
File members: include/cuda/experimental/__stf/utility/dimensions.cuh

// Part of CUDASTF in CUDA C++ Core Libraries,
// under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022-2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES.

#pragma once

#include <cuda/__cccl_config>

#  pragma GCC system_header
#  pragma clang system_header
#  pragma system_header
#endif // no system header

#include <cuda/experimental/__stf/utility/cuda_attributes.cuh>
#include <cuda/experimental/__stf/utility/hash.cuh>
#include <cuda/experimental/__stf/utility/unittest.cuh>

namespace cuda::experimental::stf

class pos4
  constexpr pos4() = default;

  template <typename Integral>
  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE constexpr explicit pos4(Integral x, Integral y = 0, Integral z = 0, Integral t = 0)
      : x(static_cast<int>(x))
      , y(static_cast<int>(y))
      , z(static_cast<int>(z))
      , t(static_cast<int>(t))

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE constexpr int get(size_t axis_id) const
    switch (axis_id)
      case 0:
        return x;
      case 1:
        return y;
      case 2:
        return z;
        assert(axis_id == 3);
        return t;

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE constexpr int operator()(int axis_id) const
    return get(axis_id);

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE constexpr bool operator<(const pos4& rhs) const
    if (x != rhs.x)
      return x < rhs.x;
    if (y != rhs.y)
      return y < rhs.y;
    if (z != rhs.z)
      return z < rhs.z;
    return t < rhs.t;

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE constexpr bool operator==(const pos4& rhs) const
    return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y && z == rhs.z && t == rhs.t;

  ::std::string to_string() const
    return ::std::string("pos4(" + ::std::to_string(x) + "," + ::std::to_string(y) + "," + ::std::to_string(z) + ","
                         + ::std::to_string(t) + ")");

  int x = 0;
  int y = 0;
  int z = 0;
  int t = 0;

class dim4 : public pos4
  dim4() = default;

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE constexpr explicit dim4(int x, int y = 1, int z = 1, int t = 1)
      : pos4(x, y, z, t)

  // TODO: could coords ever be negative? (if not, maybe they should be unsigned).
  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE constexpr size_t size() const
    const ::std::ptrdiff_t result = ::std::ptrdiff_t(x) * y * z * t;
    assert(result >= 0);
    return result;

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE static constexpr dim4 min(const dim4& a, const dim4& b)
    return dim4(::std::min(a.x, b.x), ::std::min(a.y, b.y), ::std::min(a.z, b.z), ::std::min(a.t, b.t));

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE constexpr size_t get_index(const pos4& p) const
    assert(p.get(0) <= x);
    assert(p.get(1) <= y);
    assert(p.get(2) <= z);
    assert(p.get(3) <= t);
    size_t index = p.get(0) + x * (p.get(1) + y * (p.get(2) + p.get(3) * z));
    return index;

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE constexpr size_t get_rank() const
    if (t > 1)
      return 3;
    if (z > 1)
      return 2;
    if (y > 1)
      return 1;

    return 0;

template <size_t dimensions>
class box
  template <typename Int1, typename Int2>
  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE box(const ::std::array<::std::pair<Int1, Int2>, dimensions>& s)
      : s(s)

  template <typename Int>
  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE box(const ::std::array<Int, dimensions>& sizes)
    for (size_t ind : each(0, dimensions))
      s[ind].first  = 0;
      s[ind].second = sizes[ind];
      if constexpr (::std::is_signed_v<Int>)
        _CCCL_ASSERT(sizes[ind] >= 0, "Invalid shape.");

  template <typename... Int>
  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE box(Int... args)
    static_assert(sizeof...(Int) == dimensions, "Number of dimensions must match");
      [&](auto i, const auto& e) {
        if constexpr (::std::is_arithmetic_v<::std::remove_reference_t<decltype(e)>>)
          s[i].first  = 0;
          s[i].second = e;
          // Assume a pair
          s[i].first  = e.first;
          s[i].second = e.second;

  template <typename... E>
  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE box(::std::initializer_list<E>... args)
    static_assert(sizeof...(E) == dimensions, "Number of dimensions must match");
      [&](auto i, auto&& e) {
        _CCCL_ASSERT((e.size() == 1 || e.size() == 2), "Invalid arguments for box.");
        if (e.size() > 1)
          s[i].first  = *e.begin();
          s[i].second = e.begin()[1];
          s[i].first  = 0;
          s[i].second = *e.begin();

  // _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE box(const typename ::std::experimental::dextents<size_t, dimensions>& extents) {
  //     for (size_t i: each(0, dimensions)) {
  //         s[i].first = 0;
  //         s[i].second = extents[ind];
  //     }
  // }

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE void print()
    printf("EXPLICIT SHAPE\n");
    for (size_t ind = 0; ind < dimensions; ind++)
      assert(s[ind].first <= s[ind].second);
      printf("    %ld -> %ld\n", s[ind].first, s[ind].second);

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE ::std::ptrdiff_t get_extent(size_t dim) const
    return s[dim].second - s[dim].first;

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE ::std::ptrdiff_t get_begin(size_t dim) const
    return s[dim].first;

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE ::std::ptrdiff_t get_end(size_t dim) const
    return s[dim].second;

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE ::std::ptrdiff_t size() const
    if constexpr (dimensions == 1)
      return s[0].second - s[0].first;
      size_t res = 1;
      for (size_t d = 0; d < dimensions; d++)
        res *= get_extent(d);
      return res;

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE constexpr size_t get_rank() const
    return dimensions;

  // Iterator class for box
  class iterator
    box iterated; // A copy of the box being iterated
    ::std::array<::std::ptrdiff_t, dimensions> current; // Array to store the current position in each dimension

    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE iterator(const box& b, bool at_end = false)
        : iterated(b)
      if (at_end)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < dimensions; ++i)
          current[i] = iterated.get_end(i);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < dimensions; ++i)
          current[i] = iterated.get_begin(i);

    // Overload the dereference operator to get the current position
    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE auto& operator*()
      if constexpr (dimensions == 1UL)
        return current[0];
        return current;

    // Overload the pre-increment operator to move to the next position
    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE iterator& operator++()
      if constexpr (dimensions == 1UL)
        // Increment current with carry to next dimension
        for (size_t i : each(0, dimensions))
          _CCCL_ASSERT(current[i] < iterated.get_end(i), "Attempt to increment past the end.");
          if (++current[i] < iterated.get_end(i))
            // Found the new posish, now reset all lower dimensions to "zero"
            for (size_t j : each(0, i))
              current[j] = iterated.get_begin(j);
      return *this;

    // Overload the equality operator to check if two iterators are equal
    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const
    { /*printf("EQUALITY TEST index %d %d shape equal ? %s\n", index,
           other.index, (&shape == &other.shape)?"yes":"no"); */
      _CCCL_ASSERT(iterated == rhs.iterated, "Cannot compare iterators in different boxes.");
      for (auto i : each(0, dimensions))
        if (current[i] != rhs.current[i])
          return false;
      return true;

    // Overload the inequality operator to check if two iterators are not equal
    _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE bool operator!=(const iterator& other) const
      return !(*this == other);

  // Functions to create the begin and end iterators
  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE iterator begin()
    return iterator(*this);

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE iterator end()
    return iterator(*this, true);

  // Overload the equality operator to check if two shapes are equal
  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE bool operator==(const box& rhs) const
    for (size_t i : each(0, dimensions))
      if (get_begin(i) != rhs.get_begin(i) || get_end(i) != rhs.get_end(i))
        return false;
    return true;

  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE bool operator!=(const box& rhs) const
    return !(*this == rhs);

  using coords_t = array_tuple<size_t, dimensions>;

  // This transforms a tuple of (shape, 1D index) into a coordinate
  _CCCL_HOST_DEVICE coords_t index_to_coords(size_t index) const
    // Help the compiler which may not detect that a device lambda is calling a device lambda
    return make_tuple_indexwise<dimensions>([&](auto i) {
      // included
      const ::std::ptrdiff_t begin_i  = get_begin(i);
      const ::std::ptrdiff_t extent_i = get_extent(i);
      auto result                     = begin_i + (index % extent_i);
      index /= extent_i;
      return result;

  ::std::array<::std::pair<::std::ptrdiff_t, ::std::ptrdiff_t>, dimensions> s;

// Deduction guides
template <typename... Int>
box(Int...) -> box<sizeof...(Int)>;
template <typename... E>
box(::std::initializer_list<E>...) -> box<sizeof...(E)>;
template <typename E, size_t dimensions>
box(::std::array<E, dimensions>) -> box<dimensions>;

  // Expect to iterate over Card({0, 1, 2}x{1, 2}x{10, 11, 12, 13}) = 3*2*4 = 24 items
  const size_t expected_cnt = 24;
  size_t cnt                = 0;
  auto shape                = box({0, 3}, {1, 3}, {10, 14});
  static_assert(::std::is_same_v<decltype(shape), box<3>>);
  for ([[maybe_unused]] const auto& pos : shape)
    EXPECT(cnt < expected_cnt);

  EXPECT(cnt == expected_cnt);

UNITTEST("box<3> upper")
  // Expect to iterate over Card({0, 1, 2}x{0, 1}x{0, 1, 2, 3}) = 3*2*4 = 24 items
  const size_t expected_cnt = 24;
  size_t cnt                = 0;
  auto shape                = box(3, 2, 4);
  static_assert(::std::is_same_v<decltype(shape), box<3>>);
  for ([[maybe_unused]] const auto& pos : shape)
    EXPECT(cnt < expected_cnt);

  EXPECT(cnt == expected_cnt);

UNITTEST("empty box<1>")
  auto shape = box({7, 7});
  static_assert(::std::is_same_v<decltype(shape), box<1>>);

  auto it_end   = shape.end();
  auto it_begin = shape.begin();
  if (it_end != it_begin)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: begin() != end()\n");

  // There should be no entry in this range
  for ([[maybe_unused]] const auto& pos : shape)

UNITTEST("mix of integrals and pairs")
  const size_t expected_cnt = 12;
  size_t cnt                = 0;
  auto shape                = box(3, ::std::pair(1, 2), 4);
  static_assert(::std::is_same_v<decltype(shape), box<3>>);
  for ([[maybe_unused]] const auto& pos : shape)
    EXPECT(cnt < expected_cnt);

  EXPECT(cnt == expected_cnt);


// So that we can create unordered_map of pos4 entries
template <>
struct hash<pos4>
  ::std::size_t operator()(pos4 const& s) const noexcept
    return hash_all(s.x, s.y, s.z, s.t);

// So that we can create maps of dim4 entries
template <>
struct hash<dim4> : hash<pos4>

} // end namespace cuda::experimental::stf