File members: include/cuda/experimental/__stf/internal/launch.cuh
// Part of CUDASTF in CUDA C++ Core Libraries,
// under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES.
#pragma once
#include <cuda/__cccl_config>
# pragma GCC system_header
# pragma clang system_header
# pragma system_header
#endif // no system header
#include <cuda/experimental/__stf/internal/execution_policy.cuh> // launch_impl() uses execution_policy
#include <cuda/experimental/__stf/internal/hooks.cuh>
#include <cuda/experimental/__stf/internal/task_dep.cuh>
#include <cuda/experimental/__stf/internal/task_statistics.cuh>
#include <cuda/experimental/__stf/internal/thread_hierarchy.cuh>
#include <cuda/experimental/__stf/utility/scope_guard.cuh> // graph_launch_impl() uses SCOPE
namespace cuda::experimental::stf
// This feature requires a CUDA compiler
#if !defined(CUDASTF_DISABLE_CODE_GENERATION) && defined(__CUDACC__)
class stream_ctx;
template <typename...>
class stream_task;
namespace reserved
template <typename Fun, typename Arg>
__global__ void launch_kernel(Fun f, Arg arg)
::std::apply(mv(f), mv(arg));
template <typename interpreted_spec, typename Fun, typename Stream_t>
void cuda_launcher(interpreted_spec interpreted_policy, Fun&& f, void** args, Stream_t& stream)
const ::std::array<size_t, 3> config = interpreted_policy.get_config();
const ::std::array<size_t, 3> mem_config = interpreted_policy.get_mem_config();
bool cooperative_kernel = interpreted_policy.need_cooperative_kernel_launch();
cudaLaunchAttribute attrs[1];
attrs[0].id = cudaLaunchAttributeCooperative;
attrs[0].val.cooperative = cooperative_kernel ? 1 : 0;
cudaLaunchConfig_t lconfig;
lconfig.gridDim = static_cast<int>(config[1]);
lconfig.blockDim = static_cast<int>(config[2]);
lconfig.attrs = attrs;
lconfig.numAttrs = 1;
lconfig.dynamicSmemBytes = mem_config[2]; = stream;
cuda_safe_call(cudaLaunchKernelExC(&lconfig, (void*) f, args));
template <typename interpreted_spec, typename Fun>
void cuda_launcher_graph(interpreted_spec interpreted_policy, Fun&& f, void** args, cudaGraph_t& g, cudaGraphNode_t& n)
const ::std::array<size_t, 3> config = interpreted_policy.get_config();
const ::std::array<size_t, 3> mem_config = interpreted_policy.get_mem_config();
cudaKernelNodeParams kconfig;
kconfig.gridDim = static_cast<int>(config[1]);
kconfig.blockDim = static_cast<int>(config[2]);
kconfig.extra = nullptr;
kconfig.func = (void*) f;
kconfig.kernelParams = args;
kconfig.sharedMemBytes = static_cast<int>(mem_config[2]);
cuda_safe_call(cudaGraphAddKernelNode(&n, g, nullptr, 0, &kconfig));
// Enable cooperative kernel if necessary by updating the node attributes
bool cooperative_kernel = interpreted_policy.need_cooperative_kernel_launch();
cudaKernelNodeAttrValue val;
val.cooperative = cooperative_kernel ? 1 : 0;
cuda_safe_call(cudaGraphKernelNodeSetAttribute(n, cudaKernelNodeAttributeCooperative, &val));
template <typename Fun, typename interpreted_spec, typename Arg>
void launch_impl(interpreted_spec interpreted_policy, exec_place& p, Fun f, Arg arg, cudaStream_t stream, size_t rank)
p->*[&] {
auto th = thread_hierarchy(static_cast<int>(rank), interpreted_policy);
void* th_dev_tmp_ptr = nullptr;
/* Allocate temporary device memory */
auto th_mem_config = interpreted_policy.get_mem_config();
if (th_mem_config[0] > 0)
// Lazily initialize system memory if needed
void* sys_mem = interpreted_policy.get_system_mem();
if (!sys_mem)
sys_mem = allocateManagedMemory(th_mem_config[0]);
if (th_mem_config[1] > 0)
cuda_safe_call(cudaMallocAsync(&th_dev_tmp_ptr, th_mem_config[1], stream));
auto kernel_args = tuple_prepend(mv(th), mv(arg));
using args_type = decltype(kernel_args);
void* all_args[] = {&f, &kernel_args};
cuda_launcher(interpreted_policy, reserved::launch_kernel<Fun, args_type>, all_args, stream);
if (th_mem_config[1] > 0)
cuda_safe_call(cudaFreeAsync(th_dev_tmp_ptr, stream));
template <typename task_t, typename Fun, typename interpreted_spec, typename Arg>
void graph_launch_impl(task_t& t, interpreted_spec interpreted_policy, exec_place& p, Fun f, Arg arg, size_t rank)
auto kernel_args = tuple_prepend(thread_hierarchy(static_cast<int>(rank), interpreted_policy), mv(arg));
using args_type = decltype(kernel_args);
void* all_args[] = {&f, &kernel_args};
p->*[&] {
interpreted_policy, reserved::launch_kernel<Fun, args_type>, all_args, t.get_ctx_graph(), t.get_node());
template <typename spec_t, typename Arg>
class launch
launch(spec_t spec, exec_place e_place, ::std::vector<cudaStream_t> streams, Arg arg)
: arg(mv(arg))
, e_place(mv(e_place))
, spec(mv(spec))
, streams(mv(streams))
launch(exec_place e_place, ::std::vector<cudaStream_t> streams, Arg arg)
: launch(spec_t(), mv(e_place), mv(arg), mv(streams))
template <typename Fun>
void operator->*(Fun&& f)
// With nvc++, all lambdas can run on host and device.
static constexpr bool is_extended_host_device_lambda_closure_type = true,
is_extended_device_lambda_closure_type = false;
# else
// With nvcpp, dedicated traits tell how a lambda can be executed.
static constexpr bool is_extended_host_device_lambda_closure_type =
is_extended_device_lambda_closure_type = __nv_is_extended_device_lambda_closure_type(Fun);
# endif
static_assert(is_extended_host_device_lambda_closure_type || is_extended_device_lambda_closure_type,
"Cannot run launch() on the host");
EXPECT(e_place != exec_place::host, "Attempt to run a launch on the host.");
const size_t grid_size = e_place.size();
using th_t = typename spec_t::thread_hierarchy_t;
using arg_type = decltype(tuple_prepend(th_t(), arg));
auto interpreted_policy = interpreted_execution_policy(spec, e_place, reserved::launch_kernel<Fun, arg_type>);
/* If there was managed memory allocated we need to deallocate it */
void* sys_mem = interpreted_policy.get_system_mem();
if (sys_mem)
auto th_mem_config = interpreted_policy.get_mem_config();
deallocateManagedMemory(sys_mem, th_mem_config[0], streams[0]);
unsigned char* hostMemoryArrivedList = interpreted_policy.cg_system.get_arrived_list();
if (hostMemoryArrivedList)
deallocateManagedMemory(hostMemoryArrivedList, grid_size, streams[0]);
/* Should only be allocated / deallocated if the last level used is system wide. Unnecessary and wasteful
* otherwise. */
if (grid_size > 1)
if (interpreted_policy.last_level_scope() == hw_scope::device)
auto hostMemoryArrivedList = (unsigned char*) allocateManagedMemory(grid_size - 1);
// printf("About to allocate hostmemarrivedlist : %lu bytes\n", grid_size - 1);
memset(hostMemoryArrivedList, 0, grid_size - 1);
interpreted_policy.cg_system = reserved::cooperative_group_system(hostMemoryArrivedList);
// t.get_stream_grid should return the stream from get_stream if this is not a grid ?
size_t p_rank = 0;
for (auto&& p : e_place)
launch_impl(interpreted_policy, p, f, arg, streams[p_rank], p_rank);
template <typename Fun>
void run_on_host(Fun&& f)
assert(!"Not yet implemented");
Arg arg;
exec_place e_place;
::std::string symbol;
spec_t spec;
::std::vector<cudaStream_t> streams;
template <typename Ctx, typename thread_hierarchy_spec_t, typename... Deps>
class launch_scope
launch_scope(Ctx& ctx, thread_hierarchy_spec_t spec, exec_place e_place, task_dep<Deps>... deps)
: dump_hooks(reserved::get_dump_hooks(&ctx, deps...))
, deps(mv(deps)...)
, ctx(ctx)
, e_place(mv(e_place))
, spec(mv(spec))
launch_scope(const launch_scope&) = delete;
launch_scope& operator=(const launch_scope&) = delete;
launch_scope(launch_scope&&) = default;
auto& set_symbol(::std::string s)
symbol = mv(s);
return *this;
template <typename Fun>
void operator->*(Fun&& f)
// With nvc++, all lambdas can run on host and device.
static constexpr bool is_extended_host_device_lambda_closure_type = true,
is_extended_device_lambda_closure_type = false;
# else
// With nvcpp, dedicated traits tell how a lambda can be executed.
static constexpr bool is_extended_host_device_lambda_closure_type =
is_extended_device_lambda_closure_type = __nv_is_extended_device_lambda_closure_type(Fun);
# endif
static_assert(is_extended_device_lambda_closure_type || is_extended_host_device_lambda_closure_type,
"Cannot run launch() on the host");
EXPECT(e_place != exec_place::host, "Attempt to run a launch on the host.");
auto& dot = *ctx.get_dot();
auto& statistics = reserved::task_statistics::instance();
auto t = ctx.task(e_place);
assert(e_place.affine_data_place() == t.get_affine_data_place());
* If we have a grid of places, the implicit affine partitioner is the blocked_partition.
* An explicit composite data place is required per data dependency to customize this behaviour.
if (e_place.is_grid())
// Create a composite data place defined by the grid of places + the partitioning function
t.set_affine_data_place(data_place::composite(blocked_partition(), e_place.as_grid()));
if (!symbol.empty())
bool record_time = t.schedule_task();
// Execution place may have changed during scheduling task
e_place = t.get_exec_place();
if (statistics.is_calibrating_to_file())
record_time = true;
nvtx_range nr(t.get_symbol().c_str());
if (dot.is_tracing())
dot.template add_vertex<typename Ctx::task_type, logical_data_untyped>(t);
int device;
cudaEvent_t start_event, end_event;
if constexpr (::std::is_same_v<Ctx, stream_ctx>)
if (record_time)
cudaGetDevice(&device); // We will use this to force it during the next run
// Events must be created here to avoid issues with multi-gpu
cuda_safe_call(cudaEventRecord(start_event, t.get_stream()));
const size_t grid_size = e_place.size();
// Put all data instances in a tuple
auto args = data2inst<decltype(t), Deps...>(t);
using th_t = typename thread_hierarchy_spec_t::thread_hierarchy_t;
using args_type = decltype(tuple_prepend(th_t(), args));
auto interpreted_policy = interpreted_execution_policy(spec, e_place, reserved::launch_kernel<Fun, args_type>);
if constexpr (::std::is_same_v<Ctx, stream_ctx>)
/* If there was managed memory allocated we need to deallocate it */
void* sys_mem = interpreted_policy.get_system_mem();
if (sys_mem)
auto th_mem_config = interpreted_policy.get_mem_config();
deallocateManagedMemory(sys_mem, th_mem_config[0], t.get_stream());
unsigned char* hostMemoryArrivedList = interpreted_policy.cg_system.get_arrived_list();
if (hostMemoryArrivedList)
deallocateManagedMemory(hostMemoryArrivedList, grid_size, t.get_stream());
if (record_time)
cuda_safe_call(cudaEventRecord(end_event, t.get_stream()));
float milliseconds = 0;
cuda_safe_call(cudaEventElapsedTime(&milliseconds, start_event, end_event));
if (dot.is_tracing())
dot.template add_vertex_timing<stream_task<>>(t, milliseconds, device);
if (statistics.is_calibrating())
statistics.log_task_time(t, milliseconds);
/* Should only be allocated / deallocated if the last level used is system wide. Unnecessary and wasteful
* otherwise. */
if (grid_size > 1)
if (interpreted_policy.last_level_scope() == hw_scope::device)
unsigned char* hostMemoryArrivedList;
hostMemoryArrivedList = (unsigned char*) allocateManagedMemory(grid_size - 1);
memset(hostMemoryArrivedList, 0, grid_size - 1);
interpreted_policy.cg_system = reserved::cooperative_group_system(hostMemoryArrivedList);
size_t p_rank = 0;
for (auto p : e_place)
if constexpr (::std::is_same_v<Ctx, stream_ctx>)
reserved::launch_impl(interpreted_policy, p, f, args, t.get_stream(p_rank), p_rank);
reserved::graph_launch_impl(t, interpreted_policy, p, f, args, p_rank);
template <typename T, typename S, typename... MoreSlices>
auto data2inst(T& t, size_t i = 0)
S s = t.template get<S>(i);
if constexpr (sizeof...(MoreSlices) == 0)
return ::std::make_tuple(s);
return tuple_prepend(s, data2inst<T, MoreSlices...>(t, i + 1));
::std::vector<::std::function<void()>> dump_hooks;
task_dep_vector<Deps...> deps;
Ctx& ctx;
exec_place e_place;
::std::string symbol;
thread_hierarchy_spec_t spec;
} // namespace reserved
#endif // !defined(CUDASTF_DISABLE_CODE_GENERATION) && defined(__CUDACC__)
} // end namespace cuda::experimental::stf