
Defined in header <cuda/pipeline>:

// (1)
__host__ __device__
cuda::pipeline<cuda::thread_scope_thread> cuda::make_pipeline();

// (2)
template <typename Group,
          cuda::thread_scope Scope,
          cuda::std::uint8_t StagesCount>
__host__ __device__
cuda::make_pipeline(Group const& group,
                    cuda::pipeline_shared_state<Scope, StagesCount>* shared_state);

// (3)
template <typename Group,
          cuda::thread_scope Scope,
          cuda::std::uint8_t StagesCount>
__host__ __device__
cuda::make_pipeline(Group const& group,
                    cuda::pipeline_shared_state<Scope, StagesCount>* shared_state,
                    cuda::std::size_t producer_count);

// (4)
template <typename Group,
          cuda::thread_scope Scope,
          cuda::std::uint8_t StagesCount>
__host__ __device__
cuda::make_pipeline(Group const& group,
                    cuda::pipeline_shared_state<Scope, StagesCount>* shared_state,
                    cuda::pipeline_role role);
  1. Creates a unified pipeline such that the calling thread is the only participating thread and performs both producer and consumer actions.

  2. Creates a unified pipeline such that all the threads in group are performing both producer and consumer actions.

  3. Creates a partitioned pipeline such that producer_threads number of threads in group are performing producer actions while the others are performing consumer actions.

  4. Creates a partitioned pipeline where each thread’s role is explicitly specified.

Template Parameters


A type satisfying the ThreadGroup concept.



The group of threads.


A pointer to an object of type cuda::pipeline_shared_state<Scope> with Scope including all the threads in group.


The number of producer threads in the pipeline.


The role of the current thread in the pipeline.

Return Value

A cuda::pipeline object.


  • All threads in group acquire collective ownership of the shared_state storage.

  • make_pipeline must be invoked by every threads in group such that group::sync may be invoked.

  • shared_state and producer_count must be the same across all threads in group, else the behavior is undefined.

  • producer_count must be strictly inferior to group::size, otherwise the behavior is undefined.


#include <cuda/pipeline>
#include <cooperative_groups.h>

// Disables `pipeline_shared_state` initialization warning.
#pragma nv_diag_suppress static_var_with_dynamic_init

__global__ void example_kernel() {
  __shared__ cuda::pipeline_shared_state<cuda::thread_scope_block, 2> pss0;
  __shared__ cuda::pipeline_shared_state<cuda::thread_scope_block, 2> pss1;
  __shared__ cuda::pipeline_shared_state<cuda::thread_scope_block, 2> pss2;

  auto group = cooperative_groups::this_thread_block();

  // Create a single thread scoped pipeline.
  cuda::pipeline<cuda::thread_scope_thread> p0 = cuda::make_pipeline();

  // Create a unified block-scoped pipeline.
  cuda::pipeline<cuda::thread_scope_block> p1 = cuda::make_pipeline(group, &pss0);

  // Create a partitioned block-scoped pipeline where half the threads are producers.
  cuda::std::size_t producer_count = group.size() / 2;
  cuda::pipeline<cuda::thread_scope_block> p2
    = cuda::make_pipeline(group, &pss1, producer_count);

  // Create a partitioned block-scoped pipeline where all threads with an even
  // `thread_rank` are producers.
  auto thread_role = (group.thread_rank() % 2)
                     ? cuda::pipeline_role::producer
                    : cuda::pipeline_role::consumer;
  cuda::pipeline<cuda::thread_scope_block> p3
    = cuda::make_pipeline(group, &pss2, thread_role);

See it on Godbolt