
File members: include/cuda/experimental/__stf/internal/constants.cuh

// Part of CUDASTF in CUDA C++ Core Libraries,
// under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES.

#pragma once

#include <cuda/__cccl_config>

#  pragma GCC system_header
#  pragma clang system_header
#  pragma system_header
#endif // no system header

#include <cuda/experimental/__stf/utility/unittest.cuh>

namespace cuda::experimental::stf

enum class access_mode : unsigned int
  none    = 0,
  read    = 1,
  write   = 2,
  rw      = 3, // READ + WRITE
  relaxed = 4, /* operator ? */
  reduce  = 8, // overwrite the content of the logical data (if any) with the result of the reduction (equivalent to
              // write)
  reduce_no_init = 16, // special case where the reduction will accumulate into the existing content (equivalent to rw)

inline access_mode operator|(access_mode lhs, access_mode rhs)
  assert(as_underlying(lhs) < 16);
  assert(as_underlying(rhs) < 16);
  EXPECT(lhs != access_mode::relaxed);
  EXPECT(rhs != access_mode::relaxed);
  return access_mode(as_underlying(lhs) | as_underlying(rhs));

inline access_mode& operator|=(access_mode& lhs, access_mode rhs)
  return lhs = lhs | rhs;

inline const char* access_mode_string(access_mode mode)
  switch (mode)
    case access_mode::none:
      return "none";
    case access_mode::read:
      return "read";
    case access_mode::rw:
      return "rw";
    case access_mode::write:
      return "write";
    case access_mode::relaxed:
      return "relaxed"; // op ?
    case access_mode::reduce_no_init:
      return "reduce (no init)"; // op ?
    case access_mode::reduce:
      return "reduce"; // op ?

class no_init

} // namespace cuda::experimental::stf