
Defined in thrust/device_malloc_allocator.h

template<typename T>
class device_malloc_allocator

device_malloc_allocator is a device memory allocator that employs the device_malloc function for allocation.

device_malloc_allocator is deprecated in favor of thrust::mr memory resource-based allocators.

See also


See also


See also


Public Types

using value_type = T

Type of element allocated, T.

using pointer = device_ptr<T>

Pointer to allocation, device_ptr<T>.

using const_pointer = device_ptr<const T>

const pointer to allocation, device_ptr<const T>.

using reference = device_reference<T>

Reference to allocated element, device_reference<T>.

using const_reference = device_reference<const T>

const reference to allocated element, device_reference<const T>.

using size_type = std::size_t

Type of allocation size, std::size_t.

using difference_type = typename pointer::difference_type

Type of allocation difference, pointer::difference_type.

Public Functions

inline device_malloc_allocator()

No-argument constructor has no effect.

inline ~device_malloc_allocator()

No-argument destructor has no effect.

inline device_malloc_allocator(device_malloc_allocator const&)

Copy constructor has no effect.

template<typename U>
inline device_malloc_allocator(device_malloc_allocator<U> const&)

Constructor from other device_malloc_allocator has no effect.

device_malloc_allocator &operator=(const device_malloc_allocator&) = default
inline pointer address(reference r)

Returns the address of an allocated object.



inline const_pointer address(const_reference r)

Returns the address an allocated object.



inline pointer allocate(size_type cnt, const_pointer = const_pointer(static_cast<T*>(0)))

Allocates storage for cnt objects.


Memory allocated by this function must be deallocated with deallocate.


cnt – The number of objects to allocate.


A pointer to uninitialized storage for cnt objects.

inline void deallocate(pointer p, size_type cnt) noexcept

Deallocates storage for objects allocated with allocate.


Memory deallocated by this function must previously have been allocated with allocate.

  • p – A pointer to the storage to deallocate.

  • cnt – The size of the previous allocation.

inline size_type max_size() const

Returns the largest value n for which allocate(n) might succeed.


The largest value n for which allocate(n) might succeed.

inline bool operator==(device_malloc_allocator const&) const

Compares against another device_malloc_allocator for equality.



inline bool operator!=(device_malloc_allocator const &a) const

Compares against another device_malloc_allocator for inequality.



template<typename U>
struct rebind

The rebind metafunction provides the type of a device_malloc_allocator instantiated with another type.

Template Parameters

U – The other type to use for instantiation.

Public Types

using other = device_malloc_allocator<U>

The alias other gives the type of the rebound device_malloc_allocator.