– _stf_lower_level_api

Lower-level API

In some situations, the use of operator->*() on the object returned by ctx.task() (where ctx is a stream or graph context) may not be suitable, for example when the number of parameters is not known statically. To address such situations, CUDASTF provides a lower-level interface for creating tasks, which is described below.

#include "cudastf/stf.h"
#include "cudastf/__stf/stream/stream_ctx.h"

using namespace cudastf;

template <typename T>
__global__ void axpy(int n, T a, T* x, T* y) {
    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    int nthreads = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;

    for (int ind = tid; ind < n; ind += nthreads) {
        y[ind] += a * x[ind];

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    stream_ctx ctx;

    const size_t N = 16;
    double X[N], Y[N];

    for (size_t ind = 0; ind < N; ind++) {
        X[ind] = sin(double(ind));
        Y[ind] = cos(double(ind));

    auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);
    auto lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

    double alpha = 3.14;

    /* Compute Y = Y + alpha X */
    auto t = ctx.task(lX.read(), lY.rw());
    slice<double> sX = t.get<0>();
    slice<double> sY = t.get<1>();
    axpy<<<16, 128, 0, t.get_stream()>>>(sX.size(), alpha, sX.data_handle(), sY.data_handle());


The ctx.task() call returns a task object. This object provides access to the local description of the data associated with the task and a CUDA stream that can be used to submit work asynchronously. The beginning of the task body and its end are delimited by the .start() and .end() calls. Failing to call either of these methods or calling them more than once or in the wrong order results in undefined behavior.

Asynchrony is achieved by using the CUDA stream, which provides a mechanism to submit work on the execution place (here, implicitly the current CUDA device). CUDA ensures that all kernels synchronized with this CUDA stream will only be executed once all prerequisites have been fulfilled (e.g., preceding tasks, data transfers, etc.). In addition, CUDASTF performs all the necessary synchronization so that future tasks will be properly synchronized with the operations enqueued in the CUDA stream associated with this task after calling .start() and before calling .end().

Compatibility with CUDA graphs

Similarly to the CUDA stream backend with a context of type stream_ctx, the CUDA graph backend graph_ctx also provides a low-level interface.

graph_ctx ctx;

double X[1024], Y[1024];
auto lX = ctx.logical_data(X);
auto lY = ctx.logical_data(Y);

for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
    graph_task t = ctx.task();
    cudaGraphNode_t n;
    cuda_safe_call(cudaGraphAddEmptyNode(&n, t.get_graph(), nullptr, 0));

graph_task t2 = ctx.task();
t2.add_deps(lX.read(), lY.rw());
cudaGraphNode_t n2;
cuda_safe_call(cudaGraphAddEmptyNode(&n2, t2.get_graph(), nullptr, 0));


A task in the CUDA graph backend corresponds to a child graph automatically inserted into the CUDA graph associated to a graph_ctx context. The example above creates 10 tasks that modify logical data lX, followed by a task that reads lX and modifies lY. The code illustrates how one can add dependencies to a task by using the add_deps method.

Similarly to the CUDA stream backend, a task is outlined by a pair of calls to the start()/end() member functions.