
Grouping allows for rule-based batching of samples into one batch on the fly.

Note how this is different from packing which joins multiple samples into one (and is done before batching). On the other hand, grouping is an alternative to standard batching.

Example use cases

  • Select samples to batch based on image resolution, so that only samples of the same size are in one batch

  • Select blended samples based on their dataset origin, so that one batch does not mix different tasks or data types

How to group

To use grouping, you need to define the method batch_group_criterion in your custom task encoder. This method gets a sample and returns a hashable value that will be used to cluster/group the samples and it also returns the batch size for that group.

Samples with the same batch group criterion will be batched together. Once enough samples for one group have been collected (reached the batch size for that group), they will be batched and pushed down the pipeline to the next processing step.

Here’s an example task encoder that batches samples based on their image aspect ratios:

class GroupingTaskEncoder(DefaultTaskEncoder):
    def batch_group_criterion(self, sample: CaptioningSample) -> Tuple[Hashable, Optional[int]]:
        aspect_ratio = sample.image.shape[2] / sample.image.shape[1]

        # Bin aspect ratios into 3 groups
        if aspect_ratio < 0.8:
            return "portrait", 8
        elif aspect_ratio < 1.2:
            return "square", 8
            return "landscape", 8

In the example, the aspect ratio is sorted into one of three bins and a string is used as the grouping key. The batch size used here is always 8.

Here is another example where each batch contains only images with the exact same size. Note how the image shape itself is used as the grouping key.

class GroupingTaskEncoder(DefaultTaskEncoder):
    def batch_group_criterion(self, sample: CaptioningSample) -> Tuple[Hashable, Optional[int]]:
        batch_size = 4 if sample.image.shape[1] < 512 else 2
        return sample.image.shape, batch_size

For images with a height of less than 512 pixels, the batch size will be 4, for larger images it’s reduced to 2.

Fixed global batch size

Instead of specifying the batch size for each group individually, you can also specify the batch size as usually when calling get_train_dataset. The batch_group_criterion method should then return None for the batch_size.