
Defined in thrust/tabulate.h

template<typename DerivedPolicy, typename ForwardIterator, typename UnaryOperation>
void thrust::tabulate(const thrust::detail::execution_policy_base<DerivedPolicy> &exec, ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, UnaryOperation unary_op)

tabulate fills the range [first, last) with the value of a function applied to each element’s index.

For each iterator i in the range [first, last), tabulate performs the assignment *i = unary_op(i - first).

The algorithm’s execution is parallelized as determined by exec.

The following code snippet demonstrates how to use tabulate to generate the first n non-positive integers using the thrust::host execution policy for parallelization:

#include <thrust/tabulate.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <thrust/execution_policy.h>
const int N = 10;
int A[N];
thrust::tabulate(thrust::host, A, A + 10, thrust::negate<int>());
// A is now {0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9}

See also


See also


See also


  • exec – The execution policy to use for parallelization.

  • first – The beginning of the range.

  • last – The end of the range.

  • unary_op – The unary operation to apply.

Template Parameters
  • DerivedPolicy – The name of the derived execution policy.

  • ForwardIterator – is a model of Forward Iterator, and ForwardIterator is mutable, and if x and y are objects of ForwardIterator's value_type, then x + y is defined, and if T is ForwardIterator's value_type, then T(0) is defined.

  • UnaryOperation – is a model of Unary Function and UnaryFunction's result_type is convertible to OutputIterator's value_type.