
Defined in cub/warp/warp_load.cuh

class WarpLoad

The WarpLoad class provides collective data movement methods for loading a linear segment of items from memory into a blocked arrangement across a CUDA thread warp.


A Simple Example

The code snippet below illustrates the loading of a linear segment of 64 integers into a “blocked” arrangement across 16 threads where each thread owns 4 consecutive items. The load is specialized for WARP_LOAD_TRANSPOSE, meaning memory references are efficiently coalesced using a warp-striped access pattern (after which items are locally reordered among threads).

#include <cub/cub.cuh>   // or equivalently <cub/warp/warp_load.cuh>

__global__ void ExampleKernel(int *d_data, ...)
    constexpr int warp_threads = 16;
    constexpr int block_threads = 256;
    constexpr int items_per_thread = 4;

    // Specialize WarpLoad for a warp of 16 threads owning 4 integer items each
    using WarpLoadT = WarpLoad<int,

    constexpr int warps_in_block = block_threads / warp_threads;
    constexpr int tile_size = items_per_thread * warp_threads;
    const int warp_id = static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x) / warp_threads;

    // Allocate shared memory for WarpLoad
    __shared__ typename WarpLoadT::TempStorage temp_storage[warps_in_block];

    // Load a segment of consecutive items that are blocked across threads
    int thread_data[items_per_thread];
    WarpLoadT(temp_storage[warp_id]).Load(d_data + warp_id * tile_size,

Suppose the input d_data is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, .... The set of thread_data across the first logical warp of threads in those threads will be: { [0,1,2,3], [4,5,6,7], ..., [60,61,62,63] }.

Template Parameters
  • InputT – The data type to read into (which must be convertible from the input iterator’s value type).

  • ITEMS_PER_THREAD – The number of consecutive items partitioned onto each thread.

  • ALGORITHM[optional] cub::WarpLoadAlgorithm tuning policy. default: cub::WARP_LOAD_DIRECT.

  • LOGICAL_WARP_THREADS[optional] The number of threads per “logical” warp (may be less than the number of hardware warp threads). Default is the warp size of the targeted CUDA compute-capability (e.g., 32 threads for SM86). Must be a power of two.

Collective constructors

inline WarpLoad()

Collective constructor using a private static allocation of shared memory as temporary storage.

inline WarpLoad(TempStorage &temp_storage)

Collective constructor using the specified memory allocation as temporary storage.

Data movement

template<typename InputIteratorT>
inline void Load(InputIteratorT block_itr, InputT (&items)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD])

Load a linear segment of items from memory.

A subsequent __syncwarp() warp-wide barrier should be invoked after calling this method if the collective’s temporary storage (e.g., temp_storage) is to be reused or repurposed.


#include <cub/cub.cuh>   // or equivalently <cub/warp/warp_load.cuh>

__global__ void ExampleKernel(int *d_data, ...)
    constexpr int warp_threads = 16;
    constexpr int block_threads = 256;
    constexpr int items_per_thread = 4;

    // Specialize WarpLoad for a warp of 16 threads owning 4 integer items each
    using WarpLoadT = WarpLoad<int,

    constexpr int warps_in_block = block_threads / warp_threads;
    constexpr int tile_size = items_per_thread * warp_threads;
    const int warp_id = static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x) / warp_threads;

    // Allocate shared memory for WarpLoad
    __shared__ typename WarpLoadT::TempStorage temp_storage[warps_in_block];

    // Load a segment of consecutive items that are blocked across threads
    int thread_data[items_per_thread];
    WarpLoadT(temp_storage[warp_id]).Load(d_data + warp_id * tile_size,

Suppose the input d_data is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., The set of thread_data across the first logical warp of threads in those threads will be: { [0,1,2,3], [4,5,6,7], ..., [60,61,62,63] }.

  • block_itr[in] The thread block’s base input iterator for loading from

  • items[out] Data to load

template<typename InputIteratorT>
inline void Load(InputIteratorT block_itr, InputT (&items)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], int valid_items)

Load a linear segment of items from memory, guarded by range.

A subsequent __syncwarp() warp-wide barrier should be invoked after calling this method if the collective’s temporary storage (e.g., temp_storage) is to be reused or repurposed.


#include <cub/cub.cuh>   // or equivalently <cub/warp/warp_load.cuh>

__global__ void ExampleKernel(int *d_data, int valid_items, ...)
    constexpr int warp_threads = 16;
    constexpr int block_threads = 256;
    constexpr int items_per_thread = 4;

    // Specialize WarpLoad for a warp of 16 threads owning 4 integer items each
    using WarpLoadT = WarpLoad<int,

    constexpr int warps_in_block = block_threads / warp_threads;
    constexpr int tile_size = items_per_thread * warp_threads;
    const int warp_id = static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x) / warp_threads;

    // Allocate shared memory for WarpLoad
    __shared__ typename WarpLoadT::TempStorage temp_storage[warps_in_block];

    // Load a segment of consecutive items that are blocked across threads
    int thread_data[items_per_thread];
    WarpLoadT(temp_storage[warp_id]).Load(d_data + warp_id * tile_size,

Suppose the input d_data is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... and valid_items is 5. The set of thread_data across the first logical warp of threads in those threads will be: { [0,1,2,3], [4,?,?,?], ..., [?,?,?,?] } with only the first two threads being unmasked to load portions of valid data (and other items remaining unassigned).

  • block_itr[in] The thread block’s base input iterator for loading from

  • items[out] Data to load

  • valid_items[in] Number of valid items to load

template<typename InputIteratorT, typename DefaultT>
inline void Load(InputIteratorT block_itr, InputT (&items)[ITEMS_PER_THREAD], int valid_items, DefaultT oob_default)

Load a linear segment of items from memory, guarded by range.

A subsequent __syncwarp() warp-wide barrier should be invoked after calling this method if the collective’s temporary storage (e.g., temp_storage) is to be reused or repurposed.


#include <cub/cub.cuh>   // or equivalently <cub/warp/warp_load.cuh>

__global__ void ExampleKernel(int *d_data, int valid_items, ...)
    constexpr int warp_threads = 16;
    constexpr int block_threads = 256;
    constexpr int items_per_thread = 4;

    // Specialize WarpLoad for a warp of 16 threads owning 4 integer items each
    using WarpLoadT = WarpLoad<int,

    constexpr int warps_in_block = block_threads / warp_threads;
    constexpr int tile_size = items_per_thread * warp_threads;
    const int warp_id = static_cast<int>(threadIdx.x) / warp_threads;

    // Allocate shared memory for WarpLoad
    __shared__ typename WarpLoadT::TempStorage temp_storage[warps_in_block];

    // Load a segment of consecutive items that are blocked across threads
    int thread_data[items_per_thread];
    WarpLoadT(temp_storage[warp_id]).Load(d_data + warp_id * tile_size,

Suppose the input d_data is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., valid_items is 5, and the out-of-bounds default is -1. The set of thread_data across the first logical warp of threads in those threads will be: { [0,1,2,3], [4,-1,-1,-1], ..., [-1,-1,-1,-1] } with only the first two threads being unmasked to load portions of valid data (and other items are assigned -1).

  • block_itr[in] The thread block’s base input iterator for loading from

  • items[out] Data to load

  • valid_items[in] Number of valid items to load

  • oob_default[in] Default value to assign out-of-bound items

struct TempStorage : public Uninitialized<_TempStorage>

The operations exposed by WarpLoad require a temporary memory allocation of this nested type for thread communication. This opaque storage can be allocated directly using the __shared__ keyword. Alternatively, it can be aliased to externally allocated memory (shared or global) or union’d with other storage allocation types to facilitate memory reuse.