Saving & Restoring

ModelOpt optimization methods such as pruning, quantization, sparsity, distillation etc. modifies the original model architecture and weights. Hence it is important to save and restore the model architecture followed by the new weights to use the modified model for downstream tasks.

This guide describes various options for saving and restoring the ModelOpt-modified models correctly.

Saving ModelOpt Models

The modifications applied to the model are captured in the model’s ModelOpt state as given by modelopt_state. ModelOpt supports saving the architecture modifications together with model weights or separately.

Saving ModelOpt state & model weights together saves the ModelOpt state together with the new model weights (i.e, the Pytorch state_dict) which can be used later to restore the model correctly.

Here is an example of how to save an ModelOpt-modified model:

import modelopt.torch.opt as mto
import modelopt.torch.quantization as mtq

# Initialize the original model and set the original weights
model = ...

# Apply ModelOpt modifications to the model. For example, quantization
model = mtq.quantize(model, config, forward_loop)

# Save the model weights and the `modelopt_state` to 'modelopt_model.pth', "modelopt_model.pth")

Saving ModelOpt state and model weights separately

If you want to save the model weights with your own custom method instead of saving it with ModelOpt, you should save the modelopt_state separately. This way you can correctly restore the model architecture later from the saved modelopt_state as shown in restoring ModelOpt state and model weights separately.

Here is an example of how to save the modelopt_state separately:

import torch
import modelopt.torch.opt as mto
import modelopt.torch.quantization as mtq

# Initialize the original model and set the original weights
model = ...

# Apply ModelOpt modifications to the model. For example, quantization
model = mtq.quantize(model, config, forward_loop)

# Save the `modelopt_state` to 'modelopt_state.pth', "modelopt_state.pth")

# Save the model weights separately with your method


Although the above examples shows ModelOpt modifications using quantization, the same workflow applies to other ModelOpt modifications such as pruning, sparsity, distillation, etc. and combinations thereof.

Restoring ModelOpt Models

Restoring ModelOpt state & model weights together

mto.restore restores the model’s modelopt_state() and the model weights that were saved using as shown in saving a ModelOpt-modified model. The restored model can be used for inference or further training and optimization.

Here is an example of restoring a ModelOpt-modified model:

import modelopt.torch.opt as mto

# Initialize the original model
model = ...

# Restore the model architecture and weights after applying ModelOpt modifications
mto.restore(model, "modelopt_model.pth")

# Use the restored model for inference or further training / optimization

Restoring ModelOpt state and model weights separately

Alternatively, if you saved the modelopt_state separately as shown in saving modelopt_state separately, you can restore the ModelOpt-modified model architecture using the saved modelopt_state. The model weights after the ModelOpt modifications should be loaded separately after this step.

Here is the example workflow of restoring the ModelOpt-modified model architecture using the saved modelopt_state:

import torch
import modelopt.torch.opt as mto

# Initialize the original model
model = ...

# Restore the model architecture using the saved `modelopt_state`
modelopt_state = torch.load("modelopt_state.pth")
model = mto.restore_modelopt_state(model, modelopt_state)

# Load the model weights separately after restoring the model architecture

ModelOpt Save/Restore Using Huggingface Checkpointing APIs

ModelOpt supports automatic save and restore of the modified models when using the save_pretrained and from_pretrained APIs from Huggingface libraries such as transformers and diffusers.

To enable this feature, you need to call mto.enable_huggingface_checkpointing() once in the program before loading/saving any HuggingFace models.

Here is an example of how to enable ModelOpt save/restore with the Huggingface APIs:

import modelopt.torch.opt as mto
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM


# Enable automatic ModelOpt save/restore with
# Huggingface checkpointing APIs `save_pretrained` and `from_pretrained`

# Load the original Huggingface model
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_path)

# Apply ModelOpt modifications to the model. For example, quantization
model = mtq.quantize(model, config, forward_loop)

# Save the ModelOpt-modified model architecture and weights using Huggingface APIs

The model saved as above can be restored using the Huggingface from_pretrained API. Do not forget to call mto.enable_huggingface_checkpointing() before loading the model. This needs to be done only once in the program.

See the example below:

import modelopt.torch.opt as mto
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM


# Enable automatic ModelOpt save/restore with huggingface checkpointing APIs
# This needs to be done only once in the program

# Load the ModelOpt-modified model architecture and weights using Huggingface APIs
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(f"ModelOpt_{model_path}")