Defined in header <cuda/pipeline>
template <cuda::thread_scope Scope>
class cuda::pipeline {
pipeline() = delete;
__host__ __device__ ~pipeline();
pipeline& operator=(pipeline const&) = delete;
__host__ __device__ void producer_acquire();
__host__ __device__ void producer_commit();
__host__ __device__ void consumer_wait();
template <typename Rep, typename Period>
__host__ __device__ bool consumer_wait_for(cuda::std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> const& duration);
template <typename Clock, typename Duration>
__host__ __device__
bool consumer_wait_until(cuda::std::chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> const& time_point);
__host__ __device__ void consumer_release();
__host__ __device__ bool quit();
The class template cuda::pipeline
provides a coordination mechanism which can sequence
asynchronous operations, such as
cuda::memcpy_async, into stages.
A thread interacts with a pipeline stage using the following pattern:
Acquire the pipeline stage.
Commit some operations to the stage.
Wait for the previously committed operations to complete.
Release the pipeline stage.
For cuda::thread_scope s
other than
, a
cuda::pipeline_shared_state is
required to coordinate the participating threads.
Pipelines can be either unified or partitioned. In a unified pipeline, all the participating threads are both producers and consumers. In a partitioned pipeline, each participating thread is either a producer or a consumer.
Template Parameters
The scope of threads participating in the pipeline. |
Member Functions
Member function |
Description |
(constructor) [deleted] |
Destroys the |
Blocks the current thread until the next pipeline stage is available. |
Commits operations previously issued by the current thread to the current pipeline stage. |
Blocks the current thread until all operations committed to the current pipeline stage complete. |
Blocks the current thread until all operations committed to the current pipeline stage complete or after the specified timeout duration. |
Blocks the current thread until all operations committed to the current pipeline stage complete or until specified time point has been reached. |
Release the current pipeline stage. |
Quits current thread’s participation in the pipeline. |
A thread role cannot change during the lifetime of the pipeline object.
#include <cuda/pipeline>
#include <cooperative_groups.h>
// Disables `pipeline_shared_state` initialization warning.
#pragma nv_diag_suppress static_var_with_dynamic_init
template <typename T>
__device__ void compute(T* ptr);
template <typename T>
__global__ void example_kernel(T* global0, T* global1, cuda::std::size_t subset_count) {
extern __shared__ T s[];
auto group = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();
T* shared[2] = { s, s + 2 * group.size() };
// Create a pipeline.
constexpr auto scope = cuda::thread_scope_block;
constexpr auto stages_count = 2;
__shared__ cuda::pipeline_shared_state<scope, stages_count> shared_state;
auto pipeline = cuda::make_pipeline(group, &shared_state);
// Prime the pipeline.
cuda::memcpy_async(group, shared[0],
&global0[0], sizeof(T) * group.size(), pipeline);
cuda::memcpy_async(group, shared[0] + group.size(),
&global1[0], sizeof(T) * group.size(), pipeline);
// Pipelined copy/compute.
for (cuda::std::size_t subset = 1; subset < subset_count; ++subset) {
cuda::memcpy_async(group, shared[subset % 2],
&global0[subset * group.size()],
sizeof(T) * group.size(), pipeline);
cuda::memcpy_async(group, shared[subset % 2] + group.size(),
&global1[subset * group.size()],
sizeof(T) * group.size(), pipeline);
compute(shared[(subset - 1) % 2]);
// Drain the pipeline.
compute(shared[(subset_count - 1) % 2]);
template void __global__ example_kernel<int>(int*, int*, cuda::std::size_t);