
Defined in /home/runner/work/cccl/cccl/cudax/include/cuda/experimental/__memory_resource/any_resource.cuh

template<cuda::mr::_AllocType _Alloc_type, class ..._Properties>
class basic_any_resource : public cuda::mr::_Resource_base<_Alloc_type, cuda::mr::_WrapperType::_Owning>, private cuda::mr::_Filtered_vtable<_Properties...>

Base class for a type erased owning wrapper around a memory resource

basic_any_resource abstracts the differences between a resource and an async resource away, allowing efficient interoperability between the two.

Public Functions

template<class _Resource, class __resource_t = cuda::std::remove_cvref_t<_Resource>>
inline basic_any_resource(_Resource &&__res) noexcept

Constructs a basic_any_resource from a type that satisfies the resource or async_resource concept as well as all properties.


__res – The resource to be wrapped within the basic_any_resource.

template<class _Resource, class ..._Args>
inline basic_any_resource(cuda::std::in_place_type_t<_Resource>, _Args&&... __args) noexcept

Constructs a basic_any_resource wrapping an object of type _Resource that is constructed from __args… . _Resource must satisfy the resource or async_resource concept, and it must provide all properties in _Properties… .


__args – The arguments used to construct the instance of _Resource to be wrapped within the basic_any_resource.

template<cuda::mr::_AllocType _OtherAllocType, class ..._OtherProperties>
inline basic_any_resource(basic_any_resource<_OtherAllocType, _OtherProperties...> __other) noexcept

Conversion from a basic_any_resource with the same set of properties but in a different order. This constructor also handles conversion from any_async_resource to any_resource.


__other – The other basic_any_resource.

inline basic_any_resource(basic_any_resource &&__other) noexcept

Move-constructs a basic_any_resource from another one, taking ownership of the stored resource.


__other – The other basic_any_resource.

inline basic_any_resource &operator=(basic_any_resource &&__other) noexcept

Move-assigns another basic_any_resource, taking ownership of the stored resource.


__other – The other basic_any_resource.

inline basic_any_resource(const basic_any_resource &__other)

Copy-constructs a basic_any_resource from another one.


__other – The other basic_any_resource.

inline basic_any_resource &operator=(const basic_any_resource &__other)

Copy-assigns another basic_any_resource.


__other – The other basic_any_resource.

inline ~basic_any_resource() noexcept

Destroys the stored resource.

inline void swap(basic_any_resource &__other) noexcept

Swaps a basic_any_resource with another one.


__other – The other basic_any_resource.

template<class ..._OtherProperties, ::cuda::std::__enable_if_t<(sizeof...(_Properties) == sizeof...(_OtherProperties)) && __properties_match<_OtherProperties...>, int> = 0>
inline bool operator==(const basic_any_resource<_Alloc_type, _OtherProperties...> &__rhs) const

Equality comparison between two basic_any_resource.


__rhs – The other basic_any_resource


Checks whether both resources have the same equality function stored in their vtable and if so returns the result of that equality comparison. Otherwise returns false.

template<class ..._OtherProperties, ::cuda::std::__enable_if_t<(sizeof...(_Properties) == sizeof...(_OtherProperties)) && __properties_match<_OtherProperties...>, int> = 0>
inline bool operator!=(const basic_any_resource<_Alloc_type, _OtherProperties...> &__rhs) const

Inequality comparison between two basic_any_resource.


__rhs – The other basic_any_resource


Checks whether both resources have the same equality function stored in their vtable and if so returns the inverse result of that equality comparison. Otherwise returns true.

template<class _Property, ::cuda::std::__enable_if_t<property_with_value<_Property>&&(cuda::std::__is_included_in<_Property, _Properties...>), int> = 0>
inline __property_value_t<_Property> get_property(const basic_any_resource &__res, _Property) noexcept

Forwards the stateful properties.


template<class _Property, ::cuda::std::__enable_if_t<(!property_with_value<_Property>) && (cuda::std::__is_included_in<_Property, _Properties...>), int> = 0>
inline friend void get_property(const basic_any_resource&, _Property) noexcept

Forwards the stateless properties.