
Defined in include/cuda/experimental/__stf/utility/traits.cuh

template<typename T, typename P0, typename ...P>
T cuda::experimental::stf::only_convertible(P0 &&p0, [[maybe_unused]] P&&... p)

Extracts and returns the first argument from a parameter pack that is convertible to type T.

This function template recursively inspects each argument in a parameter pack until it finds the first argument that can be converted to type T. It statically asserts that only one such convertible argument exists in the parameter pack to ensure uniqueness.

int i = 42;
double d = 3.14;
std::string s = "hello";
// The following call will return 's'.
auto result = only_convertible<std::string>(i, d, s);


This function will cause a compile-time error if more than one argument in the parameter pack is convertible to type T.

Template Parameters
  • T – The target type to which the argument should be convertible.

  • P0 – The type of the first argument in the parameter pack.

  • P – Variadic template representing the rest of the arguments in the parameter pack.

  • p0 – The first argument in the parameter pack.

  • p – The remaining arguments in the parameter pack.


T A copy or reference to the first argument that is convertible to type T.