CUDASTF is an implementation of the Sequential Task Flow model for CUDA.

The availability of parallelism within modern hardware has dramatically increased, with large nodes now featuring multiple accelerators. As a result, maximizing concurrency at the application level in a scalable manner has become a crucial priority. To effectively hide latencies, it is essential to achieve the highest level of asynchrony possible.

CUDASTF introduces a tasking model that automates data transfers while enforcing implicit data-driven dependencies.

Implemented as a header-only C++ library, CUDASTF builds on top of CUDA APIs to simplify the development of multi-GPU applications.

CUDASTF is currently capable of generating parallel applications using either the CUDA stream API or the CUDA graph API.

The Sequential Task Flow (STF) programming model

The CUDASTF programming model involves defining logical data and submitting tasks that operate on this data. CUDASTF automatically deduces the dependencies between different tasks and orchestrates both computation and data movement to ensure efficient execution with as much concurrency as possible.

CUDASTF employs the Sequential Task Flow (STF) programming model, which enables the extraction of concurrency from a sequence of tasks annotated with appropriate data accesses and their respective modes (read-only, write-only, or read/write).

For instance, two tasks modifying the same data will be serialized (in order to maintain read-after-write and write-after-write coherency), whereas two tasks reading the same data without modification can be executed concurrently (read-after-read is coherent in any order). A task must wait until all preceding modifications have been completed before reading a piece of data (read-after-write). Similarly, a task that needs to modify data can only do so once all preceding reads have finished (write-after-read).

Applying these simple rules to a complex algorithm (initially expressed serially as a sequence of tasks) results in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of tasks, which enables CUDASTF to devise concurrent execution for the given algorithm.

By providing data use annotations to CUDASTF, programmers benefit from both automated parallelization and transparent data management. Through a specialized cache coherency protocol, CUDASTF automates data allocation and transfers. As a result, programmers can focus on developing efficient task-based algorithms instead of grappling with asynchrony and asynchronous data management.

To illustrate how a sequence of tasks can be transformed into a parallel application using annotated data accesses, consider the following example involving three logical data pieces denoted as X, Y and Z:

T1[X(rw)], T2[X(read), Y(rw)], T3[X(read), Z(rw)], T4[Y(read), Z(rw)]

T2 and T3 read X, which is modified by T1, creating a read-after-write dependency between T1 and T2, as well as between T1 and T3. Since T2 and T3 only perform concurrent read accesses, they can execute concurrently. T4 reads Y and Z, which were modified by T2 and T3, respectively, resulting in write-after-read dependencies between T2 and T4, and between T3 and T4. The resulting dependency graph is shown below.


Getting started with CUDASTF


CUDASTF is part of the CUDA Experimental library of the CCCL project. It is not distributed with the CUDA Toolkit like the rest of CCCL. It is only available on the CCCL GitHub repository.


CUDASTF is a header-only C++ library which only require to include its main header. CUDASTF API is part of the cuda::experimental::stf C++ namespace, and we will assume for brevity that we are using this workspace in the rest of this document.

#include <cuda/experimental/stf.cuh>

using cuda::experimental::stf;


CUDASTF requires a compiler conforming to the C++17 standard or later. Although there is no need to link against CUDASTF itself, the library internally utilizes the CUDA library.

# Compilation flags
nvcc -std=c++17 --expt-relaxed-constexpr --extended-lambda -I$(cudastf_path)
# Linking flags
nvcc -lcuda

It is also possible to use CUDASTF without nvcc. This is for example useful when calling existing CUDA libraries such as CUBLAS which do not require authoring custom kernels. Note that CUDASTF APIs intended to automatically generate CUDA kernels such as parallel_for or launch are disabled when compiling without nvcc.

# Compilation flags
g++ -I$(cudastf_path)
# Linking flags
g++ -lcuda -lcudart

Using CUDASTF within a cmake project

As part of the CCCL project, CUDASTF uses CMake for its build and installation infrastructure, and is the recommended way of building applications that use CUDASTF.

This is facilitated by the CMake Package Manager as illustrated in this simple example which is available here, and which is described in the next paragraph.

A simple example

The following example illustrates the use of CUDASTF to implement the well-known AXPY kernel, which computes Y = Y + alpha * X where X and Y are two vectors, and alpha is a scalar_view value.

#include <cuda/experimental/stf.cuh>

using namespace cuda::experimental::stf;

template <typename T>
__global__ void axpy(T a, slice<T> x, slice<T> y) {
    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int nthreads = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;

    for (int ind = tid; ind < x.size(); ind += nthreads) {
        y(ind) += a * x(ind);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    context ctx;

    const size_t N = 16;
    double X[N], Y[N];

    for (size_t ind = 0; ind < N; ind++) {
        X[ind] = sin((double)ind);
        Y[ind] = col((double)ind);

    auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);
    auto lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

    double alpha = 3.14;

    /* Compute Y = Y + alpha X */
    ctx.task(,>*[&](cudaStream_t s, auto sX, auto sY) {
        axpy<<<16, 128, 0, s>>>(alpha, sX, sY);


The code is organized into several steps, which will be described in more detail in the following sections:

  1. include CUDASTF headers

  2. declare a CUDASTF context

  3. create logical data

  4. submit and wait for the completion of pending work

More examples can be found in the examples directory in the sources.

Compiling examples

The following commands compile STF examples from the root of the CCCL sources. Please note the -j option, which specifies how many processes should be used to compile the examples. Not specifying it will launch as many processes as there are processors on the machine, which might lead to an excessive resource consumption and system instability.

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake .. --preset cudax-cpp17
cd cudax-cpp17
ninja cudax.cpp17.examples.stf -j4

To launch examples, simply run binaries under the bin/ subdirectory in the current directory. For instance, to launch the 01-axpy example :


Backends and contexts

The code snippet below includes the required CUDASTF header. It then creates a context object, which is an entry point for every API calls, and which stores the state of the CUDASTF library and to keep track of all resources and all dependencies. This context must eventually be destroyed using the finalize() method.

context ctx;

There are currently three context backends available in CUDASTF, with a common API but possibly different implementations, and a few specific extensions. The context class, which is a generic context implementation should be preferred to write generic code. Using a specific context type might reduce compilation time, but provide less flexibility.

The stream_ctx class defines a context type that relies on CUDA streams and CUDA events to implement synchronizations. Tasks are launched eagerly. This is the context type used by default in the generic context type.

The graph_ctx class is a context type that implements task parallelism by the means of CUDA graphs. Tasks (and all related operations) are put into CUDA graphs. Note that the lambda function attached describing a task is captured immediately (during the ctx.task API call) even if the execution is deferred. The underlying CUDA graph is launched when a synchronization with the host is needed, or when the context is finalized. Other circumstances such as task fences might flush all pending operations and result into a graph launch. Subsequent operations would be put in a new CUDA graph. Selecting this backend is an easy way to adopt CUDA graphs, and can be beneficial in terms of performance with a repeated task patterns. Unlike other context types, it is not allowed for a task to synchronize with the CUDA stream (e.g. with cudaStreamSynchronize) within a task.

Using either context, stream_ctx or graph_ctx should result in the same behaviour, even if the underlying implementation differs. One may switch from a type to another one by adapting how we initialize the context object, or by selecting an appropriate type to decide statically :

// assigns a graph_ctx() to a generic context
context ctx = graph_ctx();

// statically select a context based on CUDA streams and CUDA events
stream_ctx ctx;

// statically select a context based on CUDA streams and CUDA events
graph_ctx ctx;

For the most part, all types can be used interchangeably. The difference lies in the mechanisms used internally to implement synchronization and to execute computation. There can be a minor runtime overhead and an increased compilation time when using the generic context type, but this generic type can be required when CUDASTF automatically select the context type (see Algorithms).

Tasks in the Stream backend

The stream_ctx backend utilizes CUDA streams and events to provide synchronization. Each stream_task in the stream_ctx backend represents a task that is associated with an input CUDA stream. Asynchronous work can be submitted in the body of the task using this input stream. Once the stream_task completes, all work submitted within the task’s body is assumed to be synchronized with the associated stream.

Users can query the stream associated to a stream_task using its get_stream() method.

Tasks in the Graph backend

In the graph_ctx environment, a CUDA graph is either created internally or passed in by the user during construction. If the user supplies the CUDA graph, CUDASTF can automatically insert CUDA graph nodes to enable subsequent tasks to be submitted as child graphs of the user-supplied graph.

Creating a graph_task results in creating a child graph in the aforementioned graph associated to the graph_ctx object. The child graph implements the body of the task, and CUDASTF automatically inserts the appropriate dependencies to ensure this child graph is executed only after all of its dependencies are fulfilled. CUDASTF may also add other nodes in the supporting CUDA graph, such as those needed for data transfers or data allocations.

Users can retrieve the graph associated to a graph_task by using its get_graph() method.

Logical data

In traditional computing, “data”, such as a matrix describing a neural network layer, typically refers to a location in memory with a defined address. However, in mixed CPU/GPU systems, the same conceptual data may exist simultaneously in multiple locations and have multiple addresses (typically the CPU-tied RAM plus one or more copies in the high-bandwidth memory used by GPUs). CUDASTF refers to such conceptual data as logical data, an abstract handle for data that may get transparently transferred to or replicated over the different places used by CUDASTF tasks. When user code creates a logical data object from a user-provided object (e.g. an array of double), they transfer the ownership of the original data to CUDASTF. As a result, any access to the original data should be performed through the logical data interface, as CUDASTF may transfer the logical data to a CUDA device where it can be modified, rendering the original data invalid. By doing this, user code is relieved of all memory allocation chores and of keeping track of which physical location holds the correct data at different stages of computation.

A logical data is created by calling the ctx.logical_data member function. The resulting object will be used to specify data accesses within tasks.

In the following example, a stack array X is used to define a new logical data object lX, which should be subsequently used instead of X:

double X[N];
auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);

Each logical data object internally maintains various data instances, which are replicas of the logical data at different data places. For instance, there could be an instance in host memory, as well as instances in the embedded memory of CUDA device 0 and CUDA device 1. CUDASTF ensures that tasks have access to valid data instances where they execute and may dynamically create new instances or destroy existing ones.

In the example above, X is initially on the host (on the CPU stack). If a task is subsequently launched on device 0 that modifies data through lX, a new data instance will be created in memory associated with device 0. In addition making that allocation, CUDASTF ensures that a data transfer is issued asynchronously from the host to the device, so that the task is given a valid replica of X. Given that the task modifies data through lX, the instance associated to the host will also be invalidated, so CUDASTF will later copy data back to the host if another task needs to access X from the CPU.

Data interfaces

CUDASTF implements a generic interface to manipulate different types of data formats across the machine.

Every type of data format is described using three separate types :

  • its shape, which stores parameters which will be common to all instance. For a fixed-sized vector, the shape would for example contain the length of the vector.

  • a per-instance type that describes a specific data instance. For a fixed-sized vector, this type would for example contain the address of the vector.

  • a data interface class which implements operations such as allocating a data instance based on its shape, or copying an instance into another instance.

Defining custom data interfaces (advanced)

CUDASTF API is designed to be extensible, so that advanced users may define their own data interfaces. This can be useful when manipulating data formats which are not regular multidimensional arrays, or to provide a direct access to a domain-specific or an application-specific data format.

A complete example is given here to illustrate how to implement a custom data interface.

Write-back policy

When a logical data object is destroyed, the original data instance is updated (unless the logical data was created without a reference value, e.g. from a shape). The result is only guaranteed to be available on the corresponding data place when after the finalize() method was called on the context. Likewise, when calling finalize() a write-back mechanism is automatically issued on all logical data associated to the context if they were not already destroyed.

Write back is enabled by default, but it is possible to disable it for a specific logical data by calling this method on a logical data : set_write_back(bool flag). Enabling write-back on a logical data which was defined from a shape and has no reference data instance will result in an error.


To facilitate the use of potentially non-contiguous multi-dimensional arrays, we have introduced a C++ data structure class called slice. A slice is a partial specialization of C++’s std::mdspan (or std::experimental::mdspan depending on the C++ revision).

template <typename T, size_t dimensions = 1>
using slice = mdspan<T, dextents<size_t, dimensions>, layout_stride>;

When creating a logical_data from a C++ array, CUDASTF automatically describes it as a slice instantiated with the scalar_view element type and the dimensionality of the array. Here is an example with an 1D array of double.

double A[128];
context ctx;
auto lA = ctx.logical_data(A);

Internally, all instances of A are described as slice<double, 1> where double is the scalar_view element type, and 1 is the dimensionality of the array. The default dimension corresponds to 1, so slice<double> is equivalent with slice<double, 1>.

The mdspan facility provides a variety of methods also available to its alias slice:

  • T *data_handle() gives the address of the first element

  • operator() so that A(i) is the i-th element of a slice of dimension 1, and A(i, j) is the element at coordinates (i, j) in a 2D slice.

  • size_t size() returns the total number of elements in the slice

  • size_t extent(size_t dim) returns the size of a slice in a given dimension (run-time version)

  • size_t stride(size_t dim) returns the distance in memory between two elements in a given dimension, expressed as a number of elements (run-time version)

Slices can be passed by value, copied, or moved. Copying a slice does not copy the underlying data. Slices can be passed as arguments to CUDA kernel. Example:

template <typename T>
__global__ void axpy(T a, slice<T> x, slice<T> y) {
    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int nthreads = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;

    for (int ind = tid; ind < x.size(); ind += nthreads) {
        y(ind) += a * x(ind);

Defining slices with multiple dimensions

Slices can be used on data with multiple dimensions, and possibly non-contiguous data.

For example, to define a 2D slice, we can use the make_slice method which takes a base pointer, a tuple with all dimensions, and then the strides. The number of stride values is equal to the number of dimensions minus one. The i-th stride defines the number of elements in memory between two successive elements along dimension i.

double A[5 * 2];

// contiguous 2D slice
slice<double, 2> s = make_slice(A, std::tuple { 5, 2 }, 5);

// non-contiguous 2D slice
slice<double, 2> s2 = make_slice(A, std::tuple { 4, 2 }, 5);

In the second example, s2 defines a non-contiguous 2D slice because the stride is greater than the extent in the first dimension. We will here skip an element between between s2(3, 0) (which is A[3]) and s2(0, 1) (which is A[5])

Similarly with 3D data, we need to define 2 strides and 3 extent values :

double A[5 * 3 * 40];

// contiguous 3D slice
slice<double, 3> s = make_slice(A, std::tuple { 5, 3, 40 }, 5, 5 * 3);

// non-contiguous 3D slice
slice<double, 3> s2 = make_slice(A, std::tuple { 4, 3, 40 }, 5, 5 * 3);

// non-contiguous 3D slice
slice<double, 3> s3 = make_slice(A, std::tuple { 5, 2, 40 }, 5, 5 * 3);

Such slices can also be used to create logical data :

double A[32 * 32];

// Contiguous 2D slice
auto lX = ctx.logical_data(make_slice(A, std::tuple { 32, 32 }, 32));

// Non-contiguous 2D slice
auto lX2 = ctx.logical_data(make_slice(A, std::tuple { 24, 32 }, 32));

Defining logical data from a shape

Data interfaces supports data which are only described as a shape. For example, a user may want to define a vector of 10 integers, and later fill it with a task. In this case, there is no need to have a reference instance associated to that logical data because CUDASTF will automatically allocate an instance on its first usage.

auto lX = ctx.logical_data(shape_of<slice<int>>(10));

ctx.task(lX.write())->*[](cudaStream_t stream, auto X) {
    cudaMemsetAsync(X.data_handle(), 0, X.size()*sizeof(int), stream);

In this example, lX is defined using a shape only, and there is no physical backing needed to create it. Note that since there exists no valid data instance of lX, the first task needs to make a write-only access (using the write() member of lX). A write-only access will indeed allocate lX at the appropriate location, but it will not try to load a valid copy of it prior to executing the task.

Using other access modes such as read(), relaxed() or rw() that attempt to provide a valid instance will result in an error. The reduce() access mode can be used only if the reduction is not accumulating its result with an existing value, so we can for example use reduce(reducer::sum<double>{}) but not reduce(reducer::sum<double>{}, no_init{}) on a logical data which has valid data instance.

Similarly, it is possible to define a logical data from a slice shapes with multiple dimensions.

auto lX_2D = ctx.logical_data(shape_of<slice<double, 2>>(16, 24));
auto lX_3D = ctx.logical_data(shape_of<slice<double, 3>>(16, 24, 10));


A task is created by calling the ctx.task member function. It takes an optional argument that specifies the execution location of the task. If none is provided, the current CUDA device will be used, which is equivalent to passing exec_place::current_device(). Data accesses are specified using a list of data dependencies. Each dependency is described by calling the read(), rw(), write() or reduce() method of the logical data object.

In the example below, X is accessed in read-only mode and Y needs to be updated so it uses a read-write access mode.

__global__ void axpy(size_t n, double a, const double *x, double *y) {
    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int nthreads = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;

    for (size_t ind = tid; ind < n; ind += nthreads) {
        y[ind] += a * x[ind];
ctx.task(,>*[&](cudaStream_t s, slice<const double> sX, slice<double> sY) {
    axpy<<<16, 128, 0, s>>>(sX.size(), alpha, sX.data_handle(), sY.data_handle());

The object returned by the call ctx.task() overloads operator->*() to accept a lambda function on the right-hand side. This makes it easy for user code to pass the task’s body to the context with a syntax akin to a control flow statement. The first argument of the lambda function is a cudaStream_t that can be used to submit work asynchronously on the selected device within the body of the task. For each logical data, CUDASTF passes a data instance to the lambda function. These data instances provide access to a local copy of the logical data, which is coherent with respect to the CUDA stream passed to the task.

For example, data instances associated to 1D arrays of double are typed as slice<double> if the data is in write or read-write mode, and slice<const double> if the data is in read-only mode. The .data_handle() method of this type returns the base address of the underlying array, and the .size() method returns the total number of elements. For multi-dimensional arrays, .extent(d) returns the size along dimension d. (For a 1D array, .size() is therefore equivalent to .extent(0).)

Better yet, the CUDA kernel could manipulate slices directly instead of resorting to unsafe pointers as parameters:

__global__ void axpy(double a, slice<const double> x, slice<double> y) {
    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int nthreads = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;

    for (size_t ind = tid; ind < x.size(); ind += nthreads) {
        y(ind) += a * x(ind);

ctx.task(,>*[&](cudaStream_t s, slice<const double> sX, slice<double> sY) {
    axpy<<<16, 128, 0, s>>>(alpha, sX, sY);

Task submission can be further simplified to rely on type deduction with auto, which also makes code more generic:

ctx.task(,>*[&](cudaStream_t s, auto sX, auto sY) {
    axpy<<<16, 128, 0, s>>>(alpha, sX, sY);

It is important to note that the body of the task construct is executed directly at the submission of the task, and not when the task is actually ready for execution. As a result, the body of the task here submits a CUDA kernel in the stream, but it is not the CUDA kernel itself. For example, attempting to use slices sX and sY in the example above immediately in the lambda function would be incorrect; the right way is to pass them to a kernel synchronized with the stream s. CUDA execution semantics will ensure that by the time the kernel runs, sX and sY will be valid.

Example of creating and using multiple tasks

Often, complex algorithms involve multiple processing stages, each with its own inputs and outputs. In CUDASTF it suffices to express computing stages in a sequential manner along with their data dependencies. CUDASTF will ensure optimal parallel execution without requiring the user code to explicitly define a dependency graph. Consider the following example consisting of four tasks, of which three run on GPUs:

auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);
auto lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

// Task 1
ctx.task(,>*[](cudaStream_t stream, auto sX, auto sY) {
    K1<<<..., stream>>>(sX, sY);
    K2<<<..., stream>>>(sX, sY);:

// Task 2
ctx.task(>*[](cudaStream_t stream, auto sX) {
    K3<<<..., stream>>>(sX);

// Task 3
ctx.task(>*[](cudaStream_t stream, auto sY) {
    K4<<<..., stream>>>(sY);

// Task 4
ctx.host_launch(,>*[](auto sX, auto sY) {
    callback(sX, sY);

Tasks T2 and T3 depend on T1 because they respectively modify X and Y, which were accessed in read-only mode by T1. Task T4, executed on the host, reads both X and Y, and therefore needs to wait for the completion of T2 and T3. Note that Task T1 submits multiple CUDA kernels in the same CUDA stream. This illustrates how a task in CUDASTF encapsulates a piece of work that is asynchronous with respect to CUDA stream semantics.

The resulting task graph under the STF programming model is shown below.


In full detail, the resulting graph of asynchronous operations includes additional data allocations of X and Y on the current device, as well as copies to and from the device. These automated steps highlight how CUDASTF alleviates much of the complexity associated with using multiple processing units, allowing programmers to focus on algorithmic matters instead.


Lower-level task API

A lower-level API that does not rely on lambda functions is also available, and is described here <stf_lower_level_api>.


It is important to note that each task body (passed to the context via operator->*()) is executed immediately and is used to submit work asynchronously with respect to the synchronization semantic of the CUDA stream. CUDASTF ensures that any operation enqueued in the stream attached to the task within task body may access the specified data in a coherently, with respect to the requested access modes.

// Unrelated CPU-based code might go here...

Due to the asynchronous nature of task parallelism, it is necessary to ensure that all operations are properly scheduled and executed. As CUDASTF transparently handles data management (allocations, transfers, …), there can be outstanding asynchronous operations that were not submitted explicitly by the user. Therefore it is not sufficient to use native CUDA synchronization operations because they are not aware of CUDASTF’s state. Client code must call ctx.finalize() instead of cudaStreamSynchronize() or cudaDeviceSynchronize().

  • ctx.submit() initiates the submission of all asynchronous tasks within the sequence

  • ctx.finalize() awaits the conclusion of all outstanding asynchronous operations in the context, automatically invoking ctx.submit() if not previously called by user code

Usually, creating the task and invoking ctx.finalize() is sufficient. However, manually calling ctx.submit() can be beneficial in at least two situations. First, it allows for executing additional unrelated work on the CPU (or another GPU) between submission and synchronization. Second, when it’s necessary for two contexts to run concurrently, using the sequence ctx1.submit(); ctx2.submit(); ctx1.finalize(); ctx2.finalize(); achieves this goal (whereas calling ctx1.finalize(); ctx2.finalize(); without the submit() calls would wait for the completion of the first task before starting the second).

To wait for the completion of all pending operations (tasks, transfers, …), an asynchronous fence mechanism is available :

cudaStream_t stream = ctx.task_fence();

Another synchronization mechanism is the wait method of the context object. It is typically used in combination with the reduce() access mode for dynamic control flow. auto val = ctx.wait(ld) is a blocking call that returns the content of the ld logical data. The type of the returned value is defined by the owning_container_of<interface> trait class where interface is the data interface of the logical data. The wait method therefore cannot be called on a logical data with an interface that does not overload this trait class.

This mechanism is illustrated in the dot product example of the Reduce access mode section.


To assist users with managing data and execution affinity, CUDASTF provides the notion of place. Places can represent either execution places, which determine where code is executed, or data places, specifying the location of data across the machine’s non-uniform memory. One of CUDASTF’s goals is to ensure efficient data placement in line with the execution place by default, while also providing users the option to easily customize placement if necessary. Execution places allow users to express where computation occurs without directly engaging with the underlying CUDA APIs or dealing with the complex synchronization that emerges from combining various execution places asynchronously.

Execution places

A task’s constructor allows choosing an execution place. The example below creates a logical data variable that describes an integer as a vector of one int. The logical data variable is then updated on device 0 and on device 1 before being accessed again from the host.

The first argument passed to ctx.task is called an execution place and tells CUDASTF where the task is expected to execute. exec_place::device(id) means that the task will run on device id, and exec_place::host() specifies that the task will execute on the host.

Regardless of the execution place, it is important to note that the task’s body (i.e., the contents of the lambda function) corresponds to CPU code that is expected to launch computation asynchronously. When using exec_place::device(id), CUDASTF will automatically set the current CUDA device to id when the task is started, and restore the previous current device when the task ends. exec_place::host() does not affect the current CUDA device.

context ctx;

int X = 42;

auto lX = ctx.logical_data(slice<int>(&X, { 1 }));

ctx.task(exec_place::device(0),>*[](cudaStream_t stream, auto sX) {
    inc_kernel<<<1, 1, 0, stream>>>(sX);

ctx.task(exec_place::device(1),>*[](cudaStream_t stream, auto sX) {
    inc_kernel<<<1, 1, 0, stream>>>(sX);

ctx.task(exec_place::host(),>*[](cudaStream_t stream, auto sX) {
    assert(sX(0) == 44);


Tasks submitted on the host are also executed immediately upon task creation and not when dependencies are ready. Asynchronous semantics are observed in accordance to CUDA serialization on the cudaStream_t lambda parameter. Therefore, the code shown synchronizes explicitly with the CUDA stream by calling cudaStreamSynchronize(stream). This ensures the value sX is read only after data is guaranteed to be valid, i.e., after the completion of prior operations in the stream. This is disallowed in the graph_ctx backend.

An alternative solution which is compatible with all types of backend is to use ctx.host_launch:

ctx.host_launch(>*[](auto sX) {
    assert(sX(0) == 44);

The ctx.host_launch member function circumvents synchronization of the CPU thread with CUDA execution by invoking the lambda function as a CUDA callback, thereby maintaining optimal asynchronous semantics for the entire workload. Since no explicit synchronization with the underlying CUDA stream is needed, ctx.host_launch is thus compatible with the CUDA graph backend (i.e., a context of type graph_ctx).

Data places

By default, logical data is associated with the device where it is currently processed. A task launched on a device should therefore have its data loaded into the global memory of that device, whereas a task executed on the host would access data in host memory (RAM). These are defined as the affine data places of an execution place.

In the example below, data places are not specified for the two tasks created. Consequently, the affine data places will be chosen for the two tasks: the memory of device 0 for the first task and the host RAM for the second task.

ctx.task(exec_place::device(0),>*[](cudaStream_t s, auto a) {

ctx.task(exec_place::host(),>*[](cudaStream_t s, auto a) {

The code above is equivalent with:

ctx.task(exec_place::device(0),>*[](cudaStream_t s, auto a) {

ctx.task(exec_place::device(0),>*[](cudaStream_t s, auto a) {

The affinity can also be made explicit:

ctx.task(exec_place::device(0),>*[](cudaStream_t s, auto a) {

ctx.task(exec_place::device(0),>*[](cudaStream_t s, auto a) {

CUDASTF also allows to localize data and execution on different places. The example below ensures that an instance of logical data A located in host memory is passed to the task so that it can be accessed from device 0:

ctx.task(exec_place::device(0),>*[](cudaStream_t s, auto a) {

Overriding affinity can be advantageous when a task is known to make only sparse accesses to a piece of logical data. By overriding affinity, transferring large amounts of data is avoided; the paging system of CUDA Unified Memory will automatically fault in the portions of the data actually used. Conversely, we can launch a task on the host that accesses data located on a device:

ctx.task(exec_place::host(),>*[](cudaStream_t s, auto a) {

Alternatively, assuming there are at least two devices available, in unified memory it is possible to access the memory of one device from another:

ctx.task(exec_place::device(0),>*[](cudaStream_t s, auto a) {

Non-affine data placement therefore provides flexibility and can be used to improve performance or to address memory capacity issues when accessing large data sets. They however assume that the system can perform such accesses, which may depend on the hardware (NVLINK, UVM, …) and the OS (WSL has limited support and lower performance when accessing host memory from CUDA kernels, for example).

Grid of places

CUDASTF also makes it possible to manipulate places which are a collection of multiple places. In particular, it is possible an execution place which corresponds to multiple device execution places.

Creating grids of places

Grid of execution places are described with the exec_place_grid class. This class is templated by two parameters : a scalar_view execution place type which represents the type of each individual element, and a partitioning class which defines how data and indexes are spread across the different places of the grid.

The scalar_view execution place can be for example be exec_place_device if all entries are devices, or it can be the base exec_place class if the type of the places is not homogeneous in the grid, or if the type is not known statically, for example.

It is possible to generate a 1D grid from a vector of places :

exec_place exec_place::grid(std::vector<exec_place> places);

For example, this is used to implement the exec_place::all_devices() helper which creates a grid of all devices.

template <typename partitioner_t>
inline exec_place_grid<exec_place_device, partitioner_t> exec_place::all_devices() {
    int ndevs;

    std::vector<exec_place> devices;
    for (int d = 0; d < ndevs; d++) {

    return exec_place::grid<exec_place_device, partitioner_t>(std::move(devices));

The default partitioner class associated to exec_place::all_devices() is null_partition, which means there is no partitioning operator defined if none is provided.

It is possible to retrieve the total number of elements in a grid using the size_t size() method. For exec_place::all_devices(), this will correspond to the total number of devices.

Shaped grids

To fit the needs of the applications, grid of places need not be 1D arrays, and can be structured as a multi-dimensional grid described with a dim4 class. There is indeed another constructor which takes such a dim4 parameter :

exec_place::grid(std::vector<exec_place> places, dim4 dims);

Note that the total size of dims must match the size of the vector of places.

It is possible to query the shape of the grid using the following methods : - dim4 get_dims() returns the shape of the grid - int get_dim(int axis_id) returns the number of elements along direction axis_id

Given an exec_place_grid, it is also possible to create a new grid with a different shape using the reshape member of the exec_place_grid. In this example, a grid of 8 devices is reshaped into a cube of size 2.

// This assumes places.size() == 8
auto places = exec_place::all_devices();
auto places_reshaped = places.reshape(dim4(2, 2, 2));

Partitioning policies

Partitioning policies makes it possible to express how data are dispatched over the different places of a grid, or how the index space of a parallel_loop will be scattered across places too.

class MyPartition : public partitioner_base {
    template <typename S_out, typename S_in>
    static const S_out apply(const S_in& in, pos4 position, dim4 grid_dims);

    pos4 get_executor(pos4 data_coords, dim4 data_dims, dim4 grid_dims);

A partitioning class must implement a apply method which takes :

  • a reference to a shape of type S_in - a position within a grid of execution places. This position is described using an object of type pos4

  • the dimension of this grid express as a dim4 object.

apply returns a shape which corresponds to the subset of the in shape associated to this entry of the grid. Note that the output shape type S_out may be different from the S_in type of the input shape.

To support different types of shapes, appropriate overloads of the apply method should be implemented.

This apply method is typically used by the parallel_for construct in order to dispatch indices over the different places.

A partitioning class must also implement the get_executor virtual method which allows CUDASTF to use localized data allocators. This method indicates, for each entry of a shape, on which place this entry should preferably be allocated.

get_executor returns a pos4 coordinate in the execution place grid, and its arguments are :

  • a coordinate within the shape described as a pos4 object

  • the dimension of the shape expressed as a dim4 object

  • the dimension of the execution place grid expressed as a dim4 object

Defining the get_executor makes it possible to map a piece of data over a execution place grid. The get_executor method of partitioning policy in an execution place grid therefore defines the affine data place of a logical data accessed on that grid.

Predefined partitioning policies

There are currently two policies readily available in CUDASTF : - tiled_partition<TILE_SIZE> dispatches entries of a shape using a tiled layout. For multi-dimensional shapes, the outermost dimension is dispatched into contiguous tiles of size TILE_SIZE. - blocked_partition dispatches entries of the shape using a blocked layout, where each entry of the grid of places receive approximately the same contiguous portion of the shape, dispatched along the outermost dimension.

This illustrates how a 2D shape is dispatched over 3 places using the blocked layout :

|           |           |         |
|           |           |         |
|           |           |         |
|    P 0    |    P 1    |   P 2   |
|           |           |         |
|           |           |         |

This illustrates how a 2D shape is dispatched over 3 places using a tiled layout, where the dimension of the tiles is indicated by the TILE_SIZE parameter :

|     |     |     |     |     |  |
|     |     |     |     |     |  |
|     |     |     |     |     |  |
| P 0 | P 1 | P 2 | P 0 | P 1 |P2|
|     |     |     |     |     |  |
|     |     |     |     |     |  |

parallel_for construct

CUDASTF provides a helper construct which creates CUDA kernels (or CPU kernels) which execute an operation over an index space described as a shape.

Example with a 1-dimensional array

The example below illustrates processing a 1D array using parallel_for:

int A[128];
auto lA = ctx.logical_data(A);

ctx.parallel_for(exec_place::device(1), lA.shape(), lA.write())->*[] __device__ (size_t i, auto sA) {
    A(i) = 2*i + 1;

The parallel_for construct consists of 4 main elements:

  • an execution place that indicates where the code will be executed;

  • a shape defining the index space of the generated kernel;

  • a set of data dependencies;

  • a body of code specified using the ->* operator.

In the example above, the kernel is launched on the CUDA device with index 1, which corresponds to the second installed GPU. Each logical data object has a corresponding data shape, which can be accessed through the shape() member function of the logical_data parametrized type. (The shape of logical data can be thought of as full information about the layout, without the actual data.) In this example, lA is the logical data associated with a 1D slice of size 128, which naturally entails iteration over indices in a 1D dimension ranging from 0 to 127 (inclusive). The library associates the iteration strategy with the data shape. The statement modifies lA, so the lambda function will be executed only when the data is ready. The lambda function has the __device__ attribute because a device execution place was specified. The first parameter corresponds to the index within the shape (size_t i for a 1D shape). Subsequent parameters are the data instances associated with the logical data arguments (e.g., slice<int> sA).

Example with multi-dimensional arrays

For multidimensional data shapes, iteration (and consequently the lambda function) requires additional parameters. Consider an example that uses parallel_for to iterate over 2D arrays:

const size_t N = 16;
double X[2 * N * 2 * N];
double Y[N * N];

auto lx = ctx.logical_data(make_slice(&X[0], std::tuple{ 2 * N, 2 * N }, 2 * N));
auto ly = ctx.logical_data(make_slice(&Y[0], std::tuple{ N, N }, N));

ctx.parallel_for(lx.shape(), lx.write())->*[=] __device__(size_t i, size_t j, auto sx) { sx(i, j) = 0.1; };

ctx.parallel_for(ly.shape(),, ly.write())->*[=] __device__(size_t i, size_t j, auto sx, auto sy) {
    sy(i, j) = y0(i, j);
    for (size_t ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++)
        for (size_t jj = 0; jj < 2; jj++) {
            sy(i, j) += sx(2 * i + ii, 2 * j + jj);

Variables lx and ly are logical data objects that describe 2D arrays, so their shapes are 2D index spaces as well. Consequently, a parallel_for construct applied to lx.shape() is passed two indices, size_t i and size_t j. In the second call of parallel_for, two logical data objects with different shapes are accessed within the same construct. Generally, parallel_for can iterate any number of objects in lockstep, regardless of their individual shapes.

Passing a lambda with a signature that starts with a number of size_t parameters that does not match the dimensionality of the shape will result in a compilation error.

Box shape

There are situations where the desired index space does not correspond to the shape of a logical data object. For those cases, CUDASTF also provides the template class box<size_t dimensions = 1> (located in the header cudastf/utility/dimensions.h) that allows user code to define multidimensional shapes with explicit bounds. The template parameter represents the dimension of the shape.

Box shapes with extents

Passing a shape object defined as box<2>({2, 3}) to parallel_for will correspond to a 2-dimensional iteration where the first index varies from 0 through 1 and the second from 0 through 2. Consider:

ctx.parallel_for(box<2>({2, 3}))->*[] __device__(size_t i, size_t j) {
    printf("%ld, %ld\n", i, j);

The code above will print (in an unspecified order):

0, 0
1, 0
0, 1
1, 1
0, 2
1, 2

Since the box default template parameter is 1, it is also possible to write code to iterate over all values of i from 0 through 3:

ctx.parallel_for(box({4}))->*[] __device__(size_t i) {
    printf("%ld\n", i);

Box shapes with lower and upper bounds

Box shapes can be defined based on their lower and upper bounds. The lower bounds are inclusive, while the upper bounds are exclusive. Consider an example similar to the previous one:

ctx.parallel_for(box<2>({{5, 8}, {2, 4}}))->*[] __device__(size_t i, size_t j) {
    printf("%ld, %ld\n", i, j);

It will output (in an unspecified order):

5, 2
6, 2
7, 2
5, 3
6, 3
7, 3

Defining custom shapes (advanced)

Users typically map the parallel_for construct over the shape of a logical data, or over a box shape describing a regular multidimensional domain, but it is possible to define new types of shapes to describe an index space.

To define a new type of shape S (where S typically has a form of shape_of<I>) that can be used as an indexable shape for parallel_for, shape_of<I> must define inner type coords_t and member function index_to_coords as follows:

template <typename I>
class shape_of<I> {
    using coords_t = ...;

    // This transforms a 1D index into a coordinate
    __device__ __host__ coords_t index_to_coords(size_t index) const {

The dimensionality of this coord_t tuple type determines the number of arguments passed to the lambda function in parallel_for.

Reduce access mode

The parallel_for construct supports the reduce() access mode. This mode implements reductions within the compute kernel generated by the parallel_for construct.

reduce() accepts different arguments which define its behavior: - The first argument must be the reduction operator which defines how multiple values are combined, and how to initialize a value (for example a sum reduction will add two values, and initialize values to 0). - An optional no_init{} value indicate that the result of the reduction should be accumulated to the existing value stored in the logical data, similarly to a rw() access mode. By default, if this value is not passed to reduce(), the content of the logical data would be overwritten as with a write() access mode. Using no_init{} with a logical data which has no valid instance is an error (for example when the logical data is just defined from its shape and that no previous write access was made). - Other arguments are the same passed to other access modes such as the data place.

We can only apply the reduce() access mode on logical data which data interface have defined the owning_container_of trait class. This is the case of the scalar_view<T> data interface, which sets owning_container_of to be T. The argument passed to the parallel_for construct is a reference to object of this type. The following piece of code for example computes the dot product of two vectors of double elements (slice<double>) using a reduction, and a scalar_view<double>. Reductions are typically used in combination with the wait mechanism which synchronously returns the content of the logical data in a variable.

dot product using a reduction operation
auto lsum = ctx.logical_data(shape_of<scalar_view<double>>());

/* Compute sum(x_i * y_i)*/
ctx.parallel_for(lY.shape(),,, lsum.reduce(reducer::sum<double>{}))
    ->*[] __device__(size_t i, auto dX, auto dY, double& sum) {
          sum += dX(i) * dY(i);

double res = ctx.wait(lsum);

Note that if we had put a no_init{} argument after reducer::sum<double>{} we would have an error because lsum was not initialized.

Multiple reductions can be used with different operators in the same parallel_for construct.

Predefined Reduction Operators and Neutral Elements

Operator Name


Neutral Element


Computes the summation of elements.



Computes the product of elements.



Finds the maximum value.

Smallest representable value (e.g., -inf for floats).


Finds the minimum value.

Largest representable value (e.g., +inf for floats).


Performs logical AND reduction.



Performs logical OR reduction.



Performs bitwise AND reduction.

All bits set (e.g., ~0 or -1 for integers).


Performs bitwise OR reduction.



Performs bitwise XOR reduction.


A set of predefined reduction operators are defined, but users may easily define their own operators. These operators are defined in the cuda::experimental::stf::reducer namespace. The following piece of code for example illustrates how to implement the sum reduction operator.

Defining the sum reduction operator
template <typename T>
class sum
  static __host__ __device__ void init_op(T& dst)
    dst = static_cast<T>(0);

  static __host__ __device__ void apply_op(T& dst, const T& src)
    dst += src;

Every reduction operator should therefore define both the ìnit_op method that sets the neutral element, and the apply_op method which combines two elements. Appropriate __host__ and/or __device__ annotations are required depending where the operation may occur. The type of the arguments are references to owning_container_of<interface>::type where interface is the data interface type of the logical data.

launch construct

The ctx.launch primitive in CUDASTF is a kernel-launch mechanism that handles the mapping and launching of a single kernel onto execution places implicitly.


ctx.launch([thread hierarchy spec], [execution place], logicalData1.accessMode(), logicalData2.accessMode())
    ->*[capture list] __device__ (auto th_spec, auto data1, auto data2 ...) {
        // Kernel implementation

Example with a 1-dimensional array

The example below illustrates processing a 1D array using launch:

ctx.launch(par(1024), all_devs,,>*[=] __device__(thread_info t, slice<double> x, slice<double> y) {
    size_t tid = t.thread_id();
    size_t nthreads = t.get_num_threads();
    for (size_t ind = tid; ind < N; ind += nthreads) {
      y(ind) += alpha * x(ind);

The launch construct consists of five main elements:

  • an optional execution_policy that explicitly specifies the launch shape. Here we specify that a group of 1024 independent threads should execute the loop described in the body of the launch construct.

  • an execution place that indicates where the code will be executed;

  • a set of data dependencies;

  • a body of code specified using the ->* operator.

  • a parameter to the kernel thread_info t for thread properties.

In the example above, the kernel is launched on all of the available CUDA devices. The lambda function has the __device__ attribute because a device execution place was specified. The first parameter corresponds to the per thread information that the user can query. This includes a global thread id and the total number of threads that will be executing the kernel. Subsequent parameters are the data instances associated with the logical data arguments (e.g., slice<double> x).

Describing a thread hierarchy

The thread hierarchy specification describes the structure of the parallelism of this kernel. Level sizes can be computed automatically, be a dynamic value or be specified at compile-time. Threads in a parallel group (par) are executed independently. Threads in a concurrent group (con) can be synchronized using the sync() API which issues a group-level barrier.

con() // A single level of threads which are allowed to synchronize
par(128) // A single level of 128 threads which cannot synchronize
par<128>() // A single level with a statically defined size

Thread are described in a hierarchical manner : we can nest multiple groups with different characteristics.

par(128, con<256>()) // A two-level thread hierarchy with 128 independent groups of 256 synchronizable threads..

Within each group, we can provide additional information such memory automatically shared among group members.

con(256, mem(64)) // A group of 256 threads sharing 64 bytes of memory

We can also provide some affinity information if we want to ensure that group of threads is mapped on a specific level of the machine hierarchy.

The different scopes available are :

  • hw_scope::thread : CUDA threads

  • hw_scope::block : CUDA blocks

  • hw_scope::device : CUDA device

  • hw_scope::all : all machine

This for example describes a thread hierarchy where the inner-most level is limited to CUDA threads (i.e. it cannot span multiple CUDA blocks). And the overall kernel can be mapped at most on a single device, but not on multiple devices).

par(hw_scope::device | hw_scope::block, par<128>(hw_scope::thread));

Manipulating a thread hierarchy

When the ctx.launch construct is executed, a thread hierarchy object is passed to the function which implements the kernel. This object is available on the device(s) (assuming a device execution place), and makes it possible to query the structure of the hierarchy (e.g. based on the type of the thread hierarchy object), and allows the threads in the hierarchy to interact by the means of the sync() primitive for groups marked as concurrent (con).

As an example, let us consider that we have the par(128, con<32>()) hierarchy.

th.rank(); // rank of the thread within the entire hierarchy (a number between 0 and 4096)
th.size(); // size of the group within the entire hierarchy (4096)
th.rank(i); // rank of the thread within the i-th level of the hierarchy (e.g. a number between 0 and 128 for th.rank(0))
th.size(i); // size of the group at the i-th level of the hierarchy (128)
th.static_with(i) // size of the group at the i-th level if known at compile time (constexpr value)

We can query if the i-th level is synchronizable or not using the following API:

th.is_synchronizable(i); // if i is a dynamic value
th.template is_synchronizable<i>(); // if i is known at compile time

If the level is synchonizable, we can call

th.sync(i) // synchronize all threads of the i-th level
th.sync() // synchronize all threads of the top-most level (level 0)

We can query the affinity of the i-th level with

th.get_scope(i); // returns the scope of the i-th level

It is possible to get the amount of memory available for each level :

th.get_mem(i); // returns the amount of memory available at i-th level

And we can retrieve the corresponding per-level buffer as a slice (which CUDASTF will automatically allocate in the most appropriate level of the memory hierarchy among shared memory, device memory or managed memory) :

slice<char> smem = th.template storage<char>(1);

The depth of the thread hierarchy corresponds to the number of nested levels in the hierarchy :

th.depth(); // (constexpr) return the number of levels in the hierarchy

To simplify how we navigate within hierarchies, applying the inner() method returns a thread hierarchy where the top-most level was removed. The returned specification will differ between the different threads which call inner().

auto spec = con<128>(con());
auto ti = th.inner();
ti.size(); // size within the par() hierarchy (automatically computed value)
ti.rank(); // rank within the par() hierarchy
th.inner().sync(); // synchronize threads in the same block of the second level of the hierarchy

C++ Types of logical data and tasks

To prevent a common class of errors, CUDASTF strives to align its processing semantics with C++ types as closely as possible. As shown in the various examples, the use of the auto keyword is usually recommended to create readable code while type safety is still enforced.

Logical data

The result of calling ctx.logical_data() is an object whose type contains information about the underlying data interface used to manipulate the logical data object. For example, a contiguous array of double is internally represented as a slice (which is an alias of std::experimental::mdspan) so that we can use the following type:

double X[16];
logical_data<slice<double>> lX = ctx.logical_data(X);

For simplicity and without losing any information, users can typically rely on the auto keyword:

double X[16];
auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);

One may for example store the logical data of a slice<int> in a C++ class or structure in such as way:

class foo {
   mutable logical_data<slice<int>> ldata;

Note the use of the mutable qualifier because a task accessing a const foo object might want to read the ldata field. Submitting a task that use this logical data in read only mode would modify the internal data structures of the logical data, but should probably appear as a const operation from user’s perspective. Without this mutable qualifier, we could not have a const qualifier on the f variable in the following code :

void func(context &ctx, const foo &f) {
    ctx.task(>*[](cudaStream_t stream, auto) {
        ... do work ...


With a stream_ctx backend, ctx.task(, returns an object of type stream_task<TX, TY>, where the template arguments TX and TY are the types associated to the data interfaces in logical data lX and lY. Assuming two arrays of double, which CUDASTF internally manages as slice<double> objects, the type of this task will be:

stream_task<slice<const double>, slice<double>>

The type of the task contains information about the element type and its modifiability — read-only access is mapped to a slice of const double as opposed to double. The type information is propagated further from the task object to the lambda invoked by means of operator->* in such a way that type errors are detected during compilation.

double X[16], Y[16];
logical_data<slice<double>> lX = ctx.logical_data(X);
logical_data<slice<double>> lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

// results in a compilation error due to the erroneous slice<int> type
ctx.task(,>*[](cudaStream_t s, slice<int> x, slice<int> y) {

In most cases, it’s recommended to use the auto C++ keyword to automatically obtain the correct data types:

double X[16], Y[16];
auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);
auto lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

ctx.task(,>*[](cudaStream_t s, auto x, auto y) {

In the graph backend, the untyped task type equivalent to stream_task<> is graph_task, and the equivalent to stream_task<T1, T2> would be, for example, graph_task<T1, T2>. When using the generic context type, CUDASTF would create a task of type unified_task<T1, T2>.

Dynamically-typed tasks

In certain circumstances, the exact data accessed by a task (and consequently the type of a task as discussed above) may not be available statically. For example, updating a part of the computation domain might require accessing the closest neighbors of that part. The neighbors are known only dynamically, meaning that it is not possible to directly pass task dependencies as arguments to the ctx.task() call.

For such situations CUDASTF offers a dynamically-typed task, called stream_task<> in the stream_ctx backend, whose member function add_deps allows adding dependencies dynamically:

double X[16], Y[16];
auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);
auto lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

stream_task<> t = ctx.task();

This dynamic approach entails a loss of expressiveness. The API based on the ->* notation is only compatible with statically-typed tasks, as the user-provided lambda function needs to be passed data instances of the proper types (for example slice<double>) by CUDASTF. As a consequence, the stream_task<> needs to be manipulated with the low-level API.

Combining typed and untyped tasks

It is possible to dynamically add dependencies to a typed task, but the type of the task will not reflect the dynamically added dependencies. This allows for combining the low-level API with the ->* notation in the following way:

double X[16], Y[16];
auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);
auto lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

auto t = ctx.task(;
t->*[&](cudaStream_t s, auto x) {
   slice<double> y = t.template get<slice<double>>(1);

The program remains safe because accesses are checked dynamically. However, any errors will be caught at runtime instead of during compilation.

Untyped tasks cannot be converted to typed tasks. On the other hand, typed tasks can be converted implicitly to untyped tasks (thus losing all the benefits of statically available types):

stream_task<> t = ctx.task(;

Modular use of CUDASTF

CUDASTF maintains data consistency throughout the system, and infers concurrency opportunities based on data accesses. Depending on the use cases, one may however already manage coherency or enforce dependencies.

  • The “logical data freezing” mechanism ensures data availability while letting the application take care of synchronization.

  • Logical token makes it possible to enforce concurrent execution while letting the application manage data allocations and data transfers.

Freezing logical data

When a piece of data is used very often, it can be beneficial to avoid enforcing data dependencies every time it is accessed. A common example would be data that is written once and then read many times.

CUDASTF provides a mechanism called logical data freeze that allows a logical data to be accessed outside of tasks—or within tasks—without enforcing data dependencies for every access, which reduces overhead to a minimum.

By default, calling the freeze method returns a frozen logical data object that can be accessed in read-only mode without additional synchronization. The get method of the frozen logical data returns a view of the underlying data on the specified data place. This view can be used asynchronously with respect to the stream passed to get until calling the non-blocking unfreeze method on the frozen logical data. It is possible to call get multiple times. Modifying these frozen read-only views results in undefined behavior. If necessary, implicit data transfers or allocations are performed asynchronously when calling get.

auto frozen_ld = ctx.freeze(ld);
auto dX = frozen_ld.get(data_place::current_device(), stream);
kernel<<<..., stream>>>(dX);

// Get a read-only copy of the frozen data on other data places
auto dX1 = frozen_ld.get(data_place::device(1), stream);
auto hX = frozen_ld.get(data_place::host(), stream);


While data are frozen, it is still possible to launch tasks which access them. CUDASTF will allow tasks with a read access modes to run concurrently before unfreeze is called, but it will defer write accesses until data is made is made modifiable again, after unfreeze.

auto frozen_ld = ctx.freeze(ld, access_mode::rw, data_place::current_device());
auto dX = frozen_ld.get(data_place::current_device(), stream);
// kernel can modify dX
kernel<<<..., stream>>>(dX);

As shown above, it is also possible to create a modifiable frozen logical data, allowing an application to temporarily transfer ownership of the logical data to code that does not use tasks. Because no further synchronization is performed to ensure the consistency of this logical data once it is frozen, users need to specify where the view of the data is needed. Any tasks that access this modifiable frozen logical data will be deferred until unfreeze is called.

It is not possible to freeze the same logical data concurrently. Therefore, we need to call unfreeze before calling freeze again, and it is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that the stream passed to freeze depends on the completions of all operations in the stream previously passed to unfreeze.

It is possible to use different streams in the freeze, get and unfreeze methods. However it is also programmer’s responsibility to ensure that the stream passed to get depends on the completion of the work in the stream passed to freeze (for example, by using a blocking call such as cudaStreamSynchronize). Similarly, the stream passed to unfreeze must depend on the completion of the work in the streams used for any preceding freeze and get calls.

It is possible to retrieve the access mode used to freeze a logical data with the get_access_mode() method of the frozen_logical_data object.

Logical token

A logical token is a specific type of logical data whose only purpose is to automate synchronization, while letting the application manage the actual data. This can, for example, be useful with user-provided buffers on a single device, where no allocations or transfers are required, but where concurrent accesses may occur.

A logical token internally relies on the void_interface data interface, which is specifically optimized to skip unnecessary stages in the cache coherency protocol (e.g., data allocations or copying data). When appropriate, using a logical token rather than a logical data with a full-fledged data interface therefore minimizes runtime overhead.

auto token = ctx.logical_token();

// A and B are assumed to be two other valid logical data
ctx.task(,,>*[](cudaStream_t stream, auto a, auto b)

The example above shows how to create a logical token and how to use it in a task.

Since the logical token is only used for synchronization purposes, the corresponding argument may be omitted in the lambda function passed as the task’s implementation. Thus, the above task is equivalent to this code:

ctx.task(,,>*[](cudaStream_t stream, void_interface dummy, auto a, auto b)

To avoid ambiguities, you must either consistently ignore every void_interface data instance or include them all, even if they remain unused. Eliding these token arguments is possible in the ctx.task and ctx.host_launch constructs.

Note that the token created by the logical_token method of the context object is already valid, which means the first access can be either a read() or an rw() access. There is no need to set any content in the token (unlike a logical data object created from a shape).


Visualizing task graphs

In order to visualize the task graph generated by CUDASTF, it is possible to generate a file in the Graphviz format. This visualization helps to better understand the application, and can be helpful to optimize the algorithms as it sometimes allow to identify inefficient patterns.

Generating visualizations of task graphs

Let us consider the examples/ example which we compile as usual with make build/examples/01-axpy.

# Run the application with CUDASTF_DOT_FILE set to the filename build/examples/01-axpy

# Generate the visualization from this dot file
## PDF format
dot -Tpdf -o axpy.pdf
## PNG format
dot -Tpng -o axpy.png

We obtain a visualization like this, where we only see a single task with little :


To have more information, we can enhance the application with some extra debugging information. For example, we can specify what is the name of a logical data using the set_symbol method of the logical_data class. As illustrated here :

auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X).set_symbol("X");
auto lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

We can also annotate tasks with symbols. Instead of writing this :

ctx.task(,>*[&](cudaStream_t s, auto dX, auto dY) { axpy<<<16, 128, 0, s>>>(alpha, dX, dY); };

We can write code like this :

// Inlined notation
ctx.task(,"axpy")->*[&](cudaStream_t s, auto dX, auto dY) { axpy<<<16, 128, 0, s>>>(alpha, dX, dY); };

// Explicit manipulation of the task class
auto t = ctx.task(,;
t->*[&](cudaStream_t s, auto dX, auto dY) { axpy<<<16, 128, 0, s>>>(alpha, dX, dY); };

We then obtain the following output, which contains more interesting annotations :


On a more elaborated application, such as the examples/ example, we can easily understand the overall workflow thanks to this visualization. build/examples/heat_mgpu 1000 8 4
dot -Tpng -o heat.png

For advanced users, it is also possible to display internally generated asynchronous operations by setting the CUDASTF_DOT_IGNORE_PREREQS environment variable to 0.

CUDASTF_DOT_IGNORE_PREREQS=0 build/examples/01-axpy
dot -Tpng -o axpy-with-events.png

It is possible to color the different tasks accordingly to the device executing it by setting the CUDASTF_DOT_COLOR_BY_DEVICE environment variable.

To reduce the amount of information displayed in the graph, we can remove the list of data associated to each task by setting the CUDASTF_DOT_REMOVE_DATA_DEPS environment variable.

It is also possible to include timing information in this graph by setting the CUDASTF_DOT_TIMING environment variable to a non-null value. This will color the graph nodes according to their relative duration, and the measured duration will be included in task labels.

Condensed and structured graphs visualization

Realistic workloads are typically made of thousands or millions of tasks which cannot be easily visualized using graphviz (dot). To simplify the generated graphs we can further annotate the application using dot sections. Dot sections can also be nested to better structure the visualization.

This is achieved by creating dot_section objects in the application. ctx.dot_section returns an object whose lifetime defines a dot section valid until it is destroyed, or when calling the end() method on this object. The following example illustrates how to add nested sections:

context ctx;
auto lA = ctx.logical_token().set_symbol("A");
auto lB = ctx.logical_token().set_symbol("B");
auto lC = ctx.logical_token().set_symbol("C");

// Begin a top-level section named "foo"
auto s_foo = ctx.dot_section("foo");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
  // Section named "bar" using RAII
  auto s_bar = ctx.dot_section("bar");
  ctx.task(,"t1")->*[](cudaStream_t, auto, auto) {};
  for (size_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
     // Section named "baz" using RAII
     auto s_bar = ctx.dot_section("baz");
     ctx.task(,"t2")->*[](cudaStream_t, auto, auto) {};
     ctx.task(,,"t3")->*[](cudaStream_t, auto, auto, auto) {};
     // Implicit end of section "baz"
  // Implicit end of section "bar"
s_foo.end(); // Explicit end of section "foo"

When running this with the CUDASTF_DOT_FILE environment variable for example set to, we observe that the graph produced by dot -Tpdf -o dag.pdf depicts these sections as dashed boxes.


Adding sections also makes it possible to define a maximum depth for the generated graphs by setting the CUDASTF_DOT_MAX_DEPTH environment variable. When it is undefined, CUDASTF will display all tasks. Otherwise, if CUDASTF_DOT_MAX_DEPTH is an integer value of i any sections and tasks which nesting level is deeper than i will be collapsed.

When setting CUDASTF_DOT_MAX_DEPTH=2, the previous graph becomes:


When setting CUDASTF_DOT_MAX_DEPTH=1, one additional level is collapsed:


With CUDASTF_DOT_MAX_DEPTH=0, only the top-most tasks and sections are displayed:


Note that CUDASTF_DOT_MAX_DEPTH and CUDASTF_DOT_TIMING can be used in combination, and that the duration of a section corresponds to the duration of all tasks in this sections.

Kernel tuning with ncu

Users can analyze the performance of kernels generated using ctx.parallel_for and ctx.launch using the ncu tool.

Naming kernels

However, displayed kernel names would be hardly exploitable as they would all have the same name. One possible work-around is to let ncu rename kernels accordingly to NVTX annotations. To do so, a symbol must be associated to the ctx.parallel_for and ctx.launch constructs using the set_symbol method. In the following example, we name the generated kernel “updateA” :

int A[128];
auto lA = ctx.logical_data(A);

ctx.parallel_for(lA.shape(), lA.write()).set_symbol("updateA")->*[] __device__ (size_t i, auto sA) {
    A(i) = 2*i + 1;

Example with miniWeather

Kernel tuning should always be performed on optimized code :

make build/examples/miniweather

The following command will analyse the performance of kernels :

ncu --section=ComputeWorkloadAnalysis --print-nvtx-rename=kernel --nvtx -o output build/examples/miniWeather

Note that --print-nvtx-rename=kernel --nvtx is used to name kernels accordingly to NVTX traces (which are enabled by the set_symbol API). Failing to do so would results in all kernel names being thrust::cuda_cub::core::_kernel_agent. To properly display renamed kernel names, users may have to set option Options->Report UI->NVTX Rename Mode to a value equal to Kernel or All.

Depending on machine configuration, users may also have to execute the ncu command as root or to setup their machine accordingly. This is for example required when the following message is appears during ncu trace collection :

==ERROR== ERR_NVGPUCTRPERM - The user does not have permission to access NVIDIA GPU Performance Counters on the target device 0. For instructions on enabling permissions and to get more information see

The file generated by ncu can be opened using ncu-ui :

ncu-ui output.ncu-rep

In this case, we can see that the kernel are named accordingly to the symbols set in the tasks of the miniWeather examples : image1

CUDASTF Reference Card

This section gives a brief overview of the CUDASTF API.


STF is a C++ header-only library which API is defined in the cuda::experimental::stf namespace.

#include <cudastf/cudastf.h>

using cuda::experimental::stf;

Creating a Context

Contexts store the state of the CUDASTF library and are used as an entry point for all API calls. The finalize() method must be called upon completion.

context ctx;

By default, this relies on the stream_ctx back-end, but it is also possible to select at runtime a graph_ctx back-end :

context ctx = graph_ctx();

Or one may statically select either backends :

stream_ctx ctx;
graph_ctx ctx;

Logical Data

Creating a Logical Data

Purpose: Encapsulates data structures (e.g. arrays, slices) to be shared and accessed by tasks. Logical data represents the abstraction of data in the model.

// Create a logical data from an existing piece of data
auto ctx.logical_data(data view [data_place = data_place::current_device()]);


  • Describing an array

int X[1024];
auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);
  • Describing a vector of n elements of type T located at address addr

auto data_handle = ctx.logical_data(slice<T>(addr {n}));
  • Describing a contiguous matrix of size (m, n)

auto data_handle = ctx.logical_data(slice<T, 2>(addr, {m, n}));
  • Describing a matrix of size (m, n) with a stride of ld elements

auto data_handle = ctx.logical_data(slice<T, 2>(addr, {m, n}, {ld}));
  • Create a logical data from a shape

auto ctx.logical_data(shape);


auto lX = ctx.logical_data(shape_of<slice<int>>(1024));
auto lY = ctx.logical_data(lX.shape());


Data Dependency

Purpose: Define how a logical data should be used in a task construct (and derivated constructs such as parallel_for, launch, host_launch).


logicalData.accessMode([data place])
  • Data Places: Specify where a logical data in the data dependencies should be located:

    • data_place::affine() (default): Locate data on the data place affine to the execution place (e.g., device memory when running on a CUDA device).

    • data_place::managed(): Use managed memory.

    • data_place::device(i): Put data in the memory of the i-th CUDA device (which may be different from the current device or the device of the execution place).

  • Access Modes:

    • .read(): Read-only access.

    • .write(): Write-only access.

    • .rw(): Read and write access.

Task Creation

Purpose: Define computational tasks that operate on logical data. Tasks can specify data dependencies and access modes.


ctx.task([execution place] dependency1 dependency2 ...)
    ->*[&](cudaStream_t stream, auto data1, auto data2 ...) {
        // Task implementation using stream
  • Execution Place: Specify where the task should be executed:

    • exec_place::current_device() (default): Run on current CUDA device.

    • exec_place::device(ID): Run on CUDA device identified by its index.

    • exec_place::host(): Run on the host (Note: this is providing a CUDA stream which should be used to submit CUDA callbacks. For example, users should typically use the host_launch API instead).


    ->*[&](cudaStream_t s, auto dX, auto dY) {
        axpy<<<16, 128, 0, s>>>(alpha, dX, dY);

Host-Side Task Execution with host_launch

Purpose: Execute tasks on the host (CPU) while still utilizing the task and data management system.

ctx.host_launch(logicalData1.accessMode(), logicalData2.accessMode() ...)
    ->*[capture list](auto data1, auto data2 ...) {
        // Host-based task implementation here

Kernel authoring

In addition to user-provided CUDA kernels or CUDA libraries, CUDASTF makes it possible to author compute kernels directly on top of logical data using the parallel_for and launch mechanisms.

parallel_for construct

Purpose: Apply a kernel on each coordinate of a shape.


ctx.parallel_for([execution place], [partitioner], shape, logicalData1.accessMode(), logicalData2.accessMode(), ...)
    ->*[capture list] __device__ (size_t index1, size_t index2, ... auto data1, auto data2 ...) {
        // Kernel implementation


  • Applying a kernel on a 1D array:

double X[N];
double Y[N];

auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);
auto lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

    ->*[alpha] __device__(size_t i, auto dX, auto dY) {
        dY(i) += alpha * dX(i);
  • Applying a kernel on a 2D matrix:

double X[N*N];
double Y[N];

auto lX = ctx.logical_data(make_slice(&X[0], std::tuple{N, N}));
auto lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

    ->*[](size_t i, size_t j, auto dX, auto dY) {
        dX(i, j) += dY(i) * dY(j);

See this section for more details.

launch construct

The launch construct makes it possible to launch structured compute kernels. Contrary to parallel_for which applies the same operation on every member of a shape, launch executes a kernel over a thread hierarchy.


template <typename thread_hierarchy_spec_t>
ctx.launch([thread hierarchy spec], [execution place], logicalData1.accessMode(), logicalData2.accessMode(), ...)
    ->*[capture list] __device__ (thread_hierarchy_spec_t th, auto data1, auto data2 ...) {
        // Kernel implementation

The thread hierarchy passed to the construct is defined as a nested object of the form

{par|con}<[static_width]>([width], [scope], [mem(size)] [nested hierarchy specification])

When passed to the user-provided kernel implementation, this object provides different mechanisms to let threads interact or to query the structure of the parallelism

th.rank(); // get thread rank within the entire hierarchy
th.rank(i); // get thread rank at i-th level
th.template rank<i>(); // (constexpr) get thread rank at the i-th level at compile time

th.size(); // get the total number of threads
th.size(i); // get the number of threads at the i-th level
th.template size<i>(); // (constexpr) get the number of threads at the i-th level at compile time

th.get_scope(i); // get the affinity of the i-th level
th.template storage<T>(i); // get the local storage associated to the i-th level as a slice<T>

th.sync(); // issue a barrier among all threads
th.sync(i); // issue a barrier among threads of the i-th level
th.is_synchronizable(i); // check if we can call sync(i)
th.template is_synchronizable<i>(); // (constexpr) check if we can call sync(i) at compile time

th.depth(); // (constexpr) get the depth of the thread hierarchy
th.inner(); // get the thread hierarchy subset obtained by removing the top-most level of the hierarchy


con(128, par(32));
con(128, mem(64), con(32));
par(hw_scope::device | hw_scope::block, par<128>(hw_scope::thread));

See this section for more details.