Interoperability ================ Warp can interoperate with other Python-based frameworks such as NumPy through standard interface protocols. Warp supports passing external arrays to kernels directly, as long as they implement the ``__array__``, ``__array_interface__``, or ``__cuda_array_interface__`` protocols. This works with many common frameworks like NumPy, CuPy, or PyTorch. For example, we can use NumPy arrays directly when launching Warp kernels on the CPU: .. code:: python import numpy as np import warp as wp @wp.kernel def saxpy(x: wp.array(dtype=float), y: wp.array(dtype=float), a: float): i = wp.tid() y[i] = a * x[i] + y[i] x = np.arange(n, dtype=np.float32) y = np.ones(n, dtype=np.float32) wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x, y, 1.0], device="cpu") Likewise, we can use CuPy arrays on a CUDA device: .. code:: python import cupy as cp with cp.cuda.Device(0): x = cp.arange(n, dtype=cp.float32) y = cp.ones(n, dtype=cp.float32) wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x, y, 1.0], device="cuda:0") Note that with CUDA arrays, it's important to ensure that the device on which the arrays reside is the same as the device on which the kernel is launched. PyTorch supports both CPU and GPU tensors and both kinds can be passed to Warp kernels on the appropriate device. .. code:: python import random import torch if random.choice([False, True]): device = "cpu" else: device = "cuda:0" x = torch.arange(n, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) y = torch.ones(n, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x, y, 1.0], device=device) NumPy ----- Warp arrays may be converted to a NumPy array through the ``warp.array.numpy()`` method. When the Warp array lives on the ``cpu`` device this will return a zero-copy view onto the underlying Warp allocation. If the array lives on a ``cuda`` device then it will first be copied back to a temporary buffer and copied to NumPy. Warp CPU arrays also implement the ``__array_interface__`` protocol and so can be used to construct NumPy arrays directly:: w = wp.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype=float, device="cpu") a = np.array(w) print(a) > [1. 2. 3.] Data type conversion utilities are also available for convenience: .. code:: python warp_type = wp.float32 ... numpy_type = wp.dtype_to_numpy(warp_type) ... a = wp.zeros(n, dtype=warp_type) b = np.zeros(n, dtype=numpy_type) To create Warp arrays from NumPy arrays, use :func:`warp.from_numpy` or pass the NumPy array as the ``data`` argument of the :class:`warp.array` constructor directly. .. autofunction:: warp.from_numpy .. autofunction:: warp.dtype_from_numpy .. autofunction:: warp.dtype_to_numpy .. _pytorch-interop: PyTorch ------- Warp provides helper functions to convert arrays to/from PyTorch:: w = wp.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype=float, device="cpu") # convert to Torch tensor t = wp.to_torch(w) # convert from Torch tensor w = wp.from_torch(t) These helper functions allow the conversion of Warp arrays to/from PyTorch tensors without copying the underlying data. At the same time, if available, gradient arrays and tensors are converted to/from PyTorch autograd tensors, allowing the use of Warp arrays in PyTorch autograd computations. .. autofunction:: warp.from_torch .. autofunction:: warp.to_torch .. autofunction:: warp.device_from_torch .. autofunction:: warp.device_to_torch .. autofunction:: warp.dtype_from_torch .. autofunction:: warp.dtype_to_torch To convert a PyTorch CUDA stream to a Warp CUDA stream and vice versa, Warp provides the following functions: .. autofunction:: warp.stream_from_torch .. autofunction:: warp.stream_to_torch Example: Optimization using ``warp.from_torch()`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An example usage of minimizing a loss function over an array of 2D points written in Warp via PyTorch's Adam optimizer using :func:`warp.from_torch` is as follows:: import warp as wp import torch @wp.kernel() def loss(xs: wp.array(dtype=float, ndim=2), l: wp.array(dtype=float)): tid = wp.tid() wp.atomic_add(l, 0, xs[tid, 0] ** 2.0 + xs[tid, 1] ** 2.0) # indicate requires_grad so that Warp can accumulate gradients in the grad buffers xs = torch.randn(100, 2, requires_grad=True) l = torch.zeros(1, requires_grad=True) opt = torch.optim.Adam([xs], lr=0.1) wp_xs = wp.from_torch(xs) wp_l = wp.from_torch(l) tape = wp.Tape() with tape: # record the loss function kernel launch on the tape wp.launch(loss, dim=len(xs), inputs=[wp_xs], outputs=[wp_l], device=wp_xs.device) for i in range(500): tape.backward(loss=wp_l) # compute gradients # now xs.grad will be populated with the gradients computed by Warp opt.step() # update xs (and thereby wp_xs) # these lines are only needed for evaluating the loss # (the optimization just needs the gradient, not the loss value) wp_l.zero_() wp.launch(loss, dim=len(xs), inputs=[wp_xs], outputs=[wp_l], device=wp_xs.device) print(f"{i}\tloss: {l.item()}") Example: Optimization using ``warp.to_torch`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Less code is needed when we declare the optimization variables directly in Warp and use :func:`warp.to_torch` to convert them to PyTorch tensors. Here, we revisit the same example from above where now only a single conversion to a torch tensor is needed to supply Adam with the optimization variables:: import warp as wp import numpy as np import torch @wp.kernel() def loss(xs: wp.array(dtype=float, ndim=2), l: wp.array(dtype=float)): tid = wp.tid() wp.atomic_add(l, 0, xs[tid, 0] ** 2.0 + xs[tid, 1] ** 2.0) # initialize the optimization variables in Warp xs = wp.array(np.random.randn(100, 2), dtype=wp.float32, requires_grad=True) l = wp.zeros(1, dtype=wp.float32, requires_grad=True) # just a single wp.to_torch call is needed, Adam optimizes using the Warp array gradients opt = torch.optim.Adam([wp.to_torch(xs)], lr=0.1) tape = wp.Tape() with tape: wp.launch(loss, dim=len(xs), inputs=[xs], outputs=[l], device=xs.device) for i in range(500): tape.backward(loss=l) opt.step() l.zero_() wp.launch(loss, dim=len(xs), inputs=[xs], outputs=[l], device=xs.device) print(f"{i}\tloss: {l.numpy()[0]}") Example: Optimization using ``torch.autograd.function`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ One can insert Warp kernel launches in a PyTorch graph by defining a :class:`torch.autograd.Function` class, which requires forward and backward functions to be defined. After mapping incoming torch arrays to Warp arrays, a Warp kernel may be launched in the usual way. In the backward pass, the same kernel's adjoint may be launched by setting ``adjoint = True`` in :func:`wp.launch() `. Alternatively, the user may choose to rely on Warp's tape. In the following example, we demonstrate how Warp may be used to evaluate the Rosenbrock function in an optimization context:: import warp as wp import numpy as np import torch pvec2 = wp.types.vector(length=2, dtype=wp.float32) # Define the Rosenbrock function @wp.func def rosenbrock(x: float, y: float): return (1.0 - x) ** 2.0 + 100.0 * (y - x**2.0) ** 2.0 @wp.kernel def eval_rosenbrock( xs: wp.array(dtype=pvec2), # outputs z: wp.array(dtype=float), ): i = wp.tid() x = xs[i] z[i] = rosenbrock(x[0], x[1]) class Rosenbrock(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, xy, num_points): ctx.xy = wp.from_torch(xy, dtype=pvec2, requires_grad=True) ctx.num_points = num_points # allocate output ctx.z = wp.zeros(num_points, requires_grad=True) wp.launch( kernel=eval_rosenbrock, dim=ctx.num_points, inputs=[ctx.xy], outputs=[ctx.z] ) return wp.to_torch(ctx.z) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, adj_z): # map incoming Torch grads to our output variables ctx.z.grad = wp.from_torch(adj_z) wp.launch( kernel=eval_rosenbrock, dim=ctx.num_points, inputs=[ctx.xy], outputs=[ctx.z], adj_inputs=[ctx.xy.grad], adj_outputs=[ctx.z.grad], adjoint=True ) # return adjoint w.r.t. inputs return (wp.to_torch(ctx.xy.grad), None) num_points = 1500 learning_rate = 5e-2 torch_device = wp.device_to_torch(wp.get_device()) rng = np.random.default_rng(42) xy = torch.tensor(rng.normal(size=(num_points, 2)), dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=True, device=torch_device) opt = torch.optim.Adam([xy], lr=learning_rate) for _ in range(10000): # step opt.zero_grad() z = Rosenbrock.apply(xy, num_points) z.backward(torch.ones_like(z)) opt.step() # minimum at (1, 1) xy_np = xy.numpy(force=True) print(np.mean(xy_np, axis=0)) Note that if Warp code is wrapped in a torch.autograd.function that gets called in ``torch.compile()``, it will automatically exclude that function from compiler optimizations. If your script uses ``torch.compile()``, we recommend using Pytorch version 2.3.0+, which has improvements that address this scenario. Performance Notes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``wp.from_torch()`` function creates a Warp array object that shares data with a PyTorch tensor. Although this function does not copy the data, there is always some CPU overhead during the conversion. If these conversions happen frequently, the overall program performance may suffer. As a general rule, it's good to avoid repeated conversions of the same tensor. Instead of: .. code:: python x_t = torch.arange(n, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) y_t = torch.ones(n, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) for i in range(10): x_w = wp.from_torch(x_t) y_w = wp.from_torch(y_t) wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x_w, y_w, 1.0], device=device) Try converting the arrays only once and reuse them: .. code:: python x_t = torch.arange(n, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) y_t = torch.ones(n, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) x_w = wp.from_torch(x_t) y_w = wp.from_torch(y_t) for i in range(10): wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x_w, y_w, 1.0], device=device) If reusing arrays is not possible (e.g., a new PyTorch tensor is constructed on every iteration), passing ``return_ctype=True`` to ``wp.from_torch()`` should yield faster performance. Setting this argument to True avoids constructing a ``wp.array`` object and instead returns a low-level array descriptor. This descriptor is a simple C structure that can be passed to Warp kernels instead of a ``wp.array``, but cannot be used in other places that require a ``wp.array``. .. code:: python for n in range(1, 10): # get Torch tensors for this iteration x_t = torch.arange(n, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) y_t = torch.ones(n, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) # get Warp array descriptors x_ctype = wp.from_torch(x_t, return_ctype=True) y_ctype = wp.from_torch(y_t, return_ctype=True) wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x_ctype, y_ctype, 1.0], device=device) An alternative approach is to pass the PyTorch tensors to Warp kernels directly. This avoids constructing temporary Warp arrays by leveraging standard array interfaces (like ``__cuda_array_interface__``) supported by both PyTorch and Warp. The main advantage of this approach is convenience, since there is no need to call any conversion functions. The main limitation is that it does not handle gradients, because gradient information is not included in the standard array interfaces. This technique is therefore most suitable for algorithms that do not involve differentiation. .. code:: python x = torch.arange(n, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) y = torch.ones(n, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) for i in range(10): wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x, y, 1.0], device=device) .. code:: shell python -m warp.examples.benchmarks.benchmark_interop_torch Sample output: .. code:: 5095 ms from_torch(...) 2113 ms from_torch(..., return_ctype=True) 2950 ms direct from torch The default ``wp.from_torch()`` conversion is the slowest. Passing ``return_ctype=True`` is the fastest, because it skips creating temporary Warp array objects. Passing PyTorch tensors to Warp kernels directly falls somewhere in between. It skips creating temporary Warp arrays, but accessing the ``__cuda_array_interface__`` attributes of PyTorch tensors adds overhead because they are initialized on-demand. CuPy/Numba ---------- Warp GPU arrays support the ``__cuda_array_interface__`` protocol for sharing data with other Python GPU frameworks. This allows frameworks like CuPy to use Warp GPU arrays directly. Likewise, Warp arrays can be created from any object that exposes the ``__cuda_array_interface__``. Such objects can also be passed to Warp kernels directly without creating a Warp array object. .. _jax-interop: JAX --- Interoperability with JAX arrays is supported through the following methods. Internally these use the DLPack protocol to exchange data in a zero-copy way with JAX:: warp_array = wp.from_jax(jax_array) jax_array = wp.to_jax(warp_array) It may be preferable to use the :ref:`DLPack` protocol directly for better performance and control over stream synchronization behaviour. .. autofunction:: warp.from_jax .. autofunction:: warp.to_jax .. autofunction:: warp.device_from_jax .. autofunction:: warp.device_to_jax .. autofunction:: warp.dtype_from_jax .. autofunction:: warp.dtype_to_jax Using Warp kernels as JAX primitives ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. note:: This is an experimental feature under development. Warp kernels can be used as JAX primitives, which can be used to call Warp kernels inside of jitted JAX functions:: import warp as wp import jax import jax.numpy as jp # import experimental feature from warp.jax_experimental import jax_kernel @wp.kernel def triple_kernel(input: wp.array(dtype=float), output: wp.array(dtype=float)): tid = wp.tid() output[tid] = 3.0 * input[tid] # create a Jax primitive from a Warp kernel jax_triple = jax_kernel(triple_kernel) # use the Warp kernel in a Jax jitted function @jax.jit def f(): x = jp.arange(0, 64, dtype=jp.float32) return jax_triple(x) print(f()) Since this is an experimental feature, there are some limitations: - All kernel arguments must be arrays. - Kernel launch dimensions are inferred from the shape of the first argument. - Input arguments are followed by output arguments in the Warp kernel definition. - There must be at least one input argument and at least one output argument. - All arrays must be contiguous. - Only the CUDA backend is supported. Here is an example of an operation with three inputs and two outputs:: import warp as wp import jax import jax.numpy as jp # import experimental feature from warp.jax_experimental import jax_kernel # kernel with multiple inputs and outputs @wp.kernel def multiarg_kernel( # inputs a: wp.array(dtype=float), b: wp.array(dtype=float), c: wp.array(dtype=float), # outputs ab: wp.array(dtype=float), bc: wp.array(dtype=float), ): tid = wp.tid() ab[tid] = a[tid] + b[tid] bc[tid] = b[tid] + c[tid] # create a Jax primitive from a Warp kernel jax_multiarg = jax_kernel(multiarg_kernel) # use the Warp kernel in a Jax jitted function with three inputs and two outputs @jax.jit def f(): a = jp.full(64, 1, dtype=jp.float32) b = jp.full(64, 2, dtype=jp.float32) c = jp.full(64, 3, dtype=jp.float32) return jax_multiarg(a, b, c) x, y = f() print(x) print(y) Using shardmap for distributed computation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Warp can be used in conjunction with JAX's `shard_map `_ to perform distributed multi-GPU computations. To achieve this, the JAX distributed environment must be initialized (see `Distributed Arrays and Automatic Parallelization `_ for more details): .. code-block:: python import jax jax.distributed.initialize() This initialization must be called at the beginning of your program, before any other JAX operations. Here's an example of how to use `shard_map` with a Warp kernel: .. code-block:: python import warp as wp import jax import jax.numpy as jnp from jax.sharding import PartitionSpec as P from jax.experimental.multihost_utils import process_allgather as allgather from jax.experimental.shard_map import shard_map from warp.jax_experimental import jax_kernel import numpy as np # Initialize JAX distributed environment jax.distributed.initialize() num_gpus = jax.device_count() def print_on_process_0(*args, **kwargs): if jax.process_index() == 0: print(*args, **kwargs) print_on_process_0(f"Running on {num_gpus} GPU(s)") @wp.kernel def multiply_by_two_kernel( a_in: wp.array(dtype=wp.float32), a_out: wp.array(dtype=wp.float32), ): index = wp.tid() a_out[index] = a_in[index] * 2.0 jax_warp_multiply = jax_kernel(multiply_by_two_kernel) def warp_multiply(x): result = jax_warp_multiply(x) return result # a_in here is the full sharded array with shape (M,) # The output will also be a sharded array with shape (M,) def warp_distributed_operator(a_in): def _sharded_operator(a_in): # Inside the sharded operator, a_in is a local shard on each device # If we have N devices and input size M, each shard has shape (M/N,) # warp_multiply applies the Warp kernel to the local shard result = warp_multiply(a_in)[0] # result has the same shape as the input shard (M/N,) return result # shard_map distributes the computation across devices return shard_map( _sharded_operator, mesh=jax.sharding.Mesh(np.array(jax.devices()), "x"), in_specs=(P("x"),), # Input is sharded along the 'x' axis out_specs=P("x"), # Output is also sharded along the 'x' axis check_rep=False, )(a_in) print_on_process_0("Test distributed multiplication using JAX + Warp") devices = jax.devices() mesh = jax.sharding.Mesh(np.array(devices), "x") sharding_spec = jax.sharding.NamedSharding(mesh, P("x")) input_size = num_gpus * 5 # 5 elements per device single_device_arrays = jnp.arange(input_size, dtype=jnp.float32) # Define the shape of the input array based on the total input size shape = (input_size,) # Create a list of arrays by distributing the single_device_arrays across the available devices # Each device will receive a portion of the input data arrays = [ jax.device_put(single_device_arrays[index], d) # Place each element on the corresponding device for d, index in sharding_spec.addressable_devices_indices_map(shape).items() ] # Combine the individual device arrays into a single sharded array sharded_array = jax.make_array_from_single_device_arrays(shape, sharding_spec, arrays) # sharded_array has shape (input_size,) but is distributed across devices print_on_process_0(f"Input array: {allgather(sharded_array)}") # warp_result has the same shape and sharding as sharded_array warp_result = warp_distributed_operator(sharded_array) # allgather collects results from all devices, resulting in a full array of shape (input_size,) print_on_process_0("Warp Output:", allgather(warp_result)) In this example, `shard_map` is used to distribute the computation across available devices. The input array `a_in` is sharded along the 'x' axis, and each device processes its local shard. The Warp kernel `multiply_by_two_kernel` is applied to each shard, and the results are combined to form the final output. This approach allows for efficient parallel processing of large arrays, as each device works on a portion of the data simultaneously. To run this program on multiple GPUs, you must have OpenMPI installed. You can consult the `OpenMPI installation guide `_ for instructions on how to install it. Once OpenMPI is installed, you can use `mpirun` with the following command: .. code-block:: bash mpirun -np python .py Specifying launch dimensions for matrix operations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In some cases, particularly for matrix operations, it's necessary to specify the launch dimensions for Warp kernels. This is because the default behavior of inferring dimensions from the first argument may not always be suitable for matrix operations. Here's an example of a distributed matrix multiplication using Warp and JAX: .. code-block:: python import warp as wp import jax import jax.numpy as jnp from jax.sharding import PartitionSpec as P from jax.experimental.multihost_utils import process_allgather as allgather from jax.experimental.shard_map import shard_map from warp.jax_experimental import jax_kernel import numpy as np jax.distributed.initialize() num_gpus = jax.device_count() def print_on_process_0(*args, **kwargs): if jax.process_index() == 0: print(*args, **kwargs) print_on_process_0(f"Running on {num_gpus} GPU(s)") @wp.kernel def matmul_kernel( a: wp.array2d(dtype=wp.float32), b: wp.array2d(dtype=wp.float32), c: wp.array2d(dtype=wp.float32), ): # a: (M/num_gpus, K), b: (K, N), c: (M/num_gpus, N) i, j = wp.tid() M = a.shape[0] # M/num_gpus K = a.shape[1] # K N = b.shape[1] # N if i < M and j < N: s = wp.float32(0.0) for k in range(K): s += a[i, k] * b[k, j] c[i, j] = s # Specify launch dimensions based on the number of GPUs def create_jax_warp_matmul(M, N): # M: total rows, N: total columns block_size_m = M // num_gpus # Rows per GPU block_size_n = N # All columns return jax_kernel(matmul_kernel, launch_dims=(block_size_m, block_size_n)) def warp_distributed_matmul(a, b): # a: (M, K) sharded across GPUs, b: (K, N) replicated M, K = a.shape _, N = b.shape jax_warp_matmul = create_jax_warp_matmul(M, N) def _sharded_operator(a_shard, b): # a_shard: (M/num_gpus, K), b: (K, N) return jax_warp_matmul(a_shard, b)[0] # Result: (M/num_gpus, N) return shard_map( _sharded_operator, mesh=jax.sharding.Mesh(np.array(jax.devices()), "x"), in_specs=(P("x", None), P(None, None)), # a sharded in first dim, b replicated out_specs=P("x", None), # Output sharded in first dim check_rep=False, )(a, b) print_on_process_0("Test distributed matrix multiplication using JAX + Warp") # Define matrix dimensions M = 8 * num_gpus # Scale M with the number of devices K, N = 4, 6 # Create input matrices a = jnp.arange(M * K, dtype=jnp.float32).reshape(M, K) # Shape: (M, K) b = jnp.arange(K * N, dtype=jnp.float32).reshape(K, N) # Shape: (K, N) devices = jax.devices() mesh = jax.sharding.Mesh(np.array(devices), "x") sharding_spec_a = jax.sharding.NamedSharding(mesh, P("x", None)) sharding_spec_b = jax.sharding.NamedSharding(mesh, P(None, None)) # Shard matrix A and replicate matrix B sharded_a = jax.device_put(a, sharding_spec_a) # Sharded shape: (M/num_gpus, K) per device replicated_b = jax.device_put(b, sharding_spec_b) # Replicated shape: (K, N) on all devices print_on_process_0(f"Input matrix A:\n{allgather(sharded_a)}") # Shape: (M, K) print_on_process_0(f"Input matrix B:\n{allgather(replicated_b)}") # Shape: (K, N) warp_result = warp_distributed_matmul(sharded_a, replicated_b) # Sharded result: (M/num_gpus, N) per device print_on_process_0("Warp Output:") # Use allgather to collect results from all devices print_on_process_0(allgather(warp_result)) # Shape: (M, N) jax_result = jnp.matmul(a, b) # Shape: (M, N) print_on_process_0("JAX Output:") print_on_process_0(jax_result) expected_shape = (M, N) print_on_process_0(f"Expected shape: {expected_shape}") print_on_process_0(f"Warp output shape: {warp_result.shape}") # Should be (M/num_gpus, N) on each device print_on_process_0(f"JAX output shape: {jax_result.shape}") # Should be (M, N) allclose = jnp.allclose(allgather(warp_result), jax_result, atol=1e-5) print_on_process_0(f"Allclose: {allclose}") In this example, we create a function `create_jax_warp_matmul` that calculates the launch dimensions based on the number of available GPUs. We use `jax.device_count()` to get the global number of GPUs and divide the `M` dimension (rows) of the matrix by this number. This ensures that each GPU processes an equal portion of the input matrix A. The `N` dimension (columns) remains unchanged as we're not sharding in that direction. Note that the launch dimensions are set to match the shape of the matrix portion on each GPU. The `block_size_m` is calculated by dividing the total number of rows by the number of GPUs, while `block_size_n` is set to the full width of the output matrix. Note that this is a naive implementation of matrix multiplication for the sake of this illustration, and there are many optimizations that can be made to improve performance. .. _DLPack: DLPack ------ Warp supports the DLPack protocol included in the Python Array API standard v2022.12. See the `Python Specification for DLPack `_ for reference. The canonical way to import an external array into Warp is using the ``warp.from_dlpack()`` function:: warp_array = wp.from_dlpack(external_array) The external array can be a PyTorch tensor, Jax array, or any other array type compatible with this version of the DLPack protocol. For CUDA arrays, this approach requires the producer to perform stream synchronization which ensures that operations on the array are ordered correctly. The ``warp.from_dlpack()`` function asks the producer to synchronize the current Warp stream on the device where the array resides. Thus it should be safe to use the array in Warp kernels on that device without any additional synchronization. The canonical way to export a Warp array to an external framework is to use the ``from_dlpack()`` function in that framework:: jax_array = jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(warp_array) torch_tensor = torch.utils.dlpack.from_dlpack(warp_array) paddle_tensor = paddle.utils.dlpack.from_dlpack(warp_array) For CUDA arrays, this will synchronize the current stream of the consumer framework with the current Warp stream on the array's device. Thus it should be safe to use the wrapped array in the consumer framework, even if the array was previously used in a Warp kernel on the device. Alternatively, arrays can be shared by explicitly creating PyCapsules using a ``to_dlpack()`` function provided by the producer framework. This approach may be used for older versions of frameworks that do not support the v2022.12 standard:: warp_array1 = wp.from_dlpack(jax.dlpack.to_dlpack(jax_array)) warp_array2 = wp.from_dlpack(torch.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack(torch_tensor)) warp_array3 = wp.from_dlpack(paddle.utils.dlpack.to_dlpack(paddle_tensor)) jax_array = jax.dlpack.from_dlpack(wp.to_dlpack(warp_array)) torch_tensor = torch.utils.dlpack.from_dlpack(wp.to_dlpack(warp_array)) paddle_tensor = paddle.utils.dlpack.from_dlpack(wp.to_dlpack(warp_array)) This approach is generally faster because it skips any stream synchronization, but another solution must be used to ensure correct ordering of operations. In situations where no synchronization is required, using this approach can yield better performance. This may be a good choice in situations like these: - The external framework is using the synchronous CUDA default stream. - Warp and the external framework are using the same CUDA stream. - Another synchronization mechanism is already in place. .. autofunction:: warp.from_dlpack .. autofunction:: warp.to_dlpack .. _paddle-interop: Paddle ------ Warp provides helper functions to convert arrays to/from Paddle:: w = wp.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], dtype=float, device="cpu") # convert to Paddle tensor t = wp.to_paddle(w) # convert from Paddle tensor w = wp.from_paddle(t) These helper functions allow the conversion of Warp arrays to/from Paddle tensors without copying the underlying data. At the same time, if available, gradient arrays and tensors are converted to/from Paddle autograd tensors, allowing the use of Warp arrays in Paddle autograd computations. .. autofunction:: warp.from_paddle .. autofunction:: warp.to_paddle .. autofunction:: warp.device_from_paddle .. autofunction:: warp.device_to_paddle .. autofunction:: warp.dtype_from_paddle .. autofunction:: warp.dtype_to_paddle To convert a Paddle CUDA stream to a Warp CUDA stream and vice versa, Warp provides the following functions: .. autofunction:: warp.stream_from_paddle Example: Optimization using ``warp.from_paddle()`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An example usage of minimizing a loss function over an array of 2D points written in Warp via Paddle's Adam optimizer using :func:`warp.from_paddle` is as follows:: import warp as wp import paddle # init warp context at beginning wp.context.init() @wp.kernel() def loss(xs: wp.array(dtype=float, ndim=2), l: wp.array(dtype=float)): tid = wp.tid() wp.atomic_add(l, 0, xs[tid, 0] ** 2.0 + xs[tid, 1] ** 2.0) # indicate requires_grad so that Warp can accumulate gradients in the grad buffers xs = paddle.randn([100, 2]) xs.stop_gradient = False l = paddle.zeros([1]) l.stop_gradient = False opt = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=0.1, parameters=[xs]) wp_xs = wp.from_paddle(xs) wp_l = wp.from_paddle(l) tape = wp.Tape() with tape: # record the loss function kernel launch on the tape wp.launch(loss, dim=len(xs), inputs=[wp_xs], outputs=[wp_l], device=wp_xs.device) for i in range(500): tape.backward(loss=wp_l) # compute gradients # now xs.grad will be populated with the gradients computed by Warp opt.step() # update xs (and thereby wp_xs) # these lines are only needed for evaluating the loss # (the optimization just needs the gradient, not the loss value) wp_l.zero_() wp.launch(loss, dim=len(xs), inputs=[wp_xs], outputs=[wp_l], device=wp_xs.device) print(f"{i}\tloss: {l.item()}") Example: Optimization using ``warp.to_paddle`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Less code is needed when we declare the optimization variables directly in Warp and use :func:`warp.to_paddle` to convert them to Paddle tensors. Here, we revisit the same example from above where now only a single conversion to a paddle tensor is needed to supply Adam with the optimization variables:: import warp as wp import numpy as np import paddle # init warp context at beginning wp.context.init() @wp.kernel() def loss(xs: wp.array(dtype=float, ndim=2), l: wp.array(dtype=float)): tid = wp.tid() wp.atomic_add(l, 0, xs[tid, 0] ** 2.0 + xs[tid, 1] ** 2.0) # initialize the optimization variables in Warp xs = wp.array(np.random.randn(100, 2), dtype=wp.float32, requires_grad=True) l = wp.zeros(1, dtype=wp.float32, requires_grad=True) # just a single wp.to_paddle call is needed, Adam optimizes using the Warp array gradients opt = paddle.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=0.1, parameters=[wp.to_paddle(xs)]) tape = wp.Tape() with tape: wp.launch(loss, dim=len(xs), inputs=[xs], outputs=[l], device=xs.device) for i in range(500): tape.backward(loss=l) opt.step() l.zero_() wp.launch(loss, dim=len(xs), inputs=[xs], outputs=[l], device=xs.device) print(f"{i}\tloss: {l.numpy()[0]}") Performance Notes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``wp.from_paddle()`` function creates a Warp array object that shares data with a Paddle tensor. Although this function does not copy the data, there is always some CPU overhead during the conversion. If these conversions happen frequently, the overall program performance may suffer. As a general rule, it's good to avoid repeated conversions of the same tensor. Instead of: .. code:: python x_t = paddle.arange(n, dtype=paddle.float32).to(device=wp.device_to_paddle(device)) y_t = paddle.ones([n], dtype=paddle.float32).to(device=wp.device_to_paddle(device)) for i in range(10): x_w = wp.from_paddle(x_t) y_w = wp.from_paddle(y_t) wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x_w, y_w, 1.0], device=device) Try converting the arrays only once and reuse them: .. code:: python x_t = paddle.arange(n, dtype=paddle.float32).to(device=wp.device_to_paddle(device)) y_t = paddle.ones([n], dtype=paddle.float32).to(device=wp.device_to_paddle(device)) x_w = wp.from_paddle(x_t) y_w = wp.from_paddle(y_t) for i in range(10): wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x_w, y_w, 1.0], device=device) If reusing arrays is not possible (e.g., a new Paddle tensor is constructed on every iteration), passing ``return_ctype=True`` to ``wp.from_paddle()`` should yield faster performance. Setting this argument to True avoids constructing a ``wp.array`` object and instead returns a low-level array descriptor. This descriptor is a simple C structure that can be passed to Warp kernels instead of a ``wp.array``, but cannot be used in other places that require a ``wp.array``. .. code:: python for n in range(1, 10): # get Paddle tensors for this iteration x_t = paddle.arange(n, dtype=paddle.float32).to(device=wp.device_to_paddle(device)) y_t = paddle.ones([n], dtype=paddle.float32).to(device=wp.device_to_paddle(device)) # get Warp array descriptors x_ctype = wp.from_paddle(x_t, return_ctype=True) y_ctype = wp.from_paddle(y_t, return_ctype=True) wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x_ctype, y_ctype, 1.0], device=device) An alternative approach is to pass the Paddle tensors to Warp kernels directly. This avoids constructing temporary Warp arrays by leveraging standard array interfaces (like ``__cuda_array_interface__``) supported by both Paddle and Warp. The main advantage of this approach is convenience, since there is no need to call any conversion functions. The main limitation is that it does not handle gradients, because gradient information is not included in the standard array interfaces. This technique is therefore most suitable for algorithms that do not involve differentiation. .. code:: python x = paddle.arange(n, dtype=paddle.float32).to(device=wp.device_to_paddle(device)) y = paddle.ones([n], dtype=paddle.float32).to(device=wp.device_to_paddle(device)) for i in range(10): wp.launch(saxpy, dim=n, inputs=[x, y, 1.0], device=device) .. code:: shell python -m warp.examples.benchmarks.benchmark_interop_paddle Sample output: .. code:: 13990 ms from_paddle(...) 5990 ms from_paddle(..., return_ctype=True) 35167 ms direct from paddle The default ``wp.from_paddle()`` conversion is the slowest. Passing ``return_ctype=True`` is the fastest, because it skips creating temporary Warp array objects. Passing Paddle tensors to Warp kernels directly falls somewhere in between. It skips creating temporary Warp arrays, but accessing the ``__cuda_array_interface__`` attributes of Paddle tensors adds overhead because they are initialized on-demand.