
ModelOpt provides a NAS method (aka mode) - AutoNAS via the modelopt.torch.nas module. Given a model, these methods finds the subnet which meets the given deployment constraints (e.g. FLOPs, parameters) from your provided base model with little to no accuracy degradation (depending on how aggressive is the model size reduced). More details on this NAS mode is as follows:

  1. autonas: A NAS method suitable for Computer Vision models that searches for the layerwise parameters like number of channels, kernel size, network depth etc.

Follow the steps described below to obtain the optimal model meeting your unique requirements using modelopt.torch.nas:

  1. Convert your model via mtn.convert: Natively generate a neural architecture search space from your PyTorch base model using a simple set of configurations. Conveniently save and restore the model architecture and weights during the process.

  2. NAS training: Seamlessly train the resulting search space within your existing training pipeline.

  3. Subnet architecture search via Search for the best neural architecture (subnet) satisfying your deployment constraints, e.g., FLOPs / parameters.

  4. Fine-tuning: Optionally, fine-tune the resulting subnet to achieve even higher accuracy.

To find out more about NAS and related concepts, please refer to the below section NAS Concepts.

Convert and save

You can convert your model and generate a search space from it using mtn.convert(). The resulting search space should be saved using It can be loaded back using mto.restore() to perform the subsequent steps of architecture search.

Example usage:

import modelopt.torch.nas as mtn
import modelopt.torch.opt as mto
from torchvision.models import resnet50

# User-defined model
model = resnet50()

# Generate the search space for AutoNAS
model = mtn.convert(model, mode="autonas")

# Save the search space for future use, "modelopt_model.pth")


The NAS API’s are a super-set of the pruning API’s. You can use the pruning modes (e.g. "fastnas", "gradnas", etc.) here as well.


In the above example, we have used the default AutoNAS config for mtn.convert(). You can see it using mtn.config.AutoNASConfig(). You can also specify custom configurations to have a different search space. See mtn.convert() documentation for more information. An example config is shown below:

import modelopt.torch.nas as mtn

config = mtn.config.AutoNASConfig()
config["nn.Conv2d"]["*"]["out_channels_ratio"] += (0.1,)  # include more channel choices

model = mtn.convert(model_or_model_factory, mode=[("autonas", config)])


If you want to learn more about the conversion process and the prerequisites for your model, you can take a look at NAS Model Prerequisites.


Please see saving and restoring of ModelOpt-modified models to learn about all the available options for saving and restoring.

Profiling a search space

The search space can be used to perform architecture search according to your desired deployment constraints.

To better understand the performance and the range of the resulting search space, you can profile the search space together with your deployment constraints using mtn.profile():

import torch

# Looking for a subnet with at most 2 GFLOPs
constraints = {"flops": 2.0e9}

# Measure FLOPs against dummy_input
# Can be provided as a single tensor or tuple of input args to the model.
dummy_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)

is_sat, search_space_stats = mtn.profile(model, dummy_input, constraints=constraints)

Following info will be printed:

Profiling the following subnets from the given model: ('min', 'centroid', 'max').

                            Profiling Results
┃ Constraint   ┃ min          ┃ centroid     ┃ max          ┃ max/min ratio ┃
│ flops        │ 487.92M      │ 1.84G        │ 4.59G        │ 9.40          │
│ params       │ 4.84M        │ 12.33M       │ 25.50M       │ 5.27          │

            Constraints Evaluation
┃              ┃              ┃ Satisfiable  ┃
┃ Constraint   ┃ Upper Bound  ┃ Upper Bound  ┃
│ flops        │ 2.00G        │ True         │

Search Space Summary:
* conv1.out_channels                                                               [32, 64]
  conv1.in_channels                                                                [3]
  bn1.num_features                                                                 [32, 64]
* layer1.depth                                                                     [1, 2, 3]
* layer1.0.conv1.out_channels                                                      [32, 64]
  layer1.0.conv1.in_channels                                                       [32, 64]
  layer1.0.bn1.num_features                                                        [32, 64]
* layer1.0.conv2.out_channels                                                      [32, 64]
* layer4.2.conv1.out_channels                                                      [256, 352, 512]
  layer4.2.conv1.in_channels                                                       [2048]
  layer4.2.bn1.num_features                                                        [256, 352, 512]
* layer4.2.conv2.out_channels                                                      [256, 352, 512]
  layer4.2.conv2.in_channels                                                       [256, 352, 512]
  layer4.2.bn2.num_features                                                        [256, 352, 512]
  layer4.2.conv3.out_channels                                                      [2048]
  layer4.2.conv3.in_channels                                                       [256, 352, 512]
Number of configurable hparams: 40
Total size of the search space: 1.90e+18
Note: all constraints can be satisfied within the search space!

You can also skip the constraints parameter to just print the range of available constraints without checking if it is within your constraints. The profiling results will help you understand the search space and come up with a potential search constraint that you can iterate on.

NAS training


During NAS training, you can use your existing training infrastructure. However, we recommend you make the following modifications to your training hyperparameters:

  1. Increase the training time (epochs) by 2-3x.

  2. Make sure that the learning rate schedule is adjusted for the longer training time.

  3. We recommend using a continuously decaying learning rate schedule such as the cosine annealing schedule (see PyTorch documentation).

Restore the search space

Please restore the search space from the saved one to continue with the rest of the steps as shown below:

# Provide the model before conversion to mto.restore
model = mto.restore(model_or_model_factory, "modelopt_model.pth")


You can now proceed with your existing training pipeline with the changes in training time and learning rate.


After search, the accuracy drop may be less significant compared with pruning, however, we still recommend to run fine-tuning to recover the best accuracy. A usually good fine-tuning schedule for AutoNAS is to repeat the pre-training schedule (1x epochs) with 0.5x-1x initial learning rate as done in FastNAS. Please refer to the Pruning fine-tuning section for more details.

NAS Model Prerequisites

In this guide, we will go through the steps to set up your model to work with NAS and pruning. At the end of this guide, you will be able to convert your own model to generate a search space that can be used for NAS and pruning.

Convert your model

Most PyTorch models, including custom models, are natively compatible with ModelOpt (depending on how the forward is implemented). To quickly test whether your model is compatible you can simply try to convert it:

import modelopt.torch.nas as mtn
from torchvision.models import resnet50

# User-defined model
model = resnet50()

# Convert the model into a search space
model = mtn.convert(model, mode="fastnas")

If you encounter problems or would like to understand more about the conversion process, please continue reading. Otherwise, you can skip the rest of this guide.

The conversion process

ModelOpt will automatically generate a search space for you from your custom PyTorch model. This is a one time process process performed during pruning and NAS. Once a model is converted, you can save and restore it for downstream tasks like training, inference, and fine-tuning.

To help you better understand how the search space is derived from your model, we go through the process in more detail below.

Layer support

You can make the most use out of ModelOpt with model architectures consisting of layers that ModelOpt can automatically convert into searchable units.

Specifically, the following native PyTorch layers can be converted into searchable units:

import torch.nn as nn

# We convert native PyTorch convolutional layers to automatically search over the number of
# channels and optionally over the kernel size.

# We convert native PyTorch linear layers to automatically search over the number of features

# We convert native PyTorch sequential layers that contain residual blocks to automatically
# search over the number of layers (depth) in the sequential layer.

# We convert Megatron-core / NeMo GPT-style models (e.g. Llama3.1, NeMo Mistral, etc.)
# to automatically search over the MLP hidden size, number of attention heads, and number of GQA groups.

# We convert Hugging Face Attention layers to automatically search over the number of heads
# and MLP hidden size.
# Make sure `config.use_cache` is set to False during pruning.

Generating a search space

To generate a search space from your desired model, a simple call to mtn.convert() suffices:

import modelopt.torch.nas as mtn
from torchvision.models import resnet50

# User-defined model
model = resnet50()

# Convert the model for NAS/pruning
model = mtn.convert(model, mode="fastnas")

Your generated model represents a search space consisting of a collection of subnets. Note that you can use the converted model like any other, regular PyTorch model. It will behave according to the currently activated subnet.

Roughly, the convert process can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Trace through the model to resolve layer dependencies and record how layers are connected.

  2. Convert supported layers into searchable units, i.e., dynamic layers and connect them according to the recorded dependencies.

  3. Generate a consistent search space from the converted model.


During pruning, the conversion is performed implicitly when mtp.prune is called.


In order to correctly generate a search space, your original model should satisfy the following prerequisites.


The model needs to be traceable with ModelOpt’s torch.fx-like tracer.

If not, you will see errors or warnings when you run mtn.convert(). Note that some of these warnings may not affect the search space and hence can be ignored.

Note that in some cases certain layers cannot be traced and, if possible, you should adjust their definition and forward method to be traceable. Otherwise, such layers and all affected layers will be ignored in the conversion process.


Wrapping the model with DistributedDataParallel should occur after the conversion process and during wrapping find_unused_parameters=True needs to be set:

model = mtn.convert(model, ...)
model = DistributedDataParallel(model, find_unused_parameters=True)

Auxiliary modules

If your model contains auxiliary modules, e.g., branches that are active only during the training, ensure that you convert the full model such that all modules are active during the conversion process.

Known limitations

Please be aware of other potential limitations as mentioned in the NAS FAQs!

NAS Concepts

Below, we will provide an overview of ModelOpt’s neural architecture search (NAS) and pruning algorithms as well as its basic concepts and terminology.



Neural Architecture Search (NAS)

The process of finding the best neural network architecture for a given task.

Search space

The set of possible candidate architecture that are searched during pruning or NAS.

Architecture hyperparameters

The set of hyperparameters, e.g., number of layers, describing the search space.


A candidate architecture in the search space.

NAS-based training

The process of training the collection of subnets in the search space.

Architecture search & selection

The process of finding an optimal subnet within a trained search space.

Subnet fine-tuning

The process of training the selected subnet in isolation for improved final accuracy.


The process of removing redundant components from a neural network for a given task.


Below, we provide an introduction to the concepts and terminology of neural architecture search. During regular neural network training, only the neural network weights are trained. However during NAS, both the weights and the architecture of the model are trained.

Neural Architecture Search (NAS)

Neural architecture search is the process of finding the best neural network architecture from a set of candidate architectures. NAS is usually performed before, during, or in-between training. During NAS different performance metrics, such as accuracy, on-device latency, or size of the model, are used to evaluate the candidate architectures.

Search space

The search space is defined as the (discrete) set of all possible neural architectures that are trained. Search spaces are derived from a (user-specified) base architecture (e.g., ResNet50) and a set of configs that describe how to parameterize the base architecture, see NAS Model Prerequisites for more info.

Architecture hyperparameters

The search space is parameterized via a set of discrete architecture hyperparameters that describe individual “modifications” to the base architecture, e.g., the number of channels in a convolutional layer, the number of repeated building blocks, number of attention heads in a transformer layer, etc. Each possible architecture in the search space can be described as a distinct configuration of the set of architecture hyperparameters.


The search space consists of a collection of subnets, where each subnet represents a neural architecture. Each subnet constitutes a neural architecture with different layers and operators or different parameterization (e.g. channel number) of each layer.

To better characterize a given search space, we usually consider a few distinct subnets:

  • Minimum subnet (min): The smallest subnet within the search space.

  • Centroid subnet (centroid): The subnet for which each architecture hyperparameter is set to the value closest to its centroid (mean).

  • Maximum subnet (max): The largest subnet within the search space.

ModelOpt-converted model

After the conversion, the user-provided neural network will represent the search space. It can be obtained via mtn.convert(), see Convert and save.

During the conversion process, the search space is automatically derived from a given base architecture and the relevant architecture hyperparameters are automatically identified.

The next step is to train the converted model (instead of the original architecture) to find the optimal subnet for your deployment constraints.

NAS-based training

During training of an search sapce, we simultaneously train both the model’s weights and architecture:

  • Using modelopt.torch.nas you can re-use your existing training loop to train the search space.

  • During search space training the entire collection of subnets is automatically trained together with its weights.

  • Given that we train both the architecture (all subnets) and the weights, training data may vary compared to regular training as described in the NAS Training section above.

Architecture search & selection

At the end of search space training process, the next step is to search and select the subnet from the search space:

  • The search procedure is a discrete optimization problem to determine the optimal subnet configuration from the search space.

  • The search procedure takes your deployment constraints, e.g., FLOPs, parameters or latency and inference device, into account to determine the optimal (most accurate) subnet configuration while satisfying the constraints.

  • The resulting subnet can be used for further downstream tasks, e.g., fine-tuning and deployment.

Subnet fine-tuning

To further boost the accuracy of the selected subnet, the subnet is usually fine-tuned on the original task:

  • To fine-tune the subnet, you can simply repeat the training pipeline of the original model with the adjusted training schedule as described in the Fine-tuning section above.

  • The fine-tuned model constitutes the deployable model with the optimal trade-off between accuracy and your provided constraints.

NAS vs. Pruning

The difference between NAS and pruning is summarized below.



Search space

More flexible search space with additional searchable dimensions such as network depth, kernel size, or selection of activation function.

Less flexible search space with searchable dimensions constrained to fewer options such as number of channels and features or attention heads.

Training time

Usually requires training a model for additional time before a subnet can be searched.

No training is required when a pre-trained checkpoint is available. If not, regular training can be used to pre-train a checkpoint.


Can provide improved accuracy-latency trade-off due to more flexible search space and the increased training time.

May provide similar performance to NAS in particular applications, however, usually exhibits worse performance due to the limited search space and training time.