_scores = self._compute_sections_perf_scores(
# now we have scores for the local rank, need to format them for the report
res_gpu_indiv: Mapping[int, float] = {} # rank->GPU perf score
res_section_idiv: Mapping[str, Mapping[int, float]] = (
) # section->(rank->section perf score)
res_gpu_rel: Mapping[int, float] = {} # rank->GPU perf score
res_section_rel: Mapping[str, Mapping[int, float]] = (
) # section->(rank->section perf score)
if self.gather_on_rank0:
gathered_scores = self._gather_results_on_rank0(
if self.rank == 0:
) = gathered_scores
# convert local rank scores to rank->score format
# and local section scores from name->score to name->rank->score
# for consitency with the gather_on_rank0=True case.
if self.is_computing_indiv_scores:
res_gpu_indiv = {self.rank: gpu_individual_score}
res_section_idiv = {
k: {self.rank: v} for k, v in sections_individual_scores.items()
if self.is_computing_rel_scores:
res_gpu_rel = {self.rank: gpu_relative_score}
res_section_rel = {k: {self.rank: v} for k, v in sections_relative_scores.items()}
report_stop = time.perf_counter_ns()
report_elapsed = (report_stop - report_start) * 1e-6
report_params = {
'gpu_relative_perf_scores': res_gpu_rel,
'section_relative_perf_scores': res_section_rel,
'gpu_individual_perf_scores': res_gpu_indiv,
'section_individual_perf_scores': res_section_idiv,
'rank_to_node': dict(self.rank_to_node),
'local_section_summaries': section_summaries,
'local_kernel_summaries': kernel_summaries,
'generate_report_elapsed_time': report_elapsed,
'gather_on_rank0': self.gather_on_rank0,
'rank': self.rank,
report = Report(**report_params)
if self.gather_on_rank0:
return report if self.rank == 0 else None
# otherwise, report scores for each rank separately
return report