
Defined in thrust/device_allocator.h

template<typename Upstream>
class device_ptr_memory_resource : public thrust::mr::memory_resource<device_ptr<void>>

Memory resource adaptor that turns any memory resource that returns a fancy with the same tag as device_ptr, and adapts it to a resource that returns a device_ptr.

Public Types

using pointer = device_ptr<void>

Alias for the template parameter.

Public Functions

inline device_ptr_memory_resource()

Initialize the adaptor with the global instance of the upstream resource. Obtains the global instance by calling get_global_resource.

inline device_ptr_memory_resource(Upstream *upstream)

Initialize the adaptor with an upstream resource.


upstream – the upstream memory resource to adapt.

inline virtual pointer do_allocate(std::size_t bytes, std::size_t alignment = THRUST_MR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT) override

Allocates memory of size at least bytes and alignment at least alignment.

  • bytes – size, in bytes, that is requested from this allocation

  • alignment – alignment that is requested from this allocation


thrust::bad_alloc – when no memory with requested size and alignment can be allocated.


A pointer to void to the newly allocated memory.

inline virtual void do_deallocate(pointer p, std::size_t bytes, std::size_t alignment) override

Deallocates memory pointed to by p.

  • p – pointer to be deallocated

  • bytes – the size of the allocation. This must be equivalent to the value of bytes that was passed to the allocation function that returned p.

  • alignment – the size of the allocation. This must be equivalent to the value of alignment that was passed to the allocation function that returned p.

inline pointer allocate(std::size_t bytes, std::size_t alignment = THRUST_MR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT)

Allocates memory of size at least bytes and alignment at least alignment.

  • bytes – size, in bytes, that is requested from this allocation

  • alignment – alignment that is requested from this allocation


thrust::bad_alloc – when no memory with requested size and alignment can be allocated.


A pointer to void to the newly allocated memory.

inline void deallocate(pointer p, std::size_t bytes, std::size_t alignment = THRUST_MR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT)

Deallocates memory pointed to by p.

  • p – pointer to be deallocated

  • bytes – the size of the allocation. This must be equivalent to the value of bytes that was passed to the allocation function that returned p.

  • alignment – the alignment of the allocation. This must be equivalent to the value of alignment that was passed to the allocation function that returned p.

inline bool is_equal(const memory_resource &other) const noexcept

Compares this resource to the other one. The default implementation uses identity comparison, which is often the right thing to do and doesn’t require RTTI involvement.


other – the other resource to compare this resource to


whether the two resources are equivalent.

inline virtual bool do_is_equal(const memory_resource &other) const noexcept

Compares this resource to the other one. The default implementation uses identity comparison, which is often the right thing to do and doesn’t require RTTI involvement.


other – the other resource to compare this resource to


whether the two resources are equivalent.